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Northwest Samar State University (NWSSU)

Special Academic Program (SAP)


Instructor: Ernesto R. Acoba, J.D. , M.A


Directions. Answer the following questions as comprehensive as you can. Answers maybe
sourced from other materials if necessary. Answers must be sent to my email-add .Good Luck.
1. Define educational administration. How important and significant is it for school heads to be
equipped with the right knowledge, skills, and values of educational administration?
Educational administration is the study and practice of managing the resources, tasks and
communications involved in running a school. The school administration definition applies to
leadership of private or public institutions of learning.
It is very important for school heads to be equipped with the right knowledge, skills, and
values of educational administration in the sense that it allows teachers to focus in their job and
impart strategies to effective learning.

2. It is generally believed that educational organizations are loosely coupled systems. What does
this belief mean?
Loosely coupled systems are interconnected entities or events that are responsive, but still
preserve their own identity and some evidence of physical /logical separateness.
3. What is organizational culture?
Organizational culture is generally understood as all of a company's beliefs, values and attitudes,
and how these influence the behavior of its employees.

4. Explain each of the following organizational theories below.

a. Bureaucratic Theory
The bureaucratic theory is a way of understanding organizations as systems that are
primarily characterized by hierarchical chains of command and control. 

b. Human Resource Theory

Human Resource theories is a general term for the strategies, tactics and objectives used
by business owners and managers to administer policies and procedures related to

c. Theory X
Theory X is a negative view of people which assumes that employees dislike work, are
lazy, avoid responsibility, and must be coerced to perform. 
d. Theory Y
Theory Y – people are self-motivated and enjoy the challenge of work.

5. Define organizational behavior.

Organizational behavior is the study of how human behavior affects an organization. It aims to
learn how an organization operates through the behaviors of its members.

6. Define each of the following system theories.

a. Social Systems Theory
Social systems theory has been a sound perspective to explain the working of schools.

b. Role Theory
Role theory refers to the cultural norms regarding psychological and interactional aspects
of members of society, such as mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and grandparents. 

c. Contingency Theory
A contingency theory is an organizational theory that claims that there is no best way to
organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions.

7. Cite three (3) expectations you have about your school head that would create a positive
climate in your school.
Three (3) expectations about a school head that would create a positive climate in the school
1. Being decisive
2. Being able to empathize with people
3. Being able to prioritize the most important issues

8. " Wait until you become an administrator " is a common reply by some school administrators
whenever teachers raise a valid concern as regards school management. What can you say about
this? React.
For me, this reply from some school administrators whenever teachers raise a valid
concern as regards school management, is just normal whenever their position is shaky or when
teachers are questioning them. Teachers must understand that in the field of education, protocol
or hierarchy is very important and obviously present. It means that you have to make sure to put
yourself on the ground and always respect your superiors. Although there are teachers who are
capable than the administrators, still, they are their superiors. You must follow their orders and
follow protocols.

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