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1- Date: January 14, 2022

2- Notes:

a) Story #1

 The government created new vaccine requirements for businesses.

 Businesses with 100 or more employees had to make sure the workers were fully vaccinated
against COVID or to get tested every week.
 The new rule applied to more than 84 million American workers.
 They want to get more Americans vaccinated, save lives and strength the economy.
 Many states sued the president administration because of the mandates.
 The Supreme Court said Biden went too far.
 The president encourages businesses to create their own vaccine requirements.

b) Story #2

 The Millennium is a tower in Seattle worth $350 million.

 The structure has leaned a total of 24 inches since it settled into the ground.
 It is not normal in these days.
 The uneven settling has caused cracks on the sidewalk and other buildings.
 This is happening because of nearby projects and the removal of groundwater.
 Experts say this is safe, but the owners are not happy with the situation.
 A repair project is being done to reduce the building's tilt.

c) Story #3

 Skyscrapers are an American invention.

 They were office buildings in the 1880s and employed many technologies.
 There was competition to be the world's highest.
 The towers became immediately connected with modernity.
 The rest of the world soon caught up with these new structures.
 Architects have been developing new techniques to climb even higher.

d) Story #4

 A dolphin had gotten tangled in a fishing net.

 A Marine patrol officer started to help the animal to set it free.
 The dolphin did not cooperate at first but was released after a few attempts.

3- Quantity: 4 stories were covered in the segment.

4- Summary: The Biden administration has created new vaccine requirements for businesses to get
more Americans vaccinated, save lives and strength the economy. However, some did not agree with
the mandate such as the many states that sued the president administration and the Supreme Court
that mentioned that it went too far and blocked the mandate. However, Biden still encourages
businesses to create their own vaccine requirements. =65 words
5- Vocabulary:

a) Dissent is the disagreement with decisions of people in authority.

b) Church leaders did not permit any dissent from church teachings. =20 words

News Article

1- Primary Topic:

Biden administration's mandate for businesses to reduce the number of deaths and hospitalizations in
the country has been blocked by the Supreme Court.

2- Article Source/ Article Title/ Date of Publication:

NBC News/ Supreme Court blocks Biden's Covid requirements for businesses, upholds health care
workers mandate/ Jan. 13, 2022

3- Notes:

 The Supreme Court blocked Biden administration's rule for businesses.

 Biden said he was disappointed that the workplace mandate was struck down.
 The mandate would save many lives and prevent hospitalizations.
 The president called on individual businesses to set their own vaccination requirements.
 The court said a separate mandate requiring vaccinations for health care workers can be
 States opposed to the requirement said the federal law did not give the government the power
to require vaccinations.

4- Summary:

The Supreme Court blocked Biden's rule for businesses which would save many lives and prevent
hospitalizations. Therefore, Biden said he was disappointed and called on individual business to set their
own vaccine requirements. The court still said a separate regulation that requires vaccinations for health
care workers can be enforced, which many states did not agree. =56 words


1- The topic impacts the population both locally and globally through regulations that protect people all
over the world. As illustrated by the article, people must follow health rules which are important steps
in stopping the transmission of COVID-19 that has killed many people. In this case, the source of this
mandate is the current pandemic in the U.S. and other countries which is causing a great number of
deaths and hospitalizations. Moreover, individual businesses are setting their own vaccination
requirements and a separate mandate demanding vaccinations for health care workers is being
enforced. This proves that the virus directly affects people's lives and globally impacts the population.
=106 words

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