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Thermodynamics of evolution

Ilya Prigogine, Gregoire Nicolis, and Agnes Babloyantz

Citation: Physics Today 25, 11, 23 (1972); doi: 10.1063/1.3071090

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Published by the American Institute of Physics


Thermodynamics of evolution
Physics Today 25, 38 (1972);

The laws of life

Physics Today 70, 42 (2017);

A Fresh Look at Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Physics Today 53, 32 (2000);

Ilya Prigogine
Physics Today 57, 102 (2004);

The Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Small Systems

Physics Today 58, 43 (2005);

Elastic surface waves

Physics Today 25, 32 (1972);
Thermodynamics of evolution
The functional order maintained within living systems
seems to defy the Second Law; nonequilibrium thermodynamics
describes how such systems come to terms with entropy.

lya Prigogine, Gregoire Nicolis and Agnes Babloyantz

The physicochemical basis of biological Coherent behavior is really the char- the free energy become comparable.
order is a puzzling problem that has oc- acteristic feature of biological systems Thus the populations of the different
cupied whole generations of biologists (see the box on page 24). energy levels tend to become equal.
and physicists and has given rise, in the In contrast to this is the familiar idea
The point is that in a nonisolated system
it, to passionate discussions. Bio- that the evolution of a physicochemical there exists a possibility for formation
logical systems are highly complex and system leads to an equilibrium state of of ordered, low-entropy structures at
ordered objects. It is generally accepted maximum disorder. In an isolated sys- sufficiently low temperatures. This
that the present order reflects structures tem, which cannot exchange energy and ordering principle is responsible for the
acquired during a long evolution. More- matter with the surroundings, this ten- appearance of ordered structures such
over, the maintenance of order in actual dency is expressed in terms of a functionas crystals as well as for the phenomena
living systems requires a great number of the macroscopic state of the system: of phase transitions.
of metabolic and synthetic reactions as the entropy. It amounts to saying that Unfortunately this principle cannot
well as the existence of complex mech- entropy S increases monotonically until explain the formation of biological struc-
anisms controlling the rate and the it becomes a maximum. This cele- tures. The probability that at ordinary
timing of the various processes. All brated second law of thermodynamics temperatures a macroscopic number of
these features bring the scientist a implies that in an isolated system the molecules is assembled to give rise to
wealth of new problems. In the first formation of ordered structures is ruled the highly ordered structures and to the
place one has systems that have evolved out. coordinated functions characterizing liv-
spontaneously to extremely organized Consider now a system in contact ing organisms is vanishingly small. The
and complex forms. On the other hand with an energy reservoir at temperature idea of spontaneous genesis of life in its
metabolism, synthesis and regulation T. Its state is now described by a new present form is therefore highly improb-
'mply a highly heterogeneous distribu- function, the free energy F defined by able, even on the scale of the billions of
tion of matter inside the cell through years during which prebiotic evolution
F=E-TS (1) occurred.
Aemical reactions and active transport.
where E is the internal energy. At The conclusion to be drawn from this
equilibrium, F is at a minimum. The analysis is that the apparent contradic-
"ya Prigogine is professor of physical chem- probability P that the system is at a tion between biological order and the
'% and theoretical physics at the Uni- state of energy En is then given by laws of physics—in particular the
site Libre de Bruxelles and is director of second law of thermodynamics—cannot
Center for Statistical Mechanics and exp(-En/kT) (2)
Thermodynamics at the University of Texas,
be resolved as long as we try to under-
Austin. Gregoire Nicolis and Agnes Bab- At low temperatures, equations 1 and 2 stand living systems by the methods of
'"yantz are both at the Universite Libre de imply that only the low states (at small
'Welles: Nicolis is charge de cours and En) will be populated. As T increases, This is the first part of a two-part article;
yantz is chef de travaux. the energy and entropy contributions to the second half is scheduled for next month.


