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This file is an extract and may not reflect or represent the full Ontario Curriculum.

Printed on 2023-09-03
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EXTRACT 1 Printed on 2023-09-03

This curriculum policy replaces The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8: Mathematics, 2005. Beginning in
September 2020, all mathematics programs for Grades 1 to 8 will be based on the expectations outlined
in this curriculum policy.

EXTRACT 2 Printed on 2023-09-03

Assessment and Evaluation ..........................................................................................................................5
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................5
Fundamental Principles ............................................................................................................................5
Culturally Responsive and Relevant Assessment and Evaluation .............................................................6
Learning Skills and Work Habits ................................................................................................................8
Content Standards and Performance Standards ......................................................................................8
Assessment “for Learning” and “as Learning” ..........................................................................................9
Evaluation .................................................................................................................................................9
Reporting Student Achievement ............................................................................................................11
Categories of Knowledge and Skills ........................................................................................................12
Criteria and Descriptors ..........................................................................................................................12
Levels of Achievement ............................................................................................................................13
Sample Achievement Charts ...................................................................................................................14
Mathematics, Grade 4 ................................................................................................................................31
Expectations by strand............................................................................................................................31
A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes .................32
B. Number ...............................................................................................................................................48
C. Algebra ................................................................................................................................................66
D. Data ....................................................................................................................................................99
E. Spatial Sense .....................................................................................................................................115
F. Financial Literacy ...............................................................................................................................135
Strand overviews ..................................................................................................................................140
Information for parents ........................................................................................................................141
Mathematics, Grade 5 ..............................................................................................................................141
Expectations by strand..........................................................................................................................141
A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes ...............142
B. Number .............................................................................................................................................158
C. Algebra ..............................................................................................................................................179
D. Data ..................................................................................................................................................215
E. Spatial Sense .....................................................................................................................................233
F. Financial Literacy ...............................................................................................................................269
Strand overviews ..................................................................................................................................275

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Information for parents ........................................................................................................................275
Mathematics, Grade 6 ..............................................................................................................................276
Expectations by strand..........................................................................................................................276
A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes ...............277
B. Number .............................................................................................................................................293
C. Algebra ..............................................................................................................................................313
D. Data ..................................................................................................................................................355
E. Spatial Sense .....................................................................................................................................376
F. Financial Literacy ...............................................................................................................................425
Strand overviews ..................................................................................................................................430
Information for parents ........................................................................................................................431

Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous le titre suivant : Le curriculum de l’Ontario
de la 1re à la 8e année – Mathématiques (2020)

EXTRACT 4 Printed on 2023-09-03

Assessment and Evaluation
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Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools, First Edition, Covering
Grades 1 to 12, 2010 sets out the Ministry of Education’s assessment, evaluation, and reporting policy.
The policy aims to maintain high standards, improve student learning, and benefit students, parents1,
and teachers in elementary and secondary schools across the province. Successful implementation of
this policy depends on the professional judgement2 of educators at all levels as well as on their ability to
work together and to build trust and confidence among parents and students.

A brief summary of some major aspects of the current assessment, evaluation, and reporting policy is
given below. Teachers should refer to Growing Success for more detailed information.

Fundamental Principles
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The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.

The seven fundamental principles given below (excerpted from Growing Success, page 6) lay the
foundation for rich and challenging practice. When these principles are fully understood and observed
by all teachers, they will guide the collection of meaningful information that will help inform
instructional decisions, promote student engagement, and improve student learning.

To ensure that assessment, evaluation, and reporting are valid and reliable, and that they lead to the
improvement of learning for all students, teachers use practices and procedures that:

• are fair, transparent, and equitable;

• support all students;

1 The word parent(s) is used on this website to refer to parent(s) and guardian(s). It may also be taken to
include caregivers or close family members who are responsible for raising the child.
2 “Professional judgement”, as defined in Growing Success (p. 152), is “judgement that is informed by
professional knowledge of curriculum expectations, context, evidence of learning, methods of
instruction and assessment, and the criteria and standards that indicate success in student learning. In
professional practice, judgement involves a purposeful and systematic thinking process that evolves in
terms of accuracy and insight with ongoing reflection and self-correction”.

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• are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much
as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all
• are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course
and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course;
• are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple
opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;
• provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support
improved learning and achievement;
• develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific
goals, and plan next steps for their learning.

Culturally Responsive and Relevant Assessment and

Culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy (CRRP) reflects and affirms students’ cultural and social
identities, languages, and family structures. It involves careful acknowledgement, respect, and
understanding of the similarities and differences among students, and between students and teachers,
in order to respond effectively to student thinking and promote student learning.

Engaging in assessment from a CRRP stance requires that teachers gain awareness of and reflect on their
own beliefs about who a learner is and what they can achieve (see the questions for consideration
provided below). In this process, teachers engage in continual self-reflection – and the critical analysis of
various data – to understand and address the ways in which teacher identity and bias affect the
assessment and evaluation of student learning. Assessment from a CRRP stance starts with having a
deep knowledge of every student and an understanding of how they learn best.

The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. Assessment for learning creates
opportunities for teachers to intentionally learn about each student and their sociocultural and linguistic
background in order to gather a variety of evidence about their learning in a way that is reflective of and
responsive to each student’s strengths, experiences, interests, and cultural ways of knowing. Ongoing
descriptive feedback and responsive coaching are essential for improving student learning.

Teachers engage in assessment as learning by creating ongoing opportunities for all students to develop
their capacity to be confident, independent, autonomous learners who set individual goals, monitor
their own progress, determine next steps, and reflect on their thinking and learning in relation to
learning goals and curriculum expectations. One way in which teachers differentiate assessment is by
providing tasks that allow multiple entry points for all students and that enable all students to design
and create personally meaningful assignments, projects, performances, and other demonstrations of
their learning.

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Assessment of learning is used by the teacher to summarize student learning at a given point in time.
This summary is used to make judgements about the quality of student learning on the basis of
established criteria, to assign a value to represent that quality, and to support the communication of
information about achievement to each student and to parents, teachers, and others.

The evidence that is collected about student learning, including through observations and conversations
as well as student products, should reflect and affirm the student’s lived experiences within their school,
home, and community, their learning strengths, and their knowledge of concepts and skills. This process
of triangulating evidence of student learning allows teachers to improve their understanding of how
each student is progressing in their learning.

When teachers engage in the process of examining their own biases regarding classroom assessment
and evaluation practices, they might consider some of the following questions:

• Are the tasks accessible to, and inclusive of, all learners? Do the tasks include appropriate and
varied entry points for all students?
• Do the tasks connect to students' prior learning and give them opportunities to be sense makers
and to integrate their new learning? Do the selected tasks reflect students’ identities and lived
• Do all students have equitable access to the tools they need to complete the tasks being set?
• What opportunities can teachers build into their practice to offer students descriptive feedback
to enhance learning? Are graded assessment tasks used in a way that complements the use of
descriptive feedback for growth?
• How can information be conveyed about students’ learning progress to students and parents in
an ongoing and meaningful way?
• What is the purpose of assigning and grading a specific task or activity? Are student choice and
agency considered?
• How do teacher biases influence decisions about what tasks or activities are chosen for

Learning Skills and Work Habits

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The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of a student’s learning. To the
extent possible, however, the evaluation of learning skills and work habits, apart from any that may be
included as part of a curriculum expectation in a course, should not be considered in the determination
of a student’s grades. Assessing, evaluating, and reporting on the achievement of curriculum
expectations and on the demonstration of learning skills and work habits separately allows teachers to
provide information to the parents and student that is specific to each of these two areas.

The six learning skills and work habits are responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration,
initiative, and self-regulation.

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Content Standards and Performance Standards
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The Ontario curriculum for Grades 1 to 12 comprises content standards and performance standards.
Assessment and evaluation will be based on both the content standards and the performance standards.

The content standards are the overall and specific curriculum expectations given in the curriculum for
every subject and discipline.

The performance standards are outlined in the achievement chart, also provided in the curriculum for
every subject and discipline (each achievement chart is specific to the subject/discipline; see the sample
charts provided). The achievement chart is a standard province-wide guide and is to be used by all
teachers as a framework for assessing and evaluating student achievement of the expectations in the
particular subject or discipline. It enables teachers to make consistent judgements about the quality of
student learning, based on clear performance standards and on a body of evidence collected over time.
It also provides teachers with a foundation for developing clear and specific feedback for students and

The purposes of the achievement chart are to:

• provide a common framework that encompasses all curriculum expectations for all
subjects/courses across the grades;
• guide the development of high-quality assessment tasks and tools (including rubrics);
• help teachers plan instruction for learning;
• provide a basis for consistent and meaningful feedback to students in relation to provincial
content and performance standards;
• establish categories and criteria for assessing and evaluating students’ learning.

Assessment “for Learning” and “as Learning”

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Assessment is the process of gathering information that accurately reflects how well a student is
achieving the curriculum expectations in a grade or course. The primary purpose of assessment is to
improve student learning. Assessment for the purpose of improving student learning is seen as both
“assessment for learning” and “assessment as learning”. As part of assessment for learning, teachers
provide students with descriptive feedback and coaching for improvement. Teachers engage in
assessment as learning by helping all students develop their capacity to be independent, autonomous
learners who are able to set individual goals, monitor their own progress, determine next steps, and
reflect on their thinking and learning.

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As essential steps in assessment for learning and as learning, teachers need to:

• plan assessment concurrently and integrate it seamlessly with instruction;

• share learning goals and success criteria with students at the outset of learning to ensure that
students and teachers have a common and shared understanding of these goals and criteria as
learning progresses;
• gather information about student learning before, during, and at or near the end of a period of
instruction, using a variety of assessment strategies and tools;
• use assessment to inform instruction, guide next steps, and help students monitor their
progress towards achieving their learning goals;
• analyse and interpret evidence of learning;
• give and receive specific and timely descriptive feedback about student learning;
• help students to develop skills of peer assessment and self-assessment.

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Evaluation refers to the process of judging the quality of student learning on the basis of established
performance standards, and assigning a value to represent that quality. Evaluation accurately
summarizes and communicates to parents, other teachers, employers, institutions of further education,
and students themselves what students know and can do with respect to the overall curriculum
expectations. Evaluation is based on assessment of learning that provides evidence of student
achievement at strategic times throughout the course, often at the end of a period of learning.

All curriculum expectations must be accounted for in instruction and assessment, but evaluation focuses
on students’ achievement of the overall expectations3. Each student’s achievement of the overall
expectations is evaluated on the basis of the student’s achievement of related specific expectations. The
overall expectations are broad in nature, and the specific expectations define the particular content or
scope of the knowledge and skills referred to in the overall expectations. Teachers will use their
professional judgement to determine which specific expectations should be used to evaluate
achievement of the overall expectations, and which ones will be accounted for in instruction and
assessment but not necessarily evaluated.

Determining a report card grade involves the interpretation of evidence collected through observations,
conversations, and student products (tests/exams, assignments for evaluation), combined with the

3Beginning in the 2021–22 school year, schools are asked not to assess, evaluate or report on the
overall expectations related to social-emotional learning skills in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8,
Mathematics (2020) and The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8, Health and Physical Education (2019). It is
the ministry’s expectation that instruction of the social-emotional learning skills will continue while
educators engage in ongoing professional learning.

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teacher’s professional judgement and consideration of factors such as the number of tests/exams or
assignments for evaluation that were not completed or submitted and the fact that some evidence may
carry greater weight than other evidence.


Seventy per cent of the final grade (a percentage mark) in a course will be based on evaluation
conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent
level of achievement, with special consideration given to more recent evidence. Thirty per cent will be
based on a final evaluation administered at or towards the end of the course. This evaluation will be
based on evidence from one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance, an
essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content. The final evaluation allows
the student an opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive achievement of the overall expectations for
the course.

Reporting Student Achievement

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Three formal report cards are issued in Ontario’s publicly funded elementary schools, as described

The Elementary Progress Report Card shows a student’s development of learning skills and work habits
during the fall of the school year, as well as the student’s general progress in working towards
achievement of the curriculum expectations in each subject (reported as “progressing very well”,
“progressing well”, or “progressing with difficulty”).

The Elementary Provincial Report Card shows a student’s achievement at specific points in the school
year. The first Provincial Report Card reflects student achievement of the overall curriculum
expectations introduced and developed from September to January/February of the school year, as well
as the student’s development of learning skills and work habits during that period. The second reflects
achievement of curriculum expectations introduced or further developed from January/February to
June, as well as further development of learning skills and work habits during that period. The Provincial
Report Card for Grades 1–6 uses letter grades; the report card for Grades 7 and 8 uses percentage


The Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, shows a student’s achievement at specific points in the school
year or semester. There are two formal reporting periods for a semestered course and three formal

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reporting periods for a non-semestered course. The reports reflect student achievement of the overall
curriculum expectations, as well as development of learning skills and work habits.

Communication with parents and students

Although there are formal reporting periods, communication with parents and students about student
achievement should be continuous throughout the year or course, by a variety of means, such as
parent-teacher or parent-student-teacher conferences, portfolios of student work, student-led
conferences, interviews, phone calls, checklists, and informal reports. Communication about student
achievement should be designed to provide detailed information that will encourage students to set
goals for learning, help teachers to establish plans for teaching, and assist parents in supporting learning
at home.

Categories of Knowledge and Skills

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The categories represent four broad areas of knowledge and skills within which the expectations for any
given subject or course can be organized. The four categories should be considered as interrelated,
reflecting the wholeness and interconnectedness of learning.

The categories help teachers focus not only on students’ acquisition of knowledge but also on their
development of the skills of thinking, communication, and application.

The categories of knowledge and skills are as follows:

Knowledge and Understanding. Subject-specific content acquired in each grade or course (knowledge),
and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).

Thinking. The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes.

Communication. The conveying of meaning and expression through various forms.

Application. The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.

In all subjects and courses, students should be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate
the full extent of their achievement of the curriculum expectations across all four categories of
knowledge and skills.

Teachers will ensure that student learning is assessed and evaluated in a balanced manner with respect
to the four categories, and that achievement of particular expectations is considered within the
appropriate categories. The emphasis on “balance” reflects the fact that all categories of the
achievement chart are important and need to be a part of the process of instruction, learning,
assessment, and evaluation. However, it also indicates that for different courses, the relative

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importance of each of the categories may vary. The importance accorded to each of the four categories
in assessment and evaluation should reflect the emphasis accorded to them in the curriculum
expectations for the subject or course and in instructional practice.

Criteria and Descriptors

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To further guide teachers in their assessment and evaluation of student learning, the achievement chart
provides “criteria” and “descriptors”.

A set of criteria is identified for each category in the achievement chart. The criteria are subsets of the
knowledge and skills that define the category. The criteria identify the aspects of student performance
that are assessed and/or evaluated, and they serve as a guide to what teachers look for. Each curriculum
has subject- or discipline-specific criteria and descriptors. For example, in the English curriculum, in the
Knowledge and Understanding category, the criteria are “knowledge of content” and “understanding of
content”. The former includes examples such as forms of text and elements of style, and the latter
includes examples such as relationships among facts. “Descriptors” indicate the characteristics of the
student’s performance, with respect to a particular criterion, on which assessment or evaluation is
focused. Effectiveness is the descriptor used for each of the criteria in the Thinking, Communication, and
Application categories. What constitutes effectiveness in any given performance task will vary with the
particular criterion being considered. Assessment of effectiveness may therefore focus on a quality such
as appropriateness, clarity, accuracy, precision, logic, relevance, significance, fluency, flexibility, depth,
or breadth, as appropriate for the particular criterion.

Levels of Achievement
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The achievement chart also identifies four levels of achievement, defined as follows:

Level 1 represents achievement that falls much below the provincial standard. The student
demonstrates the specified knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness. Students must work at
significantly improving in specific areas, as necessary, if they are to be successful in a subject or course in
the next grade.

Level 2 represents achievement that approaches the standard. The student demonstrates the specified
knowledge and skills with some effectiveness. Students performing at this level need to work on
identified learning gaps to ensure future success.

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Level 3 represents the provincial standard for achievement. The student demonstrates the specified
knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness. Parents of students achieving at level 3 can be
confident that their children will be prepared for work in subsequent grades or courses.

Level 4 identifies achievement that surpasses the provincial standard. The student demonstrates the
specified knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness. However, achievement at level 4 does
not mean that the student has achieved expectations beyond those specified for the grade or course.

Specific “qualifiers” are used with the descriptors in the achievement chart to describe student
performance at each of the four levels of achievement – the qualifier limited is used for level 1; some for
level 2; considerable for level 3; and a high degree of or thorough for level 4. Hence, achievement at
level 3 in the Thinking category for the criterion “use of planning skills” would be described in the
achievement chart as “[The student] uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness”.

Sample Achievement Charts

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Three samples of the achievement chart are provided, from the following subjects/disciplines:

• The Arts, Grades 1–8

• Science and Technology, Grades 1–8
• English, Grades 11 and 12

These three samples illustrate the consistent characteristics of the performance standards across all
subjects and disciplines and across all grades. The samples also illustrate how the achievement chart
varies – particularly with respect to the examples provided for the criteria in each category – to reflect
the nature of the particular subject or discipline. For instance, the examples for the criterion
“Application of knowledge and skills” in the Application category of the achievement chart for the arts
include performance skills, composition, and choreography, whereas those for science and technology
include investigation skills and safe use of equipment and technology.

As discussed in the preceding sections, the achievement chart identifies four categories of knowledge
and skills and four levels of achievement in the particular subject/discipline.

The Achievement Chart for The Arts, Grades 1–8

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Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and
the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:
Knowledge of content (e.g., demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
facts, genres, terms, limited some considerable thorough
definitions, techniques, knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
elements, principles, forms, content content content content
structures, conventions)
Understanding of content demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
(e.g., concepts, ideas, limited some considerable thorough
procedures, processes, understanding understanding understanding understanding
themes, relationships among of content of content of content of content
elements, informed opinions)
Thinking – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes
Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:
Use of planning skills (e.g., uses planning uses planning uses planning uses planning
formulating questions, skills with skills with skills with skills with a
generating ideas, gathering limited some considerable high degree of
information, focusing effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
research, outlining, organizing
an arts presentation or
project, brainstorming/
bodystorming, blocking,
sketching, using visual
organizers, listing goals in a
rehearsal log, inventing
Use of processing skills (e.g., uses uses uses uses
analysing, evaluating, processing processing processing processing
inferring, interpreting, editing, skills with skills with skills with skills with a
revising, refining, forming limited some considerable high degree of
conclusions, detecting bias, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Use of critical/creative uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/
thinking processes (e.g., creative creative creative creative
creative and analytical thinking thinking thinking thinking
processes, design process, processes with processes with processes with processes with
exploration of the elements, limited some considerable a high degree
problem solving, reflection, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
elaboration, oral discourse, effectiveness
evaluation, critical literacy,
metacognition, invention,
critiquing, reviewing)
Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms

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Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:
Expression and organization expresses and expresses and expresses and expresses and
of ideas and understandings organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas
in art forms (dance, drama, and and and and
music, and the visual arts), understandings understandings understandings understandings
including media/ multimedia with limited with some with with a high
forms (e.g., expression of effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
ideas and feelings using effectiveness effectiveness
visuals, movements, the voice,
gestures, phrasing,
techniques), and in oral and
written forms (e.g., clear
expression and logical
organization in critical
responses to art works and
informed opinion pieces)
Communication for different communicates communicates communicates communicates
audiences (e.g., peers, adults, for different for different for different for different
younger children) and audiences and audiences audiences and audiences and
purposes through the arts purposes with and purposes purposes with purposes with
(e.g., drama presentations, limited with some considerable a high degree
visual arts exhibitions, dance effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
and music performances) and effectiveness
in oral and written forms
(e.g., debates, analyses)
Use of conventions in dance, uses uses uses uses
drama, music, and the visual conventions, conventions, conventions, conventions,
arts (e.g., allegory, narrative vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary,
or symbolic representation, and and and and
style, articulation, drama terminology of terminology of terminology of terminology of
conventions, choreographic the arts with the arts with the arts with the arts with a
forms, movement vocabulary) limited some considerable high degree of
and arts vocabulary and effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
terminology in oral and
written forms
Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

The student:

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Application of knowledge applies applies applies applies
and skills (e.g., performance knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
skills, skills in familiar skills in familiar skills in familiar skills in familiar
composition, choreography, contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with a
elements, principles, limited some considerable high degree of
processes, technologies, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
techniques, strategies,
conventions) in familiar
contexts (e.g., guided
improvisation, performance of
a familiar work, use of
familiar forms)
Transfer of knowledge and transfers transfers transfers transfers
skills (e.g., concepts, knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
strategies, processes, skills to new skills to new skills to new skills to new
techniques) to new contexts contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with a
(e.g., a work requiring stylistic limited some considerable high degree of
variation, an original effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
composition, student-led
choreography, an
interdisciplinary or
multidisciplinary project)
Making connections within makes makes makes makes
and between various connections connections connections connections
contexts (e.g., between the within and within and within and within and
arts; between the arts and between between between between
personal experiences and the various various various various
world outside the school; contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with a
between cultural and limited some considerable high degree of
historical, global, social, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
environmental contexts;
between the arts and other

The Achievement Chart for Science and Technology, Grades 1–8

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Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and
the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:
Knowledge of content (e.g., demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
facts, terminology, definitions) limited some considerable thorough
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
content content content content
Understanding of content (e.g., demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
concepts, ideas, theories, limited some considerable thorough
principles, procedures, processes) understanding understanding understanding understanding
of content of content of content of content
Thinking and Investigation – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and inquiry and problem-
solving skills and/or processes
Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:
Use of initiating and planning uses initiating uses initiating uses initiating uses initiating
skills and strategies (e.g., and planning and planning and planning and planning
formulating questions, identifying skills and skills and skills and skills and
the problem, developing strategies strategies strategies strategies
hypotheses, scheduling, selecting with limited with some with with a high
strategies and resources, effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
developing plans) effectiveness effectiveness
Use of processing skills and uses uses uses uses
strategies (e.g., performing and processing processing processing processing
recording; gathering evidence skills and skills and skills and skills and
and data; examining different strategies strategies strategies strategies
points of view; selecting tools, with limited with some with with a high
equipment, materials, and effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
technology; observing; effectiveness effectiveness
manipulating materials; proving)
Use of critical/creative thinking uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/
processes, skills, and strategies creative creative creative creative
(e.g., analysing, interpreting, thinking thinking thinking thinking
problem solving, evaluating, processes, processes, processes, processes,
forming and justifying skills, and skills, and skills, and skills, and
conclusions on the basis of strategies strategies strategies strategies
evidence, developing solutions, with limited with some with with a high
considering diverse perspectives) effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness

Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
The student:

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Expression and organization of expresses and expresses and
expresses and expresses and
ideas and information in oral, organizes organizes
organizes organizes
visual, and/or written forms ideas and ideas and
ideas and ideas and
(e.g., diagrams, models, articles, information information
information information
project journals, reports) with limited with some
with with a high
effectiveness effectiveness
considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Communication for different communicates communicates communicates communicates
audiences (e.g., peers, adults, for different for different for different for different
community members) and audiences and audiences and audiences and audiences and
purposes (e.g., to inform, to purposes with purposes with purposes with purposes with
persuade) in oral, visual, and/or limited some considerable a high degree
written forms effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
Use of conventions, vocabulary, uses uses uses uses
and terminology of the discipline conventions, conventions, conventions, conventions,
in oral, visual, and/or written vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary,
forms (e.g., symbols, formulae, and and and and
International System of Units) terminology terminology terminology terminology
of the of the of the of the
discipline with discipline with discipline with discipline with
limited some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

The student:
Application of knowledge and applies applies applies applies
skills (e.g., concepts and knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
processes; procedures related to and skills in and skills in and skills in and skills in
the safe use of tools, equipment, familiar familiar familiar familiar
materials, and technology; contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with
investigation skills) in familiar limited some considerable a high degree
contexts effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
Transfer of knowledge and skills transfers transfers transfers transfers
(e.g., concepts and processes, knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
safe use of equipment and and skills to and skills to and skills to and skills to
technology, investigation skills) new contexts new contexts new contexts new contexts
to new contexts with limited with with with a high
effectiveness some considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

EXTRACT 18 Printed on 2023-09-03

Making connections within and makes makes makes makes
between various contexts (e.g., connections connections connections connections
connections between sciences; within and within and within and within and
connections to everyday and real- between between between between
life situations; connections various various various various
among concepts within science contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with
and technology; connections limited some considerable a high degree
involving use of prior knowledge effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
and experience; connections effectiveness
among science and technology
and other disciplines, including
other STEM [science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics]
Proposing courses of practical proposes proposes proposes proposes
action to deal with problems courses of courses of courses of highly
relating to our changing world practical practical practical effective
action of action of action of courses of
limited some considerable practical
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness action

The Achievement Chart for English, Grades 11 and 12

EXTRACT 19 Printed on 2023-09-03

Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and
the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
Categories 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 –79% 80 – 100%
(Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
The student:
Knowledge of content (e.g., demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
forms of text; strategies used limited some considerable thorough
when listening and speaking, knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
reading, writing, and viewing and content content content content
representing; elements of style;
literary terminology, concepts,
and theories; language
Understanding of content (e.g., demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
concepts; ideas; opinions; limited some considerable thorough
relationships among facts, ideas, understanding understanding understanding understanding
concepts, themes) of content of content of content of content
Thinking – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes
Categories 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 –79% 80 – 100%
(Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
The student:
Use of planning skills (e.g., uses planning uses planning uses planning uses planning
generating ideas, gathering skills with skills with skills with skills with a
information, focusing research, limited some considerable high degree of
organizing information) effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Use of processing skills (e.g., uses uses uses uses
drawing inferences, interpreting, processing processing processing processing
analysing, synthesizing, skills with skills with skills with skills with a
evaluating) limited some considerable high degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Use of critical/creative thinking uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/ uses critical/
processes (e.g., oral discourse, creative creative creative creative
research, critical analysis, critical thinking thinking thinking thinking
literacy, metacognition, creative processes processes processes processes
process) with limited with some with with a high
effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness

Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms

Categories 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 –79% 80 – 100%
(Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
The student:

EXTRACT 20 Printed on 2023-09-03

Expression and organization of expresses and expresses and expresses and
expresses and
ideas and information (e.g., clear organizes organizes organizes
expression, logical organization) ideas and ideas ideas and
ideas and
in oral, graphic, and written information and information
forms, including media forms with limited information with with a high
effectiveness with some considerable
degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Communication for different communicates communicates communicates
audiences and purposes (e.g., for different for different for different
for different
use of appropriate style, voice, audiences and audiences audiences and
audiences and
point of view) in oral, graphic, purposes with and purposes purposes with
purposes with
and written forms, including limited with some considerable
a high degree
media forms effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Use of conventions (e.g., uses uses uses uses
grammar, spelling, punctuation, conventions, conventions, conventions, conventions,
usage), vocabulary, and vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary,
terminology of the discipline in and and and and
oral, graphic, and written forms, terminology terminology terminology terminology
including media forms of the of the of the of the
discipline with discipline with discipline with discipline with
limited some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various

Categories 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 –79% 80 – 100%

(Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
The student:
Application of knowledge and applies applies applies applies
skills (e.g., literacy strategies and knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
processes; literary terminology, and skills in and skills in and skills in and skills in
concepts, and theories) in familiar familiar familiar familiar
familiar contexts contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with
limited some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of
Transfer of knowledge and skills transfers transfers transfers transfers
(e.g., literacy strategies and knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
processes; literary terminology, and skills to and skills to and skills to and
concepts, and theories) to new new contexts new contexts new contexts skills to new
contexts with limited with with contexts with
effectiveness some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness of

EXTRACT 21 Printed on 2023-09-03

Making connections within and makes makes makes makes
between various contexts (e.g., connections connections connections connections
between the text and personal within and within and within and within and
knowledge and experience, other between between between between
texts, and the world outside various various various various
school) contexts with contexts with contexts with contexts with
limited some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of

EXTRACT 22 Printed on 2023-09-03

EXTRACT 23 Printed on 2023-09-03
Mathematics, Grade 4
Expectations by strand

Strand A
Learning related to Strand A: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the
Mathematical Processes occurs in the context of learning related to the other strands. As educators
develop lessons and plan learning activities, they should consider:
• where there are opportunities to teach and reinforce social-emotional learning skills in
order to help every student develop confidence, cope with challenges, think critically, and
develop a positive identity as a math learner
• how the mathematical processes can be highlighted so that students are actively engaged in
applying these processes throughout the program
• how instruction and the learning environment are designed to be culturally responsive and
The examples laid out in the curriculum are intended to guide teachers in thinking about how the
learning for each expectation might be positioned and demonstrated. In planning students’ learning
experiences, it is important for teachers to ensure that learning experiences are culturally reflective
of students’ lived realities in the community and in the world around them. It is also important to
acknowledge and affirm the multiple ways of knowing and doing that students may bring to the
Sample Tasks
The sample tasks laid out in the curriculum are intended to be illustrations only, and should be
replaced or supplemented with tasks and learning contexts that are affirming of, relevant to, and
reflective of students’ lives and backgrounds, and that provide students with the opportunity to
learn about diverse cultures and communities in a respectful and informed way. Such opportunities
may include the examination of social and economic justice concerns (e.g., racism, classism,
sexism), health issues, environmental aspects, and so on, as appropriate.

