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: Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology Vol 11 (2) 2023

Mars: Humanoids, Bodies, Bones, Skulls, UFOs, UAPs,

Spacecraft Wreckage
Rhawn Gabriel Joseph1*, Rudolph Schild1,2
1Astrobiology Research Center, California
2Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian

For thousands of years there have been reports of extraterrestrial beings and “sky boats” that have
visited Earth as recounted in ancient texts from India, Egypt, and Greece. During WWII five UFOs
appeared above Los Angeles and were impervious to attack and pilots from “allied” and “enemy”
countries were repeatedly harassed by extraterrestrial craft referred to as “Foo fighters.” In 2023 the U.S.
Congress heard testimony that military pilots have repeatedly encountered UFOs and UAPs and that
government agencies have obtained the wreckage of and bodies from extraterrestrial spacecraft. In this
report we provide a sample of official NASA Mars photographs of what appears to be the wreckage and
debris from extraterrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones, the body of a “humanoid” stretched out on
a “cushion,” the head of a “humanoid” possibly wearing a metal device on the front of its “face” and
adjacent to a cratered debris field, two “humanoid” skulls including one that is atop what may be a raised
elongated burial mound, UAPs/UFOs photographed in the skies of Mars and a silver saucer-shaped
structure upon the ground. We hypothesize that government agencies refuse to acknowledge any
evidence for extraterrestrial life, be it UAPs or fungi on Mars, because they fear that religious and
government authority will be challenged and undermined.

Key Words: Mars, Life on Mars, Extraterrestrial, Spacecraft Wreckage, Unidentified Areal Phenomenon,
“Foo fighters,” United States Congressional hearings.

Submitted 7/30/23 / Peer Reviewed, Revised 8/8, 11/23

Accepted for publication: 8/11/23,
Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology

*Corresponding Author: R.G.Joseph,

Mars and Earth: Extraterrestrial Humanoids, Bodies, Bones, UFOs, Spacecraft Wreckage
In this report we provide NASA Mars photographs of what appears to be (1) the wreckage and
debris from extraterrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones, and the body of a “humanoid” stretched out
on a “cushion” and all of which were photographed within less than 100 meters from one another in Gale
Crater. (2) We present photographs of wreckage and an extensive debris field that includes “wheels”
attached by an “axle” as well as what resembles a cocoon-like pod located less than 400 meters from the
“humanoid” and “bones.” (3) We note that the cocoon-like pod resembles the “humanoid” laying upon
what may be a “cushion” and speculate that extraterrestrial “humanoids” may be (or had been) encased in
these pods. (4) Photographs, from Gusev Crater, depict what resembles the wreckage and debris of an

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extraterrestrial craft and the head of a “humanoid” possibly wearing a helmet and metal device on its
“face,” and (5) UAPs/UFOs photographed in the skies of Mars and a silver-saucer shaped craft upon the
ground; (6) and what appear to wreckage in other areas of Mars that cannot be remnants of spacecraft
from Earth; and (7) what appear to be two “humanoid” skulls including one that is atop what may be a
raised elongated burial mound. (8) It is our impression that these putative UAPs/UFOs, humanoids,
bones, and wreckage originated from planets beyond this solar system, and (9) that these “biologicals”
are very small in height and stature. (10) Although we cannot state with 100% certainty that these
“anomalies” are extraterrestrial in origin, it is noteworthy that in testimony before a U.S. Congressional
sub-committed in July of 2023, that David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official who served on two
Pentagon task forces investigating UAPs, has reported that extraterrestrial bodies and biological matter
have been recovered by the U.S. Military; that he has interviewed government agents who have recovered
"nonhuman biologics" from the wreckage of extraterrestrial craft that crashed on Earth; and that "a multi-
decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program" has been in existence for decades [1-5].
The U.S. Defense Dept. (and NASA) have denied these reports and have sought to discredit the
witnesses who have testified before the U.S. Congress [4-6]. Sue Gough, a spokeswoman for the
Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, said in a statement the office "has not discovered
any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-
engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently" [4]. Likewise, Dr.
Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, denies that any
wreckage or bodies have been recovered. Gough and Kirkpatrick also claim there is “no evidence” of
“extraterrestrial life” [4-5]. Videos by U.S. military pilots of UAPs [1-5, 7], and photographs of algae,
lichens, and fungi growing on Mars [8-21], indicate that the statements and official denials of these
government agents and agencies are contradicted by a large body of evidence.
Although official Pentagon and NASA government spokespersons ridicule and deny any and all
evidence of extraterrestrial life [4-6]--including disputing NASA’s own photographs of fungi and lichens
growing out of the ground on Mars [12,18]--the fact is for thousands of years numerous sages, scientists,
philosophers and poets have been convinced there is life on other planets (“stars”) and have reported that
“god-like” extraterrestrial beings in “sky boats” had been visiting Earth and influencing events taking
place on this planet [22-29].
For example, the Vedas--composed in Vedic Sanskrit ( c. 1500 – c. 500 BC)-- states “there are
400,000 humanoid species” in this universe and describes demigods (devas), demons (asuras) and mortal
humans and super-humans (manusas) of different shapes and types and some of whom have visited Earth
in sky boats and engaged in areal battles resulting in wreckage and bodies falling to Earth [22-24].
Likewise, the Egyptian Turin King List and Turin Royal Canon--which dates from the time of
Rameses II (1303 - 1213 BC)-- describes sky gods and demi-gods that visited Earth, whereas ancient
Egyptian legends tells of Tep Zepi, or the First Time when "sky gods" came down to Earth and flew
through the air in "celestial discs" and flying "boats" [27].
Homer’s the Illiad (850 BC) and Hesiod’s Theogeny (730 BC), also describe a pantheon of
extraterrestrial “gods” who sometimes battled against one another in the heavens and who descended to
Earth and intervened and interfered in human affairs.
The fact is: until near the end of the second “world war” most scientists believed there is life on
other planets, and it was widely accepted even by military leaders and major news organizations that
extraterrestrial craft (Foo fighters) were harassing Allied and enemy flight crews [30]. And then, at the
close of that world war, the U.S. Military and aligned government agencies--aided by their “operation
mockingbird” infiltration of the American media--began ridiculing the existence of what later would be
called “unidentified flying objects” [28,30].

