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A01276027 Isabella Hernández

A01276230 Hugo Hernández

A01276292 Marianne Rosales

Energy and transformation 2 Key Activity

Design and test of an armor bridge
Phase 1
Selection of the bridge model and virtual model of the bridge.

Armor bridges are very common, they are very useful for establishing good and
resistant structures inside bridges.

These structures are mainly made up of triangles made of metal, although there are
also constructions that have some made of wood; These are very useful since the
triangles do not deform if tension is applied to them, nor do they distort; These
triangles are called trusses, and they support large amounts of weight over a long or
very long stretch; These "tusses" are very practical, since they are made with little
material, but they have many benefits and uses, considering the large amount of
weight they can support. They are constantly used in vehicular bridges, trains and
many other types.

This are some examples of it;

Design of the Bridge

Using the software Bridge designer 20216 2nd edition we designed and tested a
bridge. For our firsts tries our bridge design was really weak, so during the simulator
tests it was not able to support a car.
After some modifications based on the aspects we noticed were failing in our design,
we adjusted our bridge in order to support its own weight and be able to hold a truck
during the simulator . Mainly our mistakes were red cells that determine the beams
with excess of compression stress, but we didn't have many blue cells that determine
the beams with excess of Tension strength.

The final design is the following, which is bigger and resistant enough to stand by
itself and to pass the simulator testing.
3.Preparation of the physical model and stress test.
With the physical model at hand a stress test will be performed.
A dynamometer or any weight will test the bridge to fail.

4.Comparison of results and conclusions.

Tape a video of the stress test and compare the animation of the software with the
real model.

The weak elements and joints of the software were the same that failed in the real
Which were the elements that failed in the software. (put a screenshot)

Which were the elements that failed in the real model. (put a screenshot)
Determine 2 possible factors of why the results in the software and the real model
are not the same.

One of the mainly and most important factors are the way the physical display was
made, the materials and the way it was placed, for example, if the real model was
made out of silicone and wood the balance of the structure can be clearly affected;
maybe the weight wasn´t equal, and it can break easily.

What are the possible changes that could be made in order that the physical model
is more resistant.

First of them, is the try and failure, making different models out of diverse materials,
checking out the quality and structural force of all of them, we can try it out with wood
(chopsticks popsicle sticks, etc.,), wire (of any kind, it can be bronze); after the
tryouts, we can try to destabilize the structure and make it break…
After several tries, we can change and make the necessary adjustments to make out
the best of the structural process.

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