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Booklets & Brochures

Drug Interactions
Drug Interactions, a new publica-
tion released by RN Magazine, is a 6"
by 9" soft cover 16-page booklet list-
ing the interactions of more than 300
widely used drugs. It is divided into 13
classifications of drugs. Each classifica-
tion carries a listing of the interactions
that may occur when a person starts
taking one drug while already taking
another. Each drug is listed alphabeti-
cally by generic name, with trade
names used where further identiflca-
tion is warranted. The booklet is corn-
plete with an index for easy reference.
RUDMOSE@ Single copies are available at $1.00
AUTOMATIC BEKESY each from Drug Interactions, RN
RECORDING AUDIOMETER Magazine, Oradell, N.J. 07649.

Drug Abuse and Your Child

RA·I06A Parents who are concerned that

their children may get caught up in the
rapidly spreading use of drugs need to
be more sensitive to the danger signs
AUDIOMETER and more knowledgable about drugs
CALIBRATOR... themselves.
for Industrial use Drug Abuse and Your Child, by
Alice Shiller, a new Public Affairs
pamphlet, discusses some of the rea-
sons why young people turn to drugs;
SOUND ROOMS alerts parents to signs of drug abuse;
Single/Double Wall summarizes basic information about
Singles/Suites various drugs - marijuana and other
hallucinogens, narcotics, ampheta-
mines, and barbiturates; and suggests
what can be done to prevent drug use
and to help a child get off drugs if he
is on them.
Parents who think their child may
be using drugs may notice such charac-
teristics as these:
I. A youngster on heroin or other
narcotics gives the impression of being
WARRANTY FROM ONE SOURCE asleep on his feet. He is so quiet he
FOR MORE INFORMATION or for a demonstration with- may be overlooked. The pupils of his
out obligation - contract: TRACOR, Inc. Medical In- eyes get smaller.
struments, 6500 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721· 2. From both the amphetamines
AC 512 926-2800 ' and the barbiturates, the user can be-

Medical Instruments from bJii1iifiii.~-.

- 4- , - . - - ' , .
come more talkative, overly helpful.

"AAOA&A Exhibition October 5·9

42 See us in Booth #126"
He may tend to be silly and to walk Miss Shiller concludes with a chal- doing to help children be creative
with a drunken gait. lenge to parents: "If you want an rather than destructive, to be more re-
3. The principal body indications of environment for your children that is sponsible rather than uncaring, to
drug use are posture, gesture, and the free of the drug menace, you will have share dreams instead of junkies' night-
eyes. Glassy eyes, red eyes, and chang- to work for it. .. .Just writing a check mares?"
es in the size of the pupil are signifi- for a donation to private institutions Drug Abuse and Your Child is avail-
cant. helping young drug users may not be able for 2S cents from the Public Af-
Miss Shiller offers a number of sug- enough....What are you doing to fairs Committee, a non-profit educa-
gestions that can contribute to a solu- eradicate poverty, ignorance, discrimi- tional organization, 381 Park Avenue
tion of the drug problem. On a per' nation, and disease? What are you South, New York, N.Y. 10016.
sonal level, she suggests that - in
addition to help and guidance from
schools and other community re-
sources - parents may want to take Betty-Jane
steps such as these:
1. Start by discussing the preva-
isn't on the switchboard
lence and the effects of drugs with
your son or daughter. You should not
be shocked to be told that they are
easily available in the school or neigh-
borhood. You also may want to dis-
cuss the problem with the school
authorities or the PTA, to put into ac-
tion a comprehensive drug education
2. You might ask your youngster if
he is experimenting with drugs. Should
you find that he is, keep calm. Your
child needs your love and understand-
ing, and your help. Don't challenge
him point-blank or try to scare him.
But point out the realities of his situa-
tion: the danger of psychological
dependence and what could happen to
him if he were arrested for using mario
juana or even for being present when
others were using it. Don't just lecture
him; also listen to what he has to say.
3. If your child needs help, see that
She went home with
he gets it. Studies have shown that menstrual cramps.
children using drugs may be psycho- Betty-Jane might have stayed on the job if you had given her PAMPRIN@
logically disturbed. Community re- Pre-Period Tablets. Pamprin relieves menstrual cramps and tension
sources can help: your doctor, for because it goes to work before pain starts.
instance, local public health agencies, During the pre-period days when absenteeism is highest, Pamprin helps
family service organizations, your prevent discomfort and irritability. It gets at a basic cause of discomfort:
church or synagogue, special resources
for help with drug problems.
There are several kinds of help now
available for the rehabilitation of drug
water that can cause painful pressure on nerves
and tissues.
So have your employees take Pamprin Pre-Perlbd
Tablets at the first sign of bloating. Help relieve
temporary water-weight build-Up. Pamprin gently releases the excess

abusers, though more effective meth- their discomfort-before it starts. ~ ..
ods are being sought. The author ex- The Pamprin Pre-Period Industrial Pack (con- , . .
plains that today "rehabilitation of taining 100 foil envelopes of 4 tablets each) is 1ll"'".J1
hard-drug abusers, when part of an now available at the trade discount price of ~ll)nQtJ.,.~
established program, is approached in
$8.25. Send order to: ~;::, '1 ~
these ways: civil commitment [to a 1715 W. 38th Street
treatment center], drug maintenance, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37409
and group self-help....

Occupational Health Nursing. September 1970

., 43

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