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With the creation of the quasi-military National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) it
became official policy to denounce, ridicule and suppress any and all reports of extraterrestrial life
including fossils of fungi and bacteria in meteors and all evidence of algae, lichens, fungi and biological
activity on Mars [12, 18, 28, 30]--even when NASA’s Viking Landers repeatedly detected biological
activity in two separate locations, 4000 miles apart [9, 31] and despite the fact that NASA’s official
sequential photographs document that algae, lichens and fungi are growing on the Red Planet [7-21]. In
fact, NASA vehemently objected to Congressional demands that the 1976 Mars Viking Landers be
equipped with experiments designed to detect biological activity, and NASA has subsequently refused to
equip any of the rovers with life detection technology [28, 31].
Why has the “Pentagon” and the quasi-military NASA gone to such extraordinary extremes to
deny and suppress all evidence of extraterrestrial life? Possibly, they fear if they admit there is life on
Mars and UAPs are extraterrestrial, the implications are that life must be pervasive throughout this galaxy
and intelligent life evolved on innumerable worlds; and this would explain why there have been tens of
thousands of reports of UFOs visiting this planet. Perhaps they fear if they were to admit and
acknowledge the veracity of this vast body of evidence that religious and government authority would be
undermined [28, 32]. Perhaps this explains why NASA and the U.S. Defense Dept. have engaged in what
some members of the U.S. congress and a few media outlets have called a “coverup” [1-5].
The authors of this report, during their search for current and past life on Mars, have repeatedly
viewed official NASA photos that appear to depict the wreckage of extraterrestrial spacecraft and
specimens resembling the humanoid bodies, bones, and skulls of extraterrestrials who may have died
when those craft crashed upon the surface of the Red Planet. Given that for thousands of years there have
been reports of UFOs and god-like beings that ride in sky ships and who even battle amongst themselves
[22-29], it should not be surprising that the wreckage of some of these craft may have been discovered on
Earth [1-5] and Mars. Because the U.S. Congress has taken an interest in this subject [1-6] the authors
have decided to publish a sample of related evidence from Mars.
In the following sections we present evidence of bones, humanoids, and the wreckage and
associated debris fields of what is most likely extraterrestrial spaceships as well as photographic evidence
of UAPs (UFOs) in the skies of Mars. In the final sections we discuss this evidence and the history of
related observations--such as the “Foo Fighters” of WWII--and provide a possible explanation for why
NASA and the Pentagon have sought to discredit all evidence of extraterrestrial life.
1. Humanoids & Bones in Gale Crater
Within less than 200 meters from one another, on Sol 721, 725, 728, 729, the Rover Curiosity,
photographed what resembles partially buried bones, a “humanoid” lying upon a cushion, a “humanoid
pod” and wheels and wreckage from an extraterrestrial spacecraft that crashed in Gale Crater, Mars.
NASA then turned the rover around, and returned to the site where the “bones” were first photographed,
and discovered additional “bones.”

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Figure 1. Location of bones, humanoid, pod, wheels, wreckage in Gale Crater, Mars.\

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Figure 2. Sol 0721. Gale Crater. An assortment of what appear to be “bones” and primitive digging
implements. MR0030840070402808D01_DXXX.

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Figure 3. Sol 721. “Bones” and primitive digging implements? ML0030840010304963E01_DXXX.

Figure 4. Sol 721. “Bones” and primitive digging implements? MR0030840010402802E01_DXXX.

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Figure 5. Sol 725. Gale Crater. An assortment of what appear to be “bones” and primitive digging
implements? NASA employed Curiosity’s brush tool to move some of the soil. After photographing the
“humanoid (Figures 8-11) NASA’s rover Curiosity turned around and returned to this location days later
and took additional photos and discovered more bones (Figures14-16).

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Figure 6. Sol 725. Example of possible wreckage from a spacecraft. Photographed in Gale Crater near the
site of the “bones.” GE725NRB_461847485EDR_F0401378NCAM00322M

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Figure 7. Sol 727 Composite. Cratered crash site? Note “humanoid” (bottom right)
MR0031100020402934E01_DXXX (left) / MR0031100010402933E01_DXXX (middle) /
MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX (right).

Figure 8. Sol 727. Note “humanoid” center bottom. As also depicted here and in the following Figures (9,
12-13), the “humanoid” is surrounded by a ring of stones, and a cratered debris field of what appears to
include the wreckage of what might bean an extraterrestrial craft. The “humanoid” is also distinct from
the underlying and surrounding terrain (Figure 10) and was photographed approximately 100 meters from
the partially buried “bones” (Figures 2-5). After photographing this “humanoid” and wreckage, NASA
turned the rover around and returned to the location where the bones were photographed, and discovered
more bones (Figures 14- -16) MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX.

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Figures 9. Sol 727. The “humanoid” has a face, eyes, mouth, nose, a hand with fingers, and possibly two
legs. To speculate: Its brains have erupted from the back of its head. MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX

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Figures 10. Sol 727 . Super saturation of embedded spectra, documents that the “humanoid” is
completely distinct from underlying and surrounding substrate. MR0031100000402932E01_DXXXs

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Figures 11. Sol 727. The “humanoid” has a face, eyes, nose, mouth, jaw, hand with four visible fingers. It
is possible that the “brains” have erupted from top and the back of the head. To speculate: The
“humanoid” may be laying up a cushion. The rings of stones and position and posture of the “humanoid”
raise the possibility that other “humanoids” placed the body in this location.

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Figures 12. Sol 727. Wreckage from an extraterrestrial spacecraft? Located adjacent to the “humanoid”

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and what may be a cratered debris field. MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX.

Figure 12. Sol 727. “Humanoid” may be surrounded by a ring of stones and wreckage from an
extraterrestrial spacecraft. MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX.

Figure 13. Wreckage from an extraterrestrial spacecraft and possible remnants of a craft buried beneath
the sand and soil? Sol 727 MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX.

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Figure 14. Sol 728. After photographing the “humanoid” NASA directed its rover Curiosity to return to
the area where the “bones” were discovered. MR0031180020402946E01_DXXX

Figure 15. Sol 728. After photographing the “humanoid” NASA directed its rover Curiosity to return to
the area where the “bones” were discovered. ML0031180010305093E01_DXXX

Figure 16. Sol. 728. Bone-like forms. MR0031210010402958E01_DXXX

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2. Wheels, Axle, Debris Field, Cratered Crash Site

On Sol 729, less than 400 meters from the bones, humanoid, and possible space-craft wreckage
photographed one-two days earlier (Sol 727, 728), the rover Curiosity discovered and photographed a
cratered debris field, with what resembles spacecraft wreckage, two “wheels” attached by an “axle,” and
a “pod” that resembles the “humanoid” photographed two days earlier (Figure 20-21).

Figures 17. Sol 0729. A cratered debris field that includes artifacts resembling artificial debris including
wheels attached by an axle. feature) at Gale Crater (ML00312 50010305132E01_ DXXX.

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Figure 18. On Sol 729, less than 400 meters from the bones, humanoid, and possible space-craft
wreckage photographed one-two days earlier (Sol 727, 728), the rover Curiosity discovered and
photographed a cratered debris field, with what resembles spacecraft wreckage and two “wheels”
attached by an “axle.” ML00312 50010305132E01_ DXXX, NASA/JPL – Caltech.

