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Questions for Introduction to Philippine Popular Culture

and understand the instructions carefully.

 Please answer the following questions shown below.

 Write your name and section on the front and your attendance number on the top right
 Use one whole sheet of yellow paper, questions #1, #2 at the front and question #3, #4 at the back.
 Write in cursive and write legibly while using black ball pen. (NO ERASURES)
 Refrain coping from the internet.
 When passing. Please arrange and compile from student #1 – #30 and staple on the top left and pass
before the deadline. Skip the number if the student didn’t make the exercise.


1. Explore the impact of K-pop and other global pop culture phenomena on the tastes and preferences
of Filipino youth. How has the globalization of popular culture influenced local music, fashion, and
entertainment in the Philippines?"

2. Evaluate the growth of e-sports and online gaming in the Philippines. How has the rise of competitive
gaming influenced youth culture, entrepreneurship, and the entertainment industry, and what are the
implications for the future of entertainment in the country?

3. Examine the impact of modern technology and digital media on the dissemination and transformation
of traditional Philippine cultural expressions in contemporary popular culture. How has this digital shift
affected the preservation and evolution of cultural heritage?

4. Analyze the role of social media platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram in shaping modern
Philippine popular culture. How have these platforms transformed the way Filipinos consume, create,
and engage with entertainment and content?



HM 2A is AUGUST 30, 2023. 10:30 AM Before the class starts

HM 2B is AUGUST 30, 2023. 09:00 AM Before the class starts

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