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APPENDIX R (required activity)

Maintenance self-care activity

INSTRUCTIONS: List those activities that you engage in regularly (like every day or a week) under
“current practice” within each domain . Identify new strategies that you would like to begin to
incorporate as part of your ongoing maintenance self-care—pay particular attention to domains
that you have not been addressing in the past.


Current practice Current practice

Meditation Working out thrice a week

New practice
New practice
Adding cardio to my workout and make my
Meditation with prayers workout more intense


Current practice Current practice

Sharing my emotions to my friends Pray everyday

New practice New practice

Always sharing my emotions to my parents because
the are always worried with me Go to mass every sunday


Current practice Current practice

Abiding the school guidelines Never rely to a person/ partner

New practice New practice

Respecting their policy and doing the clean and go Go with the flow whatever flows, flows whatever goes
helps for maintaning a clean environment goes.

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