A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in

Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
Note: Beginning in the 2021–22 school year, schools are asked not to assess, evaluate or report on
the overall expectations related to social-emotional learning skills in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades
1–8, Mathematics (2020) and The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8, Health and Physical Education
(2019). It is the ministry’s expectation that instruction of the social-emotional learning skills will
continue while educators engage in ongoing professional learning.

EXTRACT 24 Printed on 2023-09-03

This strand focuses on students’ development and application of social-emotional
learning skills to support their learning of math concepts and skills, foster their
overall well-being and ability to learn, and help them build resilience and thrive as
math learners. As they develop SEL skills, students demonstrate a greater ability to
understand and apply the mathematical processes, which are critical to
supporting learning in mathematics. In all grades of the mathematics program,
the learning related to this strand takes place in the context of learning related to
all other strands, and it should be assessed and evaluated within these contexts.

Overall expectations
Throughout this grade, in order to promote a positive identity as a math learner, to foster well-being
and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive, students will:

A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical

apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of the
mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands
of the mathematics curriculum

EXTRACT 25 Printed on 2023-09-03

To the best of their … as they apply the mathematical
ability, students processes: … so they can:
will learn to:
1. identify and • problem solving: develop, select, 1. express and manage their
manage emotions and apply problem-solving feelings, and show
strategies understanding of the feelings of
• reasoning and proving: develop and others, as they engage positively
apply reasoning skills (e.g., in mathematics activities
classification, recognition of
relationships, use of counter-
examples) to justify thinking, make
and investigate conjectures, and
construct and defend arguments
• reflecting: demonstrate that as they
2. recognize solve problems, they are pausing, 2. work through challenging
sources of stress looking back, and monitoring their math problems, understanding
and cope with thinking to help clarify their that their resourcefulness in
challenges understanding (e.g., by comparing using various strategies to
and adjusting strategies used, by respond to stress is helping
explaining why they think their them build personal resilience
3. maintain positive results are reasonable, by recording 3. recognize that testing out
motivation and their thinking in a math journal) different approaches to
perseverance • connecting: make connections problems and learning from
among mathematical concepts, mistakes is an important part of
procedures, and representations, the learning process, and is
and relate mathematical ideas to aided by a sense of optimism
other contexts (e.g., other and hope
4. build curriculum areas, daily life, sports) 4. work collaboratively on math
relationships and • communicating: express and problems – expressing their
communicate understand mathematical thinking, thinking, listening to the
effectively and engage in mathematical thinking of others, and
arguments using everyday language, practising inclusivity – and in
language resources as necessary, that way foster healthy
appropriate mathematical relationships
5. develop self- terminology, a variety of 5. see themselves as capable
awareness and representations, and mathematical math learners, and strengthen
sense of identity conventions their sense of ownership of their
• representing: select from and learning, as part of their
create a variety of representations emerging sense of identity and

EXTRACT 26 Printed on 2023-09-03

6. think critically of mathematical ideas (e.g., 6. make connections between
and creatively representations involving physical math and everyday contexts to
models, pictures, numbers, help them make informed
variables, graphs), and apply them judgements and decisions
to solve problems
• selecting tools and strategies:
select and use a variety of concrete,
visual, and electronic learning tools
and appropriate strategies to
investigate mathematical ideas and
to solve problems


The examples illustrate ways to support students in developing social-emotional learning skills
while engaging with the mathematical processes (shown in each example in italics) to deepen
their learning of mathematical knowledge, concepts, and skills. Culturally responsive and
relevant pedagogy is key.4 Different social-emotional learning skills may be applied with
learning from a variety of expectations in connection with a range of mathematical processes to
achieve the learning goals. It is important to note that the student responses are provided only
to indicate the content and scope of the intended learning. They are not written in language
that represents the typical parlance or vocabulary of students.

Identification and Management of Emotions

• In order for SEL to be impactful, supportive, anti-racist, and anti-discriminatory, the teaching and
learning approach must take into account and address the lived realities, racial and other disparities,
and educator biases that affect students’ experiences in Ontario schools.
• Approaches to SEL must be mediated through respectful conversations about students’ lived realities,
inequity, bias, discrimination, and harassment.
• Effective approaches to SEL provide students with tools to navigate and challenge oppressive, racist,
and discriminatory spaces, thus building their skills and having a positive impact on their academic
achievement and well-being.
• Human rights principles and the Education Act recognize the importance of creating a climate of
understanding of and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person, so that each person can
contribute fully to the development and well-being of their community. Indeed, human rights law
guarantees a person’s right to equal treatment in education. It requires educators and school leaders
to actively prevent discrimination and harassment and respond appropriately when they do occur, to
create an inclusive environment, to remove barriers that limit the ability of students, and to provide
accommodations where necessary.

EXTRACT 27 Printed on 2023-09-03

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by
considering what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may
consider how the data has been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection
and questioning. They may reflect on how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours,
images) or different types of graphs are used to evoke different feelings. To promote deeper
levels of connection to the content, educators can encourage students to explore data sets that
are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on attendance at local events in
celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or data on attendance
at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial
decisions, they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them.
Money can be an emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial
inequalities that are beyond students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may
evoke strong emotions, such as shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn
ways to name and understand their feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate
injustice as they observe or experience it and make more informed financial decisions that are
under their control. It is critical for educators to remember that the concepts of credit and debt
may need a contextual and cultural focus that is respectful and that not all transactions involve
money, since the cultures of a family, community, and country may have varying viewpoints on
these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may
identify and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in
metres was so small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and
then to metres. It’s amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot
smaller than metres.” Educators should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due
to some students’ direct experiences with systemic inequalities that may arise when working
with related math problems (e.g., when practising conversions using food as an example, be
aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

EXTRACT 28 Printed on 2023-09-03

As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of
strategies to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup
before continuing or they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to
figure out really challenging problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it
helps if I put away the problem, go outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need
to get it done right away, I can ask my teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can
review anchor charts in the classroom that might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes
to switch to a different problem or work on the parts of the problem they know how to
complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole another one finds it helpful
to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students focused and responsive
stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at problems. They can ask
students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically, emotionally,
intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of being.
Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and
seeing how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a
situation in their own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example:
“I didn’t think it was possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation
from another angle, I see there is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about
this.” In another situation, students might also make observations like this: “This situation is a
result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules,
then maybe more people will have a chance to be successful.” Educators can also encourage
students to think about situations from the perspective of a family member, a community
member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful
to represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful
when things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I
think I don’t know and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more
confident about solving the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic
and graphic representations that are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

EXTRACT 29 Printed on 2023-09-03

As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle,
they may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape
to determine whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For
example: “I kept laying out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and
organized in rows and columns. As I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication
instead of laying out every square individually. I built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and
used this information to figure out how many squares it would take. That made it way quicker
and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a formula and shared it with the

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases,
making convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they
can reason and prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they
will get better information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with
meaningful data can contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative
perspectives to students using carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to
amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data on income levels and health care services in urban
centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities). Students should be encouraged
to think critically about the results, why they are important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals,
they may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that
they and others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and
perseverance can be used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities
that are beyond students’ control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences
and access to money among students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations
and sample budgets to raise awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large
barriers to reaching financial goals (e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their
own lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is
interconnected. They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area

EXTRACT 30 Printed on 2023-09-03

affects other areas and that, similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For
example: “If I save more, I have more money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One
action has an effect on another. In relationships people's actions always have effects, positive
or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and financial inequalities that may be
beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize and be sensitive to the
range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families. Educators should be
prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to support students,
because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and safety.

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can
communicate positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take
longer than the others to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build
understanding of differences in how games can be approached and played. Educators can
include basic words from different languages spoken by students to encourage respectful
communicative practices among students when they are working together.

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing
elements, they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the
importance of consistent and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my
friend and I message back and forth, if I miss a message, then my friend might make
assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can
make connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being
physically active regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they
travel (e.g., run, wheel, or bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank
position. As they track these measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on
whether their numbers show repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make
connections to what this may mean in terms of their health and personal fitness. For example,
being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a strong plank position for longer could
contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health and fitness. Educators can
adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the effects of being

EXTRACT 31 Printed on 2023-09-03

regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of
decimal numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental
math strategies and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay.
They may consider which mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular
situation for them when doing calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to
think about the validity of the strategies from other perspectives. Educators can also use this
opportunity to explore a range of strategies that different students may be familiar with and
connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For example, the Oksapmin of Papua New
Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express numbers from 1 to 27. Students
may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication, which is a method taught
in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of
graphs and data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this
information in a holistic way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class
and a step-counter app to track the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying
all of this data as a broken-line graph to show the change over time. I am also keeping track of
how screen time and physical activity make me feel. Looking at all of this information together,
I can see a connection between my screen time, my physical activity, and my feelings.” For
some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural connections and specific teachings
from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders, community cultural workers,
Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they
may select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or
using models that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to
look for patterns. For example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order
the numbers go in.” It is also important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe
environment. When students are supported as they learn that deeper thinking results from
trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

EXTRACT 32 Printed on 2023-09-03

Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations,
they can use reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the
same problem. For example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see
that there are many ways to get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and
think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and
fractions, they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding.
They may first determine what information they already know and then identify what is
unknown. They may capture their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a
problem into smaller parts, and checking their calculations. Educators should be prepared to
contextualize multi-step problems so that students can make connections to prior learning.

Identification and Management of Emotions

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by considering
what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may consider how the data has
been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection and questioning. They may reflect on
how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours, images) or different types of graphs are used to
evoke different feelings. To promote deeper levels of connection to the content, educators can
encourage students to explore data sets that are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on
attendance at local events in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or
data on attendance at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial decisions,
they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them. Money can be an
emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial inequalities that are beyond
students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may evoke strong emotions, such as
shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn ways to name and understand their
feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate injustice as they observe or experience it
and make more informed financial decisions that are under their control. It is critical for educators to
remember that the concepts of credit and debt may need a contextual and cultural focus that is

EXTRACT 33 Printed on 2023-09-03

respectful and that not all transactions involve money, since the cultures of a family, community, and
country may have varying viewpoints on these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may identify
and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in metres was so
small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and then to metres. It’s
amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot smaller than metres.” Educators
should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due to some students’ direct experiences with
systemic inequalities that may arise when working with related math problems (e.g., when practising
conversions using food as an example, be aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may
be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of strategies
to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup before continuing or
they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to figure out really challenging
problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it helps if I put away the problem, go
outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need to get it done right away, I can ask my
teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can review anchor charts in the classroom that
might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes to switch to a different problem or work on the parts
of the problem they know how to complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole
another one finds it helpful to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students
focused and responsive stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at
problems. They can ask students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically,
emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of
being. Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and seeing
how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a situation in their
own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example: “I didn’t think it was
possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation from another angle, I see there
is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about this.” In another situation, students might
also make observations like this: “This situation is a result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability
to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules, then maybe more people will have a chance to be

EXTRACT 34 Printed on 2023-09-03

successful.” Educators can also encourage students to think about situations from the perspective of a
family member, a community member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful to
represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful when
things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I think I don’t know
and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more confident about solving
the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic and graphic representations that
are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle, they
may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape to determine
whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For example: “I kept laying
out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and organized in rows and columns. As
I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication instead of laying out every square individually. I
built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and used this information to figure out how many squares it
would take. That made it way quicker and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a
formula and shared it with the class.”

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases, making
convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they can reason and
prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they will get better
information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with meaningful data can
contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative perspectives to students using
carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data
on income levels and health care services in urban centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit
communities). Students should be encouraged to think critically about the results, why they are
important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals, they
may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that they and

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others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and perseverance can be
used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities that are beyond students’
control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences and access to money among
students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations and sample budgets to raise
awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large barriers to reaching financial goals
(e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their own
lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is interconnected.
They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area affects other areas and that,
similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For example: “If I save more, I have more
money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One action has an effect on another. In relationships
people's actions always have effects, positive or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and
financial inequalities that may be beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize
and be sensitive to the range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families.
Educators should be prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to
support students, because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can communicate
positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take longer than the others
to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build understanding of differences in how games
can be approached and played. Educators can include basic words from different languages spoken by
students to encourage respectful communicative practices among students when they are working

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing elements,
they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the importance of consistent
and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my friend and I message back and forth, if
I miss a message, then my friend might make assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

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Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can make
connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being physically active
regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they travel (e.g., run, wheel, or
bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank position. As they track these
measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on whether their numbers show
repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make connections to what this may mean in terms of
their health and personal fitness. For example, being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a
strong plank position for longer could contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health
and fitness. Educators can adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the
effects of being regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of decimal
numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental math strategies
and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay. They may consider which
mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular situation for them when doing
calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to think about the validity of the strategies
from other perspectives. Educators can also use this opportunity to explore a range of strategies that
different students may be familiar with and connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For
example, the Oksapmin of Papua New Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express
numbers from 1 to 27. Students may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication,
which is a method taught in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of graphs and
data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this information in a holistic
way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class and a step-counter app to track
the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying all of this data as a broken-line graph to
show the change over time. I am also keeping track of how screen time and physical activity make me
feel. Looking at all of this information together, I can see a connection between my screen time, my
physical activity, and my feelings.” For some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural
connections and specific teachings from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders,
community cultural workers, Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

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Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they may
select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or using models
that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to look for patterns. For
example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order the numbers go in.” It is also
important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe environment. When students are supported as
they learn that deeper thinking results from trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations, they can use
reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the same problem. For
example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see that there are many ways to
get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions,
they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding. They may first
determine what information they already know and then identify what is unknown. They may capture
their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a problem into smaller parts, and checking
their calculations. Educators should be prepared to contextualize multi-step problems so that students
can make connections to prior learning.

B. Number
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

B1. Number Sense

demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in
everyday life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

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Whole Numbers
B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 10 000, using
appropriate tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Reading numbers involves interpreting them as a quantity when they are expressed in words, in
standard notation, or represented using physical objects or diagrams.
• The numerals 0 to 9 are used to form numbers. They are referred to as the digits in a number
and each digit corresponds to a place value. For example, in the number 4107, the digit 4
represents 4 thousands, the digit 1 represents 1 hundred, the digit 0 represents 0 tens, and the
digit 7 represents 7 ones.
• There are patterns in the way numbers are formed. Each place value column repeats the 0 to 9
counting sequence. Any quantity, no matter how great, can be described in terms of its place
• A number can be represented in expanded form (e.g., 4187 = 4000 + 100 + 80 + 7 or
4 × 1000 + 1 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 7 × 1) to show place value relationships.
• Numbers can be composed and decomposed in various ways, including by place value.
• Numbers are composed when two or more numbers are combined to create a larger number.
For example, 1300, 200, and 6 combine to make 1506.
• Numbers are decomposed when they are represented as a composition of two or more smaller
numbers. For example, 5125 can be decomposed into 5000 and 100 and 25.
• Tools may be used when representing numbers. For example, 1362 may be represented as the
sum of 136 ten-dollar bills and 1 toonie or 13 base ten flats, 6 base ten rods, and 2 base ten
• Numbers are used throughout the day, in various ways and contexts. Most often, numbers
describe and compare quantities. They express magnitude and provide a way to answer
questions such as “how much?” and “how much more?”.


• Every strand of mathematics relies on numbers.

• When a number is decomposed and then recomposed, the quantity is unchanged. This is the
conservation principle.
• There are non-standard but equivalent ways to decompose a number using place value, based
on understanding the relationships between the place values. For example, 587 could be
decomposed as 58 tens and 7 ones or decomposed as 50 tens and 87 ones, and so on.
• Composing and decomposing numbers in a variety of ways can support students in becoming
flexible with their mental math strategies.

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• Closed number lines with appropriate scales can be used to represent numbers as a position on
a number line or as a distance from zero. Depending on the number, estimation may be needed
to represent it on a number line.
• Partial number lines can be used to show the position of a number relative to other numbers.
• Open number lines can be used to show the composition of large numbers without drawing
them to scale.
• It is important for students to understand key aspects of place value. For example:
• The order of the digits makes a difference. The number 385 describes a different quantity
than the number 853.
• The place (or position) of a digit determines its value (place value). The 5 in 511, for
example, has a value of 500, not 5. To determine the value of a digit in a number, multiply
the value of the digit by the value of its place. For example, in the number 5236, the 5
represents 5000 (5 × 1000) and the 2 represents 200 (2 × 100).
• A zero in a column indicates that there are no groups of that size in the number. It serves
as a placeholder, holding the other digits in their correct “place”. For example, 189 means
1 hundred, 8 tens, and 9 ones, but 1089 means 1 thousand, 0 hundreds, 8 tens, and 9
• The value of the digits in each of the positions follows a “times 10” multiplicative pattern.
For example, 500 is 10 times greater than 50, 50 is 10 times greater than 5, and 5 is 10
times greater than 0.5.
• Going from left to right, a “hundreds-tens-ones” pattern repeats within each period (ones,
thousands, millions, billions, and so on). Exposure to this larger pattern and the names of the
periods – into millions and beyond – satisfies a natural curiosity around “big numbers”, although
students at this grade do not need to work beyond thousands.

B1.2 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 10 000, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Numbers are compared and ordered according to their “how muchness” or magnitude.
• Numbers with the same units can be compared directly (e.g., 7645 kilometres compared to 6250
kilometres). Numbers that do not show a unit are assumed to have units of ones (e.g., 75 and 12
are considered as 75 ones and 12 ones).
• Sometimes numbers without the same unit can be compared, such as 625 kilometres and 75
metres. Knowing that the unit "kilometres" is greater than the unit "metres", and knowing that
625 is greater than 75, one can infer that 625 kilometres is a greater distance than 75 metres.

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• Benchmark numbers can be used to compare quantities. For example, 4132 is less than 5000
and 6200 is greater than 5000, so 4132 is less than 6200.
• Numbers can be compared by their place value. For example, when comparing 8250 and 8450,
the greatest place value where the numbers differ is compared. For this example, 2 hundreds
(from 8250) and 4 hundreds (from 8450) are compared. Since 4 hundreds is greater than 2
hundreds, 8450 is greater than 8250.
• Numbers can be ordered in ascending order – from least to greatest – or can be ordered in
descending order – from greatest to least.


• An understanding of place value enables whole numbers to be compared and ordered. There is
a stable order to how numbers are sequenced, and patterns exist within this sequence that
make it possible to predict the order of numbers and make comparisons.

B1.3 round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Rounding numbers is often done to estimate a quantity or measure, estimate the results of a
computation, and make quick comparisons.
• Rounding involves making decisions about what level of precision is needed, and is used often in
measurement. How close a rounded number is to the actual amount depends on the unit it is
being rounded to. The result of rounding a number to the nearest ten is closer to the original
number than the result of rounding the same number to the nearest hundred. Similarly, the
result of rounding a number rounded to the nearest hundred is closer to the original number
than the result of rounding the same number to the nearest thousand. The larger the unit, the
broader the approximation; the smaller the unit, the more precise.
• Whether a number is rounded up or down depends on the context. For example, when paying
by cash in a store, the amount owing is rounded to the nearest five cents (or nickel).
• In the absence of a context, numbers are typically rounded on a midpoint. This approach
visualizes the amount that is halfway between two units and determines whether a number is
closer to one unit than the other.
• Rounding 1237 to the nearest 10 becomes 1240, since 1237 is closer to 1240 than 1230.
• Rounding 1237 to the nearest 100 becomes 1200, since 1237 is closer to 1200 than 1300.
• Rounding 1237 to the nearest 1000 becomes 1000, since 1237 is closer to 1000 than
• If a number is exactly on the midpoint, convention rounds the number up (unless the
context suggests differently). So, 1235 rounded to the nearest 10 becomes 1240.

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Fractions and Decimals
B1.4 represent fractions from halves to tenths using drawings, tools, and standard fractional notation,
and explain the meanings of the denominator and the numerator

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A fraction is a number that tells us about the relationship between two quantities.
• A fraction can represent a quotient (division).
• It shows the relationship between the number of wholes (numerator) and the number of
partitions the whole is being divided into (denominator).
• For example, 3 granola bars (3 wholes) are shared equally with 4 people (number of
partitions), which can be expressed as .
• A fraction can represent a part of a whole.
• It shows the relationship between the number of parts selected (numerator) and the total
number of parts in one whole (denominator).
• For example, if 1 granola bar (1 whole) is partitioned into 4 pieces (partitions), each piece
1 2
is one fourth ( ) of the granola bar. Two pieces are 2 one fourths ( ) of the granola bar,
4 4
three pieces are three one fourths ( ) of the granola bar, and four pieces are four one
fourths ( ) of the granola bar.
• A fraction can represent a comparison.
• It shows the relationship between two parts of the same whole. The numerator is one
part and the denominator is the other part.
• For example, a bag has 3 red beads and 2 yellow beads. The fraction represents that
3 1
there are two thirds as many yellow beads as red beads. The fraction , which is 1 as a
2 2
mixed number, represents that there are 1 and one half times more red beads than
yellow beads.
• A fraction can represent an operator.
• When considering fractions as an operator, the fraction increases or decrease by a factor.
3 3 3
• For example, in the case of of a granola bar, of 100,or $ of a rectangle, the fraction
4 4 4
reduces the original quantity to its original size.


• A fraction is a number that can tell us information about the relationship between two
quantities. These two quantities are expressed as parts and wholes in different ways, depending
on the way the fraction is used.

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• as a quotient (3 ÷ 4): 3 represents three wholes divided into 4 equal parts (wholes to
parts relationship).
• as a part of a whole: 3 is representing the number of parts selected from a whole that
has been partitioned into 4 equal parts (parts to a whole relationship).
• as a comparison: 3 parts of a whole compared to 4 parts of the same whole (parts to
parts of the same whole relationship).
• A fraction is an operator when one interprets a fraction relative to a whole. For example, each
person gets three fourths of a granola bar, or three one fourths of the area is shaded.

B1.5 use drawings and models to represent, compare, and order fractions representing the individual
portions that result from two different fair-share scenarios involving any combination of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
and 10 sharers

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Fair sharing means that quantities are shared equally. For a whole to be shared equally, it must
be partitioned in such a way that each sharer receives the same amount.
• Fair-share or equal-share problems can be represented using various models. The choice of
model may be influenced by the context of the problem. For example,
• A set model may be chosen when the problem is dealing with objects such as beads or
sticker books. The whole may be the entire set or each item in the set.
• A linear model may be chosen when the problem is dealing with things involving length,
like the length of a ribbon or the distance between two points.
• An area model may be chosen when the problem is dealing with two-dimensional shapes
like a garden plot or a flag.
• Fractions that are based on the same whole can be compared by representing them using
various tools and models. For example, if an area model is chosen, then the area that the
fractions represent are compared. If a linear model is chosen, then the lengths that the fractions
represent are compared.
• Ordering fractions requires an analysis of the fractional representations. For example, when
using an area model, the greater fraction covers the most area. If using a linear model, the
fraction with the larger length is the greater fraction.


• Words can have multiple meanings. It is important to be aware that in many situations, fair does
not mean equal, and equal is not equitable. Educators should clarify how they are using the
term “fair share” and ensure that students understand that in the math context fair means
equal and the intent behind such math problems is to find equal amounts.

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• Fair-share or equal-share problems provide a natural context for students to encounter fractions
and division. Present these problems in the way that students will best connect to.
• Different modes and tools can be used to represent fractions:
• Set models include collections of objects (e.g., beads in a bag, stickers in a sticker book),
where each object is considered an equal part of the set. The attributes of the set (e.g.,
colour, size, shape) may or not be considered. Either each item in the set can be
considered one whole or the entire set can be considered as the whole, depending on the
context of the problem. If the entire set is the whole it will be important that the tool
used can be easily partitioned. For example, concrete pattern blocks are difficult to
partition; however, paper pattern blocks could be cut.
• Linear models include number lines, the length of relational rods , and line segments. It is
3 3
important for students to know the difference between of a line segment and as a
4 4
position on a number line. Three fourths of a line segment treats the fraction as an
operator and the whole is represented by the entire length of the line segment; for
example, if the whole line segment represent 8 apples, then would be positioned at
the 6. Three fourths as a position on a number line treats the fraction as a part-whole
relationship where the number 1 on the number line is 1 whole, the number 2 on the
number line is 2 wholes, and so on. So as a position, is located three fourths of the
way from 0 to 1.
• Other measurement models include area, volume, capacity, and mass. Area is the most
common model used with shapes like rectangles and circles. Circles are difficult to
partition when the fractions are not halves, fourths, or eighths, so providing models of
partitioned circles is imperative. Making connections to the analog clock may also be
helpful; for example, past the hour.

B1.6 count to 10 by halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, and tenths, with and without the use of

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• To count by a fractional amount is to count by a unit fraction. For example, when counting by
the unit fraction one third, the sequence is: 1 one third, 2 one thirds, 3 one thirds, and so on.
Counting by unit fractions can reinforce that the numerator is actually counting units. A
fractional count equivalent to the unit fraction makes one whole (e.g., 3 one thirds).
• A fractional count can exceed one whole. For example, 5 one thirds means that there is 1 whole
(or 3 one thirds) and an additional 2 one thirds.
• The numerator of a fraction shows the count of units (the denominator).


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• Counting by the unit fraction with a visual representation can reinforce the relationship
between the numerator and the denominator as parts of the whole. Fractions can describe
amounts greater than 1 whole.
• The fewer partitions of a whole, the smaller the number of counts needed to make a whole. For
example, it takes 3 counts of one third to make a whole, whereas it takes 5 counts of one fifth to
make a whole.
• When the numerator is greater than the denominator (e.g., ), the fraction is called improper
and can be written as a mixed number (in this case, 1 ). Understanding counts can support
understanding the relationship between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
• Counting of unit fractions is implicitly the addition of unit fractions.

B1.7 read, represent, compare, and order decimal tenths, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The place value of the first position to the right of the decimal point is tenths.
• Decimal tenths can be found in numbers less than 1 (e.g., 0.6) or more than 1 (e.g., 24.7).
• When representing a decimal tenth, the whole should also be indicated .
• Decimal tenths can be compared and ordered by visually identifying the size of the decimal
number relative to 1 whole.
• Between any two consecutive whole numbers are other numbers. Decimal numbers are the way
that the base ten number system shows these “in-between” numbers. For example, the number
3.6 describes a quantity between 3 and 4.
• As with whole numbers, a zero in a decimal indicates that there are no groups of that size in the
number. So, 5.0 means there are 0 tenths. It is important that students understand that 5 and
5.0 represent the same amount and are equivalent.
• Writing zero in the tenths position can be an indication of the precision of a measurement (e.g.,
the length was exactly 5.0 cm, versus a measurement that may have been rounded to the
nearest ones, such as 5 cm).
• Decimals are read in a variety of ways in everyday life. Decimals like 2.5 are commonly read as
two point five; the decimal in baseball averages is typically ignored (e.g., a player hitting an
average of 0.300 is said to be “hitting 300”). To reinforce the decimal’s connection to fractions,
and to make evident its place value, it is highly recommended that decimals be read as their
fraction equivalent. So, 2.5 should be read as “2 and 5 tenths”. The word "and" is used to
separate the whole-number part of the number and the decimal part of the number.
• Many tools that are used to represent whole numbers can be used to represent decimal
numbers. It is important that 1 whole be emphasized to see the representation in tenths and
not as wholes. For example, a base ten rod or a ten frame that was used to represent 10 wholes
can be used to represent 1 whole that is partitioned into tenths.

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B1.8 round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Rounding numbers is often done to estimate a quantity or a measure, to estimate the results of
a computation, and to estimate a comparison.
• A decimal number rounded to the nearest whole number means rounding the number to the
nearest one; for example, is 1.7 closer to 1 or 2?
• Decimal tenths are rounded based on the closer distance between two whole numbers. For
• 56.2 is rounded to 56, because it is two tenths from 56 as opposed to eight tenths to 57.
• If a decimal tenth is exactly between two whole numbers, the convention is to round up, unless
the context suggests differently – in some circumstances, it might be better to round down.


• As with whole numbers, rounding decimal numbers involves making decisions about the level of
precision needed. Whether a number is rounded up or down depends on the context and
whether an overestimate or an underestimate is preferred.

