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 is the knowledge we have of ourselves and
A. Introduction to Theoretical Nursing knowledge of how this colors our interactions
knowledge with others and encompasses experiential
What is Knowledge?
 Information, skill , expertise acquired by a Sources of Knowledge
person through various life experiences.
 What is known in particular field of discipline or Transitional Knowledge
study.  A nursing practice that passed down from
 Facts and information or awareness or generation to generation.
familiarity gained by experience of a fact or  Ex: Routine changing of bed linens whether
situation soiled or not.
 Knowledge acquirement involves several
cognitive processes. Authoritative knowledge
 An idea by a person of authority, which is
Ways of Knowing perceived as true because of his/her expertise.
 Ex: The nurse supervisor is well equipped with
1. Empirical Knowing knowledge and skills about the procedure
 is the science of nursing, which is factual, through experience. The novice nurse accepts
descriptive, and helps to develop abstract and it true because of the authority of the expert
theoretical explanations. nurse.
 Empiric is concerned with questions such as
“what is this?” and “how does this work?”. This Scientific Knowledge
kind of knowledge is often organized using  Knowledge came from a scientific method
models and theories allowing generalization through research. These ideas are tested and
from the specific. measured systematically using objective
 Ex: any scientific research based, theoretical criteria.
and factual information.  Ex: TSB (tepid sponge bath) perform to patient
with fever. The nurse knows the rationale
2. Ethical Knowing behind the procedure.
 Attitudes and knowledge derived from an
ethical framework, including an awareness of
moral questions and choices
 Ex: Ethical knowing involves the judgement of
the right and wrong in relation to intention,
reasons, attribute of individuals and situations.

3. Esthetic Knowing
 Awareness of the immediate situation seated
in immediate practical action, including
awareness of the patient and their
circumstances as uniquely individual and of the
combined wholeness of the situation.
 Ex: show compassion, mercy, understanding
towards co-patient, co-workers, and
 Places himself in the patients shoes when
communicating and providing care
 Is often describes as art of nursing. A way a
nurse can form a sense of patients’ needs and
act on their behalf, taking into account
nuanced information about their personality
and previous experiences to orchestrate the
most effective way of providing care.

4. Personal Knowing
 Knowledge and attitudes derived from personal

Phenomenon Issues in nursing theory development

What is nursing theory?

 testable propositions from

philosophies,conceptual models, grand
theories, abstract nursing theories, or theories
from other disciplines. Theories are less
abstract than grand theory and less specific
than middle-range theory.


The broad conceptual boundaries of the discipline

of nursing: Human beings, environment, health,
and nursing

 sets forth the meaning of nursing phenomena
through analysis, reasoning and logical
presentation of concepts and ideas.

Theory development process Conceptual Models

 are sets of concepts that address phenomena
central to nursing in propositions that explain
the relationship among them.

Grand Theory
 concepts that derive from a conceptual model
and propose a testable proposition that tests
the major premise of the model.

Middle Range Theory

 concepts most specific to practice that propose
precise testable nursing practice questions and
include details such as patient age group,
family situation, health condition, location of
the patient, and action of the nurse.

Importance of nursing theory and education

research clinical procedure
 From 1993 to 1996, Watson served on the
Nursing Theorists and Nursing Philosophies Executive Committee and Governing Board for
the NLN, and she served as president from
Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring 1995 to 1996.
 In 1997 the NLN awarded her an honorary
 Margaret Jean Harman Watson, PhD, RN, lifetime holistic nurse certificate.
AHN-BC, FAAN, was born and grew up in the  In 1999 Watson assumed the
small town of Welch, West Virginia. MurchisonScoville Endowed Chair of Caring
 The youngest of eight children, she was Science at the University of Colorado.
surrounded by an extended family–community  She is featured in at least 20 nationally
environment. distributed audiotapes, videotapes, and CDs
 After graduation in 1961, she married Douglas on nursing theory, a few of which are listed in
Watson and moved to his native state of Points for Further Study at the end of the
Colorado. chapter.
 She has two grown daughters, Jennifer and  Her first book, Nursing: The Philosophy and
Julie, and five grandchildren. Jean lives in Science of Caring(1979), was reprinted in 1985
Boulder, Colorado. and translated into Korean and French.
 After moving to Colorado, Watson continued  Yalom's 11 curative factors stimulated Watson
her nursing education at the University of to use 10 carative factors as the organizing
Colorado. framework for her book (Watson, 1979),
 She earned a baccalaureate degree in nursing "Central to Nursing" (p. 9), and a moral ideal.
in 1964, a master's degree in 1966, and a  Watson's early work embraced 10 carative
doctorate in educational psychology and factors but evolved to include "caritas," making
counseling in 1973. explicit connections between caring and love in
 In 1981 and 1982, she pursued international the 2008 revised edition of this seminal text.
sabbatical studies in New Zealand, Australia,  Her second book, Nursing: Human Science
India, Thailand, and Taiwan; in 2005, she took and Human Care—A Theory of Nursing (1985)
a sabbatical for a walking pilgrimage in the reprinted in 1988 and 1999, addressed her
Spanish El Camino. conceptual and philosophical problems in
 In the 1980s, Watson and her colleagues nursing.
established the Center for Human Caring at  Her third book, Postmodern Nursing, and
the University of Colorado, the nation's first Beyond (1999), presented a model to bring
interdisciplinary center using human caring nursing practice into the 21st century.
knowledge for clinical practice, scholarship,  Instruments for Assessing and Measuring
administration, and leadership (Watson, 1986). Caring in Nursing and Health Sciences (2002),
 The Watson Caring Science evolved and the her fourth book, comprises a collection of 21
Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI) was instruments to assess and measure caring and
established from the groundwork laid by the received the American Journal of Nursing Book
Center for Human Caring. of the Year Award.
 The Watson Caring Science Center was  Her fifth book, Caring Science as Sacred
established at the University of Colorado is an Science (2005), describes her personal
interdisciplinary center for nurses and health journey to enhance her understanding of
professionals. caring science, spiritual practice, the concept
 In line with the University of Colorado initiatives and practice of care, and caring-healing work.
in Watson Caring Science, the Watson In this book, she leads the reader through
Endowed Chair in Caring Science was recently thought-provoking experiences and the
established at the University of Colorado sacredness of nursing by emphasizing deep
(Watson, personal communication, April 6, inner reflection and personal growth,
2016). communication skills, use of self-transpersonal
 Watson was Dean of the University of growth, and attention to both caring science
Colorado School of Nursing and Associate and healing through forgiveness, gratitude, and
Director of Nursing Practice at the University surrender.
Hospital from 1983 to 1990.  Recent books include Measuring Caring:
 As dean, she developed a post baccalaureate International Research on Caritas as Healing
nursing curriculum in human caring, health, (Nelson & Watson, 2011); Creating a Caring
and healing that led to a Nursing Doctorate Science Curriculum (Hills & Watson, 2011);
(ND), a clinical doctorate that became the Human Caring Science: A Theory of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in 2005. (Watson, 2012); and Caring Science, Mindful
Practice: Implementing Watson's Human
Caring Theory (Sitzman & Watson, 2013)

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