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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research)



April 2023
Chapter I


This chapter presents the introductory paragraphs, theoretical framework, statement

of the problem, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of terms to

narrate the importance and purpose of the present study.

Introductory Paragraphs

The COVID-19 pandemic had severely affected various educational institutions all

over the world, especially here in the Philippines (Gonzales, 2020; Mallillin et al., 2020;

Mallillin et al., 2020b; Teräs et al., 2020; Toquero, 2020; Tria, 2020;). United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2020) reported that at its peak in late April

of 2020, disruption in education and school closures had affected more than 1.6 billion

students at all levels worldwide, 28 million of which were from the Philippines. This global

pandemic changed the way we live our lives, mainly the way Filipinos have performed their

delivery of learning from a traditional classroom

Coping strategies are ways of handling stressful and troublesome circumstances, and

students need to develop coping strategies to manage encountered stress. Coping is described

as the thoughts and activities used to deal with stressful events in internal and external

aspects. It is a phrase that distinguishes conscious and deliberate act mobilization from

'defense mechanisms,' which are subconscious or unconscious adaptive reactions aimed at

reducing or tolerating stress (Algorani & Gupta, 2021). If students are not able to manage

stress, the stressors coming from different kinds of problems can affect the ability of students

to perform (Rogers & Yassin, 2003 cited by Cimanes & Guevaira, 2017).
Face-to-Face Learning has long existed among educational systems. Rather than

being held in online learning, Face-to-Face Learning involves direct interaction between the

teacher and the students, as well as among the students themselves. Lectures, Discussions,

Demonstrations, Group work, Role-playing, and Experiential Learning, are commonly used

in this method of education, the teacher and students interact through Face-to-Face that

would serve as their connections to one another as well as the instrument that would support

the activity of new normal of Face-to-face Learning.

In the challenges that the students encounter, students develop coping strategies to

overcome these challenges and stressors. The researchers aim to identify and examine the

challenges and coping mechanisms of the Senior High School (SHS) students of the Agusan

National High School (ANHS) in a Face-to-face Learning. Through determining the said

aspects, the researchers would like to use the results as a way to help the educational system

improve and develop a better and more efficient solution for teachers and students in

adapting to the new normal way of learning.

Theoretical Framework

Stress during learning is thought to enhance memory formation while at the same

time hindering memory retrieval. This is because stress can have both a positive and negative

effect on student outcome (Bentz & Lazarevic, 2020). The results of the study show that

there is a significant difference in the level of stress associated with student learning in

disparate learning environments. These findings suggest new avenues for exploring and

understanding how aspects of course delivery modality, such as how the students perceives

stress, and when there is stress, there is a coping mechanism.

Coping mechanisms are ways in which external or internal stress is managed, adapted

to, or acted upon (Folkman & Lazarus, n.d). Coping is an activity we do to seek and apply

solutions to stressful situations or problems that emerge because of our stressors. Stress and

Coping Theory focuses on how people manage & the adverse effects of stress (Lazarus &

Folkman, 1984). People cope with stress in a variety of ways, depending on personal

preferences and/or environmental & demands (Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010). The model is

based on the assumption that people in stressful situations face two tasks; they need to solve

the problem and control their emotions, which are reflected in two corresponding

dimensions, that is, the problem coping dimension and emotion coping dimension. Over

some time, academic stress among students has increased drastically leading them to mental

health issues like depression, anxiety, and suicide (Eagle YK, Sharma U 2018).

Figure 1. Transactional stress/coping model based on the Stress and Coping Theory

This model illustrate the Stress and Coping Theory, where the first set of influencing

factors (personal factors ) has an effect on how the individual perceives a person environment

relationship. A second set of influencing factors, is the situational factors, these are

influences that do not occur from within the individual but from elsewhere like the
environment and others around you. Then two separate appraisal processes determine if a

situation is stressful or not, first the Primary appraisal determines if the situation is

considered stressful, after that Secondary appraisal is initiated if a situation is deemed

stressful. Hence, coping strategies are initiated, and the person-environment relationship

changes, the individual reappraises the situation. This process continues until the condition is

deemed not stressful or at least tolerable. Coping research has identified two major groups of

coping strategies (Folkman & Lazarus, 1984; Schneider & Taylor, 1989). Where Emotion-

focused coping occurs when there has been an appraisal that nothing can be done to modify

harmful, threatening, or challenging person-environment transactions. This strategy is

directed toward lessening emotional distress through avoidance, distancing, selective

attention, positive, comparisons and finding positive value in negative events. Then Problem-

focused coping, on the other hand, can be employed when the situation is appraised as

changeable. These coping methods are directed at defining the problem, generating

alternative solutions, weighing the alternatives in terms of their costs and benefits, choosing

among them, and acting. Finally, outcomes are produced as a result of the process. According

to Folkman and Lazarus (1984) short-term are described as positive and negative feelings

and and long-term outcomes as social functioning and morale.