B1.9 describe relationships and show equivalences among fractions and decimal tenths, in various

Teacher supports
Key concepts
• The fraction as a quotient is 1 ÷ 10 and the result is 0.1, which is read as one tenth.
• A count of decimal tenths is the same as a count of unit fractions of one tenth and can be
expressed in decimal notation (i.e., 0.1 (1 one tenth), 0.2 (2 one tenths), 0.3 (3 one tenths), and
so on).
• A count of 10 one tenths makes 1 whole and can be expressed in decimal notation (1.0).
• A count by tenths can be greater than 1 whole. For example, 15 tenths is 1 whole and 5 tenths
and can be expressed in decimal notation as 1.5.

B2. Operations
use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life

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Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

Properties and Relationships

B2.1 use the properties of operations, and the relationships between addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, to solve problems involving whole numbers, including those requiring more
than one operation, and check calculations

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The commutative property holds true for addition and for multiplication. The order of the
numbers does not matter; the results will be the same. For example, 4 + 6 = 6 + 4 and
4 × 6 = 6 × 4.
• The associative property holds true for addition and for multiplication. The pairs of numbers
that are added first or multiplied first does not matter; the results will be the same. For
example, (2 + 3) + 5 = 2 + (3 + 5). Similarly, (2 × 3) × 5 = 2 × (3 × 5).
• The distributive property can be used to determine the product of two numbers. For example,
to determine 8 × 7 one can rewrite 8 as 5 and 3 and find the sum of the products for 5 × 7 and
3 × 7 (i.e., 8 × 7 = (5 + 3) × 7 which equals (5 × 7) + (3 × 7), which is 35 + 21, or 56).
• Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Any subtraction question can be thought of as
an addition question (e.g., 54 – 48 = ? is the same as 48 + ? = 54) and vice versa. This inverse
relationship can be used to perform and check calculations.
• Multiplication and division are inverse operations. Any division question can be thought of as a
multiplication question unless 0 is involved (e.g., 16 ÷ 2 = ? is the same as ? × 2 = 16), and vice
versa. This inverse relationship can be used to perform and check calculations.
• Sometimes a property may be used to check an answer. For example, 4 × 7 may be first
determined using the distributive property as (2 × 7) + (2 × 7), and then checked by
decomposing (4 × 7) as (2 × 2) × 7 and using the associative property 2 × (2 × 7).
• Sometimes the reverse operation may be used to check an answer. For example, 32 ÷ 4 = 8
could be checked by multiplying 4 and 8 to determine if it equals 32.


• This expectation supports many other expectations in the Number strand and is applied
throughout the grade. Whether working with numbers or operations, recognizing and applying
properties and relationships builds a strong foundation for doing mathematics.
• The four operations are related. Addition and subtraction strategies can be used to think about
and solve multiplication and division questions (see B2.5, B2.6, and B2.7).
• When addition is used to solve a subtraction question, this is often referred to as finding the
missing addend.
• The context of a problem may influence how students think about performing the calculations.

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• Operation sense involves the ability to represent situations with symbols and numbers.
Understanding the meaning of the operations, and the relationships between and among them,
enables one to choose the operation that most closely represents a situation and most
efficiently solves the problem given the tools at hand.

Math Facts
B2.2 recall and demonstrate multiplication facts for 1 × 1 to 10 × 10, and related division facts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The identity principle states that when multiplying an amount by 1 or dividing an amount by 1,
the amount stays the same (e.g., 5 × 1 = 5 and 5 ÷ 1=5).
• The facts of 1, 2, 5, and 10 can be used to determine the facts for other numbers. For example:
• 2 × 7 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2.
• 7 × 3 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2 and then adding one more group of 7.
• 7 × 4 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2 and then doubling.
• Division facts can be determined using multiplication facts (e.g., 24 ÷ 6 can be determined using
the multiplication facts for 6).


• Having automatic recall of multiplication and division facts is important when carrying out
mental or written calculations, and frees up working memory when solving complex problems
and tasks.
• The development of the other facts using the facts for 1, 2, 5, and 10 is based on the
commutative, distributive, or associative properties and in being able to decompose numbers.
For example:
• 2 × 7 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2 (commutative property).
• 7 × 3 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2 and then adding one more group of 7
(decomposing and using the distributive property).
• 7 × 4 can be determined by knowing 7 × 2 and then doubling (decomposition and
associative property).
• 7 × 6 can be determined by knowing 7 × 5 and adding one more 7.
• 7 × 9 can be determined by knowing 7 × 10 and taking away 7.
• The array can be used to model multiplication and division because it structures repeated
groups of equal size into rows and columns.
• In a multiplication situation, the number of rows and the number of columns for the array
are both known.
• In a division situation, the total number of objects is known, as well as either the number
of rows or the number of columns. In order to create an array to represent a division

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situation, the objects are arranged into the rows or columns that are known until all the
objects have been distributed evenly.
• A strategic approach to learning multiplication and division facts recognizes that some facts are
foundational for learning other facts. Although the precise order might differ and different
strategies are certainly possible, researchers tend to suggest learning facts in related clusters.
For example:
• Foundational facts: 2-facts, 5-facts, 10-facts.
• Near facts: 3-facts, 6-facts, 9-facts (using 2-facts, 5-facts, and 10-facts and adding or
subtracting a group).
• Doubles: 4-facts, 6-facts (doubling strategies); 8-facts (doubling a double).
• Adding or subtracting doubles: 8-facts, 7-facts.
• Practice is important for moving from understanding to automaticity. Focusing on one set of
number facts at a time (e.g., the 6-facts) and related facts (5-facts or 3-facts) is a useful strategy
for building mastery.

Mental Math
B2.3 use mental math strategies to multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000, divide whole numbers
by 10, and add and subtract decimal tenths, and explain the strategies used

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Multiplying a whole number by 10 can be visualized as shifting of the digit(s) to the left by one
place. For example, 5 × 10 = 50; 50 × 10 = 500; 500 × 10 = 5000.
• Multiplying a whole number by 100 can be visualized as shifting of the digit(s) to the left by two
places. For example, 5 × 100 = 500; 50 × 100 = 5000; 500 × 100 = 50 000.
• Mentally multiplying a whole number by 1000 can be visualized as a shifting of the digit(s) to the
left by three places. For example, 5 x 1000 = 5000; 50 × 1000 = 50 000; 500 × 1000 = 500 000.
• Mentally dividing a whole number by 10 can be visualized as a shifting of the digit(s) to the right
by one place, since the value of the numbers will be one tenth of what they were. For example,
5000 ÷ 10 = 500, 500 ÷ 10 = 50, 50 ÷ 10 = 5, 5 ÷ 10 = 0.5.
• Mental math strategies for addition and subtraction of whole numbers can be used with decimal
• To mentally add and subtract decimal numbers, the strategies may vary depending on the
numbers given. For example:
• If given 44.9 + 31.9, one could round both numbers to 45 and 32 to make 77 and then
remove 0.1 twice from the rounding, to make 76.8.
• If given 34.6 + 42.5, one could first make 1 by combining the 0.5 from both of the
numbers, then add it to 34 to make 35. Next add 40 from 42 onto the 35 to make 75.
Then add on the remaining numbers 2 and 0.1 to make 77.1.

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• Mental math may or may not be quicker than paper-and-pencil strategies, but speed is not the
goal. The value of mental math is in its portability and flexibility, since it does not require a
calculator or paper and pencil. Practising mental math strategies also deepens an understanding
of numbers.
• Mental math involves using flexible strategies that build on basic facts, number relationships,
and counting strategies. These strategies continue to expand and develop through the grades.
• When mentally adding and subtracting decimals – or anything – the unit matters. Only like units
are combined. For example, hundreds are combined with hundreds, tens with tens, ones with
ones, and tenths with tenths.
• Estimation can be used to check the reasonableness of calculations and should be
continually encouraged when students are doing mathematics.

Addition and Subtraction

B2.4 represent and solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up
to no more than 10 000 and of decimal tenths, using appropriate tools and strategies, including

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Situations involving addition and subtraction may involve:

• adding a quantity onto an existing amount or removing a quantity from an existing
• combining two or more quantities;
• comparing quantities.
• There are a variety of tools and strategies that can be used to add and subtract numbers,
including decimal tenths:
• Acting out a situation, by representing it with objects, a drawing, or a diagram, can help
support students in identifying the given quantities in a problem and the unknown
• Set models can be used to add a quantity to an existing amount or removing a quantity
from an existing amount.
• Linear models can be used to determine the difference between two quantities by
comparing them visually.
• Part-whole models can be used to show the relationship between what is known and
what is unknown and how addition and subtraction relate to the situation.


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• An important part of problem solving is the ability to choose the operation that matches the
action in a situation. For additive situations – situations that involve addition or subtraction –
there are three “problem structures”:
• Change situations, where one quantity is changed, by having an amount either joined to it
or separated from it. Sometimes the result is unknown; sometimes the starting point is
unknown; sometimes the change is unknown.
• Combine situations, where two quantities are combined. Sometimes one part is unknown;
sometimes the other part is unknown; sometimes the result is unknown.
• Compare situations, where two quantities are being compared. Sometimes the larger
amount is unknown; sometimes the smaller amount is unknown; sometimes the
difference between the two amounts is unknown.
• The use of drawings and models, including part-whole models, helps with recognizing the
actions and quantities involved in a situation. This provides insight into which operation to use
and helps in choosing the appropriate equation to represent the situation.
• A variety of strategies may be used to add or subtract, including algorithms.
• An algorithm describes a process or set of steps to carry out a procedure. A standard algorithm
is one that is known and used by a community. Different cultures have different standard
algorithms that they use to perform calculations.
• The most common (standard) algorithms for addition and subtraction in North America use a
compact organizer to decompose and recompose numbers based on place value. They begin
with the smallest unit – whether it be the ones column or decimal tenths – and use regrouping
or trading strategies to carry out the computation. (See Grade 3, B2.4.)
• When carrying out an addition or subtraction algorithm, only common units can be combined or
separated. This is particularly noteworthy when using the North American standard algorithms
with decimals numbers because unlike with whole numbers, the smallest unit in a number is not
always common (e.g., 90 − 24.7). In this case, the number 90 can be changed to 90.0 so that the
units can more easily be aligned; that is, 0 is used as a placeholder.
• Making explicit the compactness and efficiency of the standard algorithm strengthens
understanding of place value and the properties of addition and subtraction.

Multiplication and Division

B2.5 represent and solve problems involving the multiplication of two- or three-digit whole numbers by
one-digit whole numbers and by 10, 100, and 1000, using appropriate tools, including arrays

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Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Situations involving multiplication include:

• groups of equal quantity – involves determining the total quantity given the number of
equal groups and the size of each group;
• scale factor – involves changing the size of an initial quantity;
• area – involves a multiplication of two linear measures;
• combinations – involves determining the total number of combinations of two or more
• A variety of tools and strategies can be used to represent multiplication problems:
• Acting out a situation, by representing it with objects, a drawing, or a diagram, can help
to identify the given quantities in a problem and the quantity.
• The array can be used to represent groups of equal quantity.
• A double number line can be used to represent scaling.
• Rectangular grids can be used to represent area measures.
• A tree diagram can be used to represent various combinations.


• The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors. The result of a multiplication is
called the product.
• Situations involving multiplication include:
• repeated equal groups (see Grade 2, B2.5);
• scale factor – ratio comparisons, rates and scaling (see B2.8 and Grade 3, B2.9);
• area and other measurements (see Spatial Sense, E2.5 and E2.6);
• combinations of attributes.
• The array can be a model for showing multiplication and division because it structures repeated
groups of equal size into rows and columns (see Spatial Sense, E2.5). The array makes visual
connections to skip counting, the distributive property, the inverse relationship between
multiplication and division, and the measurement of area.
• A double number line can be used to show the comparison between the original amount (one
number line) and the scaled amount (another number line).
• A grid showing a rectangle partitioned vertically and horizontally can be used to show the
decomposition of two factors and the sum of these parts.

B2.6 represent and solve problems involving the division of two- or three-digit whole numbers by one-
digit whole numbers, expressing any remainder as a fraction when appropriate, using appropriate tools,
including arrays

Teacher supports

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Key concepts

• Situations involving division include:

• groups of equal quantity – involves determining either the number of groups or the size
of each group;
• scale factor – involves determining either the original quantity or the value that the
original value was multiplied by;
• area – involves determining the value of either linear measure;
• combinations – involves determining the number of possible values of one attribute or
the other.
• A variety of tools and strategies can be used to represent division problems:
• Acting out a situation, by representing it with objects, a drawing, or a diagram, can help
identify the given quantities in a problem and the unknown quantity that needs to be
• The array can be used to represent groups of equal quantity.
• A double number line can be used to represent scaling.
• Rectangular grids can be used to represent area measures.
• A tree diagram can be used to represent various combinations.


• Multiplication and division are inverse operations (see B2.1).

• The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors. The result of a multiplication
is called the product.
• When a multiplication statement is rewritten as a division statement, the product is
referred to as the dividend, one of the factors is the divisor, and the other factor is the
quotient (result of division).
• Situations involving multiplication and division include:
• repeated equal groups (see Grade 2, B2.5);
• scale factor – ratio comparisons, rates, and scaling (see B1.5 and B2.8 and Grade 3, B2.9);
• area and other measurements (see Spatial Sense, E2.5 and E2.6);
• combinations.
• When an array is used to represent division, the total quantity is given, and one of the factors
(which can be either a row or column of the array). The total quantity is equally divided among
these rows or columns.
• When a double number line is used to represent a division in which the original and new
quantities are known, one needs to determine the scale factor that is used to go from the
original number line to the new one.
• When a rectangle is used to represent division, and the total number of 1-unit squares and one
dimension are known, one needs to arrange the unit squares into a rectangle that has the given
• For each division situation, there are two division types:

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• equal-sharing division (also called “partitive division”):
• What is known: the total and number of groups.
• What is unknown: the size of the groups.
• The action: a total shared equally among a given number of groups.
• See B1.5 for connections between equal-sharing division and fractions.
• equal-grouping division (also called “measurement division” or “quotative division”):
• What is known: the total and the size of groups.
• What is unknown: the number of groups.
• The action: from a total, equal groups of a given size measured out.
• Division does not always result in whole number amounts. The real-life situation determines
whether the fraction is rounded up or rounded down or remains a fraction. For example:
• 17 items shared among 5 (i.e., 17 ÷ 5) means each receives 3 items and of another item.
• 17 people needing to go in cars that hold 5 people means that 3 cars are needed for 15 of
them, plus another car is needed for the remaining 2, so 4 cars are needed in all.
• Determining how many $5 items can be bought with $17 means that 3 items can be
purchased; there is not enough money for the fourth item.

B2.7 represent the relationship between the repeated addition of a unit fraction and the multiplication
of that unit fraction by a whole number, using tools, drawings, and standard fractional notation

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The numerator in a fraction describes the count of unit fractions. So, 4 one thirds (four thirds) is
written in standard fractional form as .
• There is a relationship between the repeated addition of a unit fraction, the multiplication of
that unit fraction, and standard fractional notation:
1 1 1 1 1 4
• 4 one thirds (four thirds) can be represented as + + + = 4 × or .
3 3 3 3 3 3


• It is important that students recognize the connection between counting unit fractions (see
B1.6), repeated addition and multiplication of unit fractions, and the meaning of the numerator
(see B1.4).
• As students come to associate multiplication with the count (the numerator) and division with
the unit size (the denominator), they come to understand the standard fractional notation and
its connection to the operations of multiplication and division.

B2.8 show simple multiplicative relationships involving whole-number rates, using various tools and

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Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A rate describes the multiplicative relationship between two quantities expressed with different
units (e.g., bananas per dollar; granola bars per child; kilometres per hour).
• A rate can be expressed in words, such as 50 kilometers per hour.
• A rate can be expressed as a division statement, such as 50 km/h.
• There are many applications for rates in real life.


• Like ratios, rates make comparisons based on multiplication and division; however, rates
compare two related but different measures or quantities. For example, if 12 cookies are eaten
by 4 people, then the rate is 12 cookies per 4 people. An equivalent rate is 6 cookies per 2
people. A unit rate is 3 cookies per person.

C. Algebra
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

C1. Patterns and Relationships

identify, describe, extend, create, and make predictions about a variety of patterns, including those
found in real-life contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

C1.1 identify and describe repeating and growing patterns, including patterns found in real-life contexts

Teacher supports

• repeating patterns in real life:

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Snowflake Tiles

Windows in a Skyscraper Brick Wall

Border Fence

• growing patterns in real life:

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Shell Wings

Leaf Mayan Temple

Key concepts

• The complexity of a repeating pattern depends on:

• the nature of the attribute(s);
• the number of changing attributes;
• the number of elements in the core of the pattern;
• the number of changing elements within the core.
• In growing patterns, there is an increase in the number of elements or the size of the elements
from one term to the next.


• Students can engage in mathematics and patterns through the contexts, cultural histories, and
stories of various cultures.

Sample tasks
Start a pattern wall. Have students collect pictures or make diagrams of patterns that they find in real
life to add to the wall. Have them describe the regularities that they see in the patterns. Some real-life
examples may be viewed in more than one way; some students may see the elements that repeat and
others might see how the pattern is growing. If geometric patterns that have cultural significance are
shared, use the opportunity to discuss the history and meaning of the patterns.
C1.2 create and translate repeating and growing patterns using various representations, including tables
of values and graphs

Teacher supports

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• creating a repeating pattern using tiles or beads, then translating it into a numeric
representation of each row in the pattern:

• creating a growing pattern using concrete materials, then translating it into a table of values:

• translating a geometric growing pattern into a table of values and a graph:

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Key concepts

• The same pattern structure can be represented in various ways.

• Repeating patterns can vary in complexity, but all are created by iterating their pattern core.
• Growing patterns are created by increasing the number of elements in each iteration.
• When translating a pattern from a concrete representation to a table of values, each iteration of
the pattern can be referred to as the term number, and the number of elements in each
iteration can be referred to as the term value. In a table of values, the term number is shown in
the left-hand column and the term value is shown in the right-hand column.
• The term value is dependent on the term number. The term number (x) is represented on the
horizontal axis of the Cartesian plane, and the term value (y) is represented on the vertical axis.
Each point (x, y) on the Cartesian plane is plotted to represent the pattern.


• The creation of growing patterns in this grade is not limited to linear patterns.
• For (x, y), the x-value is the independent variable and the y-value is the dependent variable.
• Comparing translated patterns highlights the equivalence of their underlying mathematical
structure, even though the representations differ.

Sample tasks
Repeating patterns involving shapes can vary in complexity, yet they are all created by iterating a
pattern core. Have students create pattern cores that range from a simple repeating pattern involving
one attribute to more complex ones involving multiple attributes. Then have them iterate their pattern
cores at least three times. Have them share with others in the class and identify the changing attributes

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in each other’s work.

Have students make a growing pattern with square tiles. Then have them translate their pattern to grid
paper. Have them place a dot at the top of each bar (see illustration below) to make connections to
learning about graphs. Ask students to write about the connections that they can make between the
two representations.

Growing patterns can grow in various ways. The numbers in a growing pattern increase in size from one
term to the next, but the way they increase can vary. Have students create a growing pattern and
translate it into a number sequence, a table of values, and a graph. Support them in making connections

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between the table of values, the graph, and the way the numbers are growing.

C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and
identify missing elements in repeating and growing patterns

Teacher supports

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• extending patterns in multiple directions:

• What comes next? What came before?

• making near and far predictions:

• How many blocks are in the 5th position? The 10th position? The 100th position?

• identifying missing shapes, numbers in a number sequence and in a table of values, and points
on a graph:

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Key concepts

• Patterns can be extended because they are repetitive by nature.

• Pattern rules are generalizations about a pattern, and they can be described in words.
• Patterns can be extended in multiple directions – up, down, right, left, diagonally.
• To make a near prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like just
beyond the given representation of that pattern. The prediction can be verified by extending the
• To make a far prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like well
beyond the given representation of that pattern. Often calculations are needed to make an
informed prediction or to verify a prediction.
• To identify missing elements of patterns is to complete a representation for a given pattern by
filling in the missing parts.


• In order to extend, predict, or determine missing elements, students need to generalize

patterns, using pattern rules.
• Rules should be used to verify predictions and to critically analyse extensions and solutions for
missing elements.

Sample tasks
Ask students to extend patterns given any type of representation. For example, have them describe the
pattern rule to extend the pattern to the next three terms in the pictorial representation below.

Ask follow-up questions such as:

• If I had exactly 36 tiles, what position number could I show?

• Can I show a position number with 55 tiles? Why or why not?

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Have students determine pattern rules to make and justify predictions about patterns represented in
various ways. For example, present a fictional scenario about a teacher and a class.

• A teacher asked their students to state the pattern rule for the following pattern:

Here are two responses:

Jennifer said,
Mishaal said,
“To find the total number of circles, you need to
“I see two rows of circles. In the top row, there is
double the position number (yellow circles) and
always one more circle (in blue) than the position
add three (blue circles). So, for position 1, it is 1 +
number. In the bottom row, there are always two
1 + 3 = 5; for position 2, it is 2 + 2 + 3 = 7; and for
more circles (in grey) than the position number.”
position 3, it is 3 + 3 + 3 = 9.”

Ask: Which rule is correct? Can you find another rule that works for the pattern?

Have students continue the pattern for each of the scenarios outlined below.

• extending a pattern presented in a graph:

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Number of Tiles

Predict the number

of tiles for
positions 0 and 5.

Position Number

• extending a pattern presented with concrete materials:

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• extending a pattern in a table of values:

Provide students with different types of patterns that have missing elements so that they can think
critically about possible pattern rules based on the information they are given. The more information
that is missing, the more thinking and possibilities for patterns will emerge. For example, ask students to
colour in the squares to complete the pattern below, then describe how the pattern could be extended
in at least two directions:

Provide a variety of number patterns that enable students to practise extending and finding missing
terms. For example:

• number sequences where the same addend is used:

• 3, 6, 9, 12, ____, ____, ____, …
• number sequences where the same multiplier is used:
• 1, 2, 4, ____, ____, 32, ____, …
• number sequences where the addend increases from term to term:
• 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, ____, ____, 29, ____, ...

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• special number sequences:
• 0, 1, 4, 9, ____, ____, ____, ... (square number sequence)
• 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ____, ____, ____, 34, 55, 89 (Fibonacci sequence)

C1.4 create and describe patterns to illustrate relationships among whole numbers and decimal tenths

Teacher supports

• creating a pattern to show the relationship between the place values of digits:
• when the tens place goes down by 1, the ones place goes up by 10:

37.1 = 3 tens + 7 ones + 1 tenth

37.1 = 2 tens + 17 ones + 1 tenth

37.1 = 1 ten + 27 ones + 1 tenth

37.1 = 0 tens + 37 ones + 1 tenth

• when the ones place goes down by 1, the tenths place goes up by 10:

37.1 = 3 tens + 7 ones + 1 tenth

37.1 = 3 tens + 6 ones + 11 tenths

37.1 = 3 tens + 5 ones + 31 tenths

37.1 = 3 tens + 4 ones + 31 tenths

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

• creating patterns to show the relationship between addition and subtraction facts for 7

5.0 + 0.7 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.7 = 5.0

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5.1 + 0.6 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.6 = 5.1

5.2 + 0.5 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.5 = 5.2

5.3 + 0.4 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.4 = 5.3

5.4 + 0.3 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.3 = 5.4

5.5 + 0.2 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.2 = 5.5

5.6 + 0.1 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.1 = 5.6

5.7 + 0.0 = 5.7 5.7 − 0.0 = 5.7

• creating patterns to show the relationship between multiplication and division facts:

9×1=9 9÷1=9

9 × 2 = 18 18 ÷ 2 = 9

9 × 3 = 27 27 ÷ 3 = 9

9 × 4 = 36 36 ÷ 4 = 9

9 × 5 = 45 45 ÷ 5 = 9

9 × 6 = 54 54 ÷ 6 = 9

9 × 7 = 63 63 ÷ 7 = 9

9 × 8 = 72 72 ÷ 8 = 9

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9 × 9 = 81 81 ÷ 9 = 9

9 × 10 = 90 90 ÷ 10 = 9

Key concepts

• Patterns can be used to understand relationships between whole numbers and decimal


• Many number strings are based on patterns and the use of patterns to develop a mathematical

Sample tasks
Provide students with a partial number string pattern involving place value. Have them continue the
string to rename a number such as 37.1 in as many ways they can using different tens, ones, and tenths.
Support students in noticing that for each decrease of 10 ones, there is an increase of 10 tenths.
Have students create their own number string patterns to illustrate a relationship among numbers. Ask
them to justify their thinking. For example, they may demonstrate how the addition and subtraction
facts for 7 can be used when working with decimal tenths, or they could demonstrate the pattern for
multiplication and division by 9.

C2. Equations and Inequalities

demonstrate an understanding of variables, expressions, equalities, and inequalities, and apply this
understanding in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

C2.1 identify and use symbols as variables in expressions and equations

Teacher supports

• symbols being used to represent quantities in a relationship:

• in equations, such as N = � × 4:

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Number of Cars (�) Number of Wheels (N)

1 4

2 8

3 12

4 16

• in formulas, such as A = b × h or P = b + b + h + h, where

• h represents the height of a rectangle
• b represents the base of a rectangle

• symbols being used as a variable to represent an unknown quantity:

• N = � × 4, where N is the number of wheels and � is the number of cars:
• if there are 3 cars, there must be 12 wheels
• if there are 8 wheels, then there must be 2 cars
• �=

Key concepts

• Symbols can be used to represent quantities that change or quantities that are unknown.
• An expression is a mathematical statement that involves numbers, letters, and/or operations,
for example, a + 3.
• An equation is a statement of equality between two expressions, for example, 1a + 3 = 5 + 10.
• Formulas are a type of equation, for example, A = b × h.
• Quantities that can change are also referred to as “variables”.
• Quantities that remain the same are also referred to as “constants”.


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• Identifying quantities in real life that stay the same and those that can change will help students
understand the concept of variability.
• Identifying what is constant and what changes is one of the aspects of mathematical modelling.
• In mathematics notation, variables are only expressed as letters or symbols. When coding,
variables may be represented as words, abbreviated words, symbols, or letters.
• In an expression like 4a, it is understood that the operation between the 4 and the a is
multiplication. In working with some technologies, 4a would need to be inputted as 4*a, in
which the asterisk denotes multiplication. The forward slash (/) is used for division.

Sample tasks
Have students dedicate a section of their “learning log” to variables and symbols. Throughout the year,
have them enter situations they encounter where variables or symbols are used in equations to
represent quantities that are unknown or in expressions to represent quantities that vary. Examples may
include a missing element in a pattern that is represented with a symbol, an unknown value needed to
make a statement true, the use of letters to label the sides of shapes that can have any value, or their
use in formulas such as A = bh.
Throughout the year, as opportunities arise, discuss the ways symbols are used as variables. For
example, a symbol in a pattern might be used to represent a missing element. Another example is when
a symbol is used to represent a specific unknown, such as 3 × 7 = 30 − □.
Equalities and Inequalities
C2.2 solve equations that involve whole numbers up to 50 in various contexts, and verify solutions

Teacher supports

• equations:
• m + 34 = 50
• 21 + t = 28
• h − 7 = 13
• 16 = b − 8
• 1+w+4=2+5
• 10 + 3 = 4 + b + 7
• 6k = 54
• 2 × m + 1 = 19
• 24 − 5 = 3 × L − 2
• a ÷ 8 = 56
• solving equations using number sense and reasoning:

25 + 5a = 50

25 + 5a = 25 + 25

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5a = 25


• solving equations using guess-and-check:

• 2 × m + 1 = 19:
• guess of 6: 2 × 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13 (too low)
• guess of 8: 2 × 8 + 1 = 16 + 1 = 17 (still too low)
• guess of 9: 2 × 9 + 1 = 18 + 1 = 19 (right on)
• solving equations using a balance model:
• 3 × n + 4 = 28:
• Step 1:
• Represent the equation using 3 n’s plus 4 (circles) on the left side and 28
(circles) on the right side:

• Step 2:
• Remove 4 circles from the left side to leave only n’s and remove 4 circles
from the right side to maintain the balance:

• Step 3:
• Rearrange the boxes and circles so that each box is opposite an equal
amount of circles:

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• Step 4:
• Isolate one box to determine the number of circles for one n:

Key concepts

• Equations are mathematical statements such that the expressions on both sides of an equal sign
are equivalent.
• In equations, symbols are used to represent unknown quantities.


• To solve an equation using guess-and-check, the process is iterative. The unknown value is
estimated and then tested. Based on the result of the test, the guess is refined to get closer to
the actual value.
• To solve an equation using a balance model, the expressions are visually represented and are
manipulated until they are equivalent.

Sample tasks
Provide students with relevant contexts that require them to determine the unknown value that makes
the two expressions on either side of the equal sign equivalent. For example, there are 2 boxes of
muffins, each containing the same number of muffins. One box contains 12 carrot muffins and 8
blueberry muffins. The other box contains oatmeal muffins and 4 bran muffins. How many oatmeal
muffins are there? [12 + 8 = n + 4]

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Students can use various strategies to find the unknown. If they use a guess-and-check strategy,
encourage them to be strategic in their choices and continue to adapt their choices as they check their

They may also use a balance model, in which they represent each expression and manipulate the
expressions until they isolate the variable (see the example that highlights this process). This process
helps to build understanding of algebraic manipulations, which is the eventual goal. Ensure that
students make a statement about what the variable represents, for example, n = 16.

