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Asinine Attitudes

Toward Motivation

by Harry Levinson

No. 73106
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Asinine Attitudes Toward Motivation

Harry Levinson

What this noted psychologist calls “the great jackass dumbfounded. They had thought that the supervi-
fallacy” is an unconscious managerial assumption about sors were loyal, and that they themselves were
people and how they should be motivated. It results in thoughtful and kindly.
the powerful treating the powerless as objects and in the M An airline purchases a fleet of hydraulic lift
perpetuation of anachronistic organizational structures
trucks for placing food aboard aircraft at a large New
that destroy the individual's sense of worth and accom-
York terminal. Although these trucks cost hundreds
plishment. And it is responsible for the “motivational cri-
sis” that afflicts many large organizations. The author of thousands of dollars, they sit disabled on the air-
argues that in today's climate of increased pressure on port apron. Maintenance employees and technicians
organizations to become more responsive to both their occasionally glance at them contemptuously as they
members and society, it is particularly incumbent on go about their work in sullen anger. Management is
managers to recognize the effect of the jackass fallacy on dismayed that these employees seem unresponsive
their thinking and to counter its effects in their organiza- to its cost-reduction efforts.
tions. Then he offers some suggestions for taking the first M Large companies, seeking new products, acquire
steps in this direction. smaller companies. Almost invariably, the success-
ful managements of the acquired companies are
In spite of the corporate efforts to promote smooth soon gone and no new products are forthcoming.
management-employee relations, events like these The larger organizations only increase their size and
continue to happen: managerial burdens, and the hoped-for advantages
evaporate. While this happens repeatedly, execu-
M The top management of a large manufacturing tives do not seem to learn from such failures.
company discovers that some of its line employees
have embezzled a five-figure sum while their super- When these events are looked at psychologically,
visors stood by unperturbed. The executives are their underlying causes become evident.
In the first case, the manufacturer renegotiated its
labor contract every two years. Obviously, the
Mr. Levinson, a familiar author to HBR readers, is President of appropriate person to do so was the vice president in
The Levinson Institute, Adjunct Professor in the College of charge of labor relations. But the people who carried
Business Administration at Boston University, and Lecturer at out the contract and knew the employees best were
the Harvard Medical School. This article is adapted from his
forthcoming book, The Great Jackass Fallacy, which will be pub-
the first-level supervisors; no one asked them what
lished in January of this year by the Division of Research, should be in the contract and what problems they
Harvard Business School. had in implementing it. By its actions, management

