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Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong

Learning and Success

Technology is changing faster today than at any other time in human history. These changes
have an impact on the tools we use to complete personal and professional tasks on a daily
basis. Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC) was
created to assist adult learners from all over the world in discovering tools and resources that
they can adapt to meet their needs in today's fast-paced world. #EmTechMOOC improves
communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
#EmTechMOOC is an online learning opportunity for college students, faculty, current and
prospective professionals, and anyone from around the world who wants to learn how to use
emerging technologies to succeed in today's fast-changing world. The project's objectives are to
assist learners in identifying the value and implications of using established and emerging
technologies for personal and professional growth, as well as strategies for developing lifelong
learning habits to keep up with technological change.
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are a popular and growing educational platform. It is
free and open for any learner classes taught in an online environment (Alraimi, Zo, & Ciganek,
2015). In recent times, this phenomenon has become widespread.
Advantages of MOOC

 Provides a wide range of ideas, opinions, and perspectives that reflects people's
openness in everyday life
 Helps in distributing responsibility for teaching
Disadvantages of MOOC
 there is little “teaching presence”
To summarize, MOOCs have enormous potential for all types of education, including adult
education. Despite a few drawbacks, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, #EmTechMOOC
is useful for my career because it helps me communicate with others and expand my
knowledge. It is highly likely that the #EmTechMOOC format will become more popular among
adults and lifelong learners in the future.

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