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Subject: H071 Executive Leadership Development

Are leaders born or made?

The question Are leaders born not made? is a very interesting question that until
now no one can give a definite answer that has been successfully proven. Many
theories of leadership exist to help answer this question and as well as many
researchers still want to answer this question.

Based on the perspective of the executive suite, they believe that people
becoming leaders affects how they evaluate people’s leadership potential. Believing
people are born leaders is likely to result in a focus more on selection or identifying the
right people rather than on development or developing the people you get. On the other
hand, believing that people are made into leaders by their experiences would be more
likely to result in a greater focus on making sure people had the right opportunities to
develop into leaders.

According to Gentry et al., 2012 research study they took 361 people to answer
the survey. The respondents are at the top level of their organization. The result shows
that 69 people, 60.9% answered more on born, 189 answered more on made, and 103
answered equally born and made. The results indicate that there is little difference in
how Borns or Mades at the top of organizations feel about the availability of learning
opportunities within their organizations.

According to Harris (2022), the idea of whether are leaders born or made comes
from a fixed mindset mentality. A fixed mindset believes that you are as smart as you
will ever be from birth and you can’t change that. You can’t get better. Often people who
have a fixed mindset don’t challenge themselves or do things that are hard because
they don’t want to look dumb. They think they can’t grow, so they shouldn’t even try. A
person with a growth mindset believes that they can get smarter and grow. If they don’t
know something, they don’t know it – yet. If they aren’t good at something, they aren’t
good at it – yet. If something is hard, they know they can overcome it, so they enjoy
challenges because it makes them grow.

Another research shows that the question “are leaders born or made “plays only
on the nature and nurture agreement. On the nature argument, under the great man
theory, prominent leaders throughout the course of history were born to lead and
deserved to do so as a result of their natural abilities and talents. This theory was
founded on the fact that many great leaders have become who they were without any
training and have accomplished great things like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar,
Napoleon, Queen Elizabeth I, and Abraham Lincoln.

Those who support the great man theory say leaders are born with the attributes
necessary to set them apart from those around them and that these traits enable them
to assume roles of authority and power. The Great Man Theory of Leadership
essentially implies that those in power deserve to lead because of the traits they’ve
been endowed with.

On the nature argument, states that all skills, including leadership ones, can be
taught. Some theories suggest that any individual with interest and time commitment
can master a new skill if they are able to allocate a certain amount of time to improving
it or gaining mastery. One theory states that anyone who can spend over ten thousand
hours practicing a certain skill can become a master of it, leadership skills included.
Based on this thinking, it can be argued that all successful leaders have been working in
their field for quite some time, and have achieved success because of the amount of
practice that went into this. Another point in support of the nurture argument is that most
of the skills we develop as adults are learned. They acquire knowledge from their
parents, peers, society, and outside sources.
According to R. M. Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership, there are almost as many
different definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the
concept. While there is no standard definition of leader, there are many different kinds
of leadership that exist in today's environment. When thinking about outstanding
leaders, whether present day or historical, one may question how they became such a
notable leader. Were they born this way or were they taught to lead? The Great Man
Theory, popularized in the 1840s by Thomas Carlyle, suggested that leadership traits
are intrinsic, meaning that great leaders are born and will emerge when confronted with
the appropriate situation. These individuals possess certain qualities and talents, such
as deep honesty, moral vision, compassion and care, that make them well-suited for
leadership. On the contrary, organizations invest much time and money to help their
employees develop leadership skills based on the assumption that leaders can be
trained. In fact, US companies spend approximately $14 billion each year on this
training, and higher education offers a multitude of degree courses pertaining to
leadership. This suggests that leadership itself is a skill that may be learned (ie,
extrinsically fostered). This article will examine and provide further perspective on the
much debated question: are the foundations of outstanding leadership intrinsic (ie,
leaders are born) or extrinsic (ie, leaders are made)?

There are many differing views on whether leaders are born or made. There are
some theories that provide additional perspectives on this topic. There may be a small
percentage of leaders who may be born with individual traits which lend themselves to
leadership, but leadership itself can be learned, especially by committed individuals who
display an interest in doing so.