Copyright © 1972 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
communicated to the supervisors that they did not Each of the foregoing problems would be dis-
matter much. missed in most organizations simply as a “failure in
Furthermore, the union let grievances pile up communications.” Many psychologists would advo-
just before the contract came up for renewal every cate dealing with such difficulties by participative
two years, knowing full well that, to get a con- management. Yet beneath that glib “explanation,”
tract, management would settle the grievances in and unresponsive to that ready “remedy,” lies a fun-
the union's favor. But the supervisors were the damental unconscious management attitude that is
ones who bore the brunt of the grievances, since responsible for most contemporary management-
they carried out the terms of the contract. When labor problems and for what is now being called a
management gave in, the supervisors felt that they “crisis in motivation.” I call this attitude the great
had been undercut. In effect, these people were jackass fallacy.
being told that they were stupid, that they had Later in this article, I shall describe the fallacy in
nothing useful to contribute to policy making, and detail and offer some suggestions for correcting it.
that their job was to do as they were told. So they But first let us explore in more depth the motiva-
stood by during the stealing—if management did tional crisis that it has precipitated.
not care about them, why should they care about
In the second case, the issue for the airlines was
much the same. A purchasing officer had bought the Motivational Miasma
trucks, complete with sophisticated electronic con-
trols. What was more natural than the purchasing The crisis takes many forms, and its effects are
officer doing the buying and getting the best? But he easy to spot. Here are just a few examples:
failed to check with the mechanics and technicians
who kept the trucks operating. After all, what did M Companies are repeatedly reorganized on the
they know about buying, and who asks technicians advice of management consultants, but to little
anyway? avail in the long run.
Had he asked them, he would have learned that M New managerial devices, such as the four-day
sophisticated electronic controls were fine for Los workweek and putting hourly people on salary, are
Angeles and Phoenix, where the weather was dry loudly touted for their effect on employee motiva-
and mild, but that they failed repeatedly in New tion and morale, but the old problems soon reappear.
York, where the trucks were exposed to variable and M Efforts to enrich jobs by giving employees more
sometimes harsh weather. No matter how hard the responsibility show encouraging results, but these
technicians worked, they could not keep the trucks disappear when employees seek to influence
functioning. Like the supervisors in the previous company policy and then are turned down by
example, they felt that they were being exploited management.
and contemptuously treated. Ultimately, they gave M Business and nonprofit organizations alike are
up trying to keep the trucks going. Seeing how burdened by job encumbrances that result from
much money the company had wasted on the union-management compromises.
trucks, they had little incentive to economize in M Increasing numbers of middle managers, engi-
their own small ways. neers, teachers, and hospital personnel turn toward
In the third case, what happens most frequently in unionization.
merger failures is that the parent (note the use of that M Many people in managerial ranks resign in favor
word) company promises the newly acquired com- of new jobs that pay less but offer greater individual
pany that there will be no changes. But changes are freedom and initiative.
soon forthcoming, and the first of these is likely to be
in the area of accounting control systems. Obviously, Most executives with whom I come in contact
controls are necessary, and, just as obviously, many cannot understand why people do not respond to
small companies do not have sophisticated controls. their efforts to sustain effective organizations, why
But they tend to be flexibly innovative for that spe- people seemingly do not want to work, and why peo-
cific reason. When controls become the central ple want to leave apparently good organizations.
thrust of management, creative people who need Executives faced with these problems are often con-
flexibility leave, and the parent company is left with fused, angry, and hostile to their own people. The
a corporate shell. The communication to the terms of office of chief executives, particularly those
acquired company is that it is stupid and unsophisti- in educational and governmental administration,
cated and therefore the parent must control it more become shorter as the managerial, frustrations
rigidly. increase.

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January–February 1973 71

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
The crisis in motivation has long been evident to ple to think through alternative action possibilities
students of organization, and they have offered prob- and overcome communications blocks to working
lem-plagued executives a wide range of theories to out their own solutions. Since most behavioral sci-
cope with it. Suffice it to say that, by this time, entists are not skilled in changing organizations,
thousands of executives are familiar with these the- then, they are not in a position to teach executives
ories. Many have taken part in managerial grid train- how to change them.
ing, group dynamics laboratories, seminars on the Power & fear: Another reason why solutions to
psychology of management, and a wide range of motivation problems do not work is that many exec-
other forms of training. Some have run the full utives are fearful of losing control of their organiza-
gamut of training experiences; others have embraced tions. The new theories have confronted executives
a variety of panaceas offered by quacks. with the need to distribute power in their organiza-
tions, which in turn raises questions about their
Disappointing Remedies authority and right to manage.
A recent study of 400 top executives in Europe
The results of the aforementioned theories have indicates that they feel menaced by these new theo-
not been impressive. While some companies have ries.1 Most see themselves in the middle of an unset-
put them into practice with a degree of success, tling transition in management styles. They report
most have either given up their efforts as too sim- that they can no longer use the authority of position;
plistic for the complexity of organizational phenom- instead, they must gain their position by competi-
ena or have simply failed in their attempts. tion with subordinates and defend that position each
There are, of course, many reasons why the reme- step of the way. Of those interviewed, 61% sponta-
dies have failed. For one thing, executives often feel neously indicated that their primary problem is per-
unqualified to apply the concepts. And in that feel- sonnel management. Almost all of these executives
ing they are frequently right. Managers who have have leadership problems.
had little or no previous exposure to the behavioral Many businessmen are threatened when they
sciences, let alone any formal training in this area, must stimulate people to participate in making orga-
can get only the barest introductory knowledge in a nizational decisions and invite people to express
brief training program. An executive would not themselves more freely. When an executive's whole
expect a person to be able to design a complex build- life thrust has been to obtain a position of power and
ing after a week-long training program in architec- control, he finds it particularly threatening to wit-
ture; yet both the executive and the people who ness his power eroding as older methods of control
train him often expect that he will be a different per- and motivation become less effective.
son after he attends a one-week sensitivity-training Coupled with the fear of losing control is the fact
laboratory. that a disproportionate number of executives are
Furthermore, it is one thing to learn to become characteristically insensitive to feelings. Some peo-
more aware of one's own feelings; it is quite another ple, for example, pursue executive careers to obtain
to do something different about managing them, let power over others as a way of compensating for real
alone about managing those forces that affect the or fancied personal inadequacies, or as a reaction to
feelings of other people. If everyone who had experi- an unconscious sense of helplessness. They are neu-
enced psychotherapy were by that fact an expert rotically driven, and their single-minded, perpetual
therapist, there would be no shortage of such heal- pursuit of control blinds them to their own subtle
ers. Experience is not enough; training in a concep- feelings and those of others.
tual framework and supervised skill practice is also Furthermore, many executives have engineering,
required. Many executives who have expected more scientific, legal, or financial backgrounds. Each of
of themselves and of such training have therefore these fields places a heavy emphasis on cognitive
been disillusioned, despite the benefits that have rationality and measurable or verifiable facts. People
often resulted from even such brief experiences. who enter them usually are trained from childhood
Would longer training help? Not much. Unlike to suppress their feelings, to maintain a competitive,
marketing executives who implement marketing aggressive, nonemotional front. They are taught to
programs, and experts who install financial control be highly logical, and they seek to impose that kind
systems, behavioral scientists (with the exception of of rationality on organizations.
certain kinds of psychotherapists) are not them- As a result, they simply do not understand the
selves expert in doing. While many know about the power of people's feelings, and all too often they are
theories, and some of them practice what is called
organizational development, they do not themselves 1. Frederick Harmon, “European Top Managers Struggle for Survival,”
change organizations. Instead they usually help peo- European Business, Winter 1971, p. 14.