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Figures 19. Sol 0729 Cratered debris field with numerous object of a color and form completely distinct
from surrounding rocks and sediment. ML00312 50010305132E01_ DXXX, NASA/JPL – Caltech).

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Figure 20. Debris field photographed less than 400 meters from the “bones” and “humanoid”
photographed two days earlier. Note pod-like structures and resemblance to “humanoid” (Figure 21) .
Wreckage with wheels is just anterior to these specimens. 0729ML00312 50010305132E01_ DXXX.

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3. “Extraterrestrial” “Humanoid” Compared with “Extraterrestrial” “Pod”

On Sols 727 and 729, less than 400 meters from one another, the rover Curiosity photographed a
“humanoid” (Sol 727) and a “pod” (Sol 729) that share striking similarities. Both specimens are
associated with debris fields and what resembles spacecraft wreckage. Moreover, bones were
photographed less than 200 meters from both both specimens. Focusing on the similarity between the
“pod” and “humanoid” and the underlying substrates, it is tempting to speculate that extraterrestrial
“humanoids” might be contained within these pods.

Figures 21. Less than 400 meters from one another, the rover Curiosity photographed a “humanoid” (Sol
727) and a “pod” (Sol 729) both of which appear to be atop a similar cushion-like mass.

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4. Debris Field, “Biologicals,” Cratered Crash Site

On January 26, 2006 (Sols 733, 734) the rover Spirit--while traversing Gusev Crater, in a location
named “Arad” (which is between “Columbia Hills” and “Home Plate”)--took two enigmatic photos of
what resembles a cratered crash site littered with small pieces of wreckage and anomalous white colored
“plastoid” ovoid objects that appear to be hollow artificial constructions.
At the center of one photo (in front of one white plastoid object), is what resembles a “dog’s
head.” Upon closer inspection, a metal cup like structure is attached to the “front” of the “head” and
what appear to be straps and other accoutrements can be discerned and which are suggestive of what
might be the remnants of a helmet. The “head” appears to be hollow To the upper left of the “head” an
anomalous “brain-like” mass can be discerned which, to speculate, appears to have bone and hollow
bone-like protrusions jutting outward and embedded within.

Figure 22. Gusev Crater. Location where the rover Spirit photographed what resembles a debris field
adjacent to a cratered crash site, and a “humanoid” wearing a helmet on its head and with a metal cup-
like structure attached to the front of its head, and two hollow plastoid objects that appear to be hallow.

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Figure 23. January 26, 2006 (Sol 733, 734?). Photographed by the Spirit rover in a location named
“Arad” which is between “Columbia Hills” and “Home Plate” in Gusev Crater. The tableau resembles a
cratered crash site littered with small pieces of wreckages that includes an anomalous white colored and
hollow “plastoid” object (Figure 24, 26) that appears to be an artificial construction and in front of which
is what resembles a “dog’s head.” Upon closer inspection, a metal cup like structure is attached to the
“front” of the “head” and what appear to be straps and other accoutrements can be discerned and which
are suggestive of what might be the remnants of a helmet (Figure 27). To the upper left of the “head” an
anomalous “brain-like” mass can be discerned which, to speculate, appears to have bone and hollow
bone-like protrusions jutting outward and embedded within (Figure 28).

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Figure 24. Composite of two images. January 26, 2006 (Sol 733, 734?) Gusev Crater. The tableau
resembles a cratered crash site littered with small pieces of wreckages that includes two anomalous white
colored “plastoids” objects that appears to be artificial constructiosn. The plastoid in the upper right can
be viewed in Figure 25. The white plastoid to the left is hollow and in front of which is the “dog’s head.”
Upon closer inspection, a metal cup like structure is attached to the “front” of the “head” and what appear
to be straps and other accoutrements can be discerned (Figure 27).

Figure 25. The white plastoid viewed in Figure 14; the hollow top of which may be in the upper right.

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Figures 26. (Sol 733, 734?). The anomalous white colored “plastoid” object is hollow with several
internal sections and is apparently an artificial construction; and in front of which is what resembles
“dog’s head” with a metal cup like structure attached to the “front” of the “head” and what appear to be
straps and other accoutrements suggestive of the remnants of a helmet.

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Figures 27. A metal cup like structure is attached to the “front” of the “head” and what appear to be
straps and other accoutrements that might be the remnants of a helmet. A portion of the “top” and side of
the head appears to be missing, and the interior appears to be hollow.

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Figures 28. To the upper left of the “dog’s head” an anomalous “brain-like” mass can be discerned
which, to speculate, appears to have bone and hollow bone-like protrusions jutting outward and
embedded within. To the upper left of this mass, a broken jar-like structure can be viewed.

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5. UAP/UFOs and a Silver Saucer-Shaped Structure on Mars

UAPs / UFOs were photographed by the rover Curiosity flying above Gale Crater (Figures 29-35)
--the same crater where wreckage, bones, a humanoid and pod were discovered.
In addition, what looks like a saucer shaped spacecraft that was photographed from space, resting
upon the cliffs of Aram chaos (2.6 degree N, 21.5 degree W) near Valles Marineris canyon. Ground level
photos indicate the structure looks like a silver saucer shaped spacecraft (Figure. 36, 37).

Figure 29. Curiosity sol 504.

Figures 30. 31. Curiosity Navicam R Sol 665.

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Figure 32. Curiosity Sol 797. As revealed via multiple filters: A UAP cloud-like
sphere surrounding a cubular-rectangular structure within which is a saucer-shaped structure traveling in
a south western direction, photographed above Gale Crater.

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Figure 33. Curiosity hazcam L camera sol 1183. Note UFO/UAP in upper left (Figures 34, 35).

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Figures 34. Curiosity hazcam L camera Sol 1183. UFO/UAP photographed above Gale Crater (see Figure

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Figure 35. Curiosity hazcam L camera sol 1183. UFO/UAP photographed above Gale Crater (see Figure

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Figure 36. Orbital 'Malin' space cameras in 2015. Aram chaos (2.6 degree N, 21.5 degree W) near Valles
Marineris canyon. A silver structure resembling an ovoid space-craft was detected.

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Figure 37. Orbital 'Malin' space cameras in 2015. Aram chaos (2.6 degree N, 21.5 degree W). A silver
structure resembling an ovoid space-craft was detected, near Valles Marineris canyon.

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6. “Wreckage” and “Debris.”

In various regions of Mars, anomalous structures have been photographed that appear artificial
and which could represent the debris from the wreckage of extraterrestrial space. Section 6, presents
samples of the numerous “anomalous” objects that have been photographed by the rovers in areas where
no known terrestrial craft have crashed or landed. We leave it to the reader to provide their own
interpretation of these images.

