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I can achieve my goals. I can be in control of my life. I have done this before, I can do it again. I have
the knowledge I need to get this done. My mood is calm and relaxed. I can cope and get on with my
life during stressful times. I am filled with energy and self-confidence. I am a wonderful and worthy
person. I have many pleasant things in my life. I have the ability to handle this. I am a capable human
being. I am competent. I can gain self-confidence. I can take risks. I can be positive. I can succeed. I
will challenge myself to change today. I will manage my time better today. I will make good study
skills a habit. There are interesting things happening in my life daily. I love myself for who I am. I
totally trust myself. I grow in strength with every forward step I take. I can do anything I set my mind
to do. I am capable and strong. I am able to easily handle any problem I face. I approve of myself and
unconditionally deeply love myself. I am a problem solver. I focus on solutions and always find the


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