72 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January–February 1973

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
incapable of sensing such feelings in everyday prac- unions, the frequent sabotage of management's
tice without considerable help. They are like tone- motivation efforts, and the characteristic employee
deaf people who, attending an opera, can understand suspicion of management's motivational (manipula-
the lyrics but cannot hear the music. Such execu- tive) techniques.
tives are typified by a company president who was a Employees obviously sense the carrot-and-stick
participant in a seminar on psychological aspects of conception behind management's attitudes and just
management. Halfway through the first lecture, he as obviously respond with appropriate self-defending
broke in to say, “You have already told me more measures to the communications built around those
about this subject than I want to know.” Although attitudes. Of course, there is much talk about the
he stayed to the end of the program, he simply could need to improve communication in organizations.
not grasp what was being taught. All too often, however, the problem is not that com-
All of these reasons, coupled with the inadequa- munication is inadequate but, rather, that it is
cies of contemporary motivational theory itself, already too explicit in the wrong way. When employ-
explain much of the gap between theory and prac- ees sense that they are being viewed as jackasses,
tice. In time, with new knowledge and better train- they will automatically see management's messages
ing experiences, most of the gap may be overcome. as manipulative, and they will resist them, no matter
But the fact remains that much more effort could be how clear the type or how pretty the pictures.
applied now. This brings us to that unconscious
assumption about motivation to which I referred Perpetual Power Gap
earlier, one held particularly by executives in all
Since the turn of the century, numerous different
types of organizations and reinforced by organiza-
philosophies of management have appeared, each
tional theories and structures.
emphasizing a different dimension of the manage-
ment task and each advocating a new set of tech-
niques. Although these philosophies differ from
each other in many respects, all are based on reward-
Fact & Fallacy punishment psychology. For example, most of the
contemporary psychological conceptions of motiva-
Frequently, I have asked executives this question:
tion take a reward-punishment psychology for
What is the dominant philosophy of motivation in
granted; they advocate trust and openness among
American management? Almost invariably, they
employees and managers, but at the same time they
quickly agree that it is the carrot-and-stick philoso-
acknowledge that the more powerful have a natural
phy, reward and punishment. Then I ask them to
right to manipulate the less powerful.
close their eyes for a moment, and to form a picture
As long as anyone in a leadership role operates
in their mind's eye with a carrot at one end and a
with such a reward-punishment attitude toward
stick at the other. When they have done so, I then
motivation, he is implicitly assuming that he has (or
ask them to describe the central image in that pic-
should have) control over others and that they are in
ture. Most frequently they respond that the central
a jackass position with respect to him. This attitude
figure is a jackass.
is inevitably one of condescending contempt whose
If the first image that comes to mind when one
most blatant mask is paternalism. The result is a
thinks “carrot-and-stick” is a jackass, then obviously
continuing battle between those who seek to wield
the unconscious assumption behind the reward-pun-
power and those who are subject to it. The conse-
ishment model is that one is dealing with jackasses
quences of this battle are increased inefficiency,
who must be manipulated and controlled. Thus,
lowered productivity, heightened absenteeism,
unconsciously, the boss is the manipulator and con-
theft, and sometimes outright sabotage.
troller, and the subordinate is the jackass.
The characteristics of a jackass are stubbornness,
stupidity, willfulness, and unwillingness to go
Bureaucratic Badlands
where someone is driving him. These, by interesting The problems resulting from the jackass fallacy
coincidence, are also the characteristics of the are compounded further by bureaucratic organiza-
unmotivated employee. Thus it becomes vividly tional structures. Such structures are based on a mil-
clear that the underlying assumption which man- itary model that assumes complete control of the
agers make about motivation leads to a self-fulfilling organization by those at the top. In pure form, it is a
prophecy. People inevitably respond to the carrot- rigid hierarchy, complete with detailed job descrip-
and-stick by trying to get more of the carrot while tions and fixed, measurable objectives.
protecting themselves against the stick. This pre- The bureaucratic structure requires everyone at
dictable phenomenon has led to the formation of every level to be dependent on those at higher levels.