the familiar equilibrium statistical me- perature gradient. Assume that ini- til
chanics and equally familar thermody- tially the system has uniform composi- Coherent behavior,
tion. The separation of matter that is dissipation and life
achieved then corresponds to a decrease
Nonequilibrium open systems of entropy from the initial value. •0

From the simplest bacterial cell to The existence of nonequilibrium con-

man, living organisms are maintained straints is far from exceptional in bio- Although it is customary to associate
logical systems. The biosphere as a biological order with the formation of
and reproduced thanks to a continuous low-entropy ordered structures such as
exchange of energy and matter with the whole is subject to a solar energy gra- macromolecules, membranes and cells
surroundings. (Viruses present an ex- dient. At the cellular level, products as a whole, this is only part of the prob- •A
ception to this rule. On the other hand of metabolism are either rejected to the lem. Equally important is functional m
it is well known that they cannot multi- environment or diffuse within the cell order, which in actual living cells is iflW
ply unless they infect a cell; that is, until to fulfill other functions. As a rule, ensured by a great number of coupled
they become open systems.) This trivial then, a cell or a biochemical reaction biochemical pathways. Biologists of •iff
statement has several less obvious and chain is subject to the gradients in development have always been puzzled itri
even far-reaching consequences. The chemical potentials of the various react- that these metabolic processes are r-'Jll

thermodynamic theory of open systems, ing constituents. associated with a great amount of en- mil'
systems exchanging both energy and ergy dissipation. As an example [A. I. •itt
The arguments we have advanced Zotin, R. S. Zotina, J. Theor. Biol. 17,
matter with the environment, has long here cannot, of course, suffice for solving -ssys
57, (1967)] the rate of heat production
been developed by Theophile DeDonder the problem of biological order. One in chicken eggs, which, roughly speak-
and the Brussels school (for a historical would like not only to show that the sec- ing, should furnish a measure of the en-
account, see reference 1). Ludwig von ond law is satisfied as a whole (diS 5; 0) tropy production, is about 6 kcal/day/gm
(1940)2 and Erwin Schrod- but also to indicate how the state of low at the fourth day of development. At
inger have insisted on the importance entropy and high coherence is main- the 16th day, it drops to about 1 kcal/
of this feature for biological systems. tained. The remaining part of our dis- day/gm. These rather high figures raise
One of us has formulated1 an extended cussion will be devoted to this question, the question of how living systems have
version of the second law that applies and we shall discuss in some detail the acquired the ability to dissipate in- : mil
both to isolated and to open systems. tensely. One of our main points here item
The main point is that the Clausius- approach we have developed during the shall be that an increase in dissipation swiff
Carnot inequality governing the varia- last few years. is possible for nonlinear systems driven
tion of entropy during a time interval dt far from equilibrium. Such systems
Dissipative structures may be subject to a succession of un-
takes the form stable transitions that lead to spatial
Our qualitative arguments lead us to
inquire about the feasibility of extend- order and to increasing entropy produc-
dS = deS + diS tion.
ing the concept of order to nonequilib-
djS>0 (3) rium situations, to systems in which the
where deS is the flow of entropy due to appearance of ordered structures, in
exchanges with the surroundings and thermodynamic equilibrium, would be
djS the entropy production due to irre- very unlikely. One of the main conclu-
versible processes inside the system such sions of our theory will be that there
as diffusion, chemical reactions, heat exists a class of systems showing two In a quite different domain, a spectac- ability,
conduction, and so on. For an isolated kinds of behavior: a tendency to the ular example of emergence of order far
system deS is zero, and equation 3 re- state of maximum disorder for one type from equilibrium has been worked out
duces to of situation and coherent behavior for a recently by Hermann Haken.5 He a spo
second type. The destruction of order shows that the generation of coherent
dS = diS > 0 (4)
always prevails in the neighborhood of light by a laser may be interpreted as a k dei
Thus open systems differ from isolated thermodynamic equilibrium. In con- nonequilibrium phase transition. Be- itdi
systems in the presence offlowterms in trast, creation of order may occur far low instability is the incoherent regime;
the entropy variation, terms related to from equilibrium and with specific non- beyond the transition threshold, cor-
exchanges of energy and of matter with linear kinetic laws, beyond the domain responding to a critical value of the ra-
the outside world. Although diS is of stability of the states that have the diation field, the system switches spon- w mi
never negative, the flux term deS has no usual thermodynamic behavior. Tradi- taneously to the coherent state.
definite sign. As a result, during evolu- tionally, thermodynamics has dealt with We have investigated systematically
tion a system may reach a state where the first type of behavior, but an exten- the behavior of nonlinear chemical net-
entropy is smaller than at the start sion of irreversible thermodynamics works of biological interest.4-6 At first
(see the box on page 25). Moreover, that permits treating the other aspects one would expect that those systems
this state, which from the standpoint of as well as this one has been developed that, contrary to the two previous ex- J print
equation 2 would be highly improbable, recently.* amples, are purely dissipative would ''teas
can be maintained indefinitely provided The best known examples of this du- always show a tendency to a disordered
the system can reach a steady state such ality in behavior are instabilities in regime. The surprising result was that
that dS = 0 or fluid dynamics, such as the onset of in fact they share most of the properties
deS = -dj.S < 0 (5) thermal convection in a fluid layer of hydrodynamic instabilities with the
heated from below. For a critical value additional important feature that the '•'main
Thus, in principle at least, if we supply of the external constraint (temperature variety of the regimes beyond insta- «lroi :