Faninn, K., (2021). Are Leaders Born or Made? Why You Need to Know.
Retrieved from
Harris, T. R., (2022). Are our Leaders Born or Made? The truth Matters.
Retrieved from
Boerma, M., PhD., Coyle, E. A., PharmD., Dietrich, M. A., PharmD., Dintzner,
M. R., PhD., Drayton, S. J., PharmD., Early, Johnnie L,I.I., PhD., . . . Williams, N. T.,
PharmD. (2017). Point/Counterpoint: Are outstanding leaders born or
made? American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(3), 5-
58A,58B,58C,58D,58E. Retrieved from
Yulk, G., (2013). Leadership in Organization.
Great Man Theory of Leadership (

Explain at least ten (10) theories of leadership and how they apply to the
1. Action-Centered leadership
It is a type of business leadership model that managers, supervisors and other
employees in leadership positions can use to monitor and lead teams more
effectively. It allows management to apply different principles to a variety of
workplace situations and better adapt to changing information. This involves
achieving tasks, managing individuals and overseeing groups and teams. This
style of leadership can help an organization increase morale, improve
productivity and strengthen its results.

2. Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

It is a system that can be used to group like leaders into categories based on the
method that they use. It is developed in the early 1960s by management
theorists Robert Blake and Jane Mounton. This theory has two dimensions the
concern for people a leader considers team members' needs, interests and
areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a
task. The other dimension is the concern for result this to which a leader
emphasizes concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high
productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.

3. Dunham & Pierce’s Leadership Process Model

The Dunham and Pierce’s Leadership Process Model is interconnected with the
actions and reactions of the leader with his or her followers, and how his or her
followers can affect the leader positively or negatively. With the actions his team
takes these are part of the context and the results in the future. If those actions
are the right ones in the right context you have a chance of successful results.
Feedback during the leadership management process is vital in order to help
your followers with the roles you are playing. These assigned roles must go hand
in hand with the experience and taste that your follower has and feels. Focusing
on the training and experience your followers have will not only keep them from
getting bored with their responsibilities, but will also increase their motivation to
perform their tasks, as they have the expertise to do what they are assigned to

4. Fiedlers’ Contingency Model also known as “Fiedler’s Contingency

Theory of Leadership states that there is no one best style of leadership.
The model is based on a theory developed in the mid-1960s by Austrian
scientist psychologist, Fred Fiedler, after studying the personalities and
characteristics of leaders. He determined that effective leadership is based
on how well your leadership style matches the situation.

5. French& Raven’s Five forms of Power

French and Raven studied this phenomenon in practice. They identified that
there were six different forms of power that could be used to influence others:
Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Informational, Referent and Informational. Each of
French and Raven’s Forms of Power needs to be gained before they can be
used, and the different forms of power are come by in different ways. In addition,
each has distinct characteristics, distinct requirements and different levels of
effectiveness with different people. The different forms of power also each affect
the ongoing relationships with those being influenced in different ways.

6. Hersey -Blachard Situational Leadership Power

The situational leadership concept was originally developed by Paul

Hersey, author of the book Situational leader and Ken Blachard is a
leadership guro. The theory was first introduces as life cycle theory of
leadership and later renamed to situational leadership theory . This theory
explains how to match the leadership style to the situation and readiness of
the group members. It is classified according to the relative amount of task
and relationship behavior the leader engage in.

7. Tannenbaum- Schmidt Leadership Continuum

Psychologists Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt developed their

continuum model of leadership in a paper published in the Harvard Business
Review in 1958. The model depicts a range of possible management strategies
ranging from top-down dictatorial management on one side, to fully collaborative,
team-based working on the other. The Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum of
Leadership depicts seven different styles of management differentiated by the
degree of control exerted by the manager over their team. It can also be read as
a continuum of team autonomy, with more collaborative approaches on the right-
hand side, and individual role-based work, with tasks set by managers, on the

8. Lewin’s Leadership Style Framework

Kurt Lewin is social psychologist, identified three styles of leadership that relate to
how a leader makes decisions. These three Lewins Leadership Styles describe the
level of control that a leader holds over the decision making process and the
amount that they involve their team. There are three Lewin leadership style the
autocratic (authoritarian) leadership, the democratic leadership (participative) and
the Laissez-faire (delegative) leadership. Oariginal study found that the democratic
style of leadership had the strongest positive effect on group performance, all three
styles have their place. Instead of sticking to one style, adapt your approach to suit
the situation and/or your individual team members.

9. Path-goal Theory

This theory is the belief that managers can affect their team’s performance
by adapting their leadership style to fit the specific needs of their teams.
This identifies four primary types of leader behaviors the achievement-
oriented leadership, directive path-goal clarifying leadership, supportive
leadership and participative leadership. In this theory employee motivation
depends on leadership support and a manager’s ability to compensate for
team challenges effectively.