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January–February 1973 73

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
Hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, reassignment, in organizations that test their ability to run a man-
and similar actions are the prerogatives of superiors agerial maze successfully.
who can make decisions unilaterally. In short, one's
fate is decided by a distant “they” who are beyond A Formidable Challenge
his influence and control.
The great jackass fallacy and the bureaucratic
Under such circumstances, the subordinate per-
organization structure present major obstacles to
son becomes increasingly defensive. He must pro-
organizational survival. They are essentially self-
tect himself against being manipulated and against
defeating if what an executive wants from employ-
the feeling of helplessness that inevitably accompa-
ees is spontaneity, dedication, commitment,
nies dependency. Rank-and-file employees have
affiliation, and adaptive innovation.
long done so by unionization; managerial and pro-
As I have already indicated, many executives try
fessional employees are beginning to follow suit,
to cope with the pathology of the system by intro-
and this trend will continue to grow.
ducing such new techniques as group dynamics and
While the bureaucratic structure, with its heavy
job enrichment. These are simply patches on the
emphasis on internal competition for power and posi-
body politic of an organization. There is no way to
tion, is often touted as a device for achievement, it is
integrate them effectively. When people are asked to
actually a system for defeat. Fewer people move up
express their feelings more freely and to take on
the pyramidal hierarchy at each step. This leaves a
greater responsibility, they soon come into conflict
residual group of failures, often euphemistically
with power centers and power figures in a system
called “career people,” who thereafter are passed over
geared to the acquisition of power. The latter soon
for future promotions because they have not suc-
cry, “Business is not a democracy,” and disillusion-
ceeded in the competition for managerial positions.
ment sets in once again, both on the part of man-
Most of these people feel resentful and defeated.
agers who tried the new techniques and on the part
Often they have been manipulated or judged arbi-
of subordinates who were subjected to them.
trarily. They are no longer motivated by competi-
Unless the fundamental assumptions of manage-
tive spirit, because the carrots and the sticks mean
ment (and behavioral scientists) about motivation
less. There is little need, in their eyes, to learn
are changed, and unless the organizational structure
more; they simply do as they are told. They usually
is altered to match these changed assumptions, the
stay until retirement unless they are among the
underlying jackass fallacy will remain visible to
“deadwood” that is cleaned out when a new man-
those who are subjected to it. Despite whatever
agement takes over.
practices the organization implements, people will
Executives new to a company or a higher-level
avoid, evade, escape, deny, and reject both the jack-
job like to think of themselves as being effective in
ass fallacy and the military-style hierarchy.
cleaning out such deadwood or trimming the
If the executive grasps the import of what I am
excess managerial fat. Some take to that task with
saying, shudders uncomfortably, and wants to do
great vigor. Unfortunately, the consequences are
something about the problem, what are his alterna-
more negative than enthusiastic executives like to
tives? Is he forever doomed to play with psychologi-
recognize. In one large company, for example, man-
cal gimmicks? Is he himself so much a victim of his
agement hoped that the 40-year-olds would respond
assumptions that he cannot change them? I do not
with unbridled enthusiasm when the 50-year-olds
think that he necessarily is. There are constructive
were cleaned out. But the younger men failed to
actions that he can take.
respond, because they saw that what was happen-
ing to the older men would be their likely fate ten
years hence.
Bureaucratic structure, with its implicit power-
struggle orientation, increases infighting, empire The First Steps
building, rivalry, and a sense of futility. It tends to
magnify latent feelings that the organization is a Anyone who supervises someone else should look
hostile environment which people can do little to carefully at the assumptions he is making about
change, and it bolsters the jackass fallacy. Little motivation. He must assess the degree to which car-
wonder that many young people do not want to get rot-and-stick assumptions influence his own atti-
caught up in such situations! Since 90% of those tudes. For example, an executive might argue that if
who work do so in organizations, most young peo- he tried to be nice to people, the stick would be soft-
ple, too, must do so. But they would rather be in ened. But even then he would merely be exhibiting
organizations that provide them an opportunity to paternalistic kindness. As long as his assumptions
demonstrate their competence and proficiency than about people remain unchanged, his “being nice” is