Figures 38. Anomalous objects that appear artificial and may represent debris from the wreckage of
extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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Figures 39. Anomalous objects that appear artificial and may represent debris from the wreckage of
extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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Figures 40. Anomalous objects that appear artificial and may represent debris from the wreckage of
extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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Figures 41. Anomalous objects that appear artificial and may represent debris from the wreckage of
extraterrestrial spacecraft. 40725MR0030950140402859E01_DXXX

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Figures 42. (Left) Spirit panorama camera sol 1402 (right) Curiosity sol 653

Figure 43. Curiosity sol 653 / Curiosity sol 173 mastcam.

Figure 44. Curiosity sol 653. Anomalous object appear artificial.

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Figure 45. Curiosity sol 653

Figure 46. Anomalous object appear artificial. Wreckage from an extraterrestrial spacecraft?

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7. Skulls & Burial Mound?

Figure 48. Sol 482 (Spirit). If that is skull, it is likely that the specimen to its front left, is a portion its
skull and jaw.

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Figures 49. Photographed by Spirit rover: Skull atop burial mound?


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Figures 50. Photographed by Spirit rover: Skull atop burial mound?

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Figure 51. Photographed by Spirit rover: This skull-like specimen has eye-sockets, a rounded cranium,
and nose. It is tempting to speculate that the body of this “humanoid” is buried beneath that elongated
mound, and that another humanoid buried the body, placed the head upon the mound along with “grave
good” adjacent to the front of the head and/or that the objects in front of the skull are remnants of the
skull and jaw.

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Figure 52. Anomaly.

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In this report we have provide a sample of official NASA Mars photographs of what appears to be
the wreckage and debris from extraterrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones (Figures 2-5), and the
body of a “humanoid” stretched out on a “cushion” (Figures 7-11); and less than 400 meters distant, an
extensive debris field that include “wheels” attached by an “axle” as well as a cocoon-like pod that
resembles the “humanoid” laying upon what may be a “cushion” (Figures 20, 21). The possible head of
“humanoid” wearing a helmet and metal device on the front of its “face” in an area that resembles a
cratered crash site and debris field that includes hollow white plastoid objects that look artificial (Figures
23-26) has also been presented; as well as what appear to be two “humanoid” skulls including one that is
atop what may be a raised, elongated burial mound (Figures 48-51).
Given the history of denials [1-6] is likely that “Operation Mockingbird” critics in the media,
NASA and military officials may dismiss these findings as nothing more than “anomalies” and
“illusions.” In this regard, we cannot say with absolute certainty these “anomalies” are extraterrestrial in
Given these caveats it is nevertheless our impression these putative UAPs/UFOs, humanoids,
bones, and wreckage, originated from planets beyond this solar system, and that these “biologicals” are
very small in height and stature. In further support of this interpretation are photographs of UAPs/UFOs
in the skies of Mars and a silver-saucer shaped craft upon the ground as reproduced in this report (Figures
U.S. Congressional UAP Hearings: Military Pilot’s “Eye Witness Testimony”
Although the authors cannot state with 100% certainty that the specimens presented here are in
fact extraterrestrial in origin, these findings and our favored interpretation are consistent with and
supportive of testimony before a U.S. Congressional sub-committed in July of 2023 during which it was
repeatedly alleged that government agencies have not been honest about the extraterrestrial origin of
“UFOs;” and that the military had retrieved the wreckage of extraterrestrial craft as well as bodies and
non-human biological matter [1-5]. David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official, told the panel that
he is “absolutely” certain the federal government is in possession of biologicals and the wreckage of alien
craft, citing interviews he conducted with 40 witnesses over a four-year period [1-5]. He further reported
that he discovered there was a Pentagon program that endeavored to collect and reconstruct crashed
UAPs. Grusch who served as a representative on two Pentagon task forces investigating UAPs claims
that "a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program" has been in existence for
decades [1-5]. He said he had interviewed numerous officials who had direct knowledge of
extraterrestrial spacecraft that had "nonhuman" origins, and that "biologics" were recovered from some
craft. Pentagon spokespersons have denounced Grusch's claims as false [4-6].
Congressmen and Congresswomen who are members of the U.S. Congressional House Oversight
subcommittee that held the hearing on UFOs — officially known as unidentified aerial phenomena
“UAPs”--repeatedly noted that UAP sightings raise questions of national security, with some members
accusing the federal government of endeavoring to conceal key UFO-related information from the public
[1-5]. “The sheer number of reports, whistleblowers and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena
should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight. And that’s why we are here today,”
Rep. Robert Garcia said in his opening statement. "UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious
threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood."
Additional witnesses alleging a “cover up” included Ryan Graves an F-18 pilot [1-5]. Graves
testified that he and his squadron have repeatedly observed UAPs which he described as "dark grey or
black cubes … inside of a clear sphere, where the apex or tips of the cubes were touching the inside of
that sphere." It is possible similar UAPs have appeared above Gale Crater, Mars (Figure 53).

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Figure 53. Curiosity Sol 797. Color desaturated and inverted to black and white negative image depicting
a cubular-rectangular structure within a surrounding sphere. Photographed above Gale Crater, Mars.

David Fravor, a former Navy commander, and a graduate of the Top Gun naval flight school, was
commander of an F/A-18F squadron on the USS Nimitz on November 14, 2004. According to Fravor, he
and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich were training with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group about 100 miles
southwest of San Diego, when advanced radar on the USS Princeton detected "multiple anomalous aerial
vehicles" over the horizon and descending 80,000 feet in less than a second. Fravor and Dietrich diverted
to investigate [1-5, 33]. That’s when he and Dietrich spotted the UAP. "I said, 'Dude, do you, do you see
that thing down there?' And we saw this little white Tic Tac-looking object. And it's just kind of moving
above the whitewater area.”
During the training exercise, Fravor and Dietrich each had a weapons system officer in the back
seat of their F/A-18F. He reported that he and these three fellow military pilots all observed the white
Tic-Tac-shaped object in 2004 that bore no visible rotors, wings or exhaust. He told the subcommittee
that he and Dietrich spotted the smooth, seamless oval-shaped object hovering over the water before it
rapidly climbed about 12,000 feet in the air. It began to ascend and approach his fighter jet. "There was
four of us in the airplanes literally watching this thing for roughly about five minutes.” He described the
"Tic Tac" object as mirroring his movements, saying "it was aware we were there." The UAP then
accelerated and disappeared only to reappear a few seconds later, 60 miles away [1-5, 33].
Fravor returned to the aircraft carrier and reported the object to other pilots who were getting
ready to take off, and they managed to get it on video.The encounter with this shape-shifting craft was
captured in the now-famous "Tic Tac" video during a flight off the coast of California in 2004 [33]. "The
technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had," Fravor claimed. "And there’s nothing
we can do about it, nothing."
According to Grusch the U.S. military has been secretly attempting to do something about this,
and has been collecting and analyzing extraterrestrial wreckage and “biologicals” for several decades.