We further explained the Stress and Coping Theory in order to understand hows does

coping mechanism works and how does it developed, we can utilize this to know more

knowledge in each individuals on how they managed to overcome their difficulties and what

are the Coping Mechanism in each students.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to understand the coping mechanism of Agusan National High

School students to the educational difficulties they have experienced during the face-to-face

learning after the pandemic.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What are the challenges/difficulties the students face during the face-to-face


2. What are the factors why the students experienced challenges/difficulties?

3. How do the students cope with their challenges/difficulties?

The findings of this study will identify what challenges/difficulties that students face

during the face-to-face classes post pandemic. Such as learning gaps between the students, it

also aims for giving awareness to the students itself.

Significance of the Study

The study was to identify the relationship between stress and coping mechanism and

on how the students cope with their difficulties during the face-to-face classes among the

ANHS students.

The following can surely benefits in this present study.

ANHS Administrators. Allow the school to conduct orientation and to know ANHS

Senior High students coping mechanisms and help alleviate their struggles in their daily job.

ANHS Teachers. Despite the challenge they're facing, they still must keep track of

their student's development, and monitor the progress of their students in the new normal

face-to-face learning as ANHS Senior High teachers.

ANHS Students. Acknowledge their coping mechanism in new normal face to face

learning as ANHS Senior High students.

The Researchers. Explore the experience and struggles of ANHS Senior High

students to the new normal face-to-face learning.

Future Researchers. Help them understand more about the study and at the same

time it serves as their reference.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study covers only the public school Senior High School students in

Agusan National High School, located in T. Sanchez Street, Butuan City, Mindanao,


Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study were conceptually and operationally defined to

have deeper understanding.

Coping Mechanism. A strategy used to handle or overcome educational difficulties,

this is a use deal or manage with stressful activities.

Educational Difficulties. Are the challenges that the students faced, such as

academic pressure, social anxiety, time management. .

Face-to-face Learning. A traditional mode of education where students physically

attend classes and interact with teachers and peers in a classroom setting.

Phenomenological Study. A method that aims to describe how individuals

experience and make sense of a particular phenomenon..

The New Normal. Refers to the current situation in social, cultural and educational

system which changes that have occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chapter II

This chapter looks at the literature and studies that are related to the present study and

helps to make the research more valid and reliable. This study aims to identify the Coping

mechanism of Agusan National High School Senior High School Students during the new

normal. The following topics will be discussed in this chapter: The New Normal Education,

Struggles in The New Normal Education, and Coping Mechanism. It is presented in a

thematic way.

The New Normal Education

Different environments can help students learn more efficiently. This can come in the

form of when, where, and how they learn, and how to learn not only presents students

with a variety of learning environments but also allows them to choose how they

want to learn to turn to their area of interest. They can deepen their independence by

participating in learning events and critical, creative, and analytical thinking skills (Ark &

Yowell, 2018). Moreover, students can solve a problem by experiencing challenges and

difficulties in learning in which they can come up with the meaning and reality of being

successful. Nowadays, students face many challenges with the sudden change in the

educational system in the country and different parts of the world due to the COVID-19

outbreak. The traditional face-to-face learning in the classroom was changed into different

types of modalities. One type of these modalities is Blended Learning (BL), a combination of

both online and offline learning methodologies with the use of technology, another one is

distance learning, which consists of module distribution online learning using the internet.
Another type of modality is homeschooling or modular learning.

In the Philippines, modular distance learning is the most widely used learning

delivery method, in which students study classes via self-learning modules. Students are

provided self-learning modules once a quarter to continue their self-paced study at home.

Individualized teaching in which the learner employs self-learning modules and other

learning resources with little contact from the teachers is referred to as this modality (Dangle

&Sumaoang, 2020, DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020). In modular distance learning, students

are autonomous and agents to take charge of their learning individually (Malipot, 2020).

Teacher’s role in this modality, however, is to keep track of the student’s progress.

According to Juneja, Pillai, and Virmani, as of June 1, 2020, 1.2 billion students

were affected by the closure of an educational institutions in 144 countries. This includes

68% of the total number of students enrolled worldwide. In the Philippines, the synchronous

lectures, which use screen-sharing slides to reproduce teachings, students are called upon to

perform a recitation. Other lecturers provide links and files that can be used, later on,

Blended Learning and Distance Learning where, combining face-to-face lessons with e-

learning modules is a relatively new phenomenon in education.

As we know face-to-face learning is learning in class that relies on the presence of

teaching lecturers to teach in class, on face-to-face learning, students are involved in

spontaneous verbal communication in a permanent physical environment (Tang, n.d).

