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Chapter 8 summary

Training and developing employees.

1. Purpose of orientation
 Feel Welcome and At Ease
 Understand the Organization
 Know What Is Expected in Work and Behavior
 Begin the Socialization Process

2. Orientation process
 Employee Benefit Information
 Personnel Policies
 Daily Routine
 Company Organization and Operations
 Safety Measures and Regulations

3. Training
 Is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they
need to perform?
4. Steps in training process
 Needs analyze.
 instructional design
 Program implementation
 Evaluation
5. Training Needs Analysis
 Task Analysis:
Assessing New Employees’ Training Needs
 Performance Analysis: Assessing Current Employees’ Training
6. Methods of training
 On the job training = job instruction training
 Apprenticeship training = informal learning
 Audio visual training = computer-based training
 Internet based training =learning portals

7. on the job training [OJT]

 Having a person learn a job by doing the job.
8. Types of – on the job training
 Coaching or understudy
 Job rotation
 Special assignment

o inexpensive
o Learn by doing.
o Feedback immediately
9. Steps help to ensure OJT success.
o Prepare the learner.
o Present the operation.
o Do a tryout.
o Follow up.
10. Programmed learning.
 Presenting questions, facts, or problems to the learner
 Allowing the person to respond
 Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers

 Reduced training time
 Self-paced learning
 Immediate feedback
 Reduced risk of error for learner
11. Distance and Internet-Based Training
 Tele training
 Videoconferencing
 E-Learning and Learning Portals
12. Long-Term Focus of Management Development
 Assessing the company’s strategic needs
 Appraising managers’ current performance
 Developing the managers and future managers
13. Managerial On-the-Job Training
o Job Rotation
o Coaching/ Understudy Approach =Action Learning
14. Off the job management training and development
 Case study method
 Outside seminars
 University related programs
 Classroom lectures
15. Managing Organizational Change and Development
 Strategy
 Culture
 Technology
 Structure
 Employee
16. Evaluating the training effort
Designing the evaluation study
 Time series design
 Controlled experimentation
Choosing which training effect to measure
 Reaction of trainees to the program
 Behavior that changed the program
 Learning that actually took place.

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