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Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Extraterrestrials? General (Senator) Goldwater Investigations

Dismissed as an “urban legend” it has long been believed, by some, that a UFO – and its
extraterrestrial crew – crashed in the New Mexico desert near Roswell on July 2, 1947. Eyewitnesses
reported that 3-foot tall, grey-skinned aliens died in the crash. According to legend, and purportedly, eye-
witnesses and an assortment of retired generals and military officers: the bodies of these aliens and the
wreckage of their craft were shipped off to “Hangar 18” at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base [34].
Barry Goldwater, who was a major general in the Air Force Reserve, served as a United States
senator from 1953 to 1965 and 1969 to 1987, and was the Republican Party's nominee for president in
1964, repeatedly attempted to obtain information about “hangar 18” due to his interest in UFOs, only to
be told there is no “hangar 18” [34]. In a March 28, 1975 letter, General (Senator) Goldwater wrote:
"The subject of UFOs has interested me for some long time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an
effort to find out what was in the building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information has
been stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied this request. It is
still classified above Top Secret."
In the April 25, 1988 issue of The New Yorker magazine General Goldwater revealed that he
asked his friend, General Curtis LeMay, if there was any truth to the rumors that UFO evidence was
stored in a secret room at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and if he (Goldwater) might have access to
the room. According to Goldwater, an angry LeMay gave him "holy hell" and said, "Not only can't you
get into it but don't you ever mention it to me again."
In a 1988 interview on Larry King's radio show, when asked if thought the U.S. government was
withholding UFO evidence; General Goldwater replied "Yes, I do." He added: “I certainly believe in
aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced
beyond our mental capabilities....I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on
that we don't know about — and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them.”
UFOs / UAPs Are Real: Office of the Director of National Intelligence Blames China & Russia
On June 25, 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a 9 page redacted
intelligence report, titled “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” and which assessed
“the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the progress the Department of Defense
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force has made in understanding this threat.” The focus of the
report was the over 120 incidents of extremely unusual aerial phenomena witnessed by Navy pilots and
members of foreign militaries in the last two decades. These incidents involved repeated encounters with
strange objects that could engage in seemingly impossible maneuvers and change directions at incredible
speeds, and even change shape such as taking the form of a megalithic “spinning top.” According to this
report: “UAP appear to demonstrate advanced technology” and “appeared to remain stationary in winds
aloft, move against the wind, manoeuvre abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernible
means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency
(RF) energy associated with UAP sightings.”
According to this U.S. government report, there were repeated encounters, some on almost a daily
basis, including from 2014 to March 2015 over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported that the objects had
no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but were capable of hypersonic speeds. Some of these
objects suddenly accelerated and disappeared in just a blink of an eye. Some were observed to rapidly zip
toward space, and others would descend and disappear into the ocean. Many of the incidents were
recorded on video, including one taken by a fighter jet’s camera in early 2015 that shows a whitish oval
object about the size of a commercial plane, but described as a giant Tic Tac, moving at hypersonic
speeds over the ocean as pilots expressed amazement. In audio recordings one of the pilots exclaims:
“There’s a whole fleet of them.”

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Some UAP’s also emitted electromagnetic activity that could be likened to a technologically
advanced form of “radio” like transmission. They have also been observed to suddenly accelerate to
hypersonic speeds beyond “the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”
Although pilots have been reporting these encounters since the advent of the airplane, and despite
the fact that Japanese, German, American, and British pilots had hundreds of encounters with similar
objects during WWII--described as “Foo fighters” [30]-- the June 2021 U.S. government report
concluded that some of the aerial phenomena may be evidence of advanced experimental hypersonic
technology that has been developed by Russia or China.
Therefore, the U.S. government has sought to definitively rule out extraterrestrial spacecraft and
wishes the American public to believe that these incidents are due to Earth-based super technologies
recently developed by China and Russia. However, military pilots were having these encounters in the
early 1940s [30, 35,36] when Russia was borrowing propeller-driven craft from Britain and America, and
China was a 3rd world backwater with no air-force and whose armies were equipped with WWI era
UFO Foo Fighters of WWII
From the outset of WWII, hundreds of U.S. and allied pilots had already been repeatedly
confronted, toyed with, and challenged by squadrons of UFOs; all of which proved invulnerable when
fired upon [30, 35, 36]. According to the official military reports of hundreds of pilots and their flight
crews, the Foos were incredibly fast, had unusual shapes, were capable of amazing maneuvers and
impossible turns, and would ride alongside, above, below, and directly in front of U.S. fighter planes
which proved incapable of shooting them down [35-42].
Despite military orders for secrecy, the U.S. media soon learned of the existence of these UFOs
and even the New York Times began reporting on these otherworldly encounters [30, 38]. As stated by
the New York Times and Allied Supreme Headquarters in 1944: "Floating Mystery Ball Is New Nazi Air
Weapon -- SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied expeditionary Forces, Dec. 13--A new German
weapon has made its appearance on the western air front, it was disclosed today. Airmen of the American
Air Force report that they are encountering silver colored spheres in the air...either singly or in clusters.
Sometimes they are semi-translucent... There was no information available as to what holds them up like
stars in the sky, what is in them, or what their purpose appears to be" [38]. The flying spheres and disks
were called "Foo Fighters” [35] and had been repeatedly observed by hundreds of pilots and flight crews
who described the "Foos" as on fire, glowing, and changing colors, from red to white to orange [30,
39-42]. Today, the "Foos" would be classified as "UFOs" or described as "flying saucers."
At first the Allied Pilots thought they were German secret weapons [38] --except that, German
pilots were seeing the same phenomenon [30]: fast-moving round glowing objects, which flew in
formation, buzzed Allied and NAZI planes, or followed close behind; and then they would vanish after
"toying" with American, British, and Nazi warplanes [39-42].
Pilots and flight crews, regardless of nationality, all saw the same “Foos." As described in military
reports and to the media at that time, the Foos were not hostile, appeared to be under intelligent control,
could make fantastic turns before speeding off at unbelievable speeds, and they were impervious to attack
[30, 35-42]. Neither German, British, or American planes could shoot them down. And then the Foos
began following Allied planes as they firebombed Japan [30].
At the close of the war, and upon debriefing German and Japanese pilots and realizing the "Foos"
were not secret weapons, the military and the U.S. government decided they must be extraterrestrial:
from other worlds. And then, despite all the previous and extensive coverage in all the major media, and
for reasons only a military-mind might find persuasive, the U.S. government and its military, decided to
officially deny the existence of "Foos" and extraterrestrial life, and numerous top secret orders were

