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TIME :5 minutes

OSCE( history taking- short stature)

Examiner copy Mark /22

A mother came to see you in the clinic, she thinks that her 2 year old
son is short compared to children his age. His height is 80cm (<5th%tile)

Take a focused history from the mother.

Observe the student asking the mother about the following:

Onset of problem/ birth history

Length at birth/ previous height measurements 0 1
Birth weight 0 1
Gestational age 0 1
Any neonatal problems (NICU admissions) 0 1
Asking about developmental history (one milestone about each domain)
Gross motor: if the child runs well, jumps, or upstairs downstairs…….. 0 1
Fine motor: if the child scribbles, builds 7 cubes…….. 0 1
Language: if the child speaks 2-3 word sentences 0 1
Social history: handles spoon, listens to stories, helps to undress….. 0 1
Asking about symptoms chronic illnesses
Asking about weight or weight gain 0 1
Asking about activity 0 1
Chronic diarrhea, or vomiting, or constipation (any one) 0 1
Appetite, and feeding 0 1
Asking about teeth 0 1
Asking about use of medications 0 1
Family history
Asking about maternal and paternal height 0 1
Asking about family history of short stature 0 1
Asking about family history of genetic disorders/ chronic illnesses 0 1

Stop the student after 4 minutes to ask the following question

Q: If the physical examination of this child showed normal weight for age, short
stature, and large umbilical hernia, what is the most likely diagnosis? (allow one
diagnosis only)
Hypothyroidism 0 2

Overall performance 0 1 2 3
Time: 5 minutes
Station: History taking

A mother came to see you in the clinic; she thinks

that her 2 year old son is short compared to
children his age. His height is 80cm (<5th%tile)

Take a focused history from the mother. Then

answer the examiner’s question

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