a system with a sufficient amount of gradient), that is, beyond a critical bility is much greater in chemical ki- -level
negative entropy flow, we can maintain distance from equilibrium, an insta- netics.
the system in an ordered state. Equa- bility arises that causes the spontaneous
tion 5 also implies that this supply must emergence of convection patterns. Be- This is not really surprising when we
occur under nonequilibrium conditions, low the instability threshold, the energy realize that in chemical kinetics non-
otherwise d[S (and, by equation 5, also of the system is distributed in the ran- linearity may arise in a practically un-
deS) would vanish identically. A sim- dom thermal motion of the molecules. limited number of ways through auto-
ple illustration1 of this nonequilibrium But beyond instability it appears partly catalysis, cross-catalysis, activation,
order is seen in a thermal diffusion ex- as the energy of macroscopic convec- inhibition, and so on. In contrast, the
periment in a system subject to a tem- tion patterns. stokes-Navier equations of fluid dy-
namics assume a universal form. Be-
tems, so we shall illustrate the points we
wish to make with particular models.
The evolutionary feedback The development of irreversible ther-
modynamics of open systems by the
What is the thermodynamic meaning of prebiological evolution? Darwin's princi- Brussels school had, by the 1950's, led
ple of "survival of the fittest" through natural selection can only apply once pre- to the investigation of nonlinear pro-
biological evolution has led to the formation of some primitive living beings. A cesses (see reference 4 for a survey of the
new evolutionary principle, proposed recently by Manfred Eigen, would replace
Darwin's idea in the context of prebiotic evolution. It amounts to optimizing a
subject). Thus, we had already come
quantity measuring the faithfulness, or quality, of the macromolecules in reproduc- to recognize the important role of auto-
ing themselves via template action. We here propose an alternative description catalytic processes in the understanding
of prebiological evolution. The main idea is the possibility that a prebiological of biological order.4-7 It was only then
system may evolve through a whole succession of transitions leading to a hier- that we noticed a remarkable paper by
archy of more and more complex and organized states. Such transitions can only A. M. Turing (1952)8 who had actually
arise in nonlinear systems that are maintained far from equilibrium; that is, beyond constructed a chemical model showing
a certain critical threshold the steady-state regime becomes unstable and the instabilities. His work had previously
system evolves to a new configuration. As a result, if the system is to be able to escaped our attention because it dealt
evolve through successive instabilities, a mechanism must be developed whereby with the more specific subject of forma-
each new transition favors further evolution by increasing the noniinearity and the
distance from equilibrium. One obvious mechanism is that each transition en-
tion of morphogenetic patterns. The
ables the system to increase the entropy production. We may visualize this evolu- work we have undertaken since then
tionary feedback: has demonstrated the relation of this
type of behavior to thermodynamics as
Threshold instability through fluctuations well as its wide applicability to biology.
We shall briefly summarize here the
results obtained from the model chemi-
increased dissipation
cal reaction chain (see references 4 and
It is important to insist on the complementarity between this increasing dissipation 6 for details)
behavior, which we believe is essential for prebiological evolution, and the com-
monly observed tendency of physicochemicai systems near equilibrium toward a
state of minimum dissipation or entropy production, which we shall discuss later. B+X^Y+D (7)
Existing thermal data appear to indicate that this second type of behavior holds for
living systems after some initial period, which in higher organisms extends only
over a fraction of the embryonic life. One is tempted to argue that only after syn-
thesis of the key substances necessary fpr its survival (which implies an increase
