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Ace Niño M.

Fernandez Grade 8 - Happiness


Agreement#1 " Expectations and Difficulties"

1. I was not really expecting something from the teacher, by that I mean that I do not really care about
a teacher’s personality as long as I learn something, for my classmates I was expecting good, kind, and
friendly classmates, for the subject itself I expect ESP to be all about values in life.

2. My main difficulty with online classes is video games, back then when it was face to face my scores
were good, I had high grades but now that its online class my scores had been bad because of video
games, my problem is I get tempted to play video games and not listen to class, I even forgot about my
performance tasks which is a big problem for me.

3. I haven't really solved my problem with video games yet but this year I will try to fix it.

4. I prefer face to face a lot more than online classes mostly because I can understand way better in face-
to-face classes and I can also communicate with my friends better.

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