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Grade 10 SCIENCE

2nd Quarter
Learning Activity No. _____

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : The Microwaves and Infrared Radiations
Learning Competency: Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of
EM waves, such as the use of radio waves in telecommunications
(10FE – IIc-48)
Learning Targets :Cite the practical applications of Microwaves and Infrared radiations
Reference : Science 10 Learner’s Manual pp. 155-157; TG p.124
Suggested Video Link :

Microwaves are applied in so many ways from texting to cooking, and to communications to
the rest of the world. Useful applications of microwaves include:
1. Satellite Communications
2. Radars
3. TV Transmission
4. Cooking (Microwave Oven)

How does a microwave oven cook food? First, a part of the oven produces
microwaves, and these waves are sent to the reflecting fan. The microwaves are then
reflected in many directions by the fan and the walls of the microwave oven. As
microwaves pass through the food, they transfer energy to the water molecules in the
form of heat. This will cook the food.

Uses of Infrared Radiation

1. Infrared photographs taken from a satellite provide useful details of the earth’s
2. Infrared scanners are used to show the temperature variation of the body, and can
be used for medical diagnosis.
3. Infrared remote controls are used in TVs and other electronic appliances.
4. Infrared telescopes are used for seeing in the dark.
5. Autofocus camera has a transmitter that sends out infrared pulses that are
reflected by the object to be photographed back to the camera.
Other uses of infrared: Communication devices, Car locking systems, Computers,
Emergency response systems, headphones, home security systems, signages,
telephones and some toys.
Question: Which of the useful applications of the microwaves and infrared radiation are
you familiar? Why?

Answer: varied, depending on the students

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