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A. Concept Paper B. Position Paper

English for Academic and Professional Purposes C. Reaction Paper D. Survey Report

Read the questions carefully then write the letter of the best answer BEFORE THE _____22. Technology comes from the Greek work tekhnologia, this is a formal way of
NUMBER. STRICTLY NO ERASURE OR ALTERATION. defining concept that follows what format?
____1. Academic text is usually written by A. term-genus differentia B. term-differentia-genus.
A. anonymous individual B. experts or professional C. genus-term-differentia D. genus-differentia-
C. poet D. well-known official term

_____2. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. This is what _____23. How can you make your position paper strong?
discipline? A. Be sure to annotate your paper
A. Biology B. Chemistry C. Law D. Politics B. Record your observations and post them in youtube
C. Give an educated and informed opinion with evidence
_____3. How long is your summary? D. Apply citations in the introductory part of the paper
A. 2-5 sentences B. 6-9 sentences
C. 10-13 sentences D. 14-17 sentences
_____24. What is Close-ended questions
_____4. Elements in outlining where signifies the Main Idea or the article or essay
A. Close-ended questions allow respondents to write in their own
A. Capital Letters B. Numbers
C. Roman Numeral D. Small Letters
B. Close-ended questions is a question that a research project sets out to
_____5. A Criticism that views a text as a revelation of its author’s mind and
C. Close-ended questions require the respondent to choose one of
personality. It is based on the work of Sigmund Freud.
several specified answers and can also take a variety of forms. 
A. Physioanalysis B. Physiological
D. Close-ended questions are used to find out more about the
C. Phsycological D. Psychological
characteristics of individual teachers and learners (e.g.students’ age, gen-
der, ethnicity, language background, proficiency level, etc.).
_____6. It is a specialized form of writing where the reader analyzes something and
expresses his ideas about it.
_____25. You're writing report about which city to open a new store in. What pattern of
A. Concept Paper B. Position Paper
organization should you choose?
C. Reaction Paper D. Survey Report
A. a time-based pattern B. a place-based pattern
C. a quantity-based pattern D. a factor-based
_____7. Ways of definition where it provides examples pattern
A. By negation B. By function
C. By illustration D. By similarity _____26. What critical approach will you use when you are asked this question:  How
does the story reflect the attitudes and beliefs of
_____8. Elements in outlining where signifies the sub topic/detail the article or essay the time in which it was written or set?
A. Capital Letters B. Numbers A. Formalist Approach  B. Gender Approach
C. Roman Numeral D. Small Letters C. Historical-Biographical Approach  D. Reader-Response
_____9. It is a specialized form of writing where the author analyzes something and
expresses his ideas about it. _____27. It should present the following in a reaction paper: objective or purpose of
A. Concept Paper B. Position Paper the text; major findings in the text; gist of the plot
C. Reaction Paper D. Survey Report A. Conclusion B. Introduction
C. Review/Critique D. Summary
_____10. Aside from Parliamentary; it is the other type of debate.
A. American Oxford B. British Parliament _____28. If you are in favor of the proposition, you are...
C. French Oxford D. Oregon Oxford A. hyperbole B. optimistic
C. on the pro side D. on the con side
_____11. He/she is the last speaker in Opposite side in a Parliamentary debate.
A. Leader of the Opposite B. Leader of the Opposite Rebuttal _____29. The proposition is "We shouln’t have school dances in middle school."Jamal
C. Leader of the Opposite Constructive thinks we should have school dances. Jamal is:
A. hyperbole B. optimistic
_____12. Part of a report paper in which you place your objectives. C. on the pro side D. on the con side
A. Content page B. Preface C. Title page D. Term of
Reference _____30. Which of the following does NOT include in the introduction of the position
_____13. Part of report paper that presents the unfamiliar idea/s used in a report A. background of the topic  B. Counter-argument
paper. C. Importance of the topic D. Thesis of the
A. Content page B. Preface C. Title page D. Term of position paper
_____31. Stephanie, the CEO of a company, receives a formal report from Carole,
_____14. What is a Questionnaire
one of the executives. Stephanie is very busy though
A. A report of data collection
and just wants the quick facts about the project covered in the report.
B. A list of questions to be answered by researcher
What section should Stephanie read to meet her goals?
C. Collection tool designed to gather raw data
A. Analysis B. Appendix
D. Instrument used to gather information
C. Executive Summary D. Introduction and
_____15. Who writes reports?
A. Business managers B. Company owners
C.Department supervisors D. All of the above _____32.   I must do the following in order to present a proper report:
_____16. Academic writing uses formal language rather than slang or informal A. Skip a line before and after the subject
language. B. Sign a nom de plume to protect my identity
A. complexity B. formality C. objectivity D. precision C. Write at least 3 paragraphs
D. Write in capital letters only
_____17. Most of the time Topic sentence is located in____?
A. Body B. Conclusion _____33. Including questions that are not relevant to the research objectives or
C. Introduction D. None of these hypotheses in a questionnaire but may be of use is a good
feature of an efficient questionnaire.
_____18. A brief restatement of a text’s main points A. True B. False C. Both A&B
A. conclusion B. summary
C. thesis statement D. topic sentence _____34. Executive summary "should be self-explanatory." What does this mean?
A. The executive summary should be easy to read.
_____19. Summarizing is evident in daily activities like? B. The reader should not need to read the executive summary.
A. Retelling a movie B. Recalling how days was C. The executive summary should persuade the reader to