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issued, and which were followed by "confidential" "notes" to the nation's media, stressing national and
"Military Security". For example, in January of 1945, a "NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR BROADCAST"
"CONFIDENTIAL" report from the Western Defense Command cautioned: "PLEASE DO NOT AID
UFOs and "Sky Battles" Over Los Angeles and Ancient Cities
On the evening of February 24, 1942, five UFOs appeared in formation over the darkening skies
of Los Angeles and adjacent military weapons and aircraft manufacturing facilities [30, 43,44]. As air
raid sirens screamed, U.S. military "Western Defense" anti-aircraft guns blasted away at the five glowing
orbs which were illuminated and tracked by search lights; a battle observed by tens of thousands of Los
Angeles residents And yet, despite direct hits, the UFOs proved impervious and never broke formation as
they maneuvered over the city and then hovered over industries involved in the war effort [43,44].
According to the Los Angeles Times [43], the U.S. military was so overawed they refused to
authorize the launching of interceptors. When later questioned by reporters, Lt General John L. DeWitt
(The Western Defense Commander) explained: "American planes were not sent up because only 48 U.S.
aircraft were available, and were being held up in readiness for a possible large scale attack." An attack
by whom? Los Angeles reporters asked [43, 44]. General DeWitt was forced to admit the U.S. military
did not know what these "enemy" objects were or where they came from; referring to them as
"Unidentified aircraft" [43]. However, in Washington D.C. the nation’s capital, Secretary of the Navy
Frank Knox denied that any enemy planes, or any craft whatsoever had been flying over Los Angeles--
despite the fact that the “unidentified” orbs were illuminated by searchlights and were repeatedly fired
upon. Knox told the press that "it was just a false alarm" due to "jittery nerves." The L.A. Times mocked
him by asking: "Whose nerves, Mr. Knox? The public or the Army’s?”
The Los Angeles Times accused the military of a coverup and in a front page editorial [43]
demanded "INFORMATION PLEASE..." and "that more specific public information should be
forthcoming from government sources on the subject, if only to clarify their own so-far conflicting
statements." The L.A. Times also pointed out that "the ensuing heavy and long-continued anti-aircraft
firing... was ordered by the Army's 4th Interceptor Command...” and which also ordered “no effort should
be spared to shoot them down.”
The L.A. Times pointed out the U.S. military was so terrified of these "unidentified flying" objects,
that military commanders recommended "vital industries" in the L.A. area and "Pacific Coast war
industries" "would have to be moved to safer inland regions." The L.A Times asked Navy Secretary
Knox: "If there were no planes and no danger why should our great aircraft industry be moved inland?"
The fact is, “Foos" (UFOs) have been observed for thousands of years, with reports of great aerial
battles over the skies of ancient cities including Nuremberg in 1561 when dozens if not hundreds of
UFOs engaging one another for hours [30]. UFOs had also been repeatedly witnessed in ancient India
sometimes attacking one another [22, 23, 45] with one sky battle so horrendous that cities below were
destroyed: "Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light
material.... By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion,
a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it
can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With Vimanas human
beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth” [45].
As recounted in the Mahabharata [46]: “Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled
against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the
Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its
splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which

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reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas."

The Hindu Vedas: UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
The word “veda” means “knowledge” [47]. The four Vedas, composed in Vedic Sanskrit,
constitute the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, and were written during the Vedic age ( c. 1500 – c. 500
BCE) and consist of a compilation of knowledge, or vidyas [48, 49]. Devout Hindus consider the Vedas
to be "not of a man” but having “superhuman" origins [47, 50, 51].
According to the Veda there are two categories of knowledge [51]. Math, chemistry, physics,
social science, and health science form one body of knowledge, whereas spiritual reality forms the basis
of the second category of knowledge. According to the Mahabharata, everything stated in the Vedas truly
exist in this universe and not just on Earth [23, 24, 51].
In the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 3, it is stated that all these living entities throughout the universe
were created by Brahma and became existent by the energy of the Supreme God so as to fill the universe
with various kinds of living entities according to their specific activities and features [50, 52]. The Vedas
also state that throughout the universe there are “400,000 humanoid species” of different shapes and size,
and some of which evolved and live under water; and that some of these “humanoids” are demonic and
others god-like and have sky boats [22-23, 50, 51]. However, although there are “400,000 humanoid
species” these extraterrestrial beings can be categorized into three major types: suras (benevolent god-like
beings), asuras (malevolent reptilian beings) and manusas (mortal human beings).
The Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda Section, Chapter 8, Verse 6 described a humanoid race
called the bhutaganas who possessed “flying machines... Those wonderful vimana air crafts roamed the
sky with extremely high speed, controlled by thousands of evil creatures with big round eyes, with
helmets on their heads.” In the Bhagavata Purana, Canto 10, Chapter 76, flying sky ships are described
that have powerful weapons and that they would fight battles with other flying ships that would crash to
Earth [22-23, 50, 51].
Extraterrestrial life (“Atomists”) vs Christian and Hebrew Religious Beliefs
The belief that extraterrestrial life is pervasive throughout the cosmos is not unique to the Vedas
but was also formally proposed and detailed over two thousand five hundred years ago by the Greek
"atomists" whose more influential members included Anaxagoras, Democritus, and Epicurus [27, 28].
The atomists believed that matter could neither be created nor destroyed--perhaps the earliest formulation
of the law of conservation of mass. Specifically, in the fifth century B.C. Democritus and Anaxagoras
proposed that all matter is made up of tiny indestructible units, called atoms. According to Democritus,
these atoms move about in space and combine in various ways to give shape and form to all macroscopic
objects including those that are alive. Since the world was made up of atoms, and since all matter,
including life, was comprised of smaller elements called "atoms" then the essential atomic elements
comprising life could not be created or destroyed and thus atoms must have combined to create life on
innumerable worlds and life was everywhere throughout the universe [27, 28]. As summed up by
Epicurus "we must believe that in all worlds there are living creatures and plants and other things we see
in this world... For the atoms being infinite in number... have not been used up either on one world or on
a limited number of worlds." Anaxagoras concluded: various races of men and generations of beasts and
every thing alive on Earth, must have also evolved from seeds which fell on other worlds.
The atomistic ideas of Anaxagoras and Epicurus greatly influenced the Roman poet Lucretius,
who, in his famous work “On the Nature of Things” (De Rerum Natura), concluded: "All that exists... is
bounded in no direction... and consists.... of other orbs of Earth in other regions of space, and various
races of men and generations of beasts."
Because the universe was infinite and eternal--the atomists' argued-- there must be an infinite
number of worlds much older than Earth where the races of men had acquired superior reasoning