Provide students with opportunities to solve a range of equations that have the variable in different
locations, for example, m + 4 = 17, 4 + m = 17, 17 = 4 + m.
C2.3 solve inequalities that involve addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 20, and verify and
graph the solutions

Teacher supports

• inequalities and solutions:

• m ≤ 7:

• a + 3 ≤ 10:

a +3 ≤ 10
0 3 Yes
1 4 Yes
2 5 Yes
3 6 Yes
4 7 Yes
5 8 Yes
6 9 Yes

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7 10 Yes
8 11 No
9 12 No

• a is the set of numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}:

• 20 − m > 15:

20 −m > 15
20 −0 = 20 Yes
20 −1 = 19 Yes
20 −2 = 18 Yes
20 −3 = 17 Yes
20 −4 = 16 Yes
20 −5 = 15 No
20 −6 = 14 No

• m = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}:

Key concepts

• Inequalities can be solved as equations, but the values that result must be tested to determine if
they hold true for the inequality.
• A number line shows the range of values that hold true for an inequality. An open dot on a
number line is used when an inequality involves “less than” or “greater than”, and a closed dot
is used when it also includes “equal to”.
• Number lines help students notice the range of values that hold true for inequalities.

Sample tasks
Provide each student with a portable whiteboard or large paper. Present a variety of scenarios where
there might be more than one answer, such as those below. Ask students to record their solutions on
their whiteboards.

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As you work through each scenario with the class, invite students to come to the front of the class and
show their answers. Support students in recognizing that there is more than one right answer for each
of these scenarios.

• If you had to dribble the ball no more than 10 times before you could throw it, how many times
could you dribble the ball?
• If you had to find an object in the school that is shorter than 5 m but longer than 1 m, how long
could your object be?
• If you were to draw a line that is longer than 15 cm but shorter than 20 cm, how long could that
line be?
• A parking garage has a speed limit of 10 km per hour. What speed could someone drive without
breaking the speed limit?
• If you were to walk partway to the door and the door is 20 tiles away, which tile could you walk

Have students solve a variety of problems that involve inequalities. For example:

• At a grocery store, the express line can be used by shoppers who have 10 or fewer items. What
number of items can you have in order to use that line? Represent your solution on a number
• There are swimmers in the pool. 4 more swimmers jump in. Now there are fewer than 10
swimmers in the pool. How many swimmers were in the pool to begin with? Represent your
solution on a number line.
• Zheng borrowed 5 books from the library and can sign out as many as 13 books at a time. On a
number line, show how many more books Zheng can borrow. Represent your solution on a
number line.
• Alex has $9 and wants to buy an eraser and some pencils. The eraser costs $3 and the pencils
cost $2 each. How many pencils can Alex buy? Represent your solution on a number line.

Ask students to create their own problems that involve solving an inequality. Have them exchange their
problems with a partner or a group, or do this as a whole-class activity.

C3. Coding
solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding
concepts and skills

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

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Coding Skills
C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing
and executing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, repeating, and nested events

Teacher supports

• contexts:
• moving from one location to another horizontally and vertically
• creating shapes
• determining perimeter, using whole numbers and decimal tenths
• determining area, using whole numbers
• representing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers
• representing addition and subtraction of decimal tenths
• testing equalities involving whole numbers
• verifying the commutative property for addition and multiplication of whole numbers
• verifying the associative property for addition of whole numbers
• creating repeating patterns
• creating growing patterns using a repeated operation
• code involving repeating events:
• code designed to create a square:

• code involving nested events:

• code designed to create a repeating pattern involving the rotation of a square:

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Key concepts

• A loop is used to control a structure that allows for a sequence of instructions to be repeated.
• Loops make the code more readable and reduce the number of instructions that need to be
• Loops can be used to repeat steps or tasks that occur more than once in an algorithm or
• Loops can exist within loops, referred to as “nested loops”.


• Coding can support students in developing a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

• Coding can include a combination of pseudocode, block-based coding programs, and text-based
coding programs.
• Students can program for various agents, such as a pixelated image on a screen, a classmate
acting out the code when appropriate, or a physical device (e.g., robot, microcontroller) .

Sample tasks
Have students describe what is happening in the following code:

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Have students create their own repeating or growing pattern and the accompanying code.

Formulas are used in various contexts in mathematics, including to calculate the perimeter of a
rectangle. Formulas can be expressed in words as well as using symbols. In coding, a formula may be a
mixture of both words and symbols. Have students write code to determine the perimeter of a rectangle
from user-inputted variables for the length and width of a rectangle. A possible example is shown below
using pseudocode. This example could be programmed by students using either a text-based or a block-

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based programming language.

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, repeating, and
nested events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Teacher supports

• altering code to solve for perimeter using a different formula:

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Key concepts

• Code can be simplified by using loops or by combining steps and operations.

• Reading code is done to make a prediction about what the expected outcome will be. Based on
that prediction, one can determine if the code needs to be altered prior to its execution.
• Code must sometimes be altered so that the expected outcome can be achieved.
• Code can be altered to be used for a new situation.


• Using loops helps students organize their code and provides a foundation for considering
efficiencies in program solutions.

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• By manipulating conditions within a loop and the number of times the loop is repeated,
students can determine the relationship between variables in lines of code and can explore
math concepts, such as pattern intervals and terms.

Sample tasks
Altering code can support students in developing a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Some alterations may make the code more efficient. Similarly, some calculations can be simplified,
including when working with formulas and applying order of operations.

Have students alter the code (shown below) to determine the perimeter of a rectangle by simplifying
the formula “perimeter = length + width + length + width”.

Have them execute the two programs to confirm that they both get the desired outcome. As a follow-
up, have them alter the code so that it determines the perimeter of a square.

Provide students with code that generates a growing pattern involving dollar values (e.g., $5, $10, $15,
…). Have them alter the code to generate the same growing pattern but expressed in cents (e.g., 500¢,
1000¢, 1500¢, …).
Provide students with code that creates a “flower” by using a repeating pattern that creates a square
and rotates before creating another square. Have them alter the code to create a smaller or larger

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square, a smaller or larger angle of rotation, and finally a different repeating shape.

C4. Mathematical Modelling

apply the process of mathematical modelling to represent, analyse, make predictions, and provide
insight into real-life situations

This overall expectation has no specific expectations. Mathematical modelling is an iterative and
interconnected process that is applied to various contexts, allowing students to bring in learning from
other strands. Students’ demonstration of the process of mathematical modelling, as they apply concepts
and skills learned in other strands, is assessed and evaluated.

Read more about the mathematical modelling process.

Teacher supports


• possible real-life situations:

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• designing the use of a schoolyard for different types of outdoor activities
• designing a quilt of a specific dimension

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing

the situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic
nature of modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics,
modelling it, and then checking the model back against the real-life situation and
adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students
with making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands
and across other curricula.

Sample Tasks

Provide students with a real-life situation, such as sectioning off the schoolyard for different
types of outdoor activities.

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered, such as: What activities are to
be offered? What part of the schoolyard is needed for each activity? For example, this activity
needs a wall or this acticity needs a basketball hoop. It is important to honour student voice
and student questions, as well as to encourage students to listen and consider the questions of
their peers.

Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that all
the sections of the schoolyard will be rectangular. Also have them consider what can vary, such
as the area of each section, and the number of activities being offered.

Have students determine and gather the information needed to solve the problem. They may
want to conduct a school survey to determine the types of activities to offer. They might want
to determine how many people will participate in the different activities. They may ask to
measure the dimensions of the schoolyard.

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Have students identify and use representations, tools, technologies, or strategies to create a
model of the schoolyard, identifying the dimensions of the rectangular sections and their areas.

Pose questions to students to support them in analysing their model. A possible question is “Do
you have enough area for each section to run the activity planned for that section?” If the
answer is no, have them adjust their models and reassess.


• possible real-life situations:

• designing the use of a schoolyard for different types of outdoor activities
• designing a quilt of a specific dimension

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing the
situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic nature of
modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics, modelling it, and
then checking the model back against the real-life situation and adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students with
making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands and across
other curricula.

Sample Tasks

Provide students with a real-life situation, such as sectioning off the schoolyard for different types of
outdoor activities.

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered, such as: What activities are to be
offered? What part of the schoolyard is needed for each activity? For example, this activity needs a wall
or this acticity needs a basketball hoop. It is important to honour student voice and student questions,
as well as to encourage students to listen and consider the questions of their peers.

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Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that all the
sections of the schoolyard will be rectangular. Also have them consider what can vary, such as the area
of each section, and the number of activities being offered.

Have students determine and gather the information needed to solve the problem. They may want to
conduct a school survey to determine the types of activities to offer. They might want to determine how
many people will participate in the different activities. They may ask to measure the dimensions of the

Have students identify and use representations, tools, technologies, or strategies to create a model of
the schoolyard, identifying the dimensions of the rectangular sections and their areas.

Pose questions to students to support them in analysing their model. A possible question is “Do you
have enough area for each section to run the activity planned for that section?” If the answer is no, have
them adjust their models and reassess.

D. Data
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

D1. Data Literacy

manage, analyse, and use data to make convincing arguments and informed decisions, in various
contexts drawn from real life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

Data Collection and Organization

D1.1 describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative data, and describe situations where
each would be used

Teacher supports

• questions of interest that require qualitative data to answer:

• What is the favourite type of book read in class? (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel)
• What things do you do to protect the environment? (e.g., borrow or purchase second-
hand items where possible, reduce food waste, recycle, turn off lights and devices when
not in use)

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• What kinds of programs does your community centre offer? (e.g., baseball, soccer,
lacrosse, painting, photography, coding, cooking)
• questions of interest that require quantitative data to answer:
• Do birds prefer visiting the bird feeder in the morning or the afternoon?
• How far can Grade 4 students jump?
• How many blocks can a Grade 4 student stack in 30 seconds?

Key concepts

• It is important to know whether the data that is needed to answer a question is qualitative or
quantitative, so that appropriate collection can be planned and carried out, appropriate
representations chosen, and appropriate analysis conducted.
• Qualitative data involves variables that can be placed into categories, like “type of sports” or
• Quantitative data involves variables that can be counted or ordered, like “the number of legs on
an insect” or “the length of an object”.

Sample tasks
Provide students with different questions of interest, and have them identify whether qualitative or
quantitative data is needed to answer each question.
When students are creating their own questions of interest, have them identify whether the data they
need to collect is qualitative or quantitative and explain why.
D1.2 collect data from different primary and secondary sources to answer questions of interest that
involve comparing two or more sets of data, and organize the data in frequency tables and stem-and-
leaf plots

Teacher supports

• questions of interest:
• Which of the junior grades has the highest number of students who speak more than one
• How many trees are planted in Ontario each year?
• collection of data from different sources:
• primary data collection (e.g., observations, experiments, interviews, written
• secondary data collection (e.g., print media, online searches, Statistics Canada website)
• stem-and-leaf plot:

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Key concepts

• The type and amount of data to be collected is based on the question of interest. Data can be
either qualitative or quantitative. Sometimes more than one data set is needed to answer a
question of interest.
• Data may need to be collected from a primary source through observations, experiments,
interviews, or written questionnaires, or from a secondary source that has already collected the
data, such as Statistics Canada or the school registry.
• Two or more data sets can be organized in separate frequency tables or within the same
frequency table.
• A stem-and-leaf plot is one way to organize quantitative data. It can provide a sense of the
shape of the data. The digits in the number are separated out into a stem and a leaf. For
example, the number 30 has a stem of 3 and a leaf of 0. The stems and the leaves are ordered
from least to greatest value in the plot.

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Sample tasks
Have students collect one piece of information from different populations and compare the results. For
example, students might be interested in knowing how many students in each grade speak one
language, and how many speak more than one. Have them organize the data in a frequency table like

the following:
Have students collect and organize data on a question of interest that requires them to use secondary
sources and make comparisons. For example, how many trees are planted in Ontario each year? Once
students become comfortable working with these types of questions, have them gather data for
multiple comparisons, such as the number of trees planted for a biodiversity project. Have students
organize the data in a frequency table with multiple columns.
Have students organize the following list of data values using a stem-and-leaf plot. The data values
represent the number of minutes that students read on a single night.

Data collected: 10, 15, 5, 35, 20, 10, 5, 20, 35, 35, 30, 10, 15, 15, 25, 15, 25

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Data Visualization
D1.3 select from among a variety of graphs, including multiple-bar graphs, the type of graph best suited
to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, and labels,
and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs

Teacher supports

• types of graphs:
• pictograph
• line plot
• bar graph
• multiple-bar graph
• multiple-bar graphs:
• The graphs below show the daily physical activity levels of students in Grade 4 and Grade
5 in comparison to the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines.

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Key concepts

• Multiple-bar graphs show comparisons. They have bars in which data sets are shown side by
side to compare two aspects of the data.
• Multiple-bar graphs can be created in more than one way, including with horizontal and vertical
• The source, titles, labels, and scales provide important information about the data in a graph or
• The source indicates where the data was collected.
• The title introduces the data shown in the graph or table.
• Labels provide additional information, such as the labels on the axes of a graph describing
what is being measured (the variable).
• Scales are indicated on the axis of bar graphs, showing frequencies, and in the key of


• The numerical values of the frequencies need to be considered when a scale is chosen.
• Depending on the scale that is chosen, the length of the bars on a bar graph may need to be

Sample tasks
Provide students with two sets of stem-and-leaf plots displaying the number of minutes that students in
Grades 4, 5, and 6 have read on Saturday and Sunday. Have them create a multiple-bar graph that
shows the Grade 4, 5, and 6 data (total number of minutes) for Saturday, side by side, and the Grade 4,
5, and 6 data (total number of minutes) for Sunday, side by side.

Then have them create a second multiple-bar graph that shows the total number of minutes side by side
for each grade, i.e., the Saturday and Sunday data for Grade 4 would be side by side, the Saturday and
Sunday data for Grade 5 would be side by side, and the Saturday and Sunday data for Grade 6 would be
side by side. Discuss how the two graphs show different information about the data.

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Have students collect and display data about the favourite subjects of students in Grades 4, 5, and 6.
Have them represent the data in a frequency table and in a variety of graphs, including multiple-bar
graphs. Experiences like this help students develop critical-thinking skills as they decide what they want
their graph to reveal about the data.
D1.4 create an infographic about a data set, representing the data in appropriate ways, including in
frequency tables, stem-and-leaf plots, and multiple-bar graphs, and incorporating any other relevant
information that helps to tell a story about the data

Teacher supports

• infographic on the topic of “Junior Read-A-Thon”:

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Key concepts

• Infographics are used to share data and information on a topic in an appealing way.
• Infographics contain different representations of the data, such as tables, plots, and graphs, and
minimal text.
• Information to be included in an infographic needs to be carefully considered so that it is clear
and concise.
• Infographics tell a story about the data with a specific audience in mind.


• Creating infographics has applications in other subject areas, such as communicating key
findings and messages in STEM projects.

Sample tasks
To deepen students' understanding of what an infographic is and what it is used for, provide them with
an infographic that has already been created, such as the “Junior Read-A-Thon” infographic found in the
examples for D1.4. Ask questions to support their analysis. For example, ask what audience they think
the infographic was intended for, or what messages they think the writer was trying to share.
Have students collect other infographics and, as a class, make a list of the features they see in the
infographics. Discuss how these features can change depending on the audience and what story is being
told about the data.
Have students create a story about the data they collected for a question of interest, for example, ways
to support waste reduction through the school. Have them identify the audience they want to share
their story with and what visuals and other key pieces of information they want to use to tell their story.
Data Analysis
D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets
involving whole numbers, and explain what each of these measures indicates about the data

Teacher supports
The following is a list of responses from nine students to the question “How many cousins do you
have?”: 24, 16, 30, 0, 14, 35, 14, 8, 3

• mode: 14
• Two of the responses were 14, which is more frequent than any other response.
• median: 14

Step 1: Rearrange the numbers in order from least to greatest.

• 0, 3, 8, 14, 14, 16, 24, 30, 35

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Step 2: Identify the number in the middle.

• $$\sf \small 0, 3, 8, 14,\enclose{circle}[mathcolor=Cyan]{\color{black}14,}16, 24, 30, 35$$

• The median is 14.
• mean: 16

Step 1: Add all the numbers:

• 24 + 16 + 30 + 0 + 14 + 35 + 14 + 8 + 3 = 144

Step 2: Divide the sum by the number of values:

• 144 ÷ 9 = 16
• The mean is 16.

Key concepts

• The mean, median, and mode can be determined for quantitative data. Only the mode can be
determined for qualitative data.
• The mean is calculated by adding up all of the values of a data set and then dividing that sum by
the number of values in the set.
• The median is the middle data value for an ordered list. If there is an even number of data
values, then the median is the mean of the two middle values in the ordered list.
• A variable can have one mode, multiple modes, or no mode.


• The mean, median, and mode are the three measures of central tendency.

Sample tasks
Provide data sets with a median that is easy to calculate – such as a set with 16 and 18 as middle
numbers, so students can see that 17 is exactly halfway between them. For example:

Here is a stem-and-leaf plot showing the responses from eight students to the question “How many
minutes have you pledged to read each day during the Read-A-Thon?”

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• Modes: 15 and 20
• 15 minutes and 20 minutes are the most frequent numbers of minutes that students
pledged to read each day during the Read-A-Thon.
• Median: 17 (mean of the two middle numbers, 16 and 18)
• Half the students pledged to read for more than 17 minutes each day during the Read-A-
Thon, and the other half pledged to read for less than 17 minutes.
• Mean: 18
• 10 + 15 + 15 + 16 + 18 + 20 + 20 + 30 = 144
• 144 ÷ 8 = 18
• On average, students pledged to read for 18 minutes each day during the Read-A-Thon.

Have students determine the mean, median, and mode for data collected from a variety of sources for a
variety of purposes. Purposes could include cross-curricular applications such as science experiments.
D1.6 analyse different sets of data presented in various ways, including in stem-and-leaf plots and
multiple-bar graphs, by asking and answering questions about the data and drawing conclusions, then
make convincing arguments and informed decisions

Teacher supports

• various ways of presenting data:

• frequency tables, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams, pictographs, line plots, bar graphs,
stem-and-leaf plots, multiple-bar graphs

Key concepts

• Different representations are used for different purposes to convey different types of
• Stem-and-leaf plots are helpful for quickly determining highest and lowest values, as well as the
mode and median for a set of data.

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• Multiple-bar graphs are used to organize data sets side by side and allow for easy comparisons
between the sets of data.
• Data presented in tables, plots, and graphs can be used to ask and answer questions, draw
conclusions, and make convincing arguments and informed decisions.
• Questions of interest are intended to be answered through the analysis of the
representations. Sometimes the analysis raises more questions that require further collection,
representation, and analysis of data.


• There are three levels of graph comprehension that students should learn about and practise:
• Level 1: information is read directly from the graph and no interpretation is required.
• Level 2: information is read and used to compare (e.g., greatest, least) or perform
operations (e.g., addition, subtraction).
• Level 3: information is read and used to make inferences about the data using
background knowledge of the topic.
• As graphs become more sophisticated, have students highlight the parts of the graph they need
to answer a question, including the scales when appropriate.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a stem-and-leaf plot, a pictograph, a bar graph, or a multiple-bar graph, and ask
them what questions they have about the data. Model the act of posing questions to support
students in posing their own questions. For example (using the graphs below):

• question that requires reading and interpreting data from a graph or table:
• How many students in Grade 4 and in Grade 5 are getting the recommended level of daily
physical activity?
• question that requires finding data from a graph or table and using it in a calculation:
• What is the difference in the number of students in Grade 4 and in Grade 5 who do the
daily or more than the daily recommended level of physical activity?
• question that requires using data from a graph to make an inference or prediction:
• Why do you think that students in Grade 5 are more active than students in Grade 4?

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Throughout the year, have students collect a variety of representations of real-life data about topics
that interest them. Model asking questions using the three types of questions outlined in Task 1, and
have students pose and answer their own questions, requiring them to think critically about the data.

D2. Probability
describe the likelihood that events will happen, and use that information to make predictions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

D2.1 use mathematical language, including the terms “impossible”, “unlikely”, “equally likely”, “likely”,
and “certain”, to describe the likelihood of events happening, represent this likelihood on a probability
line, and use it to make predictions and informed decisions

Teacher supports

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• probability line:

Key concepts

• Probability has a continuum from impossible to certain with the following benchmarks between:
unlikely, equally likely, and likely.


• Sometimes equally likely is thought of as an equal chance of events happening (e.g., rolling a 4
or rolling a 6 on a single die). However, on a probability line, equally likely is the probability that
an event will happen half of the time (e.g., rolling an even number with a single die).

Sample tasks
Provide students with a range of events, as shown below, and have them place the events at the
appropriate spots on the probability line according to the five terms (impossible, unlikely, equally
likely, likely, and certain). Have students identify other events to add to their probability line as well.

• the probability that you will get a 7 when you roll a standard die
• the probability that heads will come up when you toss a coin
• the probability that someone else in the room has the same birthday as you
• the probability that someone else in the room was born in the same month as you
• the probability that someone else in the room was born in the same year as you
• the probability that the Moon will be visible tonight

It is important for students to understand that probability is based not on absolute thinking but on
proportional thinking.

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To this end, show students five spinners, where Spinner A is all red, Spinner B is mostly red with a little
bit of blue, Spinner C has an equal amount of red and blue, Spinner D has more blue than red, and
Spinner E is all blue.

Ask students the likelihood of spinning blue for each of the spinners, using the mathematical language
“impossible”, “unlikely”, “equally likely”, “likely”, and “certain”. Ask students to explain their thinking.
Then discuss what would happen if the spinners came in different sizes. Would it affect the probability?

D2.2 make and test predictions about the likelihood that the mean, median, and mode(s) of a data set
will be the same for data collected from different populations

Teacher supports

• predictions based on analysis of collected data:

• Most students in our class do not have reptiles as pets. I believe that most students in the
other Grade 4 class will also not have reptiles as pets.
• The median distance that Grade 4 students can jump is 1 metre. I believe that it is
unlikely that the median will be the same for Grade 2 students because they are shorter.
• The mean or average amount that Grade 4 students read each day during the Read-A-
Thon was 20 minutes. I believe that it is likely that the mean for Grade 5 students is
higher because they have a later bedtime.

Key concepts

• Data can vary from one population to another.

• If two populations are similar, the modes for the two data sets collected will more than likely be
the same and the means and the medians will be relatively close.

Sample tasks
Tell students that they will be collecting data from another Grade 4 class for a question for which they
already have data from their classmates. Have them predict the likelihood that the data from the other

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class will have the same mean, mode, or median. Then have them collect the data. Finally, have them
compare the result with their prediction.

E. Spatial Sense
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

E1. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning

describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial
relationships in order to navigate the world around them

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

Geometric Reasoning
E1.1 identify geometric properties of rectangles, including the number of right angles, parallel and
perpendicular sides, and lines of symmetry

Teacher supports

• geometric properties of rectangles:

• four sides, four vertices, four right angles
• opposite sides that are of equal length (congruent)
• opposite sides that are parallel
• adjacent sides that are perpendicular
• at least two lines of symmetry: horizontal; vertical; and, for squares, the two diagonals

Key concepts

• Geometric properties are specific attributes that define a class of shapes or objects. The
geometric properties of a rectangle describe the attributes that all rectangles have, and include:
• four sides, four vertices, and four right angles;
• opposite sides that are of equal length (congruent);
• opposite sides that are parallel;
• adjacent sides that are perpendicular;
• at least two lines of symmetry – horizontal and vertical.

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• Geometric properties are often related. Rectangles have four right angles, so they must also
have two sets of parallel sides, and the opposite sides must be of equal length. This type of
spatial reasoning is used by structural engineers and others.
• The geometric properties of a square include all the geometric properties of a rectangle;
therefore, all squares are also rectangles. Squares have additional geometric properties (four
equal sides, four lines of symmetry, including two diagonals); therefore, not all rectangles are

• The geometric properties of a shape, and not its size or orientation, define the name of a shape.
A rotated square that might look like a diamond is still a square, because it has all the geometric
properties of a square.

Sample tasks
Have students compare rectangles to other types of quadrilaterals, and ask them to describe how they
are the same and different. Have them use these similarities and differences to write a geometric
property list that is true for all rectangles and that distinguishes rectangles from other shapes. Support
students in recognizing relationships between geometric properties. For example, ask: “Can you make a
rectangle with four right angles that does not have opposite sides of equal length?” Guide them to
understand that a square is a type of rectangle (a rectangle with four equal sides), and that not all
rectangles are squares.
Have students use paper folding or a mirror to determine the lines of symmetry in a rectangle. Have
them compare the number of lines of symmetry in a rectangle to the number of lines of symmetry in
other quadrilaterals. Support students in recognizing that the number of lines of symmetry can be used
to distinguish rectangles from other quadrilaterals. Guide them to notice that squares also have two
lines of symmetry – like a rectangle – plus an additional two. This, in conjunction with other properties,
is what makes a square a rectangle, but not all rectangles squares.
Location and Movement
E1.2 plot and read coordinates in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane, and describe the translations
that move a point from one coordinate to another

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Teacher supports

• coordinates in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane:

Key concepts

• The Cartesian plane uses two perpendicular number lines to describe locations on a grid. The x-
axis is a horizontal number line; the y-axis is a vertical number line; and these two number lines
intersect at the origin, (0, 0).
• The number lines on the Cartesian plane extend infinitely in all four directions and include both
positive and negative numbers, which are centred by the origin, (0, 0). In the first quadrant of
the Cartesian plane, the x- and y-coordinates are positive.
• Pairs of numbers (coordinates) describe the precise location of any point on the plane. The
coordinates are enclosed by parentheses as an ordered pair. The first number in the pair
describes the horizontal distance from the origin, and the second number describes the vertical
distance from the origin. The point (1, 5) is located 1 unit to the right of the origin (along the x-
axis) and 5 units above the x-axis. As a translation from (0, 0), the point (1, 5) is right 1 unit and
up 5 units.


• An understanding of the Cartesian plane supports work in geometry, measurement, algebra,

and data, as well as practical applications such as navigation, graphic design, engineering,
astronomy, and computer animation.

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Sample tasks
Have students draw the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane on a grid and use vocabulary such as
perpendicular, x-axis, y-axis, horizontal, and vertical to describe the grid. Have them generate and
sequence a series of clues, written as coordinates, that produce a series of points that, when connected,
create a shape or image. Have them share their clues with each other and test whether the sequence
and coordinate locations are accurate and produce the intended image. Alternatively, have them play
strategy guessing games (e.g., a modified version of “Battleship”), where a secret object is hidden along
points on a Cartesian plane. Have them pair up and take turns – one student guesses the location of the
object by guessing coordinates and the other checks whether the guess is a hit or a miss.
Provide students with the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane with points already plotted. Ask them to
describe the movement to get from one point to another. Have them describe positions using Cartesian
coordinates and describe both movement and direction (e.g., 4 right and 5 up, or 4→ and 5↑).  
E1.3 describe and perform translations and reflections on a grid, and predict the results of these

Teacher supports

• predicting the results:

• visualizing the location of an object based on experience with performing translations and
reflections on a grid; for example, have students think about and discuss the following:
• Where would you place the line of reflection between rectangles D and E?
• Describe how to transform rectangle B to become rectangle C.
• Describe how to transform rectangle E to become rectangle F.
• Which rectangle is a reflection of rectangle B?
• Which rectangles are reflections of rectangle A?

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• translations on a grid:
• each vertex of the triangle is translated right 5 and up 3; or 5 right, 3 up; or 5→ and 3↑.

• reflections on isometric dot paper:

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Reflections in a Horizontal Line

Reflections in a Vertical Line

Key concepts

• Transformations on a shape result in changes to its position or its size. As a shape transforms, its
vertices (points on a grid) move. This explains how transformations involve location and
• A translation involves distance and direction. Every point on the original shape “slides” the same
distance and direction to create a translated image. This is called the translation vector. For
example, on a grid, a vector could describe each point moving “5 units to the right and 2 units
up”. It is a mathematical convention that the horizontal distance (x) is given first, followed by
the vertical distance (y).

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• A reflection involves a line of reflection that acts like a mirror. Every point on the original shape
is “flipped” across the line of reflection to create a reflected image. The points on the original
image are the same distance from the line of reflection as the points on the reflected image.
Reflections are symmetrical.


Online dynamic geometry applications enable students to see how transformations behave in real time
and are recommended tools for the study of transformations and movement.

