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Week 4 is all about causation and validity.

During this week we go to learn about

 models of causation and criteria to assess causation

 reliability, validity and precision
 random errors and systematic or biasing errors.
 confounding and effect modification

Here we have some high level learning outcomes

 apply Bradford Hill criteria to assess causation;

 describe the concepts of precision & validity and the relationship between them;
 recognize possible sources of error in epidemiological research and
 test for these errors

Please remember that you have other resources available to you for example

 Ehrlich and Joubert (library or purchased textbook also available as an electronic version)
 Bonita Beaglehole and Kjellström (free textbook by WHO)
 Kleinbaum (free electronic textbook)
 The provided pdf booklet of “additional exercises” with model answers

See the additional resources section for links to the resources

Here is a quick overview of the work submissions that we expect during this week

 Knowledge check x 1 (5 participation points)

 Quizzes x 2 worth 12 marks (6%)
 An assignment that covers weeks 1, 3 and 4: worth 15 marks (7.5%)

The assignment will be marked manually.

You are expected to submit the assignment as a document.

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