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abilities. Thus, according to the atomists, including and especially Epicurus, some of the races of men
who came to dwell on other worlds could be likened to "gods." But these so called "gods" were not spirits
or supernatural beings, but human, who like the humans of Earth, were composed of atoms [27, 28].
The views of Anaxagoras on the origins of life were anathema to the religious authorities, as were
the atomists' belief that the universe was infinite, eternal, and populated by infinite worlds just like our
own. Democritus, Anaxagoras, and especially Epicurus, were continually attacked and denounced by
those favoring supernatural and religious explanations for life's origins. Those leading the attacks
included Hebrew philosophers and especially the Pharisees [28}.
Attacking and denouncing the "atomists" quickly became incorporated into the Hebrew religion.
Thus it is stated in the religious book, the Talmudic Mishnah: "All Israel has a share in the world to
come. And these are the people who do not merit the world to come: the ones who deny the resurrection
of the dead, and those who deny the Torah is from the heavens, and all Epicureans." -Talmudic Mishnah
In fact, the Hebrew word for "heretic" is a transliteration of the word "Epicurean" i.e. Aprikoros
and Apikorsim. According to Hebrew religious doctrine, these "heretics" could be condemned to death
and murdered. Thus, for example, the Hebrew prayer known as the "Amidah" begs that "all the
Apikorsim be destroyed in an instant."
The Catholic Church, following the lead of their Hebrew brethren, denounced all "Epicureans"
and singled out Epicurus and Anaxagoras who were described as "self-indulgent... godless... pigs" (St.
Augustine). Epicurus's and Anaxagoras's views about the nature of life and the cosmos were labeled
"heresy", "blasphemy," and "depraved" and grounds for torture and death (St. Augustine, Clement of
Alexandria). The science of "Epicursim" became synonymous with "heretics" and "heresy."
According to orthodox Hebrew religious teaching: Only those with souls are descended from
Adam and Eve who were created on the 7th day; and only those created on the 7th days have souls vs the
soulless humans created on the 6th day (Torah, Talmudic Mishnah). Further, because none of the Hebrew
religious texts make any explicit mention of life on other planets this could mean there is no life on other
planets--at least, not intelligent life.
Therefore, those advocating in favor of extraterrestrial life, are heretics and blasphemers
(Talmudic Mishnah). On the other hand, that there is life on other planets, is hinted at in the Jewish
religious texts, Deuteronomy. Psalms, Talmud, and the Zohar/Kabbal. Furthermore, in Judges (5:32), we
are told of a place in heaven called "Meroz." The inhabitants of "Meroz", however, are cursed: "Curse its
people bitterly, because they did not come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty."
According to the Talmud, "Meroz" is a "heavenly body" (star or planet). In Judges, we are told: "The
stars fought from heaven. The stars in their orbits fought against Sisera." Thus, according to some
interpretations, Sisera was a star, and Meroz was an orbiting planet; and for reasons which are not spelled
out, the inhabitants of Meroz refused to help the Jewish god during a war amongst the stars.
However, unlike the humans of Earth, who have a soul, human-like life on other planets could not
be human and could not have a soul according to orthodox Jewish religious belief (e.g. Rabbi Yosef
Albo,1380-1444; Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson 1902-1994); a view also endorsed by Albert Einstein.
And why is that? Because they would not have "Torah" (as there is only one). Even if extraterrestrials
look like "people" they would not be human and would not have souls.
NASA Defamed Nobel Prize Winner Urey For Discovering Fossilized Extraterrestrial Microbes
By the later part of the 19th and early part of the 20th century, most scientists, including winners
of the Nobel Prize, believed life on Earth had extraterrestrial origins; and thus, by extension, there must
be life on other planets. Following the close of WWII, and especially with the establishment of NASA
these views began to radically change in favor of Judeo-Christian religious doctrine [27, 28].
In 1961 and over the following two years, three brilliant scientists, George Claus, Bartholomew

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Nagy, and Nobel Laureate Harold Urey, reported discovering biological residue and an assortment of
fossilized bacteria, including algae and cyanobacteria, in meteors older than this solar system [53-56].
The discovery led to world wide publicity, followed by a campaign of threats, harassment, intimidation,
slander and defamation by NASA scientists and administrators who dispersed funds to successfully
discredit these scientists [57] whom NASA--and the journal Nature publishing group--described as
"frauds" who had "deliberately contaminated" the meteors and had perpetrated a "hoax" [58].
Dr. Urey, whose pioneering work on isotopes won him the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1934, had
worked on the development of the atomic bomb, and had continued to make amazing discoveries in the
advancement of science, including in the 1950s when he and his former student, Stanley Miller, produced
over 20 amino acids, the building blocks of life, in an experiment designed to determine whether some of
the chemical conditions of Earth early in its history could initiate the genesis of life (43): the famous
Urey-Miller experiments.
However, when Claus, Nagy, and Urey published their findings proving the existence of
fossilized extraterrestrial life, NASA launched, directed, and funded a vicious campaign of slander and
denial and in actions reminiscent of the trials of Galileo, NASA repeatedly demanded that these scientists
recant and retract their findings, which, at first, they refused to do. Finally, their reputations destroyed
and under pressure from NASA, these scientists agreed to change the description of their findings [59].
NASA’s victims are legion and--again with the aid of the Nature publishing Group-- has sought to
destroy the reputation of other scientists and discredit their discovery of extraterrestrial life and has
sought to pressure journals to retract these findings, or, like the Journal of Cosmology, have their
reputations destroyed [60, 61].
NASA Opposes Search For Extraterrestrial Life, Disavows 1976 Mars Viking Results
Because oxygen had been detected in the atmosphere of Mars [16, 18], the U.S. Congress
authorized funding and ordered that NASA’s planned (1976) Viking missions be equipped with life
detection technology--a mandate vigorously opposed by NASA administrators, the presidents of various
universities and even the editor-in-chief of the journal “Science” [28, 62]. According to Dr. Gil Levin,
who developed the Viking Labeled Release experiments designed to detect biological activity on Mars,
NASA administrator’s objections to the inclusion of his experiments were based on religion and not
science [28, 62].
As detailed by Dr. Levin: when he met with NASA administrators Dr. John Olive (and 20 others),
Dean Cowie of the Carnegie Institute, and the editor of the journal Science (Dr. Phil Abelson), they
began evoking the Bible as proof against life on Mars and that the teachings of the Bible forbid any
search for extraterrestrial life [28, 62]. As related by Dr Levin: "Abelson became angry and began
shouting: "The Bible tells us there cannot be any life on other planets." Ableson and others then stormed
out of the meeting.
When Levin’s experiments detected biological activity in two different locations on Mars, these
findings were repeatedly rejected by NASA officials and NASA scientists, some of whom claimed the
"Bible" and "Torah" proves there is no life on Mars [28, 63]. NASA administrator Dr. Velvl Greene
complained that he was repeatedly warned by religious zealots working at NASA that searching for life
on Mars was "contrary to Torah," and he "shouldn't be doing this kind of work...because it goes contrary
to Torah...It's forbidden...” [63].
Subsequently, despite claims that detecting life on Mars might constitute one of the most
important experiments in history, NASA not only denounced the Viking results as “false positives” but
has refused to equip any subsequent mission with life detection experiments [28, 31] and refuses to
acknowledge the vast body of published findings--based on NASA’s own photographs--documenting that
algae, lichens, and fungi are growing on Mars [7-21; 64, 65, 66]. NASA refuses to search for life, refuses