74 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January–February 1973

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
only a disguised form of carrot-and-stick which increasingly is made up of organizations. The less
seeks to increase loyalty by creating guilt in those effectively organizations carry out the work of soci-
who are the recipients of his managerial largesse. ety, the greater the cost in money and in social paral-
His first priority should be to change his way of ysis. The latter leads to the kind of demoralization
thinking about people. already evident in organizations as well as in prob-
After honestly and frankly facing up to one's own lems of transportation, health care delivery, educa-
assumptions about what makes people tick, the next tion, and welfare.
step is to look at one's organizational structure. Most Furthermore, we are in the midst of a worldwide
organizations are constructed to fit a hierarchical social revolution, the central thrust of which is the
model. People assume that the hierarchical organiza- demand of all people to have a voice in their own
tional structure is to organizations as the spine is to fate. Business leaders, many of whom have interna-
human beings, that it is both a necessity and a given. tional interests and see the multiple facets of this
As a matter of fact, it is neither a necessity nor a given. thrust in a wide range of countries, should be in the
I am arguing not against the distribution of power forefront of understanding and guiding these social
and control, but, rather, that this distribution need changes into productive channels. By applying new
not take one particular form. Every executive should principles of motivation to their own organizations,
ask himself: “Is my operation organized to achieve a they are in a position not only to sustain the vitality
hierarchical structure or is it structured to accom- of those organizations but, more important, to keep
plish the task it must do?” If it is organized more to them adaptive to changing circumstances.
fit the model than to fit the task, he should begin In addition, the progressive changes that execu-
exploring more appropriate organization models.2 tives institute in their own organizations can then
To do otherwise is to invite trouble—if it has not become the models for other institutional forms in a
already started. given culture. Not the least of the advantages of
being on the frontier is that executives and corpora-
tions avoid the onus of being continuously com-
pelled by angry or apathetic employees to change in
Conclusion ways which may be destructive to both the business
and the people involved.
It is time for business leaders to enter a phase of But leading is more than a matter of pronouncing
more serious thinking about leadership and organi- clichés. Leading involves an understanding of moti-
zational concepts. They must do so on behalf of vation. It is to this understanding that business lead-
their own organizations as well as on behalf of soci- ers must now dedicate themselves. And the way to
ety. The issue I have been discussing is critically start is by countering the great jackass fallacy in
important for society as a whole, because society their own organizations.

2. Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch, Organization and Environment:

Managing Differentiation and Integration (Boston, Division of Research,
Harvard Business School, 1967).

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January–February 1973 75

This document is authorized for use only by Perwaiz Khan (PERWAIZ.KHAN@GMAIL.COM). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.

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