in dissipation) does an organism tend to adjust its entropy production to a low Note the autocatalytic third reaction;
value compatible with the external constraints. At this point, contact can probably this reaction step introduces the non-
be made with Darwin's idea of the "survival of the fittest," because a low rate of linearity that will be largely responsible
entropy production is likely to give to an organism a selective advantage. for the unusual behavior of the system:
(a) At or near thermodynamic equi-
librium, the system of equation 7 has a
unique steady-state solution that is al-
ond instability, which again arises the flow of chemicals from the outside ways stable with respect to arbitrary
when a critical distance from equilib- world, and exchange can occur between perturbations.
num is reached, the reaction systems these chemicals and the reacting species (b) Suppose that the system is driven
may become spontaneously inhomoge- inside the reaction volume. For simpli- far from equilibrium. In the extreme
neous and present an ordered distribu- city we assume an isothermal system in case that the concentrations of D and E
ion of the chemical constituents in mechanical equilibrium. Moreover, are maintained vanishingly small in the
3. Under different conditions the if the concentration gradients are not system, the distance from equilibrium
oncentrations of the chemicals may very high, diffusion can be approxi- becomes very large. Still, for time-inde-
stow sustained oscillations. Finally, mated by Fick's law, which states that pendent boundary conditions, we can
other systems may exhibit a multipli- the flow of matter due to diffusion can define a steady state corresponding to
tity of steady states combined with be approximated by DVC where C is the continuation of the equilibrium-like
hysteresis. (We will discuss examples concentration and D is a diffusion coef- behavior. The branch of states defined
ater.) ficient. Finally, we take a diagonal dif- in this fashion will be referred to as the
In all these phenomena, a new order- fusion-coefficient matrix. Under these "thermodynamic branch." This time
mechanism, not reducible to the conditions the instantaneous state of the however, the study of the conservation
tquilibrium principle (equation 2), ap- system is described by the composition equations (equation 6) reveals that,
>Mra. For reasons to be explained variables \xt\ where i ranges from 1 to n, owing to the noniinearity and to the
to, we shall refer to this principle as which are, say, the average mole func- nonequilibrium constraints, states on
tions or the average partial densities of this branch are not necessarily stable.
tier through fluctuations. The struc- Depending on the type of perturbations
the chemicals. The time evolution of
ues are created by the continuous flow these variables is given by the well to which the system is subject and on
°f energy and matter from the outside known conservation-of-mass equations the values of the parameters—such as
rid; their maintenance requires a cri- A (concentration of A) and B, the
iral distance from equilibrium, that is, dXi/dt=DtV2Xi+ VA\xj\) (6) diffusion coefficients DA, DB, D\ and
'minimum level of dissipation. For all DY—different situations will be real-
tae reasons we have called them dis- Here the source terms Vi describe the ef- lized. This is illustrated by the non-
Wive structures.* fect of chemical reactions. We assume equilibrium phase diagram of figure 1.
that the rates of the various chemical For simplicity, the parameters A,
ipative systems transformations are given by the law of DA, D\ are held constant and DB is
a first discussion of model systems mass action, so that V; (\XJ\) will be a taken so large that the distribution of
confirm the existence of dissipative nonlinear (usually algebraic) function B remains uniform.
'tortures in chemical kinetics, it will
convenient to adopt a macroscopic Equations 6 form a nonlinear system (c) In domain II of the diagram, the
Wiption. Consider a reacting mix- of partial differential equations. No thermodynamic branch becomes unsta-
"e of n species. The system is open to general theory is available for these sys- ble with respect to perturbations in the