Sample tasks
Have students draw a polygon on grid paper and label the vertices. Have them randomly select a
direction (right, left, up, down) and distance (1 to 10) for a translation. Ask them to move each vertex of
their shape to draw the translated image. Guide them to recognize that, although the shape’s position

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has changed, it has moved in its entirety the same distance and direction, resulting in a congruent shape
(same shape and size). Have them visualize and predict the result of a second translation.
Give students an image from a translation and a description of the translation, which includes direction
and distance (e.g., 5 right, 2 up or 5→ and 2↑). Ask them to draw the original image.
To build students’ understanding of reflections, have them draw a polygon on a grid and label the
vertices (e.g., A, B, C). Have them use a reflection tool (e.g., a mirror) to reflect the shape in a line of
reflection, then draw the reflected shape and label the vertices (A’, B’, C’). Guide them to recognize
that, although the shapes remain congruent, the vertices have been “flipped” over the line of reflection,
keeping the distance to the line of reflection the same. Using the new image, ask students to draw a
new line of reflection and predict where the new image (A”, B”, C”) will be. They can then test their
prediction with the reflective tool. Alternatively, this task could be done using an online dynamic
geometry application.
Provide students with a polygon on grid paper and a variety of instructions for translations and
reflections (e.g., 2 down, 2 left; 4→ and 5↑; reflect vertically in a line of reflection that goes through
one vertex of the polygon). Have students randomly select a set of instructions and then predict where
the new polygon will be located on the grid. Have them visualize and predict the result of the selected
transformation and verify their prediction by carrying out the transformation.

E2. Measurement
compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

The Metric System

E2.1 explain the relationships between grams and kilograms as metric units of mass, and between litres
and millilitres as metric units of capacity, and use benchmarks for these units to estimate mass and

Teacher supports

• mass:
• 1 kilogram (kg) is equivalent to 1000 grams (g)
• benchmarks:
• 1 gram: a paper clip, a leaf
• 25 grams: a spoon
• 50 grams: 10 nickels, a small chicken egg
• 500 grams: a brick of butter, 3 large apples
• 1 kilogram: a small watermelon
• 5 kilograms: a bowling ball, an average-size pumpkin
• 10 kilograms: a bag of flour
• capacity:

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• 1 litre (L) is equivalent to 1000 millilitres (mL)
• benchmarks:
• 1 millilitre: 20 drops of water
• 5 millilitres: 1 teaspoon
• 15 millilitres: 1 tablespoon
• 200 millilitres: a juice box
• 350 millilitres: a mug
• 1 litre: a milk carton

Key concepts

• Millilitres and litres are standard metric units of capacity. Grams and kilograms are metric units
of mass:
• 1 kilogram (kg) is equivalent to 1000 grams (g).
• 1 litre (L) is equivalent to 1000 millilitres (mL).
• 1 millilitre (mL) of water has a mass of 1 gram (g).
• 1 millilitre (mL) of liquid occupies the space of a 1 centimetre (cm cube.
• Although standard and non-standard units are equally accurate for measuring (provided the
measurement itself is carried out accurately), standard units allow people to communicate
distances and lengths in ways that are consistently understood.
• The metric system is universally used among scientists because it uses standard prefixes for
measurements and conversions. Metric units are the standard unit for all but three countries in
the world.


• Canada officially adopted the metric system in 1970, through the Weights and Measures Act.
This Act was amended in 1985 to allow Canadians to use a combination of metric and imperial
units (called “Canadian” units in the Weights and Measures Act). In addition to metric units,
other commonly used units of capacity are gallons, quarts, cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons;
other commonly used units of mass are ounces, pounds, and tons. Measuring with imperial
units follows the same process as measuring with metric and non-standard units. Only the units
and the measuring tools differ. Imperial units are the typical units used in construction and the
trades. Students in elementary grades learn to work with metric units first.

Sample tasks
Show students a balance scale with markings for grams and kilograms. Provide them with various items
to measure in grams using the scale. Have them identify benchmark items for 25 g, 50 g, and 500 g.
Have them predict how many of these benchmark items would be needed for 1 kg, then measure to

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verify their predictions. Through this task, support students in developing an understanding that 1000 g
is equivalent to 1 kg.
As a home connection, encourage students to visit a grocery store to find fruits and vegetables of
different masses, and use these to create personal benchmarks. Have them use their benchmarks to
estimate whether a mass is closer to 500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg, or 10 kg and measure to confirm their prediction.
Support students in recognizing that the relationship between grams and millilitres is also helpful in
developing benchmarks.
Have students use metric measuring cups, measuring scoops, beakers, and graduated cylinders to
measure the capacity of containers using millilitres; a combination of litres and millilitres; and litres only,
rounding the capacity to the nearest whole litre. (Note: In Grade 4, it is not an expectation for students
to write with decimals to thousandths, so they could express the measure by saying 1 L plus 250 mL, or a
little more than 1 L, and so on.) Have them find objects with benchmark capacities (1 L, 500 mL, 10 mL,
and 1 mL) and use these to estimate. Have them use the relationship between a centicube and 1 mL to
connect the size of the place-value blocks to their capacity (e.g., the thousands cube could hold 1 L of
Show students that 1 cup is approximately 250 mL (benchmark). Confirm that 4 cups is approximately
1000 mL or 1 L. Provide them with various items that have capacities from 50 mL to 4 L. Ask students to
use these benchmarks to establish other benchmark measures, then use them to estimate and measure.
E2.2 use metric prefixes to describe the relative size of different metric units, and choose appropriate
units and tools to measure length, mass, and capacity

Teacher supports
kilo hecto deca unit deci centi milli
1 1 1
Unit 1000 100 unit
10 units 1 unit 10 100 1000
Value units units unit unit
Place one one one
thousand hundred ten one
Value tenth hundredth thousandth

The metric system continues beyond the chart above, in both directions, to describe even larger and
smaller amounts. This is covered in Grade 8.

Key concepts

• The metric system parallels the base ten number system. One system can reinforce and help
with visualizing the other system.
• The same set of metric prefixes is used for all attributes (except time) and describes the
relationship between the units. For any given unit, the next largest unit is 10 times its size, and
the next smallest unit is one tenth its size.


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• Although not all metric prefixes are commonly used in Canada, understanding the system
reinforces the connection to place value.

Sample tasks
Show students the metric prefixes from kilo- to milli- and discuss the relationship between them and the
place-value system. Ask students to share their experiences with measuring using other types of units
(e.g., a horse is typically measured in hands; diamonds are measured in carats).
Have students bring products or pictures of products from home that have labels with capacity, mass, or
length dimensions (e.g., a 325 mL mustard container; 454 g of butter; a 1.8 kg bag of dried cranberries;
7.62 m of aluminum foil). Have them think about the relationships between different metric units and
pose questions related to the measures (e.g., “I have 1 L of mustard. About how many 325 mL
containers can I fill?”; “I have 1.8 kg of cranberries. How many 100 g bags of cranberries can I fill?”).
To foster an appreciation of different perspectives from around the world, have students share places
where they have been, have lived, or come from that use metric units not typically seen in Canada. As
they hear about, for example, a 50 centilitre (cL) bottle of juice, discuss whether it would be more or less
than 50 mL. They might want to explore this through their own research.
Have students colour-code a metre stick to show decimetres. Ask them to measure different lengths
using millimetres, centimetres, decimetres, and metres (in Grade 4, students write with decimals to
tenths, so they could express the measure by saying 1 m plus 100 mm, or 1.1 m, or 11 dm). Support
students in recognize “times 10” relationships on the metre stick and in making connections to the
place-value system.
E2.3 solve problems involving elapsed time by applying the relationships between different units of time

Teacher supports

• using a timeline to solve problems:

• determining the time elapsed from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (6 hours and 30 minutes):

Key concepts

• Elapsed time describes how much time has passed between two times or dates. Clocks and
calendars are used to measure and/or calculate elapsed time.

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• Addition, subtraction, and different counting strategies can be used to calculate the difference
between two dates or times. Open number lines (timelines) can be used to track the multiple
steps and different units used to determine elapsed time.


• Elapsed-time problems often involve moving between different units of time. This requires an
understanding of the relationships between units of time (years, months, weeks, days, hours,
minutes, seconds), including an understanding of a.m. and p.m. as conventions to convert the
24-hour clock into a 12-hour clock.

Sample tasks
Support students in using open number lines to keep track of and calculate elapsed time. Have students
share their strategies and discuss the different approaches. Have them use timelines to track elapsed-
time problems involving both dates and times.
Have students use open number lines to keep track of and calculate elapsed time. For example:

• If a train leaves at 6:30 a.m. and arrives at 5:58 p.m., how long is the ride?
• It’s a 4-hour drive to a friend’s home and we want to arrive at 1:00 p.m. What time
should we leave?
• Your friend tells you that 24 days from today a new movie is coming out. What date will
the movie be released?

Use bus or train schedules to create elapsed-time problems involving the 24-hour clock (e.g., “How
long does it take for the bus to get from point A to point B?”). Have students move between the 24-
hour clock and a.m.–p.m. conventions, and structure problems to increase in complexity, such as:

• when only one unit changes (e.g., from 08:15 to 12:15 or from 07:45 to 9:45)
• when both units change (e.g., from 08:15 to 11:45)
• when both units change and move from a.m. to p.m. (e.g., 8:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.)
• when the start and end times do not fall on the quarter hour (e.g., 08:34 to 13:29)

Have students pose and solve elapsed-time problems that involve using schedules based on a 24-hour
clock (e.g., bus or train schedules). For example, if a train leaves at 06:30 and arrives at 23:15, how long
is the train ride?

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Vary the structure of elapsed-time problems (i.e., what is known and unknown), including the

• The elapsed time is unknown, and the start and end times are known (e.g., If a train
leaves at 6:30 a.m. and arrives at 5:58 p.m., how long is the ride?).
• The start time is unknown, and the elapsed and end times are known (e.g., It is a 4-hour
drive to a friend’s house. If we want to arrive at 1:00 p.m., what time should we leave?).
• The end time is unknown, and the start and elapsed times are known (e.g., Your friend
tells you that 34 days from today is his dance recital. When is his dance recital?).

E2.4 identify angles and classify them as right, straight, acute, or obtuse

Teacher supports
Right Angle Straight Angle

Acute Angle Obtuse Angle

Key concepts

• The rays that form an angle (i.e., the “arms” of an angle) meet at a vertex. The size of an angle is
not affected by the length of its arms.

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• A right angle is a quarter turn, and it is sometimes called a “square angle” because all angles of a
square (or rectangle) are right. If two lines meet at a right angle, the lines are perpendicular.
• Angles can be compared by overlaying one angle on another and matching them. A turn greater
than a right angle is an obtuse angle. A turn less than a right angle is an acute angle. A half-turn,
where the arms of the angle create a straight line, is a straight angle.
• Right angles measure exactly 90°, a fact that will be addressed formally in Grade 5.

Sample tasks
Have students use their arms to model a right angle, an obtuse angle, an acute angle, and a straight
angle. As well, have them turn their bodies to face different directions, showing right, straight, acute,
and obtuse angles as amounts of turn. To connect with their learning about the properties of light in
science and technology lessons, have them describe the angle of a ray of light reflected off a mirror.
Have students find right angles and perpendicular lines in objects around the classroom or school by
using the corner of a sheet of paper as a “right-angle tool” to make comparisons directly. Have them
also look for objects with angles that are greater than or smaller than a right angle and classify these as
acute or obtuse. Have them add examples of straight angles to the list and discuss how a straight line is
also a straight angle. Connect to learning from E1.1 by using the property of right angles to distinguish
rectangles from other shapes, such as parallelograms and rhombuses.
E2.5 use the row and column structure of an array to measure the areas of rectangles and to show that
the area of any rectangle can be found by multiplying its side lengths

Teacher supports

• constructing rectangles with an area of 12 square units:

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• tiling a rectangle using square units:

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Key concepts

• To measure the area of a rectangle, it must be completely covered by units of area (square
units), without gaps or overlaps. The alignment of square units produces the rows and columns
of an array, with the same number of units in each row.
• The array replaces the need to count individual units and makes it possible to calculate an
• Both the number of units in each row and the number of units in a column can be
determined from the length of the rectangle’s sides.
• Thinking about a row or a column as “a group that is repeated” (unitized) connects the array to
multiplication: the base of a rectangle corresponds to the number of squares in a row and the
height of a rectangle corresponds to the number of squares in a column.

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• Multiplying the base of a rectangle by its height is a way to indirectly measure the area of a
rectangle, meaning it is no longer necessary to count all the individual square units that cover a
rectangle’s surface.


• Many students do not immediately recognize the row-and-column structure of an array;

instead, it appears as a random scattering of squares, or a “spiral” of squares that goes around
the outside towards the centre. Recognizing an array’s structure requires careful attention and

Sample tasks
Provide students with 24 square tiles and ask them to build different rectangles. Have them state the
dimensions of each rectangle. Support students in making connections between the dimensions of their
rectangles, the row and column structure of an array, and the area of their rectangles (24 square tiles);
for example, the base tells the number of columns and the height tells the number of rows. Repeat for
other quantities of square tiles.
Provide students with paper squares and outlines of rectangles – some of which require the paper
squares to be cut in half to fill the rectangle. Ask them to arrange the paper squares in rows and
columns to fill in the rectangle, and tell them that they can cut the paper squares if they need to. Ask
them to make connections between the dimensions of their rectangles, the row and column structure of
an array, and the areas of their rectangles.
Provide students with rectangles sectioned into rows and columns, with part of each rectangle obscured
or erased. Have students predict the area of each rectangle, then ask them to verify their predictions by
filling in the missing lines to complete the row and column structure. Support them in using

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multiplication facts to determine the areas of the rectangles.

E2.6 apply the formula for the area of a rectangle to find the unknown measurement when given two of
the three

Teacher supports

• formulas for the area of a rectangle:

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A=l×w A=b×h
A represents area. A represents area.
l represents length. b represents base.
w represents width. h represents height.

Key concepts

• The formula for finding the area of a rectangle can be generalized to describe the relationship
between a rectangle’s side lengths and its area: (Area = base × height).
• Both multiplication and division can be used to solve problems involving the area of a rectangle.
• Multiplication is used to determine the unknown area when the base and height of a
rectangle are given (Area = base × height).
• Division is used to determine either the length of the base or the length of the height
when the total area is given (Area ÷ base = height; Area ÷ height = base).
• Either side length can be considered the base or the height of a rectangle.
• An area measurement needs to include both the number of units and the size of the units.
Standard metric units of area are the square centimetre (cm2) and the square metre (m2). If a
surface is completely covered by 18 square centimetres, the area of that surface is 18 cm2. If a
surface is completely covered by 18 unit squares, the area of that surface is 18 square units.


• The area of a rectangle is used to determine the area formulas for other polygons. Using “base”
and “height” rather than “length” and “width” builds a unifying foundation for work in Grade 5
involving the area formulas for triangles and parallelograms.

Sample tasks
Pose problems where students are tasked to find an unknown area, base, or height when two of the
three measurements are given. Have students brainstorm real-life and relevant spaces and objects that
are rectangular (e.g., the floor area of the community centre), and use these contexts in posing and
solving problems. For example:

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• The front cover on a journal measures 96 cm2. What are the possible dimensions of the
journal? Which dimensions would you prefer if it was your journal and why?
• A gymnasium measures 28 m by 9 m. If tiles are 1 m2, how many tiles are needed to cover
the floor? (Multiplication names the unknown area.)
• The area of a garden is 24 m2. What could its dimensions be? Which would you
recommend? If you knew that one side was 6 m long, how long would the other side be?
(Division names an unknown side length.)

For each problem, have students identify the multiplication and division sentences they could write and
highlight the relationship between multiplication, division, and the measurement of area. Ensure that
students recognize that a measurement needs both a number and a unit, and support them in choosing
the appropriate unit for area and length.

F. Financial Literacy
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

F1. Money and Finances

demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 4, students will:

Money Concepts
F1.1 identify various methods of payment that can be used to purchase goods and services

Teacher supports

• methods of payment:
• cash
• cheque
• barter
• trade (e.g., trading cards)
• debit cards (note: age restriction)
• credit cards (note: age restriction and qualification requirements)
• electronic wallets (e.g., tapping a smart phone or watch that has apps or payment cards
attached to a bank account)

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• e-Transfers
• cryptocurrency

Key concepts

• Consumers have a choice of method of payment when purchasing goods and services.
• There is an underlying agreement between the vendor and the consumer that is finalized when
a payment is made.


• Depending on individual circumstances and context, as well as consumers’ and vendors’

preferences, ideas about which payment method is best in each situation will vary.
• Recognizing how people pay for goods and services helps to develop consumer awareness and
an understanding of the factors that contribute to the choice of payment method.

Sample tasks
Have students make a list of the different methods they know of that can be used to purchase or
exchange goods and services.
Make a class list of the possible methods of payment people might use in particular situations and why
(e.g., buying groceries: debit card – convenient; cash – helps control spending).
F1.2 estimate and calculate the cost of transactions involving multiple items priced in whole-dollar
amounts, not including sales tax, and the amount of change needed when payment is made in cash,
using mental math

Teacher supports

• situations involving cash transactions:

• simulating the purchase of multiple items:
• purchasing two or more items at a school event
• purchasing multiple grocery items
• estimating and calculating change for a cash transaction involving dollars:
• the purchase cost is $234, and the cash given is $250:
• estimate change: less than $20
• change required: $16
• provide customer with:
• 1 ten-dollar bill, 1 five-dollar bill, and 1 loonie, or
• 3 five-dollar bills and 1 loonie

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Key concepts

• Estimating and calculating the cost of cash transactions requires the application of addition,
subtraction, mental math strategies, and math facts.


• Real-life situations, using the cultural context of students in the class, provide opportunities to
develop an understanding of the use of money.
• Providing multiple opportunities to apply mental math strategies to real-life situations will build
students' ability to recall math facts, while reinforcing their knowledge and understanding of
operations. These opportunities can provide meaningful contexts in which to practise mental
math strategies in order to increase students' confidence and the accuracy of their calculations.

Sample tasks
Provide a list of several items along with their cost in whole dollars (e.g., a pair of second-hand skates
for $50, a T-shirt for $15, a backpack for $30), and specify a given amount of “money” available to spend
(e.g., $90). Ask students to choose two or three items and use different mental math strategies to
estimate the total cost and change.
Provide a list of several items along with their cost in whole dollars (e.g., using a grocery store flyer), and
specify three different amounts of “money” available to spend (e.g., $55, $23, and $39). Ask students to
choose two or three items priced in whole-dollar amounts to purchase, and have them use mental math
to determine the total cost for the items and the change they will receive.
Financial Management
F1.3 explain the concepts of spending, saving, earning, investing, and donating, and identify key factors
to consider when making basic decisions related to each

Teacher supports

• some factors to consider about spending, saving, earning, investing, and donating:
• spending (e.g., differentiating between needs and wants)
• saving for future needs, wants, and unforeseen situations
• earning to support basic needs
• investing, which can result in a gain or a loss
• donating funds and/or time to support a cause

Key concepts

• Every financial decision involves a trade-off – giving up something today or in the future to gain
something else.

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• Each person, family, or community may be facing a different financial situation, and some of
these financial situations may be challenging or difficult. Having a safe, respectful, and inclusive
environment will ensure that all perspectives and opinions are valued and included when
examining the above financial concepts.

Sample tasks
Discuss and make a class list of different ways people spend, save, earn, invest, and donate. During this
discussion, it is important to pay attention to the local community context and how societal, political,
and/or historical factors may contribute to the varied abilities to spend or save within the community. It
is also relevant to include in this discussion what things students like/enjoy that money cannot buy, such
as spending time with friends and family, exploring nature, creating with found objects, and so on.
Borrowing, lending, and donating items such as books or sports equipment can provide access to
resources without needing to spend money.
Have students identify possible factors to consider when making financial decisions (e.g., spending,
saving, donating), given various scenarios.
F1.4 explain the relationship between spending and saving, and describe how spending and saving
behaviours may differ from one person to another

Teacher supports

• factors that may affect saving and spending behaviours:

• income
• expenses
• culture
• family values
• needs
• priorities
• stage of life
• lifestyle choices
• health
• personal and family circumstances
• societal factors (e.g., social inequalities)
• consideration of environmental impact of spending
• consideration of economic context that may be causing unemployment in a community
or region

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Key concepts

• Money can be used for spending, saving, or giving. It can be spent on things that are needed,
wanted, or required. Saving and spending behaviours are impacted by a variety of factors,
perspectives, and circumstances.
• An understanding of the relationship between spending and saving, and consideration of the
possible trade-offs, may influence financial decision-making.
• Saving can be achieved by using less, sharing, reusing, recycling, upcycling, and/or caring for
one’s possessions so that they do not need to be replaced.


• Each person, family, or community may be facing a different financial situation, and some of
these financial situations may be challenging or difficult. Having a safe, respectful, and inclusive
environment will ensure that all perspectives and opinions are valued and included when
examining the relationship between saving and spending.

Sample tasks
Have students discuss the relationship between spending and saving. During this discussion, it is
important to pay attention to the local community context and how societal, political, and/or historical
factors may contribute to varied abilities to spend or save within the community.
Ask students to discuss and create a list of factors that might influence their decisions to spend and
save, given different scenarios.
Consumer and Civic Awareness
F1.5 describe some ways of determining whether something is reasonably priced and therefore a good

Teacher supports

• ways to determine whether something is reasonably priced, within a particular context:

• comparing the prices and quality of similar products or services
• identifying a product or service to meet a need
• analysing ratings or consumer reviews of goods and services
• considering the impact of bias in marketing, locational pricing, social inequalities, and so

EXTRACT 126 Printed on 2023-09-03

Key concepts

• In order to become better-informed consumers, it is important for students to critically consider

the price of the purchase they are considering, as well as different ratings, reviews, and
perspectives, before making the purchase.
• The habit of thoughtfully considering and examining potential purchases helps to determine the
best value for money.

Sample tasks
Have students compare the cost of items that have different prices at different places. Consider using a
scenario that involves planning to buy an item for a community or school event. Ask students to look at
three different flyers (e.g., online, paper) and find that item. Have them compare the prices and discuss
why they may vary. Ask them how they would decide which place to buy the item from and why.
Have students explain factors they would consider when making a purchasing decision (e.g., the quality
of the materials used, cost of the brand, their prior experience with the brand [brand loyalty], whether
the item is produced ethically, the environmental impact of the purchase, whether the item is available
used or second-hand, where the product is produced, whether shipping costs are added to the cost of
the product, celebrity endorsements that the student considers trustworthy).

Strand overviews
Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand A – Social-Emotional Learning
(SEL) Skills in Mathematics and The Mathematical Processes

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand B – Number

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand C – Algebra

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand D – Data

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand E – Spatial Sense

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand F – Financial Literacy

Information for parents

A parent's guide to Mathematics, Grades 1–8 (2020)For informational purposes only, not part of official
issued curriculum.
For informational purposes only, not part of official issued curriculum.

EXTRACT 127 Printed on 2023-09-03

Mathematics, Grade 5
Expectations by strand

Strand A
Learning related to Strand A: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the
Mathematical Processes occurs in the context of learning related to the other strands. As educators
develop lessons and plan learning activities, they should consider:
• where there are opportunities to teach and reinforce social-emotional learning skills in
order to help every student develop confidence, cope with challenges, think critically, and
develop a positive identity as a math learner
• how the mathematical processes can be highlighted so that students are actively engaged in
applying these processes throughout the program
• how instruction and the learning environment are designed to be culturally responsive and
The examples laid out in the curriculum are intended to guide teachers in thinking about how the
learning for each expectation might be positioned and demonstrated. In planning students’ learning
experiences, it is important for teachers to ensure that learning experiences are culturally reflective
of students’ lived realities in the community and in the world around them. It is also important to
acknowledge and affirm the multiple ways of knowing and doing that students may bring to the
Sample Tasks
The sample tasks laid out in the curriculum are intended to be illustrations only, and should be
replaced or supplemented with tasks and learning contexts that are affirming of, relevant to, and
reflective of students’ lives and backgrounds, and that provide students with the opportunity to
learn about diverse cultures and communities in a respectful and informed way. Such opportunities
may include the examination of social and economic justice concerns (e.g., racism, classism,
sexism), health issues, environmental aspects, and so on, as appropriate.

A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in

Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
Note: Beginning in the 2021–22 school year, schools are asked not to assess, evaluate or report on
the overall expectations related to social-emotional learning skills in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades
1–8, Mathematics (2020) and The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8, Health and Physical Education
(2019). It is the ministry’s expectation that instruction of the social-emotional learning skills will
continue while educators engage in ongoing professional learning.

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This strand focuses on students’ development and application of social-emotional
learning skills to support their learning of math concepts and skills, foster their
overall well-being and ability to learn, and help them build resilience and thrive as
math learners. As they develop SEL skills, students demonstrate a greater ability to
understand and apply the mathematical processes, which are critical to
supporting learning in mathematics. In all grades of the mathematics program,
the learning related to this strand takes place in the context of learning related to
all other strands, and it should be assessed and evaluated within these contexts.

Overall expectations
Throughout this grade, in order to promote a positive identity as a math learner, to foster well-being
and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive, students will:

A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical

apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of the
mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands
of the mathematics curriculum

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To the best of their … as they apply the mathematical
ability, students processes: … so they can:
will learn to:
1. identify and • problem solving: develop, select, 1. express and manage their
manage emotions and apply problem-solving feelings, and show
strategies understanding of the feelings of
• reasoning and proving: develop and others, as they engage positively
apply reasoning skills (e.g., in mathematics activities
classification, recognition of
relationships, use of counter-
examples) to justify thinking, make
and investigate conjectures, and
construct and defend arguments
• reflecting: demonstrate that as they
2. recognize solve problems, they are pausing, 2. work through challenging
sources of stress looking back, and monitoring their math problems, understanding
and cope with thinking to help clarify their that their resourcefulness in
challenges understanding (e.g., by comparing using various strategies to
and adjusting strategies used, by respond to stress is helping
explaining why they think their them build personal resilience
3. maintain positive results are reasonable, by recording 3. recognize that testing out
motivation and their thinking in a math journal) different approaches to
perseverance • connecting: make connections problems and learning from
among mathematical concepts, mistakes is an important part of
procedures, and representations, the learning process, and is
and relate mathematical ideas to aided by a sense of optimism
other contexts (e.g., other and hope
4. build curriculum areas, daily life, sports) 4. work collaboratively on math
relationships and • communicating: express and problems – expressing their
communicate understand mathematical thinking, thinking, listening to the
effectively and engage in mathematical thinking of others, and
arguments using everyday language, practising inclusivity – and in
language resources as necessary, that way foster healthy
appropriate mathematical relationships
5. develop self- terminology, a variety of 5. see themselves as capable
awareness and representations, and mathematical math learners, and strengthen
sense of identity conventions their sense of ownership of their
• representing: select from and learning, as part of their
create a variety of representations emerging sense of identity and

EXTRACT 130 Printed on 2023-09-03

6. think critically of mathematical ideas (e.g., 6. make connections between
and creatively representations involving physical math and everyday contexts to
models, pictures, numbers, help them make informed
variables, graphs), and apply them judgements and decisions
to solve problems
• selecting tools and strategies:
select and use a variety of concrete,
visual, and electronic learning tools
and appropriate strategies to
investigate mathematical ideas and
to solve problems


The examples illustrate ways to support students in developing social-emotional learning skills
while engaging with the mathematical processes (shown in each example in italics) to deepen
their learning of mathematical knowledge, concepts, and skills. Culturally responsive and
relevant pedagogy is key.5 Different social-emotional learning skills may be applied with
learning from a variety of expectations in connection with a range of mathematical processes to
achieve the learning goals. It is important to note that the student responses are provided only
to indicate the content and scope of the intended learning. They are not written in language
that represents the typical parlance or vocabulary of students.

Identification and Management of Emotions

• In order for SEL to be impactful, supportive, anti-racist, and anti-discriminatory, the teaching and
learning approach must take into account and address the lived realities, racial and other disparities,
and educator biases that affect students’ experiences in Ontario schools.
• Approaches to SEL must be mediated through respectful conversations about students’ lived realities,
inequity, bias, discrimination, and harassment.
• Effective approaches to SEL provide students with tools to navigate and challenge oppressive, racist,
and discriminatory spaces, thus building their skills and having a positive impact on their academic
achievement and well-being.
• Human rights principles and the Education Act recognize the importance of creating a climate of
understanding of and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person, so that each person can
contribute fully to the development and well-being of their community. Indeed, human rights law
guarantees a person’s right to equal treatment in education. It requires educators and school leaders
to actively prevent discrimination and harassment and respond appropriately when they do occur, to
create an inclusive environment, to remove barriers that limit the ability of students, and to provide
accommodations where necessary.