C. Telling your lovelife D. None of these agree with the report findings.
D. The reader should not need to read the other report sections to
_____20. Asserts that most “literature” throughout time has been written by women, understand the executive summary.
for women.
A. Feminism. B. Feminist. C. Masculine D. Masculinity _____35. What would NOT be included in an executive summary?
A. the report title B. the report findings
_____21. It is a specialized form of writing where the author analyzes something and C. the report topic D. the report recommendations
expresses his ideas about it.
_____36. From the given topic outline which among the 4 is the BEST?
_____45. Why are questionnaire distributed in the first place?
A. To extract general information
A) I. Economic Problems
B. To extract potential information
C. To extract biased information
B.) I. Economic Problems
D. To extract specific information
A. Child Support
A. Child Support
_____46. In your class you were task to make a thesis statement, Which CLAIM is
B. Possible Relocation
the strongest for the following thesis statements?
B. Possible Relocation
A. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play.
a. Poorer Neighborhood
B. Violent video games are harmful to young people, and it should be
1. Poorer Neighborhood
II. Peer Problem
C. Violent video games are harmful for young people because they should
II. Peer Problem
be reading a book.
A. Loss of Friends
D. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play because
A. Loss of Friends
children can become desensitized to death.
C) I. Economic Problems
_____47. What is the best topic sentence you can use to your book review on “ If I
D.) I. Economic Problems
Never Forever Endeavor”
A. Child Support
A. This book was about a bird in Michigan.
A. Child Support
B. This book was about a bird who didn’t yet know how to fly.
B. Possible Relocation
C. This book was very well written that talks about a bird in Michigan.
B. Possible Relocation
D. This book was very well written that talks about bird who can’t fly.
Poorer Neighborhood
Poorer Neighborhood
II. Peer Problem
_____48. Your teacher tasks you to formulate a definition(combination of origin and by
II. Peer Problem
function), which among the choices is the
A. Loss of Friends
best answer?
Loss of Friends
A. Palindrome comes from Greek palindromos,
B. Palindrome comes from Greek palindromos, meaning "running back
_____37. 1. Alice is taller than Bill.
again," which itself is from palin ("back," "again") and dramein ("to
2. Bill is taller than Cindy.
Therefore, Cindy is taller than Alice.
C. Palindrome comes from Greek palindromes meaning “running back
again”, e.g. “Nurses run”
A. The argument satisfies the Logic Condition.
D. Palindrome comes from Greek palindromos, meaning "running back
B. The argument does not satisfy the Logic Condition.
again," that reads the same backward as forward
_____38. Select a premise that would make this argument valid.
_____49. Make a premise of this argument by selecting your answer below.
1. _____________________
2. Jeff is a cartoon character.
2. Joanne bought 90 lottery tickets.
Therefore, Jeff has a funny voice.
Therefore, Joanne will win the lottery.
A. All cartoon characters are named Jeff
B. All cartoon characters have funny voices.
A. Joanne plays the lottery every week.
C. Some cartoon characters have funny voices.
B. Some people who buy lottery tickets win the lottery.
C. The lottery is a scam
_____39. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
D. There are only 100 lottery tickets, and one of them is the winning ticket.
A. Questionnaire should be brief and complete
B. The longer the questionnaire is, the better result it will bring
_____50. You're writing report about which city to open a new store in. What pattern of
C. We can just adopt and make changes to existing
organization should you choose?
questionnaire to become ours with credit
A. a factor-based pattern B. a place-based pattern
D. The people who answer the questionnaire should be those who are
C. a time-based pattern D. a quantity-based
from the population targeted by the researchers
_____40. Why is the executive summary so important?
A. It shows the findings of the report in a persuasive way.
B. It helps give the reader a positive feeling about the report.
C. It shows the writer's skill at gathering and analyzing information.
Prepared by:
D. It may be the only part of the report that many business people will
SHS Teacher II

_____41. “Magdalena” by Gloc9 tackles about a life of a lady who have struggles in
her life. Feminism approach is the best criticism to use in critiquing it. What theme can
you draw from the song?
A. Men are the major reason why women faced oppression.
B. Women have their fair share of mistakes and sins committed.
C. There is no right and wrong, as there is need and love. If not hope.
D. The family is a major institution for the oppression of women faced.

_____42. What are the consequences of misused Concept Paper?

A. Most papers had to be revised throughout the project development.
B. Making it easier to clearly identify what value a product intended to
provide for the customer. 
C. It identifies the main people involved in a project, starting with a
sponsor, who will then pick the
project leader
D. It is used as a “contract” between the project leader, the sponsors
and stakeholders, the core team, and the support areas. 

_____43. Which of the following statements is false?

A. A position statement can be based upon your personal opinion
B. You will need to pick a side when writing a position statement
C. You don't need to offer any alternatives when writing a position
D. You should always write a conclusion that sums up your stance on the

_____44. Why is the executive summary so important?

A. It shows the findings of the report in a persuasive way.

B. It helps give the reader a positive feeling about the report.
C. It shows the writer's skill at gathering and analyzing information.
D. It may be the only part of the report that many business people will

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