10.Zenger & Folkman’s 10 Fatal Leadership Flaws

In this theory it shows that all leaders have their on flaws no matter how
qualified and individual to the position. A smart leader will look at him or herself
critically and be able to determine where their flaws may lie. While perfection is
likely an unattainable goal, consistent and steady improvement is not. Rather
than choosing to ignore any flaws that they may have, the best leader is the one
who is able to acknowledge and address their shortcomings.

Newton,P., (2016). Leadership Theories. © 2016 Paul Newton &
ISBN 978-87-403-1270-6.
Lussier & Achua., (2010). Leadership, Theory, Application & Skills.
Chin, J.L., & Trible, J. E. (2015). Diversity & Leadership.
Yulk, G., (2013). Leadership in Organization.

In a longitudinal study of leadership what are the prevalent traits of leaders?

The the prevalent traits of leaders are stated as follows:

1. Honesty and Integrity

Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and

uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. Integrity
is regarded as honesty, truthfulness and accuracy in one’s actions. When the leaders
attain leadership positions, they aspire to retain this position. In retaining their jobs and
in incurring the feeling of job satisfaction, it is apparent that they need to possess
efficient knowledge in terms of their job duties and implement the characteristics of
honesty and integrity. These characteristics focus upon imparting factual information.
Even if the factual information is not soothing, still the leaders form the viewpoint that
they will be truthful and honest throughout their jobs with the other individuals.
Therefore, it is comprehensively understood that the characteristics of honesty and
integrity are worthwhile and meaningful to augment effectiveness in the leadership

Honesty and integrity are regarded as the indispensable characteristics of

effective leadership. In the implementation of job duties of the leaders, they need to
depict honesty and integrity (Hasan, 2019). In depicting honesty and integrity, there are
various factors that need to be taken into account. These are, keeping one’s word,
keeping one’s commitments, recognizing one’s job duties and responsibilities, paying
attention to the factors in the internal and external environment, staying focused,
creating a balance between personal and professional lives, imparting factual
information to others, inculcating the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and
conscientiousness, maintaining good terms and relationships with others and treating
subordinates with respect and courtesy. These factors would render an important
contribution in reinforcing the traits of honesty and integrity. Effective leaders form the
viewpoint that no matter how many problems and difficulties they experience within the
course of implementation of their job duties, they need to depict honesty and integrity to
a major extent. Therefore, these traits are comprehensively acknowledged.

2. Confidence

Confidence is referred to the feeling or belief that one can have faith or rely on
someone or something. It is the belief in oneself. It is the conviction that one has to
meet the challenges and difficulties. Being confident requires the realistic sense of the
capabilities and feeling secure in that knowledge. The leaders need to ensure that they
possess efficient knowledge in terms of their job duties. In addition, they need to be
confident enough in terms of the knowledge and implement them in a wise and
productive manner. The leaders need to ensure they impart information to their
subordinates as well in terms of ways of up-grading their confidence levels and
overcoming apprehensiveness and vulnerability. When the leaders and the other
members of the organization are well-aware in terms of ways of enhancing confidence
levels, they will be able to contribute effectively in putting into operation their job duties
and achieving the desired goals.

Confidence is not innate or a fixed characteristic. It is the ability that can be

acquired and improved over the period of time (Confidence, 2020). One of the important
ways of bringing about improvements in the confidence levels is to practice it on regular
basis. When the leaders are confident, they usually form the viewpoint that they will be
able to cope with various types of problems and challenges in an efficient manner. On
the other hand, when the leaders are overwhelmed by number of job duties, their
confidence levels would enable them to carry them out in a well-organized manner,
without any problems and challenges. Irrespective of the types of organizations, the
leaders are working in, they need to up-grade their skills and abilities, get engaged in
regular practice and work in co-ordination with others to up-grade their confidence

3. Skills and Abilities

It is apparent that leaders need to possess skills and abilities to carry out their job
duties well and earn reverence and admiration from other members of the organization.
The different types of skills, which the leaders need to possess are communication
skills, time management skills, leadership skills, problem solving skills, analytical skills,
critical thinking skills, presentation skills, decision making skills, technical skills, work
ethics, and conflict resolution methods. These are the skills, which need to be put into
operation throughout one’s jobs. Furthermore, the leaders need to generate information
and put into practice the methods and approaches to up-grade these skills throughout
their jobs. The leaders also in some cases get enrolled in educational institutions and
training centers to up-grade their skills and abilities, particularly when they need to up-
grade their confidence levels and carry out their job duties well.