late instabilities to the thermodynamic^
chemical composition. Beyond the tend to occupy the whole reaction vol-
properties of the systems, such as en-:*1
transition threshold initial deviations ume. Finally, when D x , -DY are very
tropy, entropy production, and so on;*
from the steady state are amplified and large (with respect to the chemical
Consider again the decomposition of d&
finally drive the system to a new steady rates) the space dependencies disappear
given by equation 3. Explicit calcula-
state corresponding to a regular spatial in case d, and the result is a system that,
tion of djS/dt is possible for systems
distribution of X and Y. This state is beyond instability, oscillates with the
represented in figure 2. that can be described macroscopicalljs^
same phase everywhere. The ampli-
in terms of a limited number of locals*
The result is a low-entropy spatial tude and period of the oscillations are
variables. (From the microscopic pointfe1
dissipative structure arising beyond a determined by the system itself. More-
of view, this condition implies that, lo-.*1
nonequilibrium transition that spon- over, the periodic motion is stable in the
cally, the momentum distribution func-jpB-
taneously breaks the initial symmetry of sense that all perturbations introducing
tion of the system should not deviate:;!
the system. Its behavior is quite dif- an initial deviation from this state are
appreciably from the Maxwellian form.)*
ferent from that of systems on the ther- damped. This type of solution is well
modynamic branch. In addition to the Note that this restriction is compatible! 12
known in mathematics and in analytical
coherent character exhibited by such with large deviations from chemicaljts
mechanics as a "limit cycle." Note
states, one can show that the final con- equilibrium. The result is
that the existence of localized states and
figuration depends to some extent on of wavelike solutions shown in c and d
the type of initial perturbation. This raises a number of fascinating mathe- p=diS/dt = ZpJt>x»-° <8>JLI
primitive memory effect makes these matical problems related to the exis- w
structures capable of storing informa- tence and stability of periodic solutions where the JP are the rates of irreversible^
tion accumulated in a remote past. for nonlinear parabolic partial differ- processes (chemical reaction velocities,,;^;
ential systems. diffusion, heat flow, and so on), X,f are:;ia
(d) For DB » DA » DY ^ D x , the ther-
Obviously, the occurrence of insta- the corresponding forces (such as differ-jjjl
modynamic branch may again become
unstable. But this time the system is bilities far from equilibrium is not a uni- ences in chemical potentials and tem-i fa
driven beyond instability to a new state versal phenomenon in chemical kinetics. perature gradients). Remarkably, in.s[t]
that not only depends on space but also Coherent behavior requires some very this bilinear form the entropy produc-6(a
is periodic in time. In the course of one particular conditions on the reaction tion is expressed entirely in terms oi.sgjt,
period, wavefronts of composition ap- mechanism, whereas the equilibrium macroscopic quantities of direct physi-j^,
pear and propagate in the reaction vol- order principle is always valid (for short- cal interest such as the flows and the
ume, first outwards and then, after re- range forces). But this variety of be- forces.
flecting on the boundaries, to the in- havior in chemistry is welcome, if we Near equilibrium, equation 8 becomes^
terior. Moreover, at each point in space want to account for the variety of situa- quadratic in the Xp's. One of us1-4 ^
the system performs quasidiscontinuous tions observed in systems driven far has shown that in this limit, and pro-.'j^
concentration oscillations in time. This from equilibrium. vided the system is subject to time-inde-
space-time dissipative structure there- pendent boundary conditions,
fore provides a primitive mechanism for The mechanism of instabilities dP/dt < 0 (9)*ili
propagating information over macro- We have insisted on the diversity of This implies a minimum entropy pro-"'
scopic distance, in the form of chemical situations that may arise in nonlinear duction at the steady state and the sta-iii?
signals. systems far from equilibrium. Now we bility of this state; the proof is based on
(e) For DA finite, both structures dis- shall see that despite this diversity, a classical analytic result known as
cussed in c and d are localized inside the there is a general thermodynamic theory Lyapounov's theorem, which demon-;'™
reaction volume. Their boundaries, as underlying the mechanism by which a strates stability once one can construct"*!11
well as the periods and other character- system is driven to the new regime be- a definite function (the Lyapounov func-
istics, are determined from the values yond the instability of the thermody- tion) whose time variation is also defi:"in
of the parameters A, B, D x and so namic branch. nite with opposite sign. This result is^,
on, independently of the initial condi- Within the framework of our macro- in agreement with the analysis of model
tions. For DA, DB ~~* °° the structures scopic description, we would like to re- systems discussed in the previous sec-1"'1'''
Inequality 9 breaks down for states';"1*
far from thermodynamic equilibrium.**
but we can still obtain a general inequal- ^
ity in this domain if we decompose rifJtB>t
into two terms, according to equation 8: Pn

