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Ayuk Prihatin

3B – 183211067


POI can seem unimportant in comparison to bigger issues. POI are valuable tools. If used and
dealt with effectively can greatly influence a team’s persuasiveness.
A good POI can do its below :
1. Force an opponent to concede an argument.
2. Throw an opponent of his or her rhythm, reducing the persuasiveness of arguments to
3. Force the opponent to discuss issues he/she would othewise avoid, focusing the round
onto your preffered of terms.
4. Immediately diffuse a powerfull argument.
5. Lighten up around through humour.
6. Gives the opposition the opportunity to challenge a case’s structure and parametters at the
outside round.
7. Gives a team presence in the round, allowing team to gain power in the eyes of the judge.
Type of POI
1. Clarification
e.g. “Sorry, I dont understand. Are you proposing to criminalze X , or just make it
clarification purpose makes the debate better, so there’s clash.
2. Fact Question
e.g. “but isn’t it true that there is no chance that missile defence will work?”
it’s purposed to direct clsh with their arguments. Interrupt debateer’s rhytm.
3. Burden
e.g. “what is your model for development?”
burden purposed taking a risk to expose opponent’s incompetence.
4. Construtive/Rebuttal POIs
These will help further thr clash of debate by forcing your opponent to answer the
question. Altough there are far too many potential strategies to present in a brief article,
the debater must keep in mind the effects that choices in timing can have.
The most important thing to remember when giving POIs is to be confident. Stand confidently
while waiting and, when recignized, also speak. Don’t be intimidated. Be concise when giving
your point. Take the time you need to present your question effectively but don’t waste your
opponent’s time. as a general frame of reference, POIs should not take more than 15 second for
effective ones.

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