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Opening Golden Rules

Rules Reason exception

1. Control the centre with pawns. Advantage to control the centre early allow you to attack left ,right and centre more control
on the squares
2. Develop your knight & bishop (preferred knight Bishop can move first so knight only can move two file or two rank only in one step
first ).
3. Don't move your knight to an edge The knights can control as many as 8 squares when centralized, while only 2 square if
4. Do not play same piece twice Tempo loss
5. Develop your kingside pieces first Easy to castle for king safety
6. Develop your pieces towards the centre More control on left right & centre
7. Do castle as soon as possible(within 10 move) King safe ,rook ready to move also queen and two rook can protect each others
8. Do not bring your queen early Queen can be attacked and trapped
9. Avoid king pin & queen pin
Opening is completed when your Rooks are connected, castling completed

Middle Game Golden Rules

Rules Reason exception
1. Rook belongs to open file
2. Try to get your Rooks on 7th rank
3. For single bishop, Keep minor pieces to opposite colour square
4. remember during exchange Two bishop is better than one knight one bishop Control Both square
5. Avoid doubled, backward, and isolated pawns to maintain good pawn structure Backward Pawn - Chess Terms -
6. Avoid creating weak squares in your position A weak square is a square that cannot be protected by a
pawn and it helps to create outpost for the opponent
7. Remember during exchange Pawn structure must be maintained and destroy
opponent Good pawn structure

8. Passed pawn must be pushed and opponent should block the passed pawn
(preferred by knight)
9. Avoid move pawn before king after caselling
10. Avoid back rank
11. If 1 or 2 pawn up trade pieces but not pawn if behind then trade pawns but not
When Major pieces & most of the minor pieces are no more in the board end game started
Ten fingers Rules for Each move
Finger rules Remarks
1. Index finger right hand Hanging –
(i) check any hanging pieces of opponent
(ii) your new move can create any pieces of your hanging
2. Middle finger right hand Pin-
(i) check any pin can be made for your opponent (king & Major pieces are in same line or diagonal)
(ii) your new move can put two major pieces and king in same line or diagonal and you can be pinned
by opponent
3. Ring Finger right hand Fork
(i) Check any fork is available for your knight
(ii) your new move can create fork for specially for major pieces
4. little finger right hand Discover
(i) Check you can mange discover move
(ii) Your opponent have discover move
5. Thump finger right hand Trap
(i) Minutely check if you can put your opponent in traps
(ii) Check if you will fall in trap after making attack
6. Left index Finger Pawn Structure \Weak squares
(i) Check if your good pawn structure can disturbed for each move
(ii) Check if you can destroy opponent pawn structure

7. Left middle finger Tactics

(i) Take time for before make any tack ticks
(ii) Observe opponent tactics very very minutely
8. Left Ring finger Sacrifice
(i) Calculate all possibilities before any sacrifice (play puzzle for this)
(ii) Careful on possibilities of scarifies of opponent
9. Left Little Finger Check Tempo loss Find out
10. Left Thumb finger ?? Find out

End Game Golden Rules

Rules Reason exception
1. King should not be in safe place and must attack .Try to reach higher rank
2. In case of pawn ending king should try reach to key s square at the earliest.
3. When you have advantage try to leave pawn on the both side of the board
4. Put your pawn in opposite colour of bishop .

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