= djP/dt + dxP/dt (10;

We have introduced explicitly the varia- „
tion in P due to a variation of the flows
and a variation of the forces, and cartesk
now show that in the whole domair line
where equation 8 is valid, and providec-liled
the system is subject to time-indepen:~ttib
dent boundary conditions, ftnilil
o dxP/dt < 0 (llf*
This in the extension of the minimum-ijfj
entropy-production property to the nonHs^
Stability properties of the autocataiytic system described on page 25 (system 7) The non- linear domain of irreversible processes^,
equilibrium steady-state solutions are shown as a function of the amount of substance B However, in contrast to inequality 9%st
present and of the diffusion constant for substance Y. In domain I the steady-state is stable inequality 11 does not imply the stabilt, ^
with respect to fluctuations in mixture composition. Fluctuations increase monotonically
in domain II (see figure 2) and, in domain
ity of the steady state, primarily be fek
they are present as amplified oscillations. cause dxP is not the differential of ^
The steady-state, then, is unstable in both these regions. Figure 1 state function in the general case. In \\\
tead, we use inequality 11 to derive a
tability condition for such states, and
we find that stability will be ensured
>0 (12)
Here iJc and 8XP are the excess flows
forces due to the deviation of the
state of the system from the reference
regime (the steady state). In deriving
this inequality it has been assumed that
the system remains in mechanical
Relation 12 provides a universal ther-
modynamic stability criterion for non-
equilibrium states. One can show that
the inequality is always satisfied in the
neighborhood of equilibrium as well as
in the absence of a feedback process of SPACE (ARBITRARY UNITS)
the autocatalytic type. An alternative
interpretation of the stability criterion Localized steady-state dissipative structure emerges in domain II of the stability diagram.
in terms of a Lyapounov function is also This new steady state (see figure 1) is found numerically and cannot be obtained in a con-
possible.4 Consider the entropy S as a tinuous extrapolation of the equilibrium behavior. In domain III, concentration waves may
function of the nonequilibrium state, propagate. Numerical values of the pparameters here and in figure 1 are Dx = 1.05 X
3 3
with So its value in the reference state 1 0 " 3 , D Y = 5.25 X 1 0 " 3 , D A = 197 X 10~ 3 , D B and all forward kinetic constants
are equal to unity. In this domain B = 26.0, (A) = (X) = 14.0, (Y) = 18.6. Figure 2
whose stability is studied. We expand
Saround So:
S = SQ + 5S + 52S/2 + ...
and they will subsequently drive the sys- This state will then be the starting point
tem to the new regime. In the thermal for further evolution.
Now in the domain where relation 8 is instability problem mentioned pre-
valid, one shows* that <52S, which is a viously, these fluctuations would gener- Some biological examples
quadratic form, obeys the inequality ate small convection currents that Dissipative structures have been pro-
2 would be damped below the transition duced in the laboratory in an organic
(l/2)<5 S<0 (13a) point but give rise to a macroscopic cur- oxidation reaction.10 More recently,
On the other hand, in mechanical equi- rent beyond the instability. D. Thomas11 demonstrated that an
librium, we show that In all these situations a new order inhomogeneous pH distribution may
principle appears that corresponds es- arise spontaneously inside an artificial
d(l/2)&2S/dt =£,U5Xp (13b) sentially to an amplification of fluc- membrane wherein two different types
Thus, according to Lyapounov's the- tuations and to their ultimate stabiliza- of enzymes have been reticulated in a