The up-gradation of skills and abilities have proven to be beneficial to the leaders
as well as the organization as a whole. The reason being, all the skills, which are stated
above have meaning. Their implementation in a productive manner would be
advantageous and useful to the overall functioning of the organization. The leaders
need to ensure that the subordinates would also generate information in terms of these
skills and make use of them to their best abilities. In reputed organizations, there are
initiation of training and development programs. These programs are productive and
worthwhile in augmenting the skills and abilities of the members. Within the course of
implementation of job duties as well, the employees attend training and development
programs. In this manner, they are able to generate awareness in terms of modern and
innovative strategies and methods. Therefore, it is well-understood that possession and
up-gradation of skills and abilities is a strategic characteristic of effective leadership.

4. Commitment and Passion

The commitment is referred to dedicating oneself to something. Before one

makes commitment, one has to think carefully and put into operation effective and
meaningful approaches and methods. Commitment obligates the leaders to do
something. Passion is referred to one of those words that individuals often make use of
without understanding the actual meaning of this word. Passion is having strong
emotions reflecting an intense desire or boundless enthusiasm. In performing well in
one’s jobs and in achieving organizational goals and objectives, the leaders need to be
committed and passionate towards the implementation of responsibilities and duties. In
honing the characteristics of commitment and passion, the leaders need to be well-
aware in terms of strategies and approaches. They need to impart them to their
subordinates as well. The various ways of augmenting commitment and passion are,
empowering and helping others, being confident in judgment and decisions, learning
something new, setting of routine, staying inspired, staying accountable, revising goals
on a frequent basis, observing the major picture, generating awareness in terms of
various areas and making wise and productive decisions.

The research studies have indicated that in some cases, the job duties of leaders
are complicated. They may find them difficult and demanding and are required to work
overtime. In such cases as well, the leaders need to put emphasis upon reinforcement
of these characteristics. The reason being, when they will reinforce commitment and
passion, they will form positive viewpoints in terms of their job duties and will not feel
that they are complicated and tedious. When the leaders are passionate and committed
towards the implementation of job duties, they are well-aware in terms of ways of
carrying out their job duties well and generate the desired outcomes. Furthermore, they
are well-aware of ways of overcoming problems and barriers. Therefore, it can be stated
that the characteristics of commitment and passion are regarded as a crucial
characteristic of effective leadership.

5. Accountability

The leaders are accountable in terms of their job duties and responsibilities.
Leadership defines culture and if the members of the organization aspire to create a
culture of accountability, it initiates with the leaders and are passed on to other
members of the organization as well. Accountability is not one-time, but it is an all the
time aspect. The leaders are all the time looking for opportunities. When they will
acquire more opportunities, they will be accountable in terms of them. When the leaders
accept accountability, they understand and accept the consequences of their actions in
areas in which they assume responsibility. For instance, a leader is required to work on
a project and complete it within a specified time. In such cases, he will devote time
towards it and ensure it is completed within the specified time frame. Therefore, it can
be stated, the leader is accountable for the project as well as other job duties, which
they need to put into operation.

When the leaders understand the meaning and significance of accountability,

they will be able to bring about changes and implement the job duties in an efficacious
manner. The leaders have the main objective of generating the desired outcomes and
augmenting the overall structure of the organization. In carrying out these tasks and
functions in a well-organized manner, they need to recognize the meaning and
significance of accountability. Furthermore, constructive learning and changes are
possible, when accountability is a norm. Accountability will enable the individuals to
form the viewpoint that they need to work efficiently and not to feel stressed and
overwhelmed, particularly, when there are occurrence of any problems and difficulties.
Therefore, it can be stated, accountability is an important characteristic of effective
leadership, which would facilitate the individuals in implementation of tasks
appropriately and in achieving the desired goals and objectives.

6. Delegation and Empowerment

Delegation is the assignment of any authority to another person, normally from a
manager to a subordinate to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of
management leadership. In an organization, a manager is expected to do all the work,
so the job duties are delegated to the subordinates and along with the delegation of
work, there is also a delegation of authority so that the subordinates can accomplish
their tasks. The person, who is delegated the work is accountable for the outcomes.
Empowerment is the power or authority given to someone to do something. It is the
process to becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life
and claiming one’s rights. Through empowerment opportunities, there is an increase in
autonomy and self-determination among individuals to represent their interests in a
responsible and self-determined way through acting on their own authority.

