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Talent is an ability in which you have a special touch of overcoming and it is easy to perform
according to its type, in my opinion this is developed as we feel passion for something, in my
case I have always felt an affinity to art which at the beginning was not given to me naturally
but I had inspiration and teaching from my parents, starting with the classic drawing of the
house in the mountains or taking pictures in support of my mom's profession.


Talent, as I have already mentioned, is developed through practice, repetition and, personally,
through the love we feel when performing an activity we love because we feel we are good or
better than the average person.

Issue – Question:

Thesis statement: Talent is developed

Order of ideas to be discussed:


1 - Persistence

2 - Pasion

3 - Patience

4 - Fellings

5 - Determination


Talent is developed as long as we want to develop it, we can all develop a talent, it depends on

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