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to examine any specimens for life, and ignores or and ridicules all evidence of life on Mars, even when
sequential photos prove that fungi grow out of the ground and increase in size and number [13].
If there is life on other planets is a question that the U.S military establishment and the quasi-
military organization known as NASA, does not want asked and does not want answered. Denial appears
to be the official policy of these government agencies [1-6]
Hypothesis: Why Does NASA & the US Defense Dept. Deny the Obvious?
That algae, lichens and fungi are growing on Mars is well established [7-21; 64, 65, 66], and that
UAPs have been viewed by the peoples of Earth for thousands of years is well documented [22, 23, 25,
26, 28, 29]. So why does NASA and the U.S. Defense Dept. refuse to acknowledge what many
considered to be the “obvious”? Possibly because fossilized microbes in meteors, algae and fungi on
Mars, and UAPs, are all connected and provide irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial life. If the
government admits there is biological activity and that fungi and algae can grow on Mars, then these and
other organisms can live on other planets. The implications are that similar forms of life have evolved on
other planets and that intelligent extraterrestrials have evolved on worlds billions of years older than our
own [7, 25, 26, 27]. Once this is accepted, then we must begin to accept the possibility intelligent aliens
are visiting this world.
It is reasonable to ask: are those in power fearful of the long term consequences and the
repercussions if they admit there is life on Mars and that technologically advanced aliens exist? It’s been
hypothesized that if the government admitted that technologically advanced aliens have been visiting
Earth, that new religions might be established in which aliens become the subject of worship [32].
Established religions might topple and fall. The masses, the poor, the underprivileged may begin
worshipping aliens, begging for their help, for their intervention in human affairs, to help topple
oppressive governments. The authority of governments and established religions might be challenged.
New leaders, charlatans and fraudsters might emerge claiming to have a direct line to these alien gods.
Preachers and prophets may multiply by the millions, claiming to speak for these "alien gods." Instead of
an indifferent god or gods, new religions might emerge preaching, as gospel, that super powerful aliens
will come down and “save” us [32]. And there goes our current world order and the authority of
established religions and governments. Hence, perhaps those in power are afraid of losing power and
control over the people they govern and rule. All "authority" may be undermined. And what if some of
these extraterrestrials respond to human calls for help and intervention? Suddenly, the aliens take charge!
Perhaps the religious authorities and those in power fear a domino effect [32]. Therefore, perhaps
denial must be the official policy, otherwise established religions will begin to totter and governments
may lose control over the people. Thus, it’s all above “top secret” and denial is official policy.
Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life May Have Repeatedly Evolved Billions of Years Ago
Within this galaxy there are ancient stars ringed by planets [67-70], including over 1350 confirmed
“super Earths” [71]. How many Earth-like planets orbit stars like our own is unknown; but in this galaxy
it has been estimated that at least one out of five star systems may be orbited by a habitable planet [70].
Given that there may be up to 400 billion stars in this galaxy which is over 13 billion years in age [72,
73], then based on the calculations of Kunimoto et al. [70] up to 80 billion planets could be inhabited in
this and another 80 billion in each and every star spangled galaxy in the cosmos. As summed up by
Campante et al. [68] who has discovered five sub-Earth sized worlds orbiting Kepler-444 which has an
estimated age of 11.2 to 12.2 billion years: “Earth-size planets have formed throughout most of the
universe's 13.8 billion year history, leaving open the possibility for the existence of ancient life in the
Anatomically “modern” humans appeared on this planet less than 50,000 years ago. Consider the
scientific accomplishments of the last two centuries. If science marches on and humans do not self-

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destruct in the fires of nuclear conflagration, or become extinct due to climate change, cosmic
catastrophes or plague and disease, what scientific technological marvels might they accomplish in the
next two hundred years? What about a thousand years from now? Or a million? A hundred million? Or a
billion? Intellectually, technologically, a billion years from now the “humans” of the future might appear
to us as gods; and they might view us as little different from talking monkeys in comparison.
There are stars that twinkle in the darkness of night that were formed over 10 billion years ago, six
billion years “before Earth became a twinkle in the eyes of God.” Studies of the first life sustaining
minimal genome and genetic complexity indicate that the first gene was fashioned between 10 to 14
billion years ago [74] corresponding to when the Milky Way Galaxy began to form; and that it took at
least 7 billion years of genetic duplicative events to reach a level of genetic complexity that made it
possible for life to begin [75, 76]; at least 2 billion years before the 4.6 billion year old Earth became
Earth. There are solar systems with potentially habitable worlds over 10 billion years in age, whereas our
world is an estimated 4.6 billion years old.
What might be the technological and scientific accomplishments of “humans” and intelligent non-
human “animals” that evolved on Earth-like planets billions of years before our solar system was formed?
They might appear to us as “gods.” And they might be visiting Mars and Earth.
For thousands of years there have been reports of extraterrestrial beings and “sky boats” that have
visited Earth. During WWII, pilots from all countries were harassed by extraterrestrial craft referred to as
“Foo fighters.” In 2023 the U.S. Congress heard testimony that military pilots have repeatedly
encountered UFOs and UAPs and that government agencies have obtained the wreckage of and bodies
from extraterrestrial spacecraft.
If technologically advanced extraterrestrials have been visiting and crashing on Earth, it can be
predicted that similar events would have taken place on Mars and planets in this and other solar systems.
In this report we provide a sample of official NASA Mars photographs of what appears to be the
wreckage and debris from extraterrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones, the body of a “humanoid”
stretched out on a “cushion;” the head of a “humanoid” still wearing a metal device on the front of its
“face” adjacent to a cratered debris field, two “humanoid” skulls including one that is atop what may be a
raised elongated burial mound, UAPs/UFOs photographed in the skies of Mars and a silver-saucer shaped
structure upon the ground.
It must be cautioned, however, that without direct and detailed examination, it is impossible to
determine with absolute certainty if these “anomalies” are extraterrestrial in origin.

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