In the organizations, the leaders assign job duties to capable individuals. When
they are overwhelmed by number of job duties, they assign the tasks to their
subordinates. When the subordinates are assigned additional job duties, they are able
to hone their skills and abilities. On the other hand, the leaders need to ensure that
subordinates are provided with empowerment opportunities as well. They should be
allowed to express their ideas and viewpoints and even participate in the decision
making processes. The leaders need to ensure that the women are provided with equal
rights and opportunities as their male counterparts. The characteristics of delegation
and empowerment are beneficial to the subordinates and they incur the feeling of job
satisfaction. Therefore, it can be stated, the leaders need to put into operation these
characteristics on a regular basis. In this manner, they are promoting well-being of the
employees as well as the organization as a whole.

7. Creativity and Innovation

With advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and
globalization, there is a need to bring about creativity and innovation in the
implementation of tasks and functions. In all types of organizations, creativity is
recognized and members are making use of modern, technical and pioneering methods
in the implementation of job duties. Creativity is referred to imagination or original ideas
to create something. It is a phenomenon, whereby something new or somehow valuable
is informed. Innovation is the implementation of something new. Invention is the
creation of something that has never been made before and is recognized as the
product of some distinctive vision. When creativity and innovation are to be put into
operation, the leaders need to work in collaboration with the other members of the
organization as well. The individuals need to discuss various ideas and perspectives
and make a decision. Therefore, the characteristics of creativity and innovation require
the leaders and other members to work in collaboration and integration with each other.

The implementation of the characteristics of creativity and innovation require the

members of the organization to bring about improvements in tasks and activities and
achievement of goals. These characteristics have made the implementation of tasks
and activities more manageable. Before the advent of technologies and machines, the
employees used to carry out all tasks and activities manually. But with the advent of
technologies and machines, they are making use of them. In this manner, they are able
to contribute effectively in enhancing productivity and profitability. Normally, the
implementation of these characteristics is not simple and straightforward, the leaders
need to make use of resources in an efficient manner and inculcate the traits of
diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness. Therefore, when the leaders are
well-equipped with these traits and put into operation modern, technical, pioneering and
innovative methods, they are able to augment creativity and innovation.

8. Empathy

Empathy is referred to the ability to understand the feelings of others as if one is

having themselves. Within the organizations, the employees are in some cases
overwhelmed by number of problems and difficulties. These may relate to the job duties,
infrastructure, amenities and facilities, technologies, tools and materials, other
individuals, pay and reimbursements, and overall working environmental conditions.
When one or more of these problems become impediments within the course of
implementation of job duties and achievement of goals and objectives, they need to
report to the leaders. The leaders need to understand the feelings and problems of
others and provide them solutions. The leaders need to understand that employees
have personal responsibilities as well, which they need to pay attention to. Hence, when
they are assigning them job duties, they need to provide sufficient time, so they are able
to complete them in a manageable manner.

The employees in some cases experience physical health problems, especially

when they are engaged in manufacturing and production processes and are working
with chemicals, tools and machines. In such cases, the leaders need to provide safety
guidelines and measures, which would enable them to carry out their job duties well and
take care of their physical health conditions. On the other hand, in some cases, the
psychological problems of stress, anger, anxiety and frustration are experienced by the
employees. In such cases, the leaders need to acquire an efficient understanding of the
causes behind the occurrence of these problems and provide effectual and meaningful
solutions. Therefore, it can be stated, when the leaders put into practice the
characteristic of empathy, both they as well as employees will benefit. The major benefit
is, the implementation of job duties will take place in a well-organized manner and the
overall working environmental conditions will be enhanced.

9. Resilience

Resilience is referred to the capacity to recover in a rapid manner from problems

and difficulties. It is apparent that in all types of organizations, the leaders will want that
all the members are implementing their job duties satisfactorily, there are availability of
sufficient resources, there are not occurrence of any types of barriers, the employees
are well-aware in terms of goals and objectives, there is mutual understanding and
overall functioning of the organization takes place in an effectual manner. When there
are occurrence of any problems and difficulties, the leaders as well as the other
members need to inculcate the characteristic of resilience to cope up with them and
prevent them from assuming a major form. In the augmentation of this characteristic,
the leaders need to be well-aware in terms of measures and approaches. These are
necessary in the implementation of this characteristic in an appropriate manner in
accordance to the needs and requirements of the members and organization as a

Resilience is defined as the process of adapting well during the time of adversity,
trauma, threats or significant sources of stress (Building Your Resilience, 2012), such
as, lack of resources, tedious job duties, inability to complete the target on time, health
problems and illnesses, and so forth. When these problems takes place within the
organizations, the leaders and other members will experience stress, anxiety and
frustration, but the characteristic of resilience will enable them to cope with these
problems and prevent them from having unfavorable effects upon the members as well
as overall functioning of the organization. The characteristic of resilience will render a
significant contribution in augmenting the capacities and aptitude of the leaders to not
only cope with problems within the organization but also the psychological problems of
anger, stress, anxiety, depression, and frustration. Therefore, it is understood that the
characteristic of resilience is effectual and worthwhile in leading to effective functioning
of the organization and achieving the desired goals.

10. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is referred to the ability to monitor one’s own and the
emotions of other individuals. When the emotions are monitored, then some of the
negative emotions are also experienced in some cases. But measures are formulated to
cope up with them in an efficacious manner. The emotional intelligence is regarded as
one of the significant characteristics, which the leaders need to put into operation
throughout their jobs. This characteristic will prove to be beneficial to them to a major
extent. Some of the benefits include, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-evaluation,
internal motivation, empathy, social skills, thinking abilities, ability to cope with
psychological problems, forming cordial terms and relationships with others, and
generating awareness in terms of various areas. When the leaders communicate in an
effective manner with the staff and control the feelings of anger and frustration, even
when the job duties have not been performed satisfactorily, it is stated that they have a
high emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence of the leaders is primarily depicted in the communication

processes (Emotional Intelligence in Leadership, 2020). The leaders need to treat their
subordinates with respect and courtesy. The research studies have indicated that in
some cases, the colleagues may tend to get involved in conflicting situations and
disagreements. Hence, it is the job duty of the leaders to impart them information that
they need to control the feelings of anger and frustration and act professionally within
the workplace. In the case of occurrence of any problems as well, they need to
communicate with others in a polite and respectful manner. Emotional intelligence is
regarded as one of the fundamental characteristics that would lead to development of
mutual understanding and the functioning of the overall organizational structure takes
place in an appropriate manner. Therefore, it can be stated, the leaders need to focus
upon up-gradation of this characteristic throughout their jobs.

11. Humility

This is comprehensively understood that individuals will be able to augment their

career prospects, achieve personal and professional goals and enrich their overall
quality of lives, when they will depict humility. Humility is referred to the quality of having
a modest or low view in terms of one’s importance. In other words, the individuals have
low self-regard and a sense of unworthiness. In organizations, when the leaders depict
humility, they do not give credit to themselves for achievements, but to others. When
the job duties have been carried out in a satisfactory manner and have proven to be
valuable and beneficial for the entire organization, the leaders will acknowledge the
efforts and contributions of the employees. When the leaders are appreciated, they
normally do not express willingness in listening to their appreciation. Hence, depiction of
the characteristic of humility is worthwhile in achieving the desired goals and objectives
and augmenting the overall structure of the organization.

When the individuals are assigned the leadership positions, then humility is
regarded as one of the essential characteristics, which need to be possessed by the
leaders. The leaders need to be understanding in nature. When they are understanding,
they will pay attention towards the needs and requirements of human resources. The
human resources are the key, which need to be up-graded. Hence, the characteristic of
humility will enable the leaders to make provision of support and assistance to human
resources and lead to their well-being. The characteristic of humility can be reinforced
by taking into consideration various factors. These are, listening to others, practicing
mindfulness, being open-minded, possessing an approachable nature, asking for
support and assistance, obtaining feedback from others in terms of job performance,
accepting mistakes, being submissive in nature, revising one’s job performance on
regular basis, and treating others with respect and courtesy. Therefore, when the
leaders will depict humility, they will be able to carry out their job duties well and earn
reverence and appreciation from others.

12. Transparency

The characteristic of transparency in leadership is referred to comprehensibility

and lucidity (Rouse, 2020). The leaders have number of job duties to perform. They
need to pay attention towards all the job duties and responsibilities and ensure, they are
put into operation in an efficacious and well-ordered manner. The leaders need to put
into operation time management skills and are able to take out sufficient time for all
tasks and functions. The tasks are usually carried out in accordance to their priorities.
The tasks, which are more important are carried out first, whereas, the tasks, which are
less important are procrastinated. The identification of the characteristic of transparency
will enable the leaders to create openness between them and their subordinates. This is
an ongoing process, which can have ongoing results. Therefore, not only the leaders,
but other members of the organization too need to put it into operation in an effectual
and meaningful manner.

