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1. Research Question
2. Background Information
3. Hypothesis
4. Variable
5. Materials
6. Method
7. Raw Data Table

Perfect lab report should include (IV, DV, open-ended, Focused)

You should know the independent variable and dependent variable

IV- Different pH 2,7,12 3 trials will be conducted for each pH
DV- Rate of catalase enzyme activity and measure by ruler in mm
Do not start your research question with (Do, Does)
Start with (To what extent, How, What)
For ex
IV- Diff temp (20 c,36 c, 80 c)
DV-Rate of catalase enzyme activity
Research Question-To what extent catalase enzyme activity differs at
different temperature (20,36 and 80c)
How does catalase enzyme activity differ at (20 36 and 80c)?
My own Research Question

To what extent catalase enzyme activity differ at pH (2,7,12 pH)?

Hypothesis: is to make a guess what will happen in the experiment give
a scientific reason
I hypothesize that catalase enzyme activity will be fastest at pH …… and
slowest at pH…… because
I hypothesize that the rate of catalase enzyme activity will be fastest at
37 degree and slowest at 80 degrees because at 80 degrees catalyze
enzyme will get denatured and substrate will no longer be able to
attach with the active site on enzyme and the rate enzyme activity will
How to research: What is the optimum pH for catalase enzyme?

Sample calculation
Different pH Average foam
2 6

How to make proceed table?

To know the procced table average numbers add up the 3 trails results
and divided by how many trials you did.
1. Copy and paste procced data table in MS Excel
2. Select Coolum for average foam produced
3. Choose general option from above
4. Choose the number
5. Select procced data table
6. Choose to insert
choose recommended chart
7. Choose line graph
8. Choose scatter plot
9. Choose second option in Scatter plot
10. Click on graph
11. Choose chart design
12. Choose add chart element
13. Choose chart titles and give name to graph
14. Choose axis title and primary horizontal axis.

1. Relate your finding with hypothesis
2. Discuss your proceed data table and graph
3. Discuss enzymatic theory.
Start with
In conclusion….
Me resalt….
In conclusion my result (partially support/ contradict)
Supports my hypothesis Rate of catalase enzyme activity was
fastest at …. (Which pH was fastest)
Referring to table 3 average for produced was maximum at ------
pH 7 which was 60 mm and minimum at 4 mm pH 2-line graph
shows that optimum pH for catalase enzyme is……. According to
enzyme theory.

Controlled variables method and instrument used

Amount of h202 10 ml of h202 was measured using
m measuring cylinder

Effect on result
More amount f h202 substrate will result in increase in catalase
enzyme activity and less amount will result in decrease of catalase
enzyme activity the test will not be fair because we wont be sure
wether the result of experiment is due to change in pH at change
in amount of h202


Amount of potato paste

Drops of liquid detergent.

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