EXTRACT 131 Printed on 2023-09-03

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by
considering what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may
consider how the data has been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection
and questioning. They may reflect on how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours,
images) or different types of graphs are used to evoke different feelings. To promote deeper
levels of connection to the content, educators can encourage students to explore data sets that
are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on attendance at local events in
celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or data on attendance
at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial
decisions, they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them.
Money can be an emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial
inequalities that are beyond students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may
evoke strong emotions, such as shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn
ways to name and understand their feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate
injustice as they observe or experience it and make more informed financial decisions that are
under their control. It is critical for educators to remember that the concepts of credit and debt
may need a contextual and cultural focus that is respectful and that not all transactions involve
money, since the cultures of a family, community, and country may have varying viewpoints on
these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may
identify and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in
metres was so small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and
then to metres. It’s amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot
smaller than metres.” Educators should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due
to some students’ direct experiences with systemic inequalities that may arise when working
with related math problems (e.g., when practising conversions using food as an example, be
aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

EXTRACT 132 Printed on 2023-09-03

As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of
strategies to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup
before continuing or they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to
figure out really challenging problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it
helps if I put away the problem, go outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need
to get it done right away, I can ask my teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can
review anchor charts in the classroom that might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes
to switch to a different problem or work on the parts of the problem they know how to
complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole another one finds it helpful
to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students focused and responsive
stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at problems. They can ask
students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically, emotionally,
intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of being.
Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and
seeing how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a
situation in their own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example:
“I didn’t think it was possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation
from another angle, I see there is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about
this.” In another situation, students might also make observations like this: “This situation is a
result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules,
then maybe more people will have a chance to be successful.” Educators can also encourage
students to think about situations from the perspective of a family member, a community
member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful
to represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful
when things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I
think I don’t know and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more
confident about solving the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic
and graphic representations that are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

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As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle,
they may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape
to determine whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For
example: “I kept laying out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and
organized in rows and columns. As I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication
instead of laying out every square individually. I built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and
used this information to figure out how many squares it would take. That made it way quicker
and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a formula and shared it with the

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases,
making convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they
can reason and prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they
will get better information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with
meaningful data can contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative
perspectives to students using carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to
amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data on income levels and health care services in urban
centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities). Students should be encouraged
to think critically about the results, why they are important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals,
they may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that
they and others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and
perseverance can be used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities
that are beyond students’ control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences
and access to money among students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations
and sample budgets to raise awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large
barriers to reaching financial goals (e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their
own lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is
interconnected. They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area

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affects other areas and that, similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For
example: “If I save more, I have more money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One
action has an effect on another. In relationships people's actions always have effects, positive
or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and financial inequalities that may be
beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize and be sensitive to the
range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families. Educators should be
prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to support students,
because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and safety.

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can
communicate positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take
longer than the others to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build
understanding of differences in how games can be approached and played. Educators can
include basic words from different languages spoken by students to encourage respectful
communicative practices among students when they are working together.

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing
elements, they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the
importance of consistent and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my
friend and I message back and forth, if I miss a message, then my friend might make
assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can
make connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being
physically active regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they
travel (e.g., run, wheel, or bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank
position. As they track these measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on
whether their numbers show repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make
connections to what this may mean in terms of their health and personal fitness. For example,
being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a strong plank position for longer could
contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health and fitness. Educators can
adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the effects of being

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regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of
decimal numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental
math strategies and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay.
They may consider which mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular
situation for them when doing calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to
think about the validity of the strategies from other perspectives. Educators can also use this
opportunity to explore a range of strategies that different students may be familiar with and
connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For example, the Oksapmin of Papua New
Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express numbers from 1 to 27. Students
may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication, which is a method taught
in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of
graphs and data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this
information in a holistic way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class
and a step-counter app to track the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying
all of this data as a broken-line graph to show the change over time. I am also keeping track of
how screen time and physical activity make me feel. Looking at all of this information together,
I can see a connection between my screen time, my physical activity, and my feelings.” For
some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural connections and specific teachings
from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders, community cultural workers,
Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they
may select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or
using models that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to
look for patterns. For example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order
the numbers go in.” It is also important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe
environment. When students are supported as they learn that deeper thinking results from
trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

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Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations,
they can use reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the
same problem. For example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see
that there are many ways to get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and
think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and
fractions, they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding.
They may first determine what information they already know and then identify what is
unknown. They may capture their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a
problem into smaller parts, and checking their calculations. Educators should be prepared to
contextualize multi-step problems so that students can make connections to prior learning.

Identification and Management of Emotions

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by considering
what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may consider how the data has
been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection and questioning. They may reflect on
how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours, images) or different types of graphs are used to
evoke different feelings. To promote deeper levels of connection to the content, educators can
encourage students to explore data sets that are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on
attendance at local events in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or
data on attendance at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial decisions,
they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them. Money can be an
emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial inequalities that are beyond
students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may evoke strong emotions, such as
shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn ways to name and understand their
feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate injustice as they observe or experience it
and make more informed financial decisions that are under their control. It is critical for educators to
remember that the concepts of credit and debt may need a contextual and cultural focus that is

EXTRACT 137 Printed on 2023-09-03

respectful and that not all transactions involve money, since the cultures of a family, community, and
country may have varying viewpoints on these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may identify
and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in metres was so
small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and then to metres. It’s
amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot smaller than metres.” Educators
should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due to some students’ direct experiences with
systemic inequalities that may arise when working with related math problems (e.g., when practising
conversions using food as an example, be aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may
be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of strategies
to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup before continuing or
they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to figure out really challenging
problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it helps if I put away the problem, go
outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need to get it done right away, I can ask my
teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can review anchor charts in the classroom that
might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes to switch to a different problem or work on the parts
of the problem they know how to complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole
another one finds it helpful to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students
focused and responsive stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at
problems. They can ask students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically,
emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of
being. Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and seeing
how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a situation in their
own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example: “I didn’t think it was
possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation from another angle, I see there
is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about this.” In another situation, students might
also make observations like this: “This situation is a result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability
to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules, then maybe more people will have a chance to be

EXTRACT 138 Printed on 2023-09-03

successful.” Educators can also encourage students to think about situations from the perspective of a
family member, a community member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful to
represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful when
things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I think I don’t know
and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more confident about solving
the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic and graphic representations that
are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle, they
may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape to determine
whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For example: “I kept laying
out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and organized in rows and columns. As
I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication instead of laying out every square individually. I
built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and used this information to figure out how many squares it
would take. That made it way quicker and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a
formula and shared it with the class.”

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases, making
convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they can reason and
prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they will get better
information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with meaningful data can
contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative perspectives to students using
carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data
on income levels and health care services in urban centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit
communities). Students should be encouraged to think critically about the results, why they are
important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals, they
may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that they and

EXTRACT 139 Printed on 2023-09-03

others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and perseverance can be
used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities that are beyond students’
control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences and access to money among
students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations and sample budgets to raise
awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large barriers to reaching financial goals
(e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their own
lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is interconnected.
They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area affects other areas and that,
similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For example: “If I save more, I have more
money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One action has an effect on another. In relationships
people's actions always have effects, positive or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and
financial inequalities that may be beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize
and be sensitive to the range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families.
Educators should be prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to
support students, because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can communicate
positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take longer than the others
to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build understanding of differences in how games
can be approached and played. Educators can include basic words from different languages spoken by
students to encourage respectful communicative practices among students when they are working

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing elements,
they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the importance of consistent
and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my friend and I message back and forth, if
I miss a message, then my friend might make assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

EXTRACT 140 Printed on 2023-09-03

Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can make
connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being physically active
regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they travel (e.g., run, wheel, or
bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank position. As they track these
measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on whether their numbers show
repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make connections to what this may mean in terms of
their health and personal fitness. For example, being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a
strong plank position for longer could contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health
and fitness. Educators can adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the
effects of being regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of decimal
numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental math strategies
and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay. They may consider which
mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular situation for them when doing
calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to think about the validity of the strategies
from other perspectives. Educators can also use this opportunity to explore a range of strategies that
different students may be familiar with and connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For
example, the Oksapmin of Papua New Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express
numbers from 1 to 27. Students may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication,
which is a method taught in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of graphs and
data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this information in a holistic
way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class and a step-counter app to track
the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying all of this data as a broken-line graph to
show the change over time. I am also keeping track of how screen time and physical activity make me
feel. Looking at all of this information together, I can see a connection between my screen time, my
physical activity, and my feelings.” For some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural
connections and specific teachings from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders,
community cultural workers, Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

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Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they may
select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or using models
that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to look for patterns. For
example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order the numbers go in.” It is also
important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe environment. When students are supported as
they learn that deeper thinking results from trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations, they can use
reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the same problem. For
example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see that there are many ways to
get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions,
they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding. They may first
determine what information they already know and then identify what is unknown. They may capture
their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a problem into smaller parts, and checking
their calculations. Educators should be prepared to contextualize multi-step problems so that students
can make connections to prior learning.

B. Number
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

B1. Number Sense

demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in
everyday life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

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Whole Numbers
B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 100 000, using
appropriate tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Reading numbers involves interpreting them as a quantity when they are expressed in words, in
standard notation, in expanded notation, or on a number line.
• The numerals 0 to 9 are used to form numbers. They are referred to as the digits in a number,
and each digit corresponds to a place value. For example, with the number 45 107, the digit 4
represents 4 ten thousands, the digit 5 represents 5 thousands, the digit 1 represents 1
hundred, the digit 0 represents 0 tens, and the digit 7 represents 7 ones.
• There are patterns to the way numbers are formed. Each place value period repeats the 0 to 9
counting sequence. Any quantity, no matter how great, can be described in terms of its place
• A number can be represented in expanded form as 34 187 = 30 000 + 4000 + 100 + 80 + 7, or as
3 × 10 000 + 4 × 1000 + 1 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 7, to show place value relationships.
• Numbers can be composed and decomposed in various ways, including by place value.
• Numbers are composed when two or more numbers are combined to create a larger number.
For example, the numbers 100 and 2 can be composed to make the sum 102 or the product 200.
• Numbers can be decomposed as a sum of numbers. For example, 53 125 can be decomposed
into 50 000 and 3000 and 100 and 25.
• Numbers can be decomposed into their factors. For example, 81 can be decomposed into the
factors 1, 3, 9, 27, and 81.
• Numbers are used throughout the day, in various ways and contexts. Most often numbers
describe and compare quantities. They express magnitude, and provide a way to answer
questions such as “how much?” and “how much more?”.


• Every strand of mathematics relies on numbers.

• Numbers may have cultural significance.
• Seeing how a quantity relates to other quantities helps in understanding the magnitude, or
“how muchness”, of a number.
• Closed number lines with appropriate scales can be used to represent numbers as a position on
a number line or as a distance from zero. Depending on the number, estimation may be needed
to represent it on a number line.
• Partial number lines can be used to show the position of a number relative to other numbers.
• Composing and decomposing numbers in a variety of ways can support students in becoming
flexible with their mental math strategies.

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• Open number lines can be used to show the composition or decomposition of large numbers
without drawing the number line to scale.
• It is important for students to understand key aspects of place value. For example:
• The order of the digits makes a difference. The number 21 385 describes a different
quantity than 82 153.
• The place (or position) of a digit determines its value (place value). The 5 in 51 981, for
example, has a value of 50 000, not 5. To determine the value of a digit in a number,
multiply the value of the digit by the value of its place. For example, in the number
15 236, the 5 represents 5000 (5 × 1000), and the 2 represents 200 (2 × 100).
• Expanded notation represents the values of each digit separately, as a sum. Using
expanded form, 7287 is written 7287 = 7000 + 200 + 80 + 7 or
7 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 7 × 1.
• A zero in a column indicates that there are no groups of that size in the number. It serves
as a placeholder and holds the other digits in their correct “place”. For example, 189
means 1 hundred, 8 tens, and 9 ones, but 1089 means 1 thousand, 0 hundreds, 8 tens,
and 9 ones.
• The value of the digits in each of the positions follows a “times 10” multiplicative pattern,
when moving right to left. For example, 5000 is 10 times greater than 500, and 500 is 10
times greater than 50. Conversely, a “divide by ten” pattern is observed when moving left
to right. For example, 500 is 10 times smaller than 5000, and 50 is 10 times smaller than
• Going from left to right, a “hundreds-tens-ones” pattern repeats within each period
(units, thousands, millions, billions, and so on). Exposure to this larger pattern and the
names of the periods – into millions and beyond – satisfies a natural curiosity around “big
numbers”, although students at this grade do not need to work beyond 100 000.
• The number “seventy-eight thousand thirty-seven” is written as “78 037”, and not “78 000 37”
(as if being spelled out with numbers). Listening for the period name (seventy-eight thousand)
gives structure to the number and signals where a digit belongs. If there are no groups of that
place value in a number, 0 is used to describe that amount, holding the other digits in their
correct place.

B1.2 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 100 000, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Numbers are compared and ordered according to their “how muchness” or magnitude.

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• Numbers with the same units can be compared directly (e.g., 72 cm2 compared to 62 cm2).
Numbers that do not show a unit are assumed to have units of ones (e.g., 75 and 12 are
considered as 75 ones and 12 ones).
• Sometimes numbers without the same unit can be compared, such as 6200 kilometres and 6200
metres. Knowing that the unit kilometre is greater than the unit metre, and knowing that 6200
kilometres is greater than 6200 metres can allow one to infer that 6200 kilometres is a greater
distance than 6200 metres.
• Sometimes numbers without the same unit may need to be rewritten to have the same unit in
order to be compared. For example, 12 metres and 360 centimetres can be compared as 1200
centimetres and 360 centimetres. Therefore, 12 metres is greater than 360 centimetres.
• Benchmark numbers can be used to compare quantities. For example, 41 320 is less than 50 000
and 62 000 is greater than 50 000, so 41 320 is less than 62 000.
• Numbers can be compared by their place value. For example, when comparing 82 150 and
84 150, the greatest place value where the numbers differ is compared. For this example, 2
thousands (from 82 150) and 4 thousands (from 84 150) are compared. Since 4 thousand is
greater than 2 thousand, then 84 150 is greater than 82 150.
• Numbers can be ordered in ascending order – from least to greatest – or can be ordered in
descending order – from greatest to least.


• Numbers can be compared proportionally. For example, 100 000 is 10 times greater than
10 000; it is also 100 times greater than 1000. It would take 1000 hundred-dollar bills to make
$100 000.
• Depending on the context of the problem, numbers can be compared additively or

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

B1.3 represent equivalent fractions from halves to twelfths, including improper fractions and mixed
numbers, using appropriate tools, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Equivalent fractions describe the same relationship or quantity.

• When working with fractions as a quotient, equivalent fractions are ones that have the same
result when the numerators are divided by the denominators.
• When working with fractions as a part of a whole, the partitions of the fraction can be split or
merged to create equivalent fractions. The whole remains the same size.
• When working with fractions as a comparison, the ratios between the numerator and the
denominator of equivalent fractions are equal.

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• Models and tools can be used to develop understanding of equivalent fractions. For example:
• Fraction strips or other partitioned models, such as fraction circles, can be used to create
the same area as the original fraction using split or merged partitions.
• Strips of paper can be folded to show the splitting of partitions to create equivalence.
• A double number line or a ratio table can be used to show equivalent fractions based on
different scales.
• A fraction is a number that conveys a relationship between two quantities.
• A fraction can represent a quotient (division):
• It shows the relationship between the number of wholes (numerator) and the number of
partitions the whole is being divided into (denominator).
• For example, 3 granola bars (3 wholes) are shared equally with 4 people (number of
partitions), which can be expressed as .
• A fraction can represent a part of a whole:
• It shows the relationship between the number of parts selected (numerator) and the total
number of parts in one whole (denominator).
• For example, if 1 granola bar (1 whole) is partitioned into 4 pieces (partitions), each piece
1 2
is one fourth ( ) of the granola bar. Two pieces are 2 one fourths ( ) of the granola bar,
4 4
three pieces are 3 one fourths ( ) of the granola bar, and four pieces are four one
fourths ( ) of the granola bar.
• A fraction can represent a comparison:
• It shows the relationship between two parts of the same whole. The numerator is one
part and the denominator is the other part.
• For example, a bag has 3 red beads and 2 yellow beads. The fraction represents that
3 1
there are two thirds as many yellow beads as red beads. The fraction , which is 1 as a
2 2
mixed number, represents that there are 1 and one half times more red beads than
yellow beads.
• A fraction can represent an operator:
• When considering fractions as an operator, the fraction increases or decreases a quantity
by a factor.
3 3 3
• For example, in the case of of a granola bar, of $100, or of a rectangle, the fraction
4 4 4
reduces the original quantity to its original size.

B1.4 compare and order fractions from halves to twelfths, including improper fractions and mixed
numbers, in various contexts

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Teacher supports
Key concepts

• When working with fractions as parts of a whole, the fractions are compared to the same whole.
• Fractions can be compared spatially by using models to represent the fractions. If an area model
is chosen, then the areas that the fractions represent are compared. If a linear model is chosen,
then the lengths that the fractions represent are compared.
• If two fractions have the same denominator then the numerators can be compared. In this case
the numerator with the greater value is the greater fraction because the number of parts
2 1
considered is greater (e.g., > ).
3 3
• If two fractions have the same numerators, then the denominators can be compared. In this
case the denominator with the greater value is the smaller fraction because the size of each
5 5
partition of the whole is smaller (e.g., < ).
6 3
• Fractions can be compared by using the benchmark of “ half ” and considering each fraction
5 3 5 3
relative to it. For example, is greater than because is greater than one half and is
6 8 6 8
less than one half.
• Fractions can be ordered in ascending order – least to greatest – or in descending order –
greatest to least.


• The choice of model used to compare fractions may be influenced by the context of the
problem. For example:
• a linear model may be chosen when the problem is dealing with comparing things
involving length, like lengths of a ribbon or distances.
• an area model may be chosen when the problem is dealing with comparing the area of
two-dimensional shapes, like a garden or a flag.

B1.5 read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers up to hundredths, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The place value of the first position to the right of the decimal point is tenths. The second
position to the right of the decimal point is hundredths.
• Decimal numbers can be less than one (e.g., 0.65) or greater than one (e.g., 24.72).
• The one whole needs to be shown or explicitly indicated when decimal numbers are
represented visually since their representation is relative to the whole.

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• Decimal numbers can be compared and ordered by identifying the size of the decimal number
2 15
visually relative to 1 whole. Using knowledge of fractions (e.g., > ), or thinking about
10 100
money (e.g., $2.50 is more than $2.05), are helpful strategies when comparing decimal


• Between any two consecutive whole numbers are other numbers. Decimals are how the base
ten number system shows these “in-between” numbers. For example, the number 3.62
describes a quantity between 3 and 4 and, more precisely, between 3.6 and 3.7.
• Decimals are sometimes called decimal fractions because they represent fractions with
denominators of 10, 100, 1000, and so on. The first decimal place represents tenths, the second
represents hundredths, and so on. Columns can be added indefinitely to describe smaller and
smaller partitions. Decimals, like fractions, have what could be considered a numerator (a count
of units) and a denominator (the value of the unit); however, with decimals, only the numerator
is visible. The denominator (or unit) is “hidden” within the place value convention.
• The decimal point indicates the location of the unit. The unit is always to the left of the decimal
point. There is symmetry around the ones column, so tens are matched by tenths, and hundreds
are matched by hundredths. Note that the symmetry does not revolve around the decimal, so
there is no “oneth”.

• Between any two places in the base ten system, there is a constant 10:1 ratio, and this is true
for decimals as well. If a digit shifts one space to the right it becomes one tenth as great, and if it
shifts two spaces to the right it becomes one hundredth as great. So, 0.05 is one tenth as great
as 0.5 and one hundredth as great as 5. It also means that 5 is 100 times as great as 0.05, in the
same way that there are 100 nickels ($0.05) in $5.00.
• As with whole numbers, a zero in a decimal indicates that there are no groups of that size in the
• 5.07 means 5 ones, 0 tenths, 7 hundredths.
• 5.10 means 5 ones, 1 tenth, 0 hundredths.
• 5.1 (five and one tenth) and 5.10 (5 and 10 hundredths) are equivalent (although writing
zero in the tenths and hundredths position can indicate the precision of a measurement;
for example, the race was won by 5.00 seconds and the winning time was 19.29 seconds).
• Decimals are read in a variety of ways in everyday life. Decimals like 2.5 are commonly read as
two point five; in math, the term pi (π) is commonly approximated as three point one four; the
decimal in baseball averages is typically ignored; and decimals used in numbered lists function
merely as labels, like in a numbered list. However, to reinforce the decimal’s connection to
fractions, and to make visible its place value denominator, it is recommended that decimals be
read as their fraction equivalent. So, 2.57 should be read as “2 and 57 hundredths”.

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• Decimals can be compared and ordered like any other numbers, including fractions. Like
fractions, decimals describe an amount that is relative to the whole.
• Many of the tools that are used to represent whole numbers can also be used to represent
decimal numbers. It is important to emphasize 1 whole to recognize the representation in
tenths and hundredths and not as wholes. For example, a base ten rod that was used to
represent 10 ones can be used to represent 1 whole that is partitioned into tenths, and a base
ten flat that was used to represent 100 ones can be used to represent 1 whole that is
partitioned into hundredths.

B1.6 round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Rounding makes a number simpler to work with and is often used when estimating
computations, measuring, and making quick comparisons.
• Rounding compares a number to a given reference point – is it closer to this or to that? For
example, is 1.75 closer to 1 or to 2? Is 1.84 closer to 1.8 or to 1.9?
• Rounding 56.23 to the nearest tenth becomes 56.2, since 56.23 is closer to 56.2 than 56.3
(it is three hundredths away from 56.2 versus seven hundredths away from 56.3).
• Rounding 56.28 to the nearest tenth becomes 56.3, since 56.28 is closer to 56.3 than
• If a decimal hundredth is exactly between two decimal tenths, the convention is to round
up, unless the context suggests differently (e.g., 56.25 is rounded to 56.3.)
• In the absence of a context, numbers are typically rounded around the midpoint.


• As with whole numbers, rounding decimal numbers involves making decisions about the level of
precision needed. Whether a number is rounded up or down depends on the context and
whether an overestimate or an underestimate is preferred.

B1.7 describe relationships and show equivalences among fractions, decimal numbers up to hundredths,
and whole number percents, using appropriate tools and drawings, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Fractions, decimals, and percents all describe relationships to a whole. While fractions may use
any number as a denominator, decimal units are in powers of ten (tenths, hundredths, and so
on) and percents express a rate out of 100 (“percent” means “per hundred”). For both decimals

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and percents, the “denominator” (the value of the unit or the divisor) is hidden within the
convention itself (i.e., the place value convention and the percent sign).
• Percent is a special rate, “per 100”, and can be represented with the symbol %. The whole is
partitioned into 100 equal parts. Each part is one percent, or 1%, of the whole.
• The unit fraction expressed as a quotient is 1 ÷ 100 and the result is 0.01, which is read as
one hundredth. This unit fraction and its decimal equivalent are equal to 1%.
• Any fraction can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
• A decimal hundredth can be rewritten as a whole number percent (e.g., 0.56 = 56%).
• If a fraction or decimal number can be expressed as a hundredth, it can be expressed as a
4 80
whole number percent. For example, is equivalent to , and 0.8 is equivalent to
5 100
0.80, and they are both equivalent to 80%.
• Common benchmark percentages include:
• 1% = = 0.01
1 2 3
• 10%, 20%, 30%, … = , , , … = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, …
10 10 10
1 2
• 20% = or = 0.2
5 10
• 25% = = 0.25
• 50% = = 0.5
• 75% = = 0.75
• 100% = 1 = 1.00
• A percent can be greater than 100% (e.g., 150% = = 1.50).
• Some fractions are easier than others to express with a denominator of 100.

B2. Operations
use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Properties and Relationships

B2.1 use the properties of operations, and the relationships between operations, to solve problems
involving whole numbers and decimal numbers, including those requiring more than one operation, and
check calculations

Teacher supports

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Key concepts

• The commutative property holds true for addition and for multiplication. The order in which the
numbers are added or multiplied does not matter; the results will be the same (e.g.,
45 + 62 = 62 + 45 and 12 × 6 = 6 × 12).
• The associative property holds true for addition and for multiplication. The pairs of numbers
first added or multiplied does not matter; the results will be the same. For
example, (24 + 365) + 15 = 24 + (365 + 15). Similarly, (12 × 3) × 5 = 12 × (3 × 5).
• The distributive property can be used to determine the product of two numbers. For example,
to determine 12 × 7 the 12 can be rewritten as 10 and 2 and the sum of their products is
determined (i.e., 12 × 7 = (10 + 2) × 7, which is (10 × 7) + (2 × 7)).
• Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Any subtraction question can be thought of as
an addition question (e.g., 154 – 48 = ? is the same as 48 + ? = 154). This inverse relationship can
be used to perform and check calculations.
• Multiplication and division are inverse operations. Any division question can be thought of as a
multiplication question, unless 0 is involved (e.g., 132 ÷ 11 = ? is the same as ? × 11 = 132) and
vice versa. This inverse relationship can be used to perform and check calculations.
• Sometimes a property may be used to check an answer. For example, 12 × 7 may be first
determined using the distributive property as (10 × 7) + (2 × 7). The factors could also be
decomposed as 2 × 6 × 7 and the associative property applied: 2 × (6 × 7) to verify the results.
• Sometimes the reverse operation may be used to check an answer. For example, 32 ÷ 4 = 8
could be checked by multiplying 4 and 8 to determine if it equals 32.


• This expectation supports most other expectations in the Number strand and is applied
throughout the grade. Whether working with numbers or operations, recognizing and applying
properties and relationships builds a strong foundation for doing mathematics.
• When addition is used to solve a subtraction question, this is often referred to as finding the
missing addend.
• Addition and subtraction strategies can be used to think about and solve multiplication and
division questions (see B2.6 and B2.7).
• The context of a problem may influence how students think about performing the calculations.
• Operation sense involves the ability to represent situations with symbols and numbers.
Understanding the meaning of the operations, and the relationships between and amongst
them, enables one to choose the operation that most closely represents a situation and most
efficiently solves the problem given the tools at hand.
• Solving problems with more than one operation involves similar processes to solving problems
with a single operation. For both types of problems:
• Identify the actions and quantities in a problem and what is known and unknown.
• Represent the actions and quantities with a diagram (physically or mentally).
• Choose the operation(s) that match the actions to write the equation.
• Solve by using the diagram (counting) or the equation (calculating).

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• In multi-operation problems, sometimes known as two-step problems, there is an ultimate
question (asking for the final answer or result being sought), and a hidden question (a step or
calculation that must be taken to get to the final result). Identifying both questions is a critical
part of solving these types of problems.
• The actions in a situation inform the choice of operation. The same operation can describe
different situations:
• Does the situation involve changing (joining, separating), combining, or comparing? Then
the situation can be represented with addition and subtraction.
• Does the situation involve equal groups (or rates), ratio comparisons, or arrays? Then the
situation can be represented with multiplication and division.
• Representing a situation as an equation is often helpful for solving a problem. Identifying what is
known and unknown in a situation informs how an equation is structured:
• For addition and subtraction, is the start, change, or result unknown? Addition
determines an unknown result. Subtraction determines an unknown starting amount or
the amount of change.
• For multiplication and division, is the total, the number of groups, or the size of the
groups unknown? Multiplication names the unknown total (the product). Division
determines either the unknown number of groups (quotative or grouping division) or the
unknown size of each group (partitive or sharing division).

Math Facts
B2.2 recall and demonstrate multiplication facts from 0 × 0 to 12 × 12, and related division facts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The identity principle states that when multiplying an amount by 1 or dividing an amount by 1,
the amount stays the same (e.g., 1 × 5 = 5 and 5 ÷ 1 = 5).
• The facts of 1, 2, 5, and 10 can be used to determine the facts for other numbers. For example:
• 2 × 12 can be determined by knowing 12 × 2.
• 7 × 12 can be determined by knowing 7 × 10 and adding two more 7s.
• 8 × 12 can be determined by knowing (8 × 5) + (8 × 5) + (8 × 2), which is 40 + 40 + 16, or
• Division facts can be determined using multiplication facts (e.g., 24 ÷ 6 can be determined using
the multiplication facts for 6).
• When multiplying any number by zero, the result is zero. For example, 5 groups of zero is
0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0. Also, zero groups of anything is nothing.

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• Zero divided by any non-zero number is zero. For example, = n can be rewritten as 5 × n = 0. If
5 represents the number of groups and n represents the number of items in each group, then
there must be zero items in each group.
• Any number divided by zero has no meaning and is said to be “undefined”. For example, there is
no answer to the question, “How many groups of 0 are in 5?”