orem, the reference state will be stable tion by the flow of matter and energy spatially homogeneous fashion. How-
provided inequality 12 is satisfied; that from the surroundings. We may call ever, the problem that concerns us here
is, provided the excess entropy (5 2 S)/2 this principle "order through fluctua- is primarily the usefulness of the theory
increases in time. tions." outlined in the previous sections in the
An additional important element understanding of biological phenomena.
Order through fluctuations should be pointed out: The formation It will be convenient to discuss separ-
So far stability has been related to de- of a fluctuation of a given type is funda- ately two types of problems:
viations (arising, for example, from ex- mentally a stochastic process. The re- • Is it possible to understand the func-
ternal perturbations) from the reference sponse of the system to this fluctuation tional order observed in actual living
state. A much deeper insight is pro- is a deterministic process obeying the systems? This question refers to the
vided by the result of recent investiga- macroscopic laws as long as the system physicochemical basis of maintenance
tions9 that in the whole domain of valid- can damp the fluctuation. Now in the of life.
ity of relation 8, the excess entropy 52S domain of formation of a new structure, • How did the structures observed in
also determines the probability of a fluctuations are amplified and drive the living beings (nucleic acids, proteins,
small fluctuation around the reference average values to the new regime. cells as a whole) arise from an inert pre-
state: Thus, in this region the macroscopic de- biotic mixture of simple molecules?
scription in terms of averages breaks This is the problem of prebiotic evolu-
P<* exp(5 2 S/2fe) (14) down and the evolution acquires an es- tion or of the origin of life.
This expression provides a generaliza- sentially statistical character. We shall discuss the first point
tion to nonequilibrium situations of We have then a picture of a system briefly, postponing for a while the prob-
'he celebrated Einstein formula describ- evolving through instabilities: In the lem of evolution. A number of typical
ing the distribution of small fluctuations neighborhood of a stable regime, evolu- phenomena can be analyzed in terms of
around equilibrium. Now fluctuations tion is essentially deterministic in the the theory outlined in the previous sec-
-the spontaneous deviations from some sense that the small fluctuations arising tion: regulatory processes, excitable
average regime—are a universal phe- continuously are damped. But near the systems and cell aggregation.
nomenon of molecular origin and are al- transition threshold the evolution be- The existence of elaborate control
^ys present in a system with many comes a stochastic process in the sense mechanisms to ensure that the various
degrees of freedom. Thus, a system in that the final state will depend on the chemical reactions in living cells happen
an average state close to but below the probability of creating a fluctuation of a at the proper rate and at the right time
''ansition threshold will always have given type. Of course, once this prob- is well known. The first type of control
a nonvanishing probability of reaching ability is appreciable, the system will mechanism ensures that there is no ex-
"le unstable region through fluctua- eventually reach a unique (apart from cessive synthesis, or lack of small me-
tions. When this happens, certain small fluctuations) stable state, once tabolites, for instance, of energy-rich
'ypes of fluctuations will be amplified the boundary conditions are specified. molecules such as ATP (adenosine tri-