Students' perceptions of learning achievement provide additional insight, which enables

educators to understand student perspectives about learning goals that are being met and

which learning objectives can be improve.

In the Phillipines, after two years of the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) is implementing the progressive

expansion of limited in-person learning. The schools are mandated with strict safety

standards, which also led to the closure of many schools (Cabrera, 2022). There have been

some big problems after the pandemic. In addition. Estoque and Odocado (2021), stated that

the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected how students are doing poorly in school.

Education during the pandemic causes learning stress and harms students' happiness and their

ability to do well in school, as classes are back in Post-COVID-19 time, specific steps should

be taken to reduce stress and improve the teaching and learning processes.

The education sector is one of the most highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

in the Philippines, and there were some posed challenges and issues presented while

recommending several approaches to the new normal. Therefore, all schools need to take into

account these concerns and carefully evaluate plans and procedures for the new normal.

Struggles in The New Normal Education

According to Huckins (2020), he revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had an

immediate impact on the mental health of students. The study recorded spikes in depression

and anxiety at the beginning of the pandemic in early. Saavedra (2020) commented that the

pandemic the whole world is experiencing right now is potentially one of the greatest threats

in global education, a gigantic educational crisis, at this time all levels of education, students

and teachers are transitioning from classrooms to computers as the number of confirmed

COVID-19 cases continues to rise. Not every subject lends itself to a smooth transition to

distance learning, as students and instructors have discovered. Distance learning has

presented challenges to teachers trying to adapt to lecturing online. According to Perez

(2020) teachers are concerned that modular distance learning won’t work for some of the

students because aside from the fact that they can’t read and comprehend on their own, their

parents are also not capable of guiding them. The online learning-related difficulties such as

phone signal challenges, internet connection problems, and the cost of buying load for data

were the most feasible reasons behind the suicide (Recaña, 2020). The common causes of

students’ struggles include their academic subjects, requirements, and projects, oral and

written examinations, announced or unannounced quizzes and graded recitations, finances,

issues with parents or guardians, love life, their professors and instructors, and many more

stated by Malisang (2021). Another result of a study about the causes of students' stress was

that different factors cause stress among students. These factors included: relationship

factors, environmental factors, academic factors, and personal factors. According to Malisang

(2021), that it is important for students to develop different coping strategies to encounter

and manage stressful conditions.

In today’s date stress has been an integral part of life because there are many things

which act as a stress catalyzer, COVID-19 has caused significant distress around the globe

especially the new normal. Stress is a problem for people of all ages, but it is increasingly

affecting children, especially students. So that's why it is important for these students to have

their own Coping mechanism as this would help lessen the stress of each individuals.

Students face a lot of stress and pressure on a daily basis, especially those in school. tests,

extracurricular activities, as well as social, family, and obligations can become

overwhelming, especially in the new normal education.

Coping Mechanism

The COVID-19 pandemic brought global problems in business, the environment,

government, health, technology, and education. The COVID-19 Pandemic and the imposed

social confinement have produced significant stress, anxiety, worries about health and the

fear of being infected, jobs, and financial problems, uncertainty about the future. In addition,

Elis and Elmer (2020) stated that learners’ levels of negative psychological states like

anxiety, stress, boredom, loneliness, and other depressive symptoms.

According to Bel and Goldman (2020), there are many ways people respond to stress

in their lives. This was the concept of Lazarus and Folkman where coping is defined as

constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or

internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of that person, in

short coping is outlined as a stage-wise process that functions as consistent assessment and

re-assessment of an individual's environment or situation. Moreover, Bel and Goldman

(2020) supported the idea that each individual has coping resources whereas Lazarus and

Folkman stated these are protective factors include social support, social, skills, problem-

solving skills, positive beliefs, and health and energy, in contrast, there are also “constraints

against coping resources” which we could also label as risk factors, these risk factors are

cultural values and norms around emotions and behaviors, environmental constraints such as

material resources, and level of threat.

Coping is described as the mind and behaviors mobilized to manipulate the inner and

outside traumatic situations, it is a time period used distinctively for aware and voluntary

mobilization facts, specific from 'protection mechanisms' which can be unconscious or

subconscious adaptive responses, coping has been identified as a critical factor in the
mechanism of eliminating, mitigating, or tolerating stress and avoiding psychological distress

(Commendador, Espaldon, Encamacio, Fransico, Molleno, 2021).

The COVID-19 pandemic and the enforced restrictions have harshly affected

educational sectors. Feelings play a significant role in psychological well-being of students

hence directly affecting all aspects of their academic lives (Phan, 2019). These undesirable

circumstances combined with health-related fears and uncertainty towards future have

brought a wave of negative feelings including frustration, boredom, tiredness, anxiety, stress,

depression, and anger to students of all academic levels across the world.