• Automatic recall of math facts is an important foundation for doing calculations, both mentally
and with paper and pencil. For example, knowing facts up to 12 is important for mentally
converting inches to feet, units that are commonly used in everyday life.
• The commutative property of multiplication (e.g., 11 × 12 = 12 × 11) reduces, by almost half, the
number of facts to be learned and recalled.
• The distributive property means that a multiplication problem can be split (decomposed) into
smaller parts, and the products of those smaller parts can be added together (composed) to get
the total. It enables a known fact to be used to find an unknown fact. For example, in building
on the facts for 1 to 10:
• Multiplication by 11 adds one more row to the corresponding 10 fact; there are also
interesting patterns in the 11 facts up to × 9 that make them quick to memorize.
• Multiplication by 12 adds a double of what is being multiplied to the corresponding 10
fact; it can also be thought of as the double of the corresponding × 6 fact.
• The associative property means that the × 12 facts can be decomposed into factors and
rearranged to make a mental calculation easier. For example, 5 × 12 can be thought of as
5 × 6 × 2 or double 30.
• Practice is important for moving from understanding to automaticity. Practising with one set of
number facts at a time (e.g., the 11 facts) helps build understanding and a more strategic
approach to learning the facts.

Mental Math
B2.3 use mental math strategies to multiply whole numbers by 0.1 and 0.01 and estimate sums and
differences of decimal numbers up to hundredths, and explain the strategies used

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The inverse relationship between multiplication and division helps when doing mental math
with powers of ten.
• Multiplying a number by 0.1 is the same as dividing a number by 10. Therefore, a shifting of the
digit(s) to the right by one place can be visualized. For example, 500 × 0.1 = 50; 50 × 0.1 = 5; and
5 × 0.1 = 0.5.

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• Multiplying a number by 0.01 is the same as dividing a number by 100. Therefore, a shifting of
the digit(s) to the right by two places can be visualized. For example, 500 × 0.01 = 5;
50 × 0.01 = 0.5; and 5 × 0.01 = 0.05.
• Mental math strategies for addition and subtraction of whole numbers can be used with decimal
numbers. The strategies may vary depending on the numbers given. For example:
• If given 0.12 + 0.15, the like units can be combined to get 0.27.
• If given 44 − 31.49, 31.49 can be rounded to 31.5, and then 31.5 subtracted from 44 to
get 12.5.


• Mental math may or may not be quicker than paper-and-pencil strategies, but speed is not the
goal. The value of mental math is in its portability and flexibility, since it does not require a
calculator or paper and pencil. Practising mental math strategies also deepens an understanding
of numbers.
• Mental math involves using flexible strategies that build on basic facts, number relationships,
and counting.
• As numbers and calculations become too difficult to keep track of mentally, partial quantities
are written down and totalled as a separate step.
• When adding and subtracting numbers, the like units are combined. For example, hundreds with
hundreds, tens with tens, ones with ones, tenths with tenths, and hundredths with hundredths.
• Estimation can be used to check the reasonableness of calculations and should be continually
encouraged when students are doing mathematics.

Addition and Subtraction

B2.4 represent and solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up
to no more than 100 000, and of decimal numbers up to hundredths, using appropriate tools, strategies,
and algorithms

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Situations involving addition and subtraction may involve:

• adding a quantity on to an existing amount or removing a quantity from an existing
• combining two or more quantities;
• comparing quantities.
• Acting out a situation, by representing it with objects, a drawing or a diagram, can help identify
the quantities given in a problem and what quantity needs to be determined.
• Set models can be used to add a quantity on to an existing amount or to remove a quantity from
an existing amount.

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• Linear models can be used to determine the difference by comparing two quantities.
• Part-whole models can be used to show the relationship between what is known and what is
unknown and how addition and subtraction relate to the situation.


• An important part of problem solving is the ability to choose the operation that matches the
action in a situation. For additive situations – situations that involve addition or subtraction –
there are three “problem types”:
• Change situations, where one quantity is changed by having an amount either joined to it
or separated from it. Sometimes the result is unknown; sometimes the starting point is
unknown; sometimes the change is unknown.
• Combine situations, where two quantities are combined. Sometimes one part is unknown;
sometimes the other part is unknown; sometimes the result is unknown.
• Compare situations, where two quantities are being compared. Sometimes the larger
amount is unknown; sometimes the smaller amount is unknown; sometimes the
difference between the two amounts is unknown.
• A variety of strategies may be used to add or subtract, including algorithms.
• An algorithm describes a process or set of steps to carry out a procedure. A standard algorithm
is one that is known and used by a community. Different cultures have different standard
algorithms that they use to perform calculations.
• The most common standard algorithms for addition and subtraction in North America use a
compact organizer to decompose and compose numbers based on place value. They begin with
the smallest unit – whether it is the unit (ones) column, decimal tenths, or decimal hundredths –
and use regrouping or trading strategies to carry out the computation. (See Grade 4, B2.4, for a
notated subtraction example with decimals and Grade 3, B2.4, for a notated addition example
with whole numbers; the same process applies to decimal hundredths.)
• When carrying out an addition or subtraction algorithm, only common units can be combined or
separated. This is particularly noteworthy when using the North American standard algorithms
with decimals because unlike with whole numbers, the smallest unit in a number is not always
common (e.g., 90 − 24.7). The expression “line up the decimals” is really about making sure that
common units are aligned. Using a zero as a placeholder is one strategy to align unit values.
Unpacking the compactness and efficiency of the standard algorithm strengthens understanding
of place value and the properties of addition and subtraction.

B2.5 add and subtract fractions with like denominators, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• As with whole numbers and decimal numbers, only common units can be combined or
separated. This is also true for fractions. Adding fractions with like denominators is the same as
adding anything with like units:

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• 3 apples and 2 apples are 5 apples.
• 3 fourths and 2 fourths are 5 fourths.
• Fractions with the same denominator can be added by combining the counts of their unit. For
3 2 5
example, 3 one fourths and 2 one fourths are 5 one fourths (i.e., + = ).
4 4 4
• Fractions with the same denominator can be subtracted by comparing the counts of their unit.
7 2 5
For example, 7 one fourths is more than 2 one fourths by 5 one fourths (i.e., − = ).
4 4 4


• The numerator in a fraction can describe the count of unit fractions (e.g., 4 one thirds is written
in standard fractional form as ).
• The type of models and tools that are used to represent the addition or subtraction of fractions
with like denominators can vary depending on the context. For example:
• Hops on a number line may represent adding a fraction on to an existing amount or
subtracting a fraction from an existing amount. The existing amounts are positions on a
number line.
• An area model may be used to combine fractional areas or remove fractional areas.

Multiplication and Division

B2.6 represent and solve problems involving the multiplication of two-digit whole numbers by two-digit
whole numbers using the area model and using algorithms, and make connections between the two

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Numbers multiplied together are called factors, and their result is called a product.
• The multiplication of two two-digit numbers using the distributive property can be modelled as
the area of a rectangle:
• When the dimensions of a rectangle are decomposed, the area is also decomposed.
• When the two-digit length is decomposed into tens and ones, and the two-digit width is
decomposed into tens and ones, the area is subdivided into four areas – tens by tens,
ones by tens, tens by ones, and ones by ones.
• Known facts can be used to determine each of the smaller areas.
• The smaller areas are added together resulting in the product.
• The area model is a visual model of the standard algorithm showing the sum of the partial
• The product can be determined using an area model or the standard algorithm.


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• The context of multiplication problems may involve:
• repeated equal groups;
• scale factors – ratio comparisons, rates, and scaling;
• area measures;
• combinations of attributes given two or more sets (see Data, D2.2).
• The array can be a useful model for showing multiplication and division because it structures
repeated groups of equal size into rows and columns. The array makes visual connections to skip
counting, the distributive property, the inverse relationship between multiplication and division,
and the measurement of area.
• The area model using a rectangle is sometimes referred to as an open array. Even though the
area model can be used to represent the multiplication of any two numbers, support students in
not confusing it with the actual context of the problem.
• Open arrays show how a multiplication statement can be thought of as the area of a rectangle
(b × h). An unknown product is decomposed into partial products (smaller rectangles) with
“dimensions” that access known facts and friendly numbers. The partial products are then
totalled (see Grade 4, B2.4, for more details). Standard algorithms for multiplication are based
on the distributive property.
• The most common standard algorithm for multiplication in North America is a compact and
efficient organizer that decomposes factors based on the distributive property. It creates partial
products, which are then added together to give the total product. There are variations on how
this algorithm is recorded, with some being more compact than others; however, the underlying
process is the same. Priority should be given to understanding, especially when an algorithm is
first introduced.

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B2.7 represent and solve problems involving the division of three-digit whole numbers by two-digit
whole numbers using the area model and using algorithms, and make connections between the two
methods, while expressing any remainder appropriately

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Multiplication and division are inverse operations (see B2.1).

• The numbers multiplied together are called factors. The result of a multiplication is called
the product.

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• When a multiplication statement is rewritten as a division statement, the product is
referred to as the dividend, one of the factors is the divisor, and the other factor is the
quotient (result of division).
• Using the area model of a rectangle to solve a division question draws on multiplication as its
inverse operation. A rectangle is gradually created by arranging all the square units (dividend)
into rows and columns for a given dimension (divisor).
• Determining the quotient using an algorithm requires an understanding of place value,
multiplication facts, and subtraction.
• Division does not always result in whole number amounts. For example, 320 ÷ 15 is 21 with a
remainder of 5, which can also be expressed as or one third.
• The context of a problem can influence how the remainder is represented and interpreted. For
• A rope is 320 cm long and is divided into 15 equal sections; how long is each section?
1 1
(320 ÷ 15= ?). Each section is 21 centimetres. In this case, measuring of a centimetre
3 3
of ribbon is possible, given that it is a linear dimension.
• A van holds 18 students. There are 45 students. How many vans are needed to transport
the students? Dividing 45 by 18 means that 2.5 vans are needed. This requires rounding
up to 3 vans.


• The context of a division problem may involve:

• repeated equal groups;
• scale factors – ratio comparisons, rates, and scaling (see Grade 3, B2.9);
• area measures;
• combinations of attributes.
• Multiplication and division are related and therefore the rectangle area model can be used to
show how a division question can be solved using repeated addition or repeated subtraction.
The area model using a rectangle is sometimes referred to as an open array. Even though the
area model can be used to represent division, support students in not confusing it with the
actual context of the problem.
• For each division situation, there are two division types:
• equal-sharing division (sometimes called partitive division):
• What is known: the total and number of groups;
• What is unknown: the size of the groups;
• The action: a total is shared equally among a given number of groups.
• equal-grouping division (sometimes called measurement or quotative division):
• What is known: the total and the size of groups.
• What is unknown: the number of groups.
• The action: from a total, equal groups of a given size are measured.

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• Note that since area situations use base and height to describe the size and number of groups,
and because these dimensions are interchangeable, the two types of division are
• Often division does not result in whole number amounts. In the absence of a context,
remainders can be treated as a leftover quantity, or they can be distributed equally as fractional
parts across the groups. For example, the answer to 17 ÷ 5 can be written as 3 with 2 remaining,
2 2
or as 3 and , where the 2 left over are distributed among 5. So, the result is 3 or 3.4.
5 5
• In real-world situations, the context determines how a remainder should be dealt with:
• Sometimes the remainder is ignored, leaving a smaller amount (e.g., how many boxes of
5 can be made from 17 items?).
• Sometimes the remainder is rounded up, producing a greater amount (e.g., how many
boxes are needed to pack 17 items into boxes of 5?).
• Sometimes the remainder is rounded to the nearest whole number, producing an
approximation (e.g., if 5 people share 17 items, approximately how many will each
• There are two common algorithms used for division in North America (with variations on each).
In both algorithms the recording scheme is not immediately clear, and both will require direct
instruction for students to understand and replicate the procedure. Visual models are very
important for building conceptual understanding.
• The most common division algorithm, sometimes referred to as “long division” or “bring-
down division”, decomposes the total using place value. Unlike other algorithms, this
algorithm starts at the left and moves to the right. Column by column, it “shares” each
place-value amount and trades the remainder for smaller pieces, which it adds to the
amount in the next column. The partial quotients are then added together for the full
quotient. Note that there are variations in how long division is recorded for this

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• Another well-known algorithm, sometimes called the “repeated subtraction” or
“grouping division” algorithm, uses estimation and “think multiplication” to produce
partial products. The partial products can be groups of any size, and are determined by a
combination of estimation strategies, known facts, and mental strategies. Unlike other
algorithms, the amount to be shared is not decomposed into place-value partitions but is
considered as a whole.

B2.8 multiply and divide one-digit whole numbers by unit fractions, using appropriate tools and

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Multiplication and division can describe situations involving repeated equal groups.
• The multiplication of a whole number with a unit fraction such as 4 × can be interpreted as 4
groups of one third of a whole and can be determined using repeated addition . For example,
1 1 1 1 1 4
4× = 4 one thirds = + + + = .
3 3 3 3 3 3
• Since multiplication and division are inverse operations, the division of a whole number by a unit
fraction such as 4 ÷ can be interpreted as “ How many one thirds are in 4 wholes? ” Since it
takes 3 one thirds to make 1 whole, it will take four times as many to make 4 wholes, so 4 ÷ =


• Counting unit fractions, adding unit fractions with like denominators, and multiplying unit
fractions all represent the same action of repeating (or iterating) an equal group, in this case a
unit fraction. This count is also reflected in the numerator.
• The use of drawings, tools (fraction strips, number lines), and objects can help visualize the role
of the unit fraction to solve multiplication and division problems.

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B2.9 represent and create equivalent ratios and rates, using a variety of tools and models, in various

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A ratio describes the multiplicative relationship between two quantities.

• Ratios can compare one part to another part of the same whole, or a part to the whole. For
example, if there are 12 beads in a bag that has 6 yellow beads and 6 blue beads, then:
• the ratio of yellow beads to blue beads is 6 to 6 (6 : 6) or 1 to 1 because there is one
yellow bead for every blue bead;
• the ratio of yellow beads to the total number of beads is 6 to 12 (6 : 12) or 1 to 2, and this
can be interpreted as one half of the beads in the bag are yellow, or that there are twice
as many beads in the bag than the number that are yellow.
• Determining equivalent ratios involves scaling up or down. The ratio of blue marbles to red
marbles (10 : 15) can be scaled down to 2 : 3 or scaled up to 20 : 30. In all cases, there are two
thirds ( ) as many blue marbles as red marbles.
• A rate describes the multiplicative relationship between two quantities expressed with different
units. For example, 1 dime to 10 cents can be expressed as 1 dime per 10 cents or 2 dimes per
20 cents, or 3 dimes per 30 cents and so on.


• Ratios compare two (or more) different quantities to each other using multiplication or division.
This means the comparison is relative rather than absolute. For example, if there are 10 blue
marbles and 15 red marbles:
• an absolute comparison uses addition and subtraction to determine that there are 5
more red marbles than blue ones;
• a relative comparison uses multiplication and division to determine that there are as
many blue marbles as red marbles.
• Like ratios, rates make comparisons based on multiplication and division; however, rates
compare two related but different measures or quantities. For example, if 12 cookies are eaten
by 4 people, the rate is 12 cookies per 4 people. An equivalent rate is 6 cookies per 2 people. A
unit rate is 3 cookies per person.
• A three-term ratio shows the relationship between three quantities. The multiplicative
relationship can differ among the three terms. For example, there are 6 yellow beads, 9 red
beads, and 2 white beads in a bag. This situation can be expressed as a ratio of
yellow : red : white = 6 : 9 : 2. The multiplicative relationship between yellow to white is 6 : 2 or
3 : 1, meaning there are three times more yellow beads than white beads. The multiplicative
relationship between yellow and red beads is 6 : 9 or 2 : 3, meaning there are two thirds as
many yellow beads as there are red beads.

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• A ratio table is very helpful for noticing patterns when a ratio or rate is scaled up or down. Ratio
tables connect scaling to repeated addition, multiplication and division, and proportional
• A ratio or rate relationship can also be described using fractions, decimals, and percents.

C. Algebra
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

C1. Patterns and Relationships

identify, describe, extend, create, and make predictions about a variety of patterns, including those
found in real-life contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

C1.1 identify and describe repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns, including patterns found in real-
life contexts

Teacher supports

• repeating patterns in real life:

• 24-hour clock
• appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities for daily physical activity
• morning routine
• growing patterns in real life:
• distance travelled as time passes
• growth of a plant over time
• number of pages they have read in their book over the week
• shrinking patterns in real life:
• height of a ball over successive bounces
• amount of sap as it boils down to make maple syrup
• height of a snowperson on a warm spring day

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Key concepts

• Repeating patterns have a pattern core that is repeated over and over.
• In growing patterns, there is an increase in the number of elements or the size of the elements
from one term to the next.
• In shrinking patterns, there is a decrease in the number of elements or the size of the elements
from one term to the next.
• Many real-life objects and events can be viewed as having more than one type of pattern.


• Growing and shrinking patterns are not limited to linear patterns.

Sample tasks
Have students collect pictures or make diagrams of patterns that they find in real life and create a
pattern wall. Have them describe the regularities that they see in any of the patterns. Some real-life
examples may be viewed in more than one way. For example, a staircase can be viewed as a repeating
pattern because the rise for each step is the same. The staircase can also be viewed as a growing pattern
because each step goes up the same height so that the distance from the ground increases consistently.
For each step down, the distance to the ground also decreases consistently.
C1.2 create and translate growing and shrinking patterns using various representations, including tables
of values and graphs

Teacher supports

• representations for a growing pattern:

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• representations for a shrinking pattern:

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Key concepts

• Growing patterns are created by increasing the number of elements or the size of the elements
in each iteration (term).
• A growing pattern can be created by repeating a pattern’s core. Each iteration shows how the
total number of elements grows with each addition of the pattern core.

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• Shrinking patterns are created by decreasing the number of elements or the size of the
elements in each iteration.
• In translating a pattern from a concrete representation to a table of values and a graph, each
iteration of the pattern can be referred to as the term number, and the number of elements in
each iteration can be referred to as the term value. The term value is dependent on the term
number. The term number (x) is represented on the horizontal axis of the Cartesian plane, and
the term value (y) is represented on the vertical axis. Each point (x, y) on the Cartesian plane is
plotted to represent the pattern. In a table of values, the term number is shown in the left-hand
column and the term value is shown in the right-hand column.

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• A pattern’s structure is the same when a pattern is translated from one representation to


• The creation of growing and shrinking patterns in this grade is not limited to linear patterns.
• For (x, y), the x-value is the independent variable and the y-value is the dependent variable.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a repeating pattern such as the one below, which has a pattern core of three
different colours of squares:

Have students take the repeating pattern and create a geometric representation that shows the
increase in the number of tiles with each repetition of the pattern core. For example:

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Next, have them create a table of values and a corresponding graph for this pattern. Ask them to make
connections between all of the representations and to explain their thinking.

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Ask students to create a growing pattern and a shrinking pattern using tiles, then exchange their
patterns with a classmate. Have each student in a pair then create corresponding tables of values and
graphs to represent their classmate’s patterns. After they have completed these tasks, set up a gallery
walk, and ask students to give each other feedback on their representations.
C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and
identify missing elements in repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns

Teacher supports

• extending patterns in multiple directions:

• What does position 0 look like? What does position 5 look like?
• making near and far predictions:
• How many toothpicks are needed to show position 0?

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• How many toothpicks are needed to show position 10?
• How many toothpicks are needed to show position 100? 99? 101?
• identifying missing shapes, numbers in sequences and tables of values, and points on a graph:

Position Number Number of Toothpicks

1 4
2 7
5 16
7 22

Key concepts

• Patterns can be extended because they are repetitive by nature.

• Pattern rules are generalizations about a pattern, and they can be described in words.
• Patterns can be extended in multiple directions, showing what comes next and what came
• To make a near prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like just
beyond the given representation of that pattern. The prediction can be verified by extending
that pattern.
• To make a far prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like well
beyond the given representation of that pattern. Often calculations are needed to make an
informed prediction that can be justified.
• Identifying the missing elements in a pattern represented using a table of values may require
determining the term number (x) or the term value (y).
• Identifying the missing elements in a pattern represented on a graph may require determining a
point (x, y) within the given representation or beyond it, in which case the pattern will need to
be extended.
• The algebraic expression that represents a linear growing pattern is also referred to as the
general term or the nth term. It can be used to solve for the term value or the term number.


• Determining a point within the graphical representation of a pattern is called interpolating.

• Determining a point beyond the graphical representation of a pattern is called extrapolating.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a pictorial representation showing the first four positions of a growing pattern:

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Have them show positions 0 and 5 and explain the rule that they used to determine each. Ask them to
represent the pattern in a table of values and plot it on a graph.

Ask students to find missing elements in and extend shrinking patterns such as the following:

Ask them to describe the change from one position to the next.

Have students make and test predictions about patterns represented in various ways. For example:

• given a graphical representation, such as:

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• Ask students to represent the pattern using tiles.
• Ask students to predict how many tiles are needed for position 6. Have them verify their
prediction. (They could extend either their tile pattern or the graph.)
• Ask students if it is possible to show a position in this pattern using 36 tiles, and ask them
to explain why or why not.
• given a concrete representation, such as:

• Ask students to identify and describe the pattern core.

• Ask students to imagine that they had to extend the pattern so that it had 10
repeats of the core. How many:
• yellow hexagons are needed?

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• green triangles are needed?
• blue squares are needed?
• Ask students to justify their responses.

• Providing students with different types of representations of patterns with missing elements
enables them to think critically about possible pattern rules based on the information they are
given. For example, ask them to fill in the missing numbers of tiles in a table of values, such as:

Position Number Number of Tiles

1 3
4 12
5 15

Provide students with the following scenario. A community centre has tables in the shape of a
hexagon and sets them up for events as shown below. There is enough space in the room to set up
rows of up to six adjoining tables. If more seating is needed, then additional rows must be added:

• How many people can sit at four tables? Six tables?

• How many tables are needed for 30 people? 50 people?

C1.4 create and describe patterns to illustrate relationships among whole numbers and decimal tenths
and hundredths

Teacher supports

• number pattern to show the relationships between ones, tenths, and hundredths:

Sample 1:

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3.71 = 3 ones + 7 tenths + 1 hundredth
3.71 = 3 ones + 6 tenths + 11 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 5 tenths + 21 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 4 tenths + 31 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 3 tenths + 41 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 2 tenths + 51 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 1 tenth + 61 hundredths
3.71 = 3 ones + 0 tenths + 71 hundredths

Sample 2:

3.71 = 3 ones + 7 tenths + 1 hundredths

3.71 = 2 ones + 17 tenths + 1 hundredths
3.71 = 1 ones + 27 tenths + 1 hundredths
3.71 = 0 ones + 37 tenths + 1 hundredths

• number pattern to show the relationship between the addition and subtraction facts for 7
when applied to decimal hundredths:

5.00 + 0.07 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.07 = 5.00

5.01 + 0.06 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.06 = 5.01
5.02 + 0.05 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.05 = 5.02
5.03 + 0.04 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.04 = 5.03
5.04 + 0.03 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.03 = 5.04
5.05 + 0.02 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.02 = 5.05
5.06 + 0.01 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.01 = 5.06
5.07 + 0.00 = 5.07 5.07 − 0.00 = 5.07

• number pattern to show the relationship between multiplication and division facts for 7:

7×0=0 7 ÷ 0 = undefined
7×1=7 7÷1=7
7 × 2 = 14 14 ÷ 2 = 7
7 × 3 = 21 21 ÷ 3 = 7
7 × 4 = 28 28 ÷ 4 = 7
7 × 5 = 35 35 ÷ 5 = 7
7 × 6 = 42 42 ÷ 6 = 7
7 × 7 = 49 49 ÷ 7 = 7
7 × 8 = 56 56 ÷ 8 = 7
7 × 9 = 63 63 ÷ 9 = 7
7 × 10 = 70 70 ÷ 10 = 7

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Key concepts

• Patterns can be used to understand relationships among numbers.

• There are many patterns within the decimal number system.


• Many number strings are based on patterns and on the use of patterns to develop a
mathematical concept.
• The use of the word “strings” in coding is different from its use in “number strings”.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a partial number pattern based on place value. Have them continue the pattern in
as many ways as they can using ones, tenths, and hundredths. Support students in noticing that if they
take away 1 tenth, for example, they need to add it back as 10 hundredths:

Sample 1:

3.71 = 3 ones + 7 tenths + 1 hundredth

3.71 = 3 ones + 6 tenths + 11 hundreths
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

Sample 2:

3.71 = 3 ones + 7 tenths + 1 hundredth

3.71 = 2 ones + 17 tenths + 1 hundredth
. . . .
. . . .

Look for opportunities to have students create their own number patterns to show a mathematical
concept. For example, they might demonstrate how the addition and subtraction facts for 7 hold true

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when working with decimal hundredths, or they might demonstrate the pattern for multiplication
and division by 7:
7×0=0 7 ÷ 0 = undefined
7×1=7 7÷1=7
7 × 2 = 14 14 ÷ 2 = 7
7 × 3 = 21 21 ÷ 3 = 7
7 × 4 = 28 28 ÷ 4 = 7
7 × 5 = 35 35 ÷ 5 = 7
7 × 6 = 42 42 ÷ 6 = 7
7 × 7 = 49 49 ÷ 7 = 7
7 × 8 = 56 56 ÷ 8 = 7
7 × 9 = 63 63 ÷ 9 = 7
7 × 10 = 70 70 ÷ 10 = 7

Ask students to create a four-digit number that has two decimal places. Have them cover their number
using counters on a Gattegno chart. (A sample Gattegno chart can be downloaded at BLM: Grade 5 C1.4
Gattegno chart.) Now ask students to:

• multiply their number by 10 and move their counters so that they represent the new number
(each counter goes up a row, but stays in the same column);
• predict what would happen if they multiplied their new number by 10;
• verify their prediction and move their counters to the new position;
• determine how they can get their counters back to the original positions using division;
• move the counters representing their original number up two rows using division.

Continue having students explore the patterns of multiplying (and dividing) by 10, 100, and 1000 and by
0.1 and 0.01, and support them in making generalizations about the results.

Ask students to use the following chart and rules to make 80 in as many ways as they can:

• Use a number from column A.

• Use an operation from column B.
• Use a number from column C.

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0.8 0.01

8 0.1
80 1
800 10
8000 100
80 000 1000

C2. Equations and Inequalities

demonstrate an understanding of variables, expressions, equalities, and inequalities, and apply this
understanding in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Variables and Expressions

C2.1 translate among words, algebraic expressions, and visual representations that describe equivalent

Teacher supports

• algebraic expressions:
• s+s+s+s
• 2l + 2w
• bh
• 3m + 2n − 1
• x−y
• translation among words, algebraic expressions, and visual representations of formulas:

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Words Algebraic Expression Visual Representation
The perimeter of a square is the Perimeter:
sum of the lengths of the four s+s+s+s
equal sides. or

The perimeter of a triangle is the Perimeter:
sum of the lengths of the three a+b+c

The area of a rectangle is equal to Area:

the length of its base times its bh

The area of a triangle is equal to Area:

the length of its base times its bh ÷ 2
height divided by two. or

• translation among words, algebraic expressions, and visual representations of relationships:

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Words Algebraic Visual Representation
sum of
two n+m
between n−m
e as


of two

than a
less than
a n−3
than 2n + 3
double a

Key concepts

• Algebraic expressions are a combination of variables, operations, and numbers, such as 3a and
a + b.

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• Algebraic expressions are used to generalize relationships. For example, the perimeter of a
square is four times its side length (s), which can be expressed as 4s.
• For expressions like 3a, it is understood that the operation between the number, 3, and the
variable, a, is multiplication.
• When two expressions are set with an equal sign, it is called an equation.


• The letter x is often used as a variable. It is important for students to know when it is being used
as a variable.
• The letters used as a symbol are often representative of the words they represent. For example,
the letters l and w are often used to represent the length and width of a rectangle, and also the
formula for the area of a rectangle, A = lw.
• Many forms of technology require expressions like 3a to be entered as 3*a, where the asterisk is
used to denote multiplication. The expression a ÷ 2 is entered as a/2.
• Words and abbreviated words are used in a variety of coding languages to represent variables
and expressions. For example, in the instruction: “input ‘the side length of a square’, sideA”, the
computer is defining the variable sideA and stores whatever the user inputs into its temporary

Sample tasks
Individually, in pairs, or in a large group, have students match statements to algebraic expressions. A
single copy of BLM: 5C2.1 Statements and Algebraic Expressions can be cut into pieces and given to
individual students or to pairs, or one copy can be cut up and distributed among the whole group.

After all the paper strips have been matched, one statement and one expression will be left over. Ask
students to write the missing expression for the statement and the missing statement for the

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Statements Algebraic Expressions
Multiply n by 4, and divide by 2.
Multiply n by 2, and add 13. 2n + 13
Subtract n from 12, and multiply by 4. (12 – n) × 4
13 + n
Add n to 13, and divide by 2.
Multiply n by 2, and subtract from 13. 13 – 2n
n +3
Add 3 to n, and divide by 2.
Multiply n by 4. 4n
Subtract 2 from n, and multiply by 4. 4(n – 2)
Divide n by 2, and subtract 4. −4
Divide 12 by n, and add 2. +2
Divide 12 by n, and multiply by 3. 3–
Multiply n by 2, and add 7. 2n + 7

To introduce students to the concept of translating words into algebraic expressions, it can be helpful
to begin with a few specific numerical examples and then generalize them using a variable. For
example, to translate three more than a number, have students create a table with inputs 1 to 5 in
column 1. In column 2, have them write the change that produces the output – in this example, “Add
3”. Then have them write the outputs, including for the general case, in column 3.
Input Change Rule Output

1 4

Add 3
2 5
3 6
4 7
5 8
n n+3

Ask students to express, in a variety of ways, the sum of the lengths of the four equal sides of a square.
They may write the expression as side + side + side + side, s + s + s + s, or 4 × s. Discuss the fact that

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when a variable is multiplied by a number, it can be written with no space and no multiplication sign,
that is, as 4s. Depending on the situation, students may also encounter other ways to express
multiplication, such as 4*s in spreadsheets and coding. Discuss the fact that these are widely understood
mathematical conventions.