phosphate). The usual way this mech- tween cells is also observed in these
anism operates is to affect the rate at colonies. Among the best studied fami-
which a particular protein (enzyme) lies showing this behavior are the slime
catalyzing one reaction step acts. One molds. Their aggregation is mediated
of the best studied biochemical chains by a cyclic AMP (adenosine monophos-
from this point of view is glycolysis, a phate) that can be secreted by the cells.
process of great importance for the ener- The initiation of this aggregation can be
getics of living cells. Experiments show interpreted17 as an instability of the uni-

taint's that the concentrations of the chemicals

participating in the reaction present
undamped oscillations in time, with per-
form distribution (corresponding to the
absence of aggregation) of the individual
cells, which again belongs to the ther-
Remarkable fectly reproducible periods and ampli-
tudes. On the other hand, starting from
modynamic branch. One is tempted to
hope that these aggregation phenomena

Timing known data on the elementary reaction will provide valuable indications of how
steps, one can construct mathematical higher organisms develop. In this case
models for glycolysis.12'13 A detailed the interpretation in terms of dissipative

Discriminator study of the rate equations shows that

the experimental results may be inter-
preted quantitatively as oscillations of
the limit-cycle type arising beyond the
structures would provide a much needed
unifying principle for all these extremely
diverse and complex processes.
instability of a time-independent solu- * * *
• VIRTUALLY INDEPENDENT tion that belongs to the thermodynamic This is the first part of a two-part article.
OF RISE TIME branch. In other words, glycolysis is a In the second part, to appear next month, we
temporal dissipative structure. This contrast prebiological with biological evolu-
• ±1.4 NANOSECOND WALK tion, as described in terms of the "survival of
IN 100:1 DYNAMIC RANGE, result is expected to extend to a whole the fittest" principle. Of special interest to
Ge(Li) series of regulatory processes at the us will be instabilities that may lead to in-
metabolic level. creased entropy production. We shall de-
scribe Eigen's recent theory of competition
A second type of control mechanism among biopolymers and, with simple mathe-
TIMWE DISC in living cells affects the rate of synthe- matical models, shall illustrate the relation
M0B61 SIOAt'
sis of the various protein molecules that between stability and evolution.
exist in a cell. Usually this mechanism
Now, walk-free works on a group of more than one en- References
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2. L. von Bertalannfy, General System The-
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switching on the action of a part of the 4. P. Glansdorff, I. Prigogine, Thermody-
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That's typical of struct mathematical models for this and Fluctuations, Wiley, New York
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ity to an excited state of high permeabil- M. Herschkowitz-Kaufman, Comptes
ity. The former is a polarized state aris- Rendus 270C, 1049 (1970); A. T. Winfree,
ing from the maintenance of different Science 175, 634(1972).
ionic-charge densities on the two sides.
11. D. Thomas, A. Goldbeter, private com-
In the excited state the ionic-charge-
munication (to be published).
density difference tends to diminish in
an almost discontinuous fashion (all-or- 12. E. E. Sel'kov, Eur. J. Biochem. 4, 79
none transition). This depolarization
can be interpreted quantitatively16 as a 13. A. Goldbeter. R. Lefever, Biophys. J.
transition arising beyond the instability October 1972.
FREE 16-PAGE of the polarized state and belonging to 14. D. Cherniavskii, L. Grigorov, M. Polya-
"METHODS the "nonthermodynamic" branch. kova in Oscillatory Processes in Biologi-
OF NUCLEAR Here the constraint driving the system cal and Chemical Systems Nauka Mos-
far from equilibrium is the difference
in charge density on the two sides. 15. A. Babloyantz, G. Nicolis. J. Theor Biol
ELSCINT LTD. Certain unicellular organisms develop
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a kind of organization composed of indi- 16. R. Blumenthal, J. P. Changeux, R. Lefe-
ver, J. Membrane Biol. 2, 351 (1970).
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENT DEPT. vidual cells aggregated in colonies; a
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