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Christmas Menu ⛄


Ingredients: 4 eggs, tuna, crab sticks or prawns, olives, pickles and mayonnaise.

1. First, we’re going to boil the eggs.

2. Then, we will cut them in half and remove the yolk.

3. Now, we will mixed the yolk with some tuna.

4. Just chop some prawns or crab sticks and add them to the mix.

5. Also chop some olives and pickles in small chunks and mix everything.

6. Now, add the mayo and stair.

7. Finally, we will to the mix on each half egg.


Ingredients: flour, oil, milk, bread crumbs, mushrooms (or spinach, chicken, ham, cheese…),
onion, garlic, an egg, parsley and salt.

1. First we’re going to chop the onion and the mushrooms.

2. Then just heat a pan and fry the onion and the garlic and also the mushrooms.

3. Season it!

4. Now we mixed every with flour and also the milk

5. We have to let the mix temper. While this, we put an egg in a bowl and the
bread crumbs.

6. When the mix is ready, make balls and then we have to batter them.

7. When they’re already batted, we can fry them or even roast them. Be careful
they don’t overcook.


Ingredients: bacon, chicken, carrot, lettuce, mayo, onion, wrap and avocado.

1. First, we’re going to season the chicken and we can cook it grilling or steaming
it, it doesn’t matter.

2. Then, catch a wrap and spread some mayo in it.

3. Now, put some lettuce and onion that we have already chopped.

4. We’re going to add also a little bit of bacon and the chicken.

5. Now, we can slice the avocado in this way or if you prefer we can smash it and
spread it above every thing.

6. Finally, we just close the wrap and ready.


Ingredients: turkey, a lot of different spices, rice, oil, coconut milk, water,

Onion and garlic.

1. First, we cut some chunks of turkey.

2. Now, we’re going to mix a lot of spices with oil in a bowl.

3. Then, put the mix on the turkey and reserve it in the fridge for about an hour.

4. After that time, roast it for 40 or 50 minutes.

5. Now, chop the garlic and the onion and put it in a pan with some olive oil.

6. Then, add the coconut milk, the water and the rice.

7. Put a trap to keep the heat.

8. Finally, add the turkey and cook it for 15 minutes more.


Ingredients: salmon, onion, garlic, butter, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, spinach, ehite wine,
heavy cream, lemon and pasta or rice.

1. First, we’re going to chop the onion and the garlic.

2. Now, we’ll season the salmon, with a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.

3. Then, we turn on the heat putting some olive oil in the pan and grill the

4. Now remove the salmon and, in the pan, melt some butter and add the
chopped garlic and onion. Also we add a little of lemon juice.

5. Now, we pour a bit of white wine and some heavy cream.

6. We also add the spinaches and the salmon and the Parmesan cheese.

7. And finally, we season again with some chopped parsley.

8. We can add some pasta or rice in case you want.


Ingredients: duck, mushrooms, rice, butter, confit duck, lemon, salt, pepper and also Parmesan

1. Fist we will grill the mushroms and also the duck and season it.

2. Now, add more duck.

3. Then, we add the rice, to meme the risotto.

4. Now, we grate some cheese on the pan and also grate a bit of lemon’s skin.

5. Then, we remove it from the heat.

6. And finally, grate a bit more of Parmesan cheese.


Ingredients: flour, salt, butter, apples, cinnamon, lemon, egg.

1. We mix the flour, with salt and butter and smash. Put the dough in the fridge
for 1 hour.

2. After that we peel some apples and chopped them.

3. Now, we add sugar and salt, cinnamon and lemon juice.

4. Then, we cut the dough and we stretch it finely and put it in an oven-safe

5. Now, we just put the mix of the apples and cover with another layer of dough.

6. Then, we paint it with beaten egg.

7. Finally, we bake it in the oven and our apple pie is ready!


Ingredients: instant coffee, hot water, heavy whipping cream, biscuits (instead of ladyfingers),
sugar, mascarpone, vanilla essence and cocoa powder.
1. We pour the hot water where the coffee is and we let it cool.

2. In other bowl we pour the heavy whipping cream and add the sugar and mix.

3. Once we have done that, we will add a big spoonful of mascarpone and the
vanilla essence and mix again.

4. Now, we will bathe the biscuits in the coffee and place them in an appropriate

5. Then, we’re going to put the mix above. And repeat the same process finishing
with layer of the mix.

6. Finally, we sift the cocoa powder putting it on the top of the dessert.


Ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, eggs, oil, brown sugar, vanilla extract, carrots, walnuts
(or any nut you want)

1. First, we sift a cup of flour, the baking powder and the salt.

2. Then, in another bowl, put some eggs and beat them.

3. Now, we will splash a bit of oil and some brown sugar and stair well.

4. Then, we’re going to add lots of little chunks of carrot.

5. Now, we will join the carrot mix with the flour one.

6. After that, we add a handful of walnuts coarsely chopped.

7. Finally, we distribute the mixture in small molds and we bake them.

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