Grades, economic complications, professional future, lack of study time, extensive

amount of work, parental expectations of school performance, anguish with societal life and

finally the sudden change are responsible for creating a stressful situation of life. Training of

mind and thought management through Coping Mechanism could help your life a lot.

This study highlights The New Normal and what was like the education in The New

Normal, where the students are brought by encompassing learning system where these

students struggles to adapt to this new norm, creating challenges that deprives them of

valuable opportunities, this leads to students to establish coping mechanism where it is a

routine that helps them maintain their sense of structure.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the overall approach and rationale of the present study, site and

population selection and sampling strategies, access, role, reciprocity, trust, rapport, ethical

and political considerations, data collection methods, data analysis procedures, procedures to

address trustworthiness and credibility.

Overall Approach and Rationale

The approach used in this study is a phenomenological approach as it is focused on

unraveling the struggles faced by the Agusan National High School Senior students

especially the time of post-pandemic or the face-to-face classes. This study will show how

the Senior students at Agusan National High School cope with the struggles of the

educational difficulties of face-to-face learning.

Site and Population Selection and Sampling Strategies

The study will be conducted in a public school Senior High School in Agusan

National High School at T. Sanchez Street, Butuan City. Students will be the subject of the

study using non-probability sampling which is convenient sampling. Convenience Sampling

will be used because the participants are readily available. The participants will be

interviewed by the researchers and the researchers have easy access to the students who will

volunteer to be questioned or interviewed in a focused group discussion and to be recorded

for the reliability of the answers which are to be kept for anonymity and confidentiality.
Access, Role, Reciprocity, Trust, Rapport

For easy access of the participants, the researchers purposely and conventionally

choose their participants students..

Researcher’s role is to ask their identified participants students their willingness to

participate in the present research study.

Reciprocity could be done with an agreement between the researchers and

participants that the participant’s identity should be kept confidential.

To gain the trust and good rapport of the participants, an approval letter from the

research adviser and letter of consent from the school principal will be secured noted by the

Practical Research Group Head. The letter for the participant will be prepared by the

researchers with the consent and approval of the research adviser and Practical Research

Group Head with assurance and confidentiality that gave comfort to the participants on the

whole duration of the conduct of study.

Ethical and Political Considerations

The participants will not be subjected to harm in many ways and respect for the

dignity was prioritized. The researchers will obtain full consent from the participants prior to

the conduct of the study and protection privacy of the participants were ensured. Any type of

communication in relation to the research to be done with honesty and transparency as well

as representation of primary data findings in a biased was will be avoided. The researchers

will respect and honor the participant’s perspective.

Data Collection Methods

The researchers will conduct a face-to-face interview with the identified participants,

with prepared research questions as their guide. The prepared questions will focus on the

struggles of the Senior High students in Agusan National High School to the educational

difficulties of face-to-face learning that are currently facing, experience and encounter and

how they manage to overcome it. An interview will be scheduled that depends on the

convenient time of the students during their vacant hours, or after the class. The materials to

be used during the interview will be a prepared questionnaire that contain specific questions

that will serve as the researcher's guide for consistency, a record book and pen for note

taking, a voice recorder to ensure the validity of the answers of the participants that will not

be missed by the researchers, and a cellphone camera for documentation purposes for

researchers monitoring of the interviewed participants that will not be exposed.

After the interview, a simple pen will be given to the participants as a sign of


Data Analysis Procedures

After gathering the important information from the participants, the researchers will

review the answers of the participants through revisiting and rereading what they have taken

note then listening to the voice recording and will compare its validity and consistency.

The data will then be transcribed for transcriptions and translations purposes. The

participant’s answers in vernacular language will be translated into English language. The

researcher will then consolidate and summarize the data and encode and review it again.
The researchers will then get the factors from the main idea of the questions and the

common responses from the participant’s bases for a theme formulation. The formulated

theme will then be analyzed for results and discussion presentations to complete the study.

Procedures to Address Trustworthiness and Credibility

The researchers upon the approval of the research adviser will ask permission from

the school principal of Agusan National High School to conduct the study to make their

research study authentic following the standard legal procedures and authorization. The

researchers will assure that the participants will be protected in any form of discrimination

and any risk during and after the study. Thus, the participants has the right to withdraw from

the study at any stage if they wish to do so and will not be penalized. Participants

participation in the study are with participants consent for them to decide to get into or not

prior to the conduct of the interview for transparency and full awareness of the main

objective of the study.

The principle of inform consent will involve researchers to provide sufficient

information and assurance about taking part to allow participants to understand the

implications of participation and to reach a fully inform, considered and freely given decision

with voluntary act whether to do or not to do so without the exercise of any pressure or

coercion. The research study will be done with honesty and transparency.

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