In a similar way, ask students to represent the formula for the following in different ways and using
different conventions:

• perimeter of a rectangle
• perimeter of a parallelogram
• perimeter of a rhombus
• area of a rectangle
• area of a square
• area of a rhombus
• area of a triangle

C2.2 evaluate algebraic expressions that involve whole numbers

Teacher supports

• algebraic expressions:
• s+s+s+s
• 2l + 2w
• bh
• bh ÷ 2 or
• 3m + 2n − 1
• evaluating expressions:
• using substitutions:

2l + 2w if l = 6 and w = 5:
= 2(6) + 2(5)
= 12 + 10
= 22

bh if b = 4 and h = 3:
2 =
= =6

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Key concepts

• To evaluate an algebraic expression, the variables are replaced with numerical values and
calculations are performed based on the order of operations.


• When students are working with formulas, they are evaluating expressions.
• Replacing the variables with numerical values often requires the use of brackets. For example,
the expression 4s becomes 4(s) and then 4(5) when s = 5. The operation between 4 and (5) is
understood to be multiplication.
• Many coding applications involve algebraic expressions being evaluated, and this may be carried
out in several steps. For example, the instruction: “input ‘the side of a square’, sideA” is
instructing the computer to define the variable sideA and store whatever the user inputs into
the temporary location called sideA. The instruction: “calculate 4*sideA, perimeterA” instructs
the computer to take the value that is stored in “sideA” and multiply it by 4, and then store that
result in the temporary location, which is another variable, called perimeterA.

Sample tasks
Provide students with expressions, such as the following, that underscore the idea of equivalence and
encourage students to read an expression for meaning before computing:

• 14 + 14 + 14 =
• 214 + 214 + 214 =
• (24 + 24 + 24 + 24) ÷ 4 =
• (14 + 28) ÷ 3 =

Model student thinking about these expressions on an open number line.

Have students evaluate different ways of writing the same formula. For example:

• P = l + l + w + w, where l represents the length and w represents the width

• P = 2l + 2w
• P = 2(l + w)

Ask students to explain why these formulas are equivalent.

Present students with scenarios such as the following, and ask them to explain their reasoning:

• If g – 227 = 543, what does g – 230 equal?

• If m + 7 = 12, what does m + 12 equal?

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• If (a + 3) × 2 = 20, what does (a + 3) × 5 equal?

Present students with problems that involving working with formulas. For example:

• A teacher asked their students to find the formula for the perimeter of this parallelogram:

• Maude says that the perimeter is a + a + b + b.
• Jean says that the perimeter is 2a + 2b.
• Esteban says that the perimeter is 2(a + b).
• Who is right? Justify your thinking.

Equalities and Inequalities

C2.3 solve equations that involve whole numbers up to 100 in various contexts, and verify solutions

Teacher supports

• equations:
• x + 68 = 95
• 56 = x − 34
• 1 + x + 4 = 32 + 45
• 7n = 56
• 2n + 10 = 30
• 42 − 5 = 3n − 2
• solving equations using number sense and reasoning:
• 80 = 40 + 5a

80 = 40 + 5a

40 + 40 = 40 + 5a

40 = 5a


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• solving equations using a tape diagram:
• 3x − 4 = 20:

x x x

20 4

3x − 4 = 20
3x = 24
• solving equations using flag diagrams:
• 4m + 5 = 17:

Key concepts

• Equations are mathematical statements such that the expressions on both sides of the equal
sign are equivalent.
• In equations, variables are used to represent unknown quantities.
• There are many strategies for solving equations, including guess-and-check, the balance model,
and the reverse flow chart.
• Formulas are equations in which any of the variables can be solved for. When solving for a
variable in a formula, values for the variables are substituted in, and then further calculations
may be needed depending on which variable is being solved for. For example, for A = lw, if l = 10

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and w = 3, then A = (10)(3) = 30. If A = 50 and l = 10, then 50 = 10w, and solving this will require
either using known multiplication facts or dividing both sides by 10 to solve for w.


• The strategy of using a reverse flow chart can be used to solve equations like −2 = 10; for

• The flow chart used in coding is different from the reverse flow chart that can be used to solve
• Many coding applications involve formulas and solving equations.

Sample tasks
Introduce students to the use of flag diagrams as an input/output machine for performing operations in
the order in which they appear. For example, 3 × 4 + 5 can be modelled as:

Support students in making connections between this and the use of flags to solve for an unknown
value. For example, 4m + 5 = 17 can be solved using flags by first writing:

and then reversing to do the inverse operations, starting at 17:

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Have students create their own flag diagrams to solve the following equations:

• 7n – 8 = 20
• 9m + 10 = 55

Have students develop their own equation, then exchange it with a partner. Partners can then solve
each other’s equations using flag diagrams.

Have students solve equations that require them to determine the unknown value that makes the two
expressions on either side of the equal sign equivalent (e.g., 5 + 4m = 8 + 17). Be sure to include
variables in different locations, such as 10 = 3n + 1. Students can use various strategies to find the
unknown, such as guess-and-check, the balance model, or flag diagrams. Note that when they use a flag
diagram, they may need to manipulate the expression so that it is in a form similar to 3x + 4 = 16.
Equalities and Inequalities
C2.4 solve inequalities that involve one operation and whole numbers up to 50, and verify and graph the

Teacher supports

• inequalities:
• s + 2 < 14:
• s is all numbers less than, but not equal, to 12
• when this inequality is expressed as a number line, the open circle indicates that
12 is not included in the solution:

• 5m ≤ 50

m 5m ≤ 50
0 0 Yes
1 5 Yes

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2 10 Yes
3 15 Yes
4 20 Yes
5 25 Yes
6 30 Yes
7 35 Yes
8 40 Yes
9 45 Yes
10 50 Yes
11 55 No

• m = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Key concepts

• Inequalities can be solved like an equation, and then values need to be tested to identify those
that hold true for the inequality.
• A number line shows the range of values that hold true for an inequality. An open dot on a
number line is used when an inequality involves “less than” or “greater than”, and a closed dot
is used when it also includes “equal to”.


• The solution for an inequality that has one variable, such as x + 3 < 4, can be graphed on a
number line.

Sample tasks
Ask students to rewrite inequalities in a different way, such as by moving the placement of the
variable. For example:

• 50 ≥ 5m could also be expressed as 5m ≤ 50

• 20 – b > 15 could also be expressed as 15 < 20 – b

Have students solve a variety of problems involving inequalities. For example:

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• At an amusement park, a sign says that to ride the roller coaster, you must be between 36
inches (91 cm) and 40 inches (102 cm) tall. On a number line, represent the possible heights for
those that can go on this ride.
• Trish committed to reading at least 20 minutes every day during her school’s Read-A-Thon. On
Tuesday she met her goal by reading 12 minutes at school and then reading some more at
home. On a number line, show how many minutes Trish could have read at home to meet her
• A school bus seats at most 36 students. At each of the first two stops, 7 students get on. What
are the possible numbers of students the school bus can pick up after these two stops?
Represent your solution on a number line.

• The cost to park at a parking garage is $3.50 per half hour. The maximum fee per day is $21.00.
How long can you park a car in the garage before you reach the maximum fee?

C3. Coding
solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding
concepts and skills

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Coding Skills
C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing
and executing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

Teacher supports

• mathematical situations involving conditional statements:

• comparing budgets to actual spending

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• comparing perimeters or areas of shapes
• running probability simulations
• classifying angles
• solving inequalities, such as code that would determine who can ride the roller coaster at
an amusement park:

If height >= 91 and height <= 102, then print “You

can ride!”

• determining the minimum and maximum values from a set of numbers

• programming a “Guess that Number” game:

If guess > actualNumber, then print “Sorry, your

guess was too high.”
else if guess < actualNumber, then print
“Sorry, your guess was too low.”
else print “Yes! Your guess was correct.”

• programming a rock, paper, scissors game

• code involving conditional statements:

“If then” statements:

If Area A == Area B
Triangle A has the same area as Triangle B.

“If then else” statements:

If Area A == Area B
Triangle A has the same area as Triangle B.
Else if Area A > Area B
Triangle A’s area is greater than Triangle B’s
Else if Area A < Area B
Triangle A’s area is less than Triangle B’s


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• Assignment statements assign a value to a variable and usually use a single equal sign (=),
while comparison statements are used to compare two values and usually use a double
equal sign (==) for equal to, < for less than, > for greater than, <= for less than or equal to,
and >= for greater than or equal to.
• Pseudocode does not represent a specific programming language. It can be adapted to
work with a variety of programming languages and/or environments.
• other control structures:
• sequential events
• concurrent events
• repeating events
• nested events

Key concepts

• Conditional statements are a representation of binary logic (yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0).
• A conditional statement evaluates a Boolean condition, something that can be either true or
• Conditional statements are usually implemented as “if…then” statements or “if…then…else”
statements. If a conditional statement is true, then there is an interruption in the current flow of
the program being executed and a new direction is taken or the program will end.
• Conditional statements, like loops, can be nested to allow for a range of possible outcomes or to
implement decision trees.


• Coding can support the development of a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.  

• Coding can be used to learn how to automate simple processes and enhance mathematical
thinking. For example, students can code expressions to recall previously stored information
(defined variables), then input values (e.g., from a sensor, count, or user input) and redefine the
value of the variable. For examples of these, refer to the notes in SEs C2.1, C2.2, and C2.3.
• The construction of the code should become increasingly complex and align with other
developmentally appropriate learning.

Sample tasks
Have students write code to find the area of a rectangle. To set up the task, discuss what variables will
be important to include in the code: What information do you need to determine the area of a
rectangle? How do you know?

• base
• height
• area = base × height

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Next, have students develop a program that receives input (dimensions of the rectangle) from a user
and provides the area of a rectangle as output.

Logic Pseudocode
Ask the user. What is the base of your rectangle?
Store user input. base = user input
Ask the user. What is the height of your rectangle?
Store user input. height = user input
Calculate. area = base * height
Output. The area of your rectangle is area units.

Next, have students adapt their code so that it allows the user to compare the area of two different

Logic Pseudocode
Ask the user. What is the base of rectangle A?
Store user input. baseA = user input
Ask the user. What is the height of rectangle A?
Store user input. heightA = user input
Calculate and store. areaA = baseA * heightA
Ask the user. What is the base of rectangle B?
Store user input. baseB = user input
Ask the user. What is the height of rectangle B?
Store user input. heightB = user input
Calculate and store. areaB = base * heightB
Compare. if areaA = = areaB
Output Rectangle A has the same area as Rectangle B.
Else Comparison else if areaA > areaB
Output Rectangle A’s area is greater than Rectangle B’s area.
Else else
Output Rectangle A’s area is less than Rectangle B’s area.


• Pseudocode does not represent a specific programming language. It can be adapted to work
with a variety of programming languages and/or environments.
• Assignment statements usually use a single equal sign (=), and comparison statements usually
use a double equal sign (==).

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C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control
structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Teacher supports

• situations that involve altering code:

• enhancing mathematical learning
• simplifying code
• reinforcing that there is more than one way to generate a given outcome
• debugging code to get the desired outcome
• remixing (altering) a program and using it for another purpose

Key concepts

• Reading code is done to make a prediction about what the expected outcome will be. Based on
that prediction, one can determine if the code needs to be altered prior to its execution.
• Reading code helps with troubleshooting why a program is not able to execute.
• Code must sometimes be altered so that the expected outcome can be achieved.
• Code can be altered to be used for a new situation.


• When students are reading code, they are exercising problem-solving skills related to predicting
and estimating.
• When code is altered with the aim of reaching an expected outcome, students get instant
feedback when it is executed. Students exercise problem-solving strategies to further alter the
program if they did not get the expected outcome. If the outcome is as expected, but it gives the
wrong answer mathematically, students will need to alter their thinking.

Sample tasks

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Provide students with the code shown below, which creates a numerical growing pattern through 10
repeats of adding 2.5. Have them alter the code so that it generates a different numerical growing

pattern for outputs of less than 50:

Ask students to modify their code from C3.1: Sample Task 1 so that the code compares the areas of
two triangles. For example:

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Logic Pseudocode
Ask the user. What is the base of triangle A?
Store user input. baseA = user input
Ask the user. What is the height of triangle A?
Store user input. heightA = user input
Calculate and
areaA = baseA * heightA/2
Ask the user. What is the base of triangle B?
Store user input. baseB = user input
Ask the user. What is the height of triangle B?
Store user input. heightB = user input
Calculate and
areaB = baseB * heightB/2
Compare. if areaA = = areaB
Output Triangle A has the same area as Triangle B.
Else Comparison else if areaA > areaB
Output Triangle A’s area is greater than Triangle B’s area.
Else else
Output Triangle A’s area is less than Triangle B’s area.

C4. Mathematical Modelling

apply the process of mathematical modelling to represent, analyse, make predictions, and provide
insight into real-life situations

This overall expectation has no specific expectations. Mathematical modelling is an iterative and
interconnected process that is applied to various contexts, allowing students to bring in learning from
other strands. Students’ demonstration of the process of mathematical modelling, as they apply concepts
and skills learned in other strands, is assessed and evaluated.

Read more about the mathematical modelling process.

Teacher supports


• real-life situations:

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• planning a fundraiser for a charity
• maximizing seating capacity in a venue

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing

the situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic
nature of modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics,
modelling it, and then checking the model back against the real-life situation and
adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students
with making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands
and across other curricula.

Sample Tasks

Provide students with a real-life situation, such as planning a fundraiser to support a local

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered, such as: Which charity or
charities should they support? What will they do to raise funds? What will the fundraising goal
be? It is important to honour student voice and student questions, as well as encourage
students to listen to and consider the questions of their peers.

Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that all
the students in Grade 5 will want to participate in raising funds.

Have students think about what will remain the same, such as their fundraising goal, and what
can vary, such as the length of time to run the fundraiser, whom they will target to support
them, and what goods or services will be offered to raise the funds.

Have students determine and gather the information needed to solve the problem. Students
may say that they need to research local charities and determine what types of fundraisers
have been successful in the past.

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Have students identify and use representations, tools, technologies, or strategies to create a
model for their fundraiser that includes time frame, identification of goods or services being
offered, target group, and projected funds raised.

Pose questions to students to support them in analysing their model. Possible questions are:

• Will the selected goods and services appeal to a wide range of people in the target
• Is the selected good or service feasible? For example, selling perishable goods or
offering a service that is impractical for Grade 5 students to do may not be the best
• If the answer to any of these questions is no, have them adjust their models and

Have students share their models with the class and discuss the different fundraiser possibilities
and the difference they can make to their chosen charities.


• real-life situations:
• planning a fundraiser for a charity
• maximizing seating capacity in a venue

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing the
situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic nature of
modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics, modelling it, and
then checking the model back against the real-life situation and adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students with
making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands and across
other curricula.

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Sample Tasks

Provide students with a real-life situation, such as planning a fundraiser to support a local charity.

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered, such as: Which charity or charities
should they support? What will they do to raise funds? What will the fundraising goal be? It is important
to honour student voice and student questions, as well as encourage students to listen to and consider
the questions of their peers.

Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that all the
students in Grade 5 will want to participate in raising funds.

Have students think about what will remain the same, such as their fundraising goal, and what can vary,
such as the length of time to run the fundraiser, whom they will target to support them, and what goods
or services will be offered to raise the funds.

Have students determine and gather the information needed to solve the problem. Students may say
that they need to research local charities and determine what types of fundraisers have been successful
in the past.

Have students identify and use representations, tools, technologies, or strategies to create a model for
their fundraiser that includes time frame, identification of goods or services being offered, target group,
and projected funds raised.

Pose questions to students to support them in analysing their model. Possible questions are:

• Will the selected goods and services appeal to a wide range of people in the target group?
• Is the selected good or service feasible? For example, selling perishable goods or offering a
service that is impractical for Grade 5 students to do may not be the best choice.
• If the answer to any of these questions is no, have them adjust their models and reassess.

Have students share their models with the class and discuss the different fundraiser possibilities and the
difference they can make to their chosen charities.

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D. Data
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

D1. Data Literacy

manage, analyse, and use data to make convincing arguments and informed decisions, in various
contexts drawn from real life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Data Collection and Organization

D1.1 explain the importance of various sampling techniques for collecting a sample of data that is
representative of a population

Teacher supports

• sampling techniques:
• simple random sampling
• stratified random sampling
• systematic random sampling

Key concepts

• Sampling is gathering information by using a subset of a population. It is more efficient and

practical than trying to get data from every item in a population. It is more cost effective too.
• Simple random sampling is a method used to obtain a subset such that each subject in the
population has an equal chance of being selected (e.g., randomly selecting 10% of the
population using a random number generator).
• Stratified random sampling involves partitioning the population into strata and then taking a
random sample from each. For example, a school population could be divided into two strata:
one with students who take a bus to school and the other with those who don’t take a bus. Then
a survey could be given to 10% of the population randomly selected from each of these strata.
• Systematic random sampling is used when the subjects from a population are selected through
a systematic approach that has been randomly determined. For example, a sample could be
determined from an alphabetized list of names, using a starting name and count (e.g., every
fourth name) that are randomly selected.

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• Data from a sample is used to make judgements and predictions about a population.


• A census is an attempt to collect data from an entire population.

Sample tasks
As students work with larger populations, it is important for them to know when it is appropriate to
do a census and when a sample is enough. Provide students with various scenarios, and have them
discuss potential samples. For example:

• If the marketing department of a large toy company wants to find out whether the company’s
new toy is successful, whom should they survey?
• A new granola bar is being developed, and the company wants to run a taste test to learn
whether people like the new flavour. Who should be included among the sample taste-testers?
• A local sports facility conducts a survey of parents in the community asking which sports it
should offer in the summer. Is this a representative sample of the population that might use the
facility? How would you find out?
• A local Indigenous company wants to expand their all-natural soap products and find out
whether people like the new fragrances and product name ideas. Whom should they survey?

D1.2 collect data, using appropriate sampling techniques as needed, to answer questions of interest
about a population, and organize the data in relative-frequency tables

Teacher supports

• questions of interest:
• What actions can we take to help the environment?
• sampling techniques:
• simple random sampling
• stratified random sampling
• systematic random sampling
• relative-frequency table:
• the number of responses for each category is expressed as a proportion and a percentage
of the total number of responses (50):

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Key concepts

• The type and amount of data to be collected is based on the question of interest. Data can be
either qualitative (e.g., colour, type of pet) or quantitative (e.g., number of pets, height).
• Depending on the question of interest, the data may need to be collected from a primary or a
secondary source.
• Depending on the question of interest, a random sample of the population may need to be
taken. Types of sampling methods include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling,
and systematic random sampling.
• A relative frequency table is an extension of a frequency table and shows each category
expressed as a proportion of the total frequencies, represented using fractions, decimals, or
percentages. The sum of the relative frequencies is 1 or 100%.


• Every subject in the sample must be collected in the same manner in order for the data to be
representative of the population.

Sample tasks
As a class, agree on a question of interest. Then organize the class in small groups and assign each group
a different sample size (e.g., 100% of the class, 50% of the class, 25% of the class, 20% of the class, or 5%
of the class). Each group must decide on a sampling technique and then collect and organize their data.

As a follow-up, have students compare the different data sets and discuss what they notice about the
size of the samples and the sampling techniques used. Have each group discuss what they found

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interesting or challenging about the technique of sampling that they used, and which techniques were
the most appropriate to use. This will build students’ understanding of sampling techniques.

After students have collected relevant data on a question of interest, have them organize it in a relative-
frequency table. Demonstrate how the relative frequency can be determined by calculating the
fractional amount and percentage that each category represents.
Data Visualization
D1.3 select from among a variety of graphs, including stacked-bar graphs, the type of graph best suited
to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, and labels,
and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs

Teacher supports

• choice of graphs:
• pictograph
• line plot
• bar graph
• multiple-bar graph
• stacked-bar graph
• bar graph with relative frequency:

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Key concepts

• Relative frequencies can be used to compare data sets that are of different sizes.
• Stacked-bar graphs can be created in more than one way to show different comparisons,
including with horizontal and vertical bars.
• Stacked-bar graphs display the data values proportionally. Stacked-bar graphs can be used to
display percent, or relative frequency. Each bar in the graph represents a whole, and each of the
segments in a bar represents a different category. Different colours are used within each bar to
easily distinguish between categories.
• The source, titles, labels, and scales provide important information about data in a graph or
• The source indicates where the data was collected.
• The title introduces the data contained in the graph.
• Labels on the axes of a graph describe what is being measured (the variable). A key on a
stacked-bar graph indicates what each portion of the bar represents.

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• Scales are indicated on the axis of bar graphs , showing frequencies , and the key of
• The scale for relative frequencies is indicated using fractions, decimals, or percents.


• The type of scale chosen depends on whether frequencies or relative frequencies will be
displayed on the graphs.
• Depending on the scale that is chosen, it may be necessary to estimate the length of the bars or
the portions of the bars on a stacked-bar graph.

Sample tasks
Have students construct three different bar graphs using the same data set. For example, the Grade 5
students at School B decided to install a rain barrel that would provide water for the new butterfly
garden. The data in the chart shows the amount of rain they collected during April.

Ask students to graph the data for Week 1 using one-to-one, two-to-one, and five-to-one
correspondence. Ask them to compare the shape of the data among the three graphs and describe what
they notice. Ask them to explain which of the three bar graphs best represents the data and why.

Finally, have students prepare a bar graph for Week 1 using relative frequencies. Ask them to describe
how this graph is the same as and different from the other bar graphs they made. Creating bar graphs
using relative frequencies will support students in understanding graphs that use percentages to
describe data.

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• determining relative frequencies:

• graphing relative frequencies:

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Stacked-bar graphs in combination with multiple-bar graphs provide different perspectives for
comparing data sets. Have students create a multiple-bar graph showing the rain collected in the rain
barrel during the month of April.

Next, ask students to create a stacked-bar graph showing the amount of water collected in the rain
barrel during April.

Support students in making connections between the two graphs by having them describe how the bars
in the multiple-bar graph correspond to those in the stacked-bar graph.

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Ask students what information they can gather from this graph that was not as obvious in the multiple-
bar graph, and vice versa. Discuss which of the two graphs is a better representation for this data, asking
students to explain their thinking.

Ask students to create a relative-frequency table and stacked-bar graph for a previously collected data
Have students create appropriate graphs in various contexts throughout the year, including cross-
curricular applications.
D1.4 create an infographic about a data set, representing the data in appropriate ways, including in
relative-frequency tables and stacked-bar graphs, and incorporating any other relevant information that
helps to tell a story about the data

Teacher supports

• infographic on the topic of “Grade 5 Students take Environmental Action!”:

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Key concepts

• Infographics are used in real life to share data and information on a topic in a concise and
appealing way.
• Infographics contain different representations, such as tables, plots, and graphs, with minimal
• Information to be included in an infographic needs to be carefully considered so that it is clear,
concise, and connected.
• Infographics tell a story about the data with a specific audience in mind. When creating
infographics, students need to create a narrative about the data for that audience.


• Creating infographics has applications in other subject areas, such as communicating key
findings and messages in STEM projects.

Sample tasks
To deepen their understanding of infographics and their purpose, have students examine the features
and messages of an infographic, such as “Grade 5 Students Take Environmental Action!”, which is
found in the examples for D1.4. Ask questions such as:

• What audience do you think the infographic was intended for?

• What messages do you think the author was trying to share?
• What data visualizations has the author used? Why do you think they were chosen?

Have students collect infographics. Then, as a class, make a list of features they notice in the
infographics. Discuss how these features can change depending on the audience and the story that the
author is trying to tell about the data.
For a question of interest that they have collected data for, have students consider what they would like
to share about the results and how they would like to share it. For example, students could use
infographics to share information in the school newsletter. Ask them to identify their audience, what
message they want to get across, what data visualization techniques they will use, and any other
information that will help them to share their message. Have them share their ideas with a peer to
check that their message is coming through.
Data Analysis
D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets
involving whole numbers and decimal numbers, and explain what each of these measures indicates
about the data

Teacher supports

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• determining the mean, median, and mode for a given data set:
• donations given: $25.50, $32.50, $25.50, $45.00, $34.75, $28.25, $15.25, $25.00, $30.00,
• mean: The average donation is $28.90.
• sum of the values divided by the number of values:
• $15.25 + $25.00 + $25.50 + $25.50 + $27.25 + $28.25 + $30.00 + $32.50 + $34.75 +
$45.00 = $289.00
• $289 ÷ 10 = $28.90
• median: The median of the donations is $27.75.
• Step 1. Data is ordered from least to greatest.
• $$\sf \small $15.25, $25.00, $25.50,
$25.50,\enclose{circle}[mathcolor=Cyan]{\color{black}$27.25, $28.25, }$30.00,
$32.50, $34.75, $45.00 $$
• Step 2. Since there are two values in the middle of the list, the median is the mean of
these two values:
• ($27.25 + $28.25) ÷ 2 = $27.75
• Half of the donations are greater than $27.75.
• Half of the donations are less than $27.75.
• mode: $25.50, since it is the value that appears the most in the list:
• donations given: $25.50, $32.50, $25.50, $45.00, $34.75, $28.25, $15.25, $25.00, $30.00,

Key concepts

• The mean, median, and mode can be determined for quantitative data. Only the mode can be
determined for qualitative data.
• A variable can have one mode, multiple modes, or no modes.
• The use of the mean, median, or mode to make an informed decision is relative to the context.


• The mean, median, and mode are the three measures of central tendency.

Sample tasks
When possible, have students determine the mean, median, and mode of the same data set. Provide
students with data sets where the sum of the data values is a three-digit number that when divided will
result in a whole number, a decimal tenth, or a decimal hundredth. For example, have students
determine the mean, median, and mode for the data displayed in the stem-and-leaf plot below, showing

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the number of minutes that the weeding team logged during the first week of May.

Have students determine the mean, median, and mode for previously collected data, from a variety of
sources, including cross-curricular applications, such as science experiments.
D1.6 analyse different sets of data presented in various ways, including in stacked-bar graphs and in
misleading graphs, by asking and answering questions about the data, challenging preconceived notions,
and drawing conclusions, then make convincing arguments and informed decisions

Teacher supports

• data presented in various ways:

• frequency tables, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams, pictographs, line plots, bar graphs,
multiple-bar graphs, stacked-bar graphs
• questions that require reading and interpreting data from a graph or table:
• What type of action do most students want to take to help the environment?
• How many students in each grade requested fruit as a snack?
• questions that require finding data from a graph or table and using it in a calculation:
• What percentage of students weeded the garden for more than 15 minutes?
• What was the average weekly rainfall in April?
• question that requires using data from a graph to make an inference or prediction:
• Why do you think that the rainwater collected was greatest on Mondays?
• When do you think most of the weeding team worked in the garden? Explain your
• misleading graph (with values that do not start at zero and therefore appear exaggerated):

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Key concepts

• Different representations are used for different purposes to convey different types of
• Stacked-bar graphs present information in a way that allows the reader to compare multiple
data sets proportionally.
• Sometimes graphs misrepresent data or show it inappropriately, which could influence the
conclusions that we make. Therefore, it is important to always interpret presented data with a
critical eye.
• Data presented in tables, plots, and graphs can be used to ask and answer questions, draw
conclusions, and make convincing arguments and informed decisions.
• Sometimes presented data challenges current thinking and leads to new and different
conclusions and decisions.
• Questions of interest are intended to be answered through the analysis of the
representations. Sometimes the analysis raises more questions that require further collection,
representation, and analysis of data.


• There are three levels of graph comprehension that students should learn about and practise:
• Level 1: information is read directly from the graph and no interpretation is required.
• Level 2: information is read and used to compare (e.g., greatest, least) or perform
operations (e.g., addition, subtraction).
• Level 3: information is read and used to make inferences about the data using
background knowledge of the topic.
• Working with misleading graphs supports students in analysing their own graphs for accuracy.

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Sample tasks
Provide students with a bar graph that shows only a portion of the bars. Ask them to recreate the bar
graph with the horizontal axis starting at zero. Have them compare the two graphs and describe what

made the original graph misleading or deceptive.

Provide students with a frequency table, a stacked-bar graph, and a multiple-bar graph displaying the
same information. Have them create three questions about the data and ask a classmate