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Limitations and restrictions

bend the rules : to break the rules in a way that you consider unimportant or not harmful

- You’ve get to know when to bend the rules.

the dos and don’ts : instructions and warnings about what you should and should not do in a particular


- Here is a lots of dos and don’ts for anyone planning to start a business.

draw the line (at) : to say that you will definitely not allow or accept something

- We draw the line at acts of violent protest.

a fine line between : if there is a fine line between two things, they seem very similar and it is difficult to see

a difference between them

- There’s a very fine line between personal ambition and ruthlessness.

have your hands full : to be extremely busy with a difficult job

- The police had their hands full with other problems.

off limits : if a place is off limits, you are not allowed to go there

- The evacuated areas remained off limits to the public.

out of bounds (to) : if a place is out of bounds, you are not allowed to go there

- The border areas were still out of bounds to tourists.

(go) over the top : (to do something) more than what is considered normal or suitable

- Her remarks were a bit over the top, don’t you think?

overstep the mark : to do or say something that makes people angry because it breaks a rule or is not


- She overstepped the mark when she asked him about his mother.

step on sb’s toes : to offend someone by doing something that they should be responsible for or that they

have the authority to do

- I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes by saying this.

without strings : having no special conditions, restrictions that must be met

- We must reduce out dependence on government money, which never comes without strings.

sb’s hands are tied : if your hands are tied, you are not free to behave in the way that you would like

- I’d like to raise people’s salaries by my hands are tied.

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