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Multiple Choice (5):

Which of the following is an example of a primary source of information?

a) Research article published in a scientific journal
b) Encyclopedia entry
c) Book analyzing historical events
d) Newspaper article reporting current events

What does it mean to use locational skills to gather information from primary
a) Using GPS technology to locate physical sources of information
b) Finding specific sources within a library or archive
c) Determining the credibility of primary sources
d) Identifying relevant primary sources based on topic or subject matter

When using locational skills to gather information from secondary sources, what are
you primarily looking for?
a) Information that supports your research hypothesis
b) Citations and references to primary sources
c) Personal opinions and anecdotes
d) Statistical data and quantitative information

How can the internet be utilized to gather vital information for research purposes?
a) By relying solely on information from websites without verification
b) By avoiding internet sources due to their unreliability
c) By critically evaluating and cross-referencing information from various websites
d) By copying and pasting information directly from websites into research papers

What is the importance of cross-referencing information from various websites?

a) It helps to increase the word count of a research paper.
b) It allows for plagiarism detection and citation management.
c) It ensures that the information is accurate and credible.
d) It makes the research process more time-consuming and complicated.

True or False (5):

True or False: Primary sources are original firsthand accounts or direct evidence.
True or False: Locational skills are not necessary for gathering information from
secondary sources.
True or False: Websites are always reliable sources of information for research.
True or False: Cross-referencing information from multiple websites is unnecessary.
True or False: Secondary sources are more trustworthy than primary sources.
Identification (5):

What are primary sources of information in research?

How can locational skills be applied when gathering information from primary
What is the difference between primary and secondary sources of information?
What are some criteria to consider when evaluating the reliability of information
found on websites?
Why is it important to critically analyze and verify information obtained from the
Matching Type (5):
Match the following terms related to gathering information from primary and
secondary sources with their definitions:

Primary source
Secondary source
Website evaluation
Locational skills
A. Assessing the credibility and accuracy of websites
B. Original firsthand accounts or direct evidence
C. Referring to multiple sources to verify information
D. Information derived from primary sources
E. Using physical or digital skills to locate sources of information

Multiple Choice: 1. a) Research article published in a scientific journal
2. d) Identifying relevant primary sources based on topic or subject matter
3. b) Citations and references to primary sources
4. c) By critically evaluating and cross-referencing information from various
5. c) It ensures that the information is accurate and credible

True or False: 1. True

2. False
3. False
4. False
5. False

Identification: 1. Original firsthand accounts or direct evidence in research

2. Applying physical or digital skills to locate primary sources
3. Primary sources are original, direct evidence, while secondary sources interpret
or analyze primary sources.
4. Consider factors such as author expertise, publication credibility, and
supporting evidence.
5. To ensure accuracy, credibility, and avoid misinformation.

Matching Type: 1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. E

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