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18- RED (adult w/ dumot)
16- ORANGE (adult)
14- GREEN (female)
12- WHITE (pedia)


Patient: Garry, Arroz, Male, 45 years old
Admitting diagnosis: Severe Head Injury secondary to motor vehicular accident (Hit & Run)
Decrease in sensorium; GCS of 3 (no progress towards stay in ICU for 3 days)
CT Scan result:
● Bleeding on the parietal lobe
● Subdural (subarachnoid) hemorrhage
● Left subfalcine herniation
● Multiple contusions, hematoma @ frontal lobe

● Norepinephrine (Noradrenalin)- Increases blood pressure and heart rate
● Paracetamol- for fever
● Ketorolac- (NSAID)- to relieve moderate to severe pain after a painful procedure.
● Omeprazole- to stabilise gastric acid since patient in on NPO
● Oxacillin (Antibiotic; group of Penicillins)- to prevent infections
● Ceftriaxone- (Antibiotics, Antibacterials; Cephalosporins)- to treat infections
● Citicoline- for intracranial pressure
● Mannitol- (Diuretics- drains fluid from your body) a force urine production
○ used to treat the swelling in your brain and around your eyes (you should bantay the
electrolyte balance of the patient especially the Sodium & Potassium)
● Atropine Sulfate- this is given if the patient becomes hypotensive
● Enoxaparin (Anticoagulant)- to prevent blood from clotting

ICU 6: dapat ma discharge but nag tachycardia

Patient: Susvilla, Nelson
Cc: disorientation
ADX: Metabolic encephalopathy 2* electrolyte imbalance, CKD 2* HPN Nephro sclerosis
→ Metabolic encephalopathy = problem in the brain due to chemical imbalance (electrolyte
imbalance). Not caused by head injury. Leads to personality changes: disorientation, confusion, muscle
weakness, fatigue (kay hyponatremia 132 (normal minimum: 136 and hypokalemia: 3.31)
→ CKD (chronic kidney disease) = gradual loss of kidney function (cannot filter blood as well as they
should) due to hypertension which is a leading cause of CKD. (high bp damages blood vessels reducing
blood supply to kidneys)
→ nephrosclerosis = hardening of the walls of the small arteries and arterioles (small arteries that
convey blood from arteries to the even smaller capillaries) of the kidney. This condition is caused by
hypertension (high blood pressure).

● Meropenem (carbapenems: antibacterial) - treats skin and abdominal infections caused by
bacteria and meningitis (infection of membranes around brain and spinal cord
● Valproic Acid (anti-convulsant: anti-epileptic) - control complete partial seizures
● Ketoanalogue (supplements) - prevent protein deficiency
● Levofloxacin (fluoroquinolones: antibiotic) - treat upper respiratory tract infections
● Quetiapine (atypical (no extra pyramidal effect) antipsychotic) - treat bipolar disorders and
● Carvedilol (beta-blocker) - lowers high blood pressure
NGT feeding - to give feedings and medicine to stomach via tube through nose
ET tube - provide oxygen and inhaled gases to the lungs and protects the lungs from contamination,
such as gastric contents or blood.
ET Tube extubation
● The head of the bed will be elevated.
● Suction all mucus from your mouth and the ETT itself.
● Tape, straps, or other tools used to hold the tube in place will be unsecured.
● The tube will be disconnected from the ventilator.
● The next step is ETT removal. Your doctor will ask you to take a deep breath and exhale. While
you’re exhaling they will deflate a small holder used to keep the ETT in place and gently
remove it from your trachea and mouth.
● After the ETT is removed, your doctor will ask you to take another deep breath and cough out
any mucus you may still have in your lungs.
● Connect suction catheter (14 to I think) if px is connect to a ventilator, disconnect and replace
with suction catheter
● Turn on machine, cover hole in the catheter and insert inside, make sure to not force it
● Uncover hole and suction secretions, blood, fluid for (2-3s) less than 15s them remove (cover
hole when removed)
● Flush with saline water then repeat until no secretions can be suctioned.
Bite lock: green (adult)
Urine catheter

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