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Mining Research.
THE Executive Board of Mining Research of the Resea1·ches on the spontaneous combustion of coal
University of Birmingham has just issued a have occupied a considerable portion of the work of
report on the work of the Mining Research Laboratory the Mining Research Laboratory. It will be remem-
fu1 the years 1921-1924, the report being signed by bered byo those interested that the Mining Research
Dr. J. S. Haldane, who is the chairman of this Board. Laboratory of the University of Birmingham was
The report gives an interesting summary of the established to continue the work originally started
various researches which are being undertaken, some in the Doncaster Research Laboratory, which was
of which deal with problems of very great import- established with the definite object of investigating
ance to the coal industry. Necessarily some of these spon tan eo us fires in the collieries of that district. It
researches are purely scientific, whilst others are is, however, only proper to point out that whilst the
essentially practical, but it is quite obvious that investigation was due in the first instance to the
the results of even the first named are likelv to find necessity for combating the dangers to which the coal
important practical applications. A great' deal of of the district was especially liable, the Doncaster
work has been done upon the absorption of various Coal Owners' Committee from the outset placed all
gases by coal, and the effect that these phenomena its laboratory results freely and fully at the dis-
may have upon the spontaneous combustion of coal posal of the entire coal mining industry, and took
has been carefully investigated. A certain amount care to publish all the results obtained by its
of work has been done on the application of wireless laboratory staff. This work has been continued at
electricity to underground problems, but no definite Birmingham, and the oxidisability of different types of
conclusions appear to have been reached, and the coal has been recently studied, as also has the liability
work has, for the present at any rate, been laid aside. of the various constituents of coal to spontaneous
A most interesting group of physiological experiments combustion. The results have clearly shown that
has been carried out by means of an experimental fusain is relatively insensible chemically, and that its
chamber by which it is possible to test the effect of oxidation is negligible as a source of heat in initiating
various gases upon men at rest and at work ; as the spontaneous combustion. On the other hand, it is
result of these experiments, accurate information as pointed out that bands of fusain, on account of their
to the .e ffect of carbon monoxide upon those exposed open physical structure, may play an important part
to its influence has been rendered available, and it in aiding spontaneous combustion by forming channels
has been shown that this poisonous gas is absorbed through which supplies of air can readily reach the
far more readily by men doing work than when they more oxidisable constituents of the coal.
are at rest. Another series of these experiments has A number of researches, all bearing on the in-
tested the suggested new method of treatment for vestigation of the oxidation of coal, are being carried
carbon monoxide poisoning as well as for asphyxia- on, and it is worth noting that they are being assisted
tion, the value of carbon dioxide for this purpose by a grant from the Miners' Welfare Fund, made on
having been shown by these researches, with which the recommendation of the Safety in Mines Research
the name of Dr. Haldane is closely associated. Board of the Mines Department. It is, of course, of
· Another set of researches, the ultimate results of the greatest importan.ce to the industry that all the
which may be of very far-reaching importance, are mining research now carried on Great
those upon the discoveries of Dr. Bergius dealing Britain should be co-ordinated by a central authoritv,
with the hydrogenation of coal. It has been found not with the view of controlling the work, but mainiy
that when coal is mixed with a suitable liquid such to see that no excessive overlapping occurs and to
as phenol, and heated to approximately 400° C. in take care that provision may be made for filling up
an atmosphere of hydrogen under a pressure of ISS any important gaps in our knowledge which may be
atmospheres for a considerable length of time, left between a number of individual lines of research.
hydrogen is absorbed and a quantity of coal, in some It is interesting to note that a number of respirators,
cases up to 40 per cent., is converted into an oil- most of which have originated in the United States,
like liquid. The various constituents of coal have and are designed to enable men to live for a certain
been tested, and it is found that clarain and durain time in an atmosphere of carbonic oxide by oxidising
are hydrogenated with comparative facility, but that this gas to the relatively innocuous carbonic acid,
:fusain is very little affected. The possibility of have been examined, and the results are now being
hydrogenating coal under these conditions has thus published in the Transactions of the Institution of
been definitely confirmed, and substantial yields of Mining Engineers.
liquid products have been obtained, though the Finally, we have a group of researches conducted
nature of these ·liquids has not yet been fully in- in order to determine the effect of specially hot and
vestigated ; it is stated that they appear to contain deep mines, this work now being carried out in
oxygen, and that it is a question yet to be determined conjunction with a committee of the Institution
whether it is possible to eliminate this oxygen by of Mining Engineers, financed by grants from the
further hydrogenation and thus to obtain hydro- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and
carbons. Attention is directed to the fact that the the Miners' Welfare Committee on the recommendation
behaviour of clarain and durain is approximately the of the Safety in Mines Research Board of the Mines
same, and that the liquids obtained by treating these Department: Nine reports have already been pub·
constituents give almost identical analytical results, lished as communications to the Institution of Mining
and it is suggested that this fact would appear to Engineers, a form in which they are conveniently
support Prof. ·wheeler's contention that clarain and available for men engaged in mining operations in all
durain contain constituents of similar chemical type. parts of the world. The work is being continued
Although up to the present the results obtained by and there is still a large field open for research.
the hydrogenation of coal have a purely scientific It will be obvious from this brief summary of the
interest, it must be remembered that they only report that the Mining Research Laboratory of the
represent the initial stages of a very complex in- University of Birmingham is doing work of the utmost
vestigation, and that it is quite possible that the value to the mining industry; by far the greater part
ultimate outcome of thls may produce results of the of this work bears directly upon the safety, health, and
utmost economic importance. welfare of men engaged in the coal mining industry.
NO. 2891, VOL. II5]
© 1925 Nature Publishing Group

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