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Inspiration Pages: Independent Work

Throughout the year, you will work on INSPIRATION PAGES inside or outside your sketchbook.
What is an inspiration page? It is a design of your feelings, ideas, thoughts and creative
endeavors. You can write, sketch, paint, collage, and create sculptures or anything else
that is truly unique. You will be graded on creativity/originality, design, craftsmanship and
techniques. While you will be graded, there is NO right or wrong way to do an inspiration page.
Think outside the box!
You will be responsible for a minimum of ONE, THEMED inspiration page each quarter. You can work on
them during class, at home, academic access or on your own time. Feel free to do as many inspiration pages as
you want, however, you will be graded on a minimum of ONE.
The more inspiration pages you work on, the better you become at the CREATIVE PROCESS.


Quarter One: Inspiration Page #1: Words and Phrases
Quarter Two: Inspiration Page #2: Thank You Very Much!
Quarter Three: Inspiration Page #3: Make a Wish
Quarter Four: Inspiration Page #4: Explore Your Surroundings

After completing an inspiration page you want me to GRADE,

you MUST write a brief five (5) sentence paragraph explaining your artwork.
Explain where your ideas came from, what inspired you, what the page is all about and
anything else that can clarify your creative endeavors and experience creating the
inspiration page.

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