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Saad Dahlab University Module of Communication Skills

Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences Academic Year: 2022/2023

Freshman Level Second Semester

Course: Introduction to Microbiology

Activity One: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.

Microscope, germs, microbes, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, microorganisms, 300X,
viruses, bacteria

Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms (___________). They are also

referred to as _________, or more commonly, ________ , especially to ordinary people.
This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology, cell
biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of microorganisms. Principal groups of
microorganisms are: bacteria, ________, archaea, fungi and protozoa.

The first major step in microbiology came about when _______________ (1632-1723)
created the first single lens ________. Through a lens that had a magnification of roughly
_______, he was able to visualize _______ for the first time (from scrapings off of his teeth)

Activity Two: State which term is related to the following definitions.

Classification of Microorganisms in Microbiology :

1. Microorganisms are classified by whether or not they have cells:

a) __________: Having more than one cell
b) __________: Having a single cell
c) __________: Lacking cells, such as viruses and prions; prions are usually
referred to as "infectious proteins" rather than microbes.
2. Microorganisms are classified by the type of cell they have:
a) __________ are microbes with "complex cells" that have a true nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles.
b) __________ are microbes with "simple cells" that do not have a true nucleus and
lack membrane-bound organelles.

Activity Three: Translate the following sentences to French or Arabic.

1. Even though microbes can cause diseases, they can also be used to develop drugs to
fight other microbes.

2. Protozoa are microscopic, one-celled organisms that can be free-living or parasitic

in nature.

3. Archaea are single-celled microorganisms found in all types of environments.


4. Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes. They can only live and multiply inside
the cells of other living things. This cell is called the host cell.

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