In the up-gradation of this characteristic, there are various factors, which need to
be taken into account. These are, having faith in the employees to participate in the
decision making processes, not keeping any job duties and responsibilities confidential,
sharing the results, being well-aware in terms of measures and approaches, recruiting
the right individuals in the right positions at the right time, establishing open
communication channels, providing equal rights and opportunities, understanding the
needs and requirements of the employees, not discriminating against them in terms of
various factors, such as, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, educational
qualifications, personality traits and socio-economic background and forming
constructive viewpoints in terms of the individuals as well as the overall working
environment. Therefore, it can be stated, when the leaders reinforce all these factors,
they are able to enhance transparency not only in terms of themselves but other
members of the organization as well.

13. Vision and Purpose

Vision and purpose are regarded as important areas in terms of which all
individuals need to be aware (Vision, 2020). Within organizations, the various aspects
that needs to be taken into account such as, management of resources, implementation
of job duties, formulation of laws, policies and rules need to be in accordance to vision
and purpose. When the organizations are established, they formulate vision and
purpose, but with advancements taking place and initiation of modern, technical,
pioneering and scientific methods, there are transformations made in vision and
purpose. When transformations take place in vision and purpose, there are changes
taking places in other aspects as well. These, are, management of human, financial,
technical, and material resources, implementation of job duties and responsibilities,
formulation of laws, policies and procedures and the overall working environmental
conditions. The leaders need to communicate with their subordinates on regular basis
and impart them information in terms of all types of changes that have taken place.
Therefore, vision and purpose are regarded as important characteristics on the basis of
which, the job duties of leaders and other members are focused upon.

In achieving vision and purpose, the leaders need to possess certain skills and
abilities. These mainly include, communication skills, time management skills,
leadership skills, problem solving skills, analytical skills, critical thinking skills,
presentation skills, decision making skills, technical skills, work ethics, conflict resolution
methods, personal skills and professional skills. The leaders need to ensure that their
subordinates also inculcate these skills and put them into operation on regular basis. As
in achieving vision and purpose, the leaders and other members need to possess the
necessary knowledge and understanding. But apart from essential knowledge and
understanding, the skills and abilities are also regarded as important and need to be up-
graded on regular basis. Therefore, it can be stated, vision and purpose is an important
characteristic of leadership and individuals need to be well-aware in terms of measures
and strategies to achieve them.
14. Teamwork

Within all types of organizations, the leaders encourage the employees to work in
teams. Teamwork is referred to way of working with each person, committed and
working towards the common goal. Hence, the leaders need to put emphasis upon
building teamwork skills of the individuals. The members of the team, work in co-
ordination and integration with each other and stay committed towards the achievement
of desired goals. The main reason being, when the employees work in teams, they are
able to benefit in number of ways. Some of the ways are, obtaining support and
assistance from others in the implementation of job duties, promoting mutual
understanding, developing various types of skills and they are able to exchange ideas
and viewpoints in providing solutions to their problems. Through teamwork, the leaders
are able to convey the information to the employees that they need to form constructive
viewpoints and accept other castes, cultures, religious backgrounds, ethnicities and so

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and

loyalty. These close-knit relationships develop motivation among the employees to work
diligently and conscientiously and make provision of support and assistance to each
other. It is usually believed, when two or more individuals are working on a project, they
will be assigned job duties and responsibilities in accordance to their skills and abilities.
When they will experience any problems and difficulties, they will be able to obtain
support and assistance from the other group members. Normally, a group leader is
appointed in all groups. The primary job duties of the group leader are to guide and
direct the other members well, evaluate their performance and ensure they do not
experience any problems and work diligently and enthusiastically towards the
achievement of group goals. Therefore, it can be stated, the characteristic of teamwork
contributes efficiently in performing one’s job duties well and augment the overall
structure of the organization.

15. Instructional Strategies

The instructional strategies are referred to the strategies, which are put into
operation by the leaders in imparting knowledge and understanding to the employees in
terms of various aspects of their job duties as well as the organization as a whole. The
instructional strategies are of various types. Some of these are, making use of
technologies in imparting information, dictating notes, explaining the concepts on white
or dark-colored boards, giving hand-outs and so forth. When the workforce is to be
provided with training in terms of usage of machines and tools, then within the training
sessions, the instructors make use of machines and tools to impart practical training.
The types of instructional strategies implemented are focused upon number of factors,
these are, job duties, goals and objectives, and overall structure of the organization.
Within the course of time, the leaders need to make changes in their instructional
strategies. When changes are brought about, it needs to be ensured, they are valuable
and useful to the members as well as the organizations on the whole.

