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Raúl, Juan and Alvaro

Saumon Rice Avocado vinegar Cream Cheese

1) First, we have to make the sushi rice, and this is prepared just like normal rice,
(we put water in a pot, we wait until it boils and then we add rice. After this, we
must wait for half and hour) and when it's prepared we add the sushi vinegar.
After all this, we put this rice in the freezer until it's cold.
2) Once the rice is made, we must cut the saumon and avocados in pieces of
6-8 cm long and 1 cm wide.

3) Now that we've completed the firsts steps, we extend the rice in {} film
paper (we can find this in any supermarket) and in the middle of this we put
avocado and saumon in equal quantities and finally we put as cream cheese
as we want.
4) When we have finished this, itarrives the moment of rolling, and this is
done like this: we take one of the wide sides and we take it to the other wide
side, and then we do the same with the other side. After this we have to do a
roll like if we were with clay, but without using to much strength.
5) After this, we only have to cut the roll in pieces and serve.

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