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Taking a Clinical History 173

Table 2. Common phrases used by patients, and their meaning

When a patient says . . . The doctor understands . . .
I can't breath or I'm stuffed up or my chest is tight Dyspnea
Everything is spinning Vertigo
It itches me Pruritus
It stings when I pee Dysuria
I can't eat or I've lost my appetite Anorexia
I don't feel like doing anything Asthenia
Headache Cephalgia
My nose is dripping Rhinorrhea
I've vaginal dripping Leukorrhea
I'm having my period Menstruation
My hair is falling out Alopecia
I can't remember a thing Amnesia
My skin looks yellow Jaundice
I can't move (a limb) Paralysis
I can't see anything Blindness
Bad breath Halitosis
I've a cavity Caries
It hurts when I swallow Odynophagia
I can't swallow Dysphagia
I spit out phlegm (when I cough) Sputum
Cough up blood Hemoptysis
My stomach is burning Epigastralgia
I wheeze Wheeze
I've a prickly sensation Paresthesia
I've a burning sensation Pyrosis
I feel like I'm going to throw up Nausea
I'm always running to the bathroom Polyuria
I always feel like I have to pee Tenesmus
I'm always thirsty or I'm always dry Polydipsia
I've a rash Erythema
My. . . is swollen Edema
My skin looks blue Cyanosis
My chest feels constricted Thoracic pain
My mouth is always watering Sialorrhea
I can't breath when I lie down Orthopnea
My stool is black Melena
My stool is white Acholia
My urine is dark Choluria
I can't sleep Insomnia
I can't go to the bathroom Anuria
Bruise Hematoma
Toothache Odontalgia

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