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Anthony Luis P.

Dancil 12 Arts and Design Brocka March 6, 2023


Today was the 4th day of our immersion. We work of eight hours every day in ten days
to finish the 80 hours of work immersion. We intend to finish our work before the end
of ten days so that we can polish and detailed more on our work.

We just finish painting some of the coral reef, fish and started painting the turtle. Today
we don’t yet focus on detailing since we need to layer it first so that the detailed can be
done later. Today, I worked on the background of our mural part. I mixed first the
paint, the color blue, white and yellow color to get the background of the ocean. I also
add some of green that can give the illusion of water.

The background should be done first before adding the creatures of the mural, but we
paint first the creatures and corals, it is kind of hassle to paint later the background. It
took me the whole day to finish the background since I need to blend it to the first
background they created. I need to blend the other side of the wall also since I need to
connect their background to us.

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