In the implementation of instructional strategies, the instructors need to ensure,

they are understandable to the employees. In most cases, the employees are provided
with the opportunities to evaluate their instructors and the instructional strategies. In the
evaluation process, they are provided with the opportunities to evaluate their instructors
in terms of the teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional
strategies. When the employees feel there is a need to bring about improvements, they
give ideas and suggestions. Therefore, it is understood that the leaders need to be well-
aware that in training and development programs, the teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies need to be put into operation in
an appropriate and suitable manner to the needs and requirements of the members as
well as the organization as a whole.


Longitudinal Study of leadership.

Title : Longitudinal tests of an integrative model of leader development: Charting and
understanding developmental trajectories.

By: David V. Day from University of Western Australia Business School, Australia and
Hock-Peng Sin of University of Western Australia Business School, Australia b The Eli
Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University, US

The developmental trajectories of participants (N= 1315) engaged in team-based
action learning projects (k= 205) to promote leader development were estimated using
two classes of growth modeling techniques. Evidence was found in support of
differences in the initial leadership effectiveness levels across participants as well as
differences in the shape or form of their personal trajectories. Based on recent
theorizing on leader development (Day, Harrison, & Halpin, 2009), it was predicted that
adopting a leader identity would serve as a within-person, time-varying covariate of
leadership effectiveness and that goal orientation would serve as a between-person,
cross-level moderator of the personal change trajectories. Results suggested full
support for the role of leader identity and partial support for goal orientation. The results
of growth mixture modeling analyses revealed two distinct latent classes of
developmental trajectories that could be distinguished empirically by one type of adult
development processes (i.e., selection). Results are discussed in terms of advancing
leader development science and practice, especially with regard to the insights gained
from charting and understanding leaders' developmental trajectories (Day, D.V., & Sin,
H.P., 2011)

Measures Used:

The Study measures the following:

1. Leader Identity – A leader self-identity scale developed by Hiller (2005) was
used to measure self-rated identity. The measurement aims to understand
and quantify the extent to which a leader identity was considered to be
2. Goal oriented – The research study used the work domain goal orientation
scale developed and validated by VandeWalle (1997) which used to
measures the three components of goal orientation .
3. Leadership Effectiveness – leader development highlights the expansion of
individual capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes.

Methodology used:

Participants Study participants (N= 1315) were recruited from course sections across
two consecutive terms at a university in the Pacific Rim region. The course in question
was mandatory for all first-year university students and focused on leadership and team
building, with a particular emphasis on developing individuals' leadership skills and
mindsets (i.e., challenge the way in which participants think about leadership).
Participation in the study was voluntary with approximately 80% participation rate for the
initial data collection phase. Participants were placed into teams (k= 205) and charged
with conceptualizing, designing, implementing, and evaluating a service-learning project
(i.e., something that the team would do collectively that would potentially benefit the
community at large) to enhance their respective development as leaders using action
learning principles (e.g., Marquardt, Leonard, Freedman, & Hill, 2009; Revans, 1980).
Each course section met once per week for 3 h with the rest of the team's project
activities occurring out of class as arranged by each respective team. As this was a
longitudinal study with volunteer participants, there was some attrition. At T0 (week 2)
there were 1315 individual participants, at T1 (week 6) there were n= 1226, at T2 (week
10) there were n= 900, and at T3 (week 13) there were n= 985. Demographic
information indicated that approximately 52.3% of the initial sample was female with an
average age of 20.17 ( (Day, D.V., & Sin, H.P., 2011).

Research Result:
The present results support the contention that developing leaders start with
different levels of initial effectiveness and that they develop in dissimilar ways
corresponding to different personal change trajectories. It was noted that the overall
developmental trend was negative (linear) with a slowing or slight upturn in the trend
near the end of the developmental experience (curvilinear). This illustrates that leader
development does not involve only positive growth. Such findings may seem
counterintuitive (i.e., development is equated with positive change only) but they are
consistent with theoretical and empirical perspectives from several disciplines.
Researchers in the field of adult development have noted that development takes many
shapes and that it is probably better conceptualized as a web consisting of strands with
different trajectories rather than as a ladder in which people move only upward in
relatively lockstep fashion (Stevens-Long & Michaud, 2002). Furthermore, Baltes (1987)
has noted that development entails an inherent dynamic between gains and losses and
that no process of development consists only of growth or progression. Similar
observations have been made with regard to negative changes in job performance
associated with career progression (Freedman, 1998, 2005) as well as decrements in
360-feedback ratings over time (Martineau, 1998). Nonetheless, a minority of the
participants demonstrated positive, linear change in their rated effectiveness as leaders.

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