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Reflective Journal

1) Why is it important to preserve the Filipino Martial-arts – Arnis in today’s

- Arnis plays an important role in Filipino culture and identity because we
appreciate our heritage. It must be a joy to promote and safeguard our culture
since it illustrates how Filipinos are unique in the culture that gives our life
value. We should also be proud of the culture we represent because the Arnis
have gained respect in our community and throughout Filipino history. In
today's generation, we should continue to promote and learn about Arnis
because doing so helps us enhance our talents, which in turn can aid in our
personal development.

2) How would you value the importance of the basic equipment of Arnis?
- I can respect how to use the essential tools of Arnis, how to take care of and
preserve Arnis' physical appearance, and how to give Arnis a great deal of
respect so that we may improve our behavior in line with being respected and
valuable as Filipinos. This means that we must recognize and respect these
values since they are a reflection of who we are in Filipino culture and
because Arnis is a part of our history and society. Additionally, we must
respect and study the Arnis in order to understand its significance and
advantages, which we may then apply to our own lives.

3) What is the significant contribution of the Arnis’ sports benefits to one’s health
and wellness?
- Arnis contributes significantly to my health and wellness in the form of
increased strength and cardiovascular health because, when performed
correctly, the skills movement of Arnis can increase strength, and the Arnis
improves skill-related fitness by promoting faster reflexes and reaction times,
which are critical for self defense. The capacity to respond quickly aids in the
detection, blocking, or avoidance of an attack. You can do so by acting fast to
defend yourself or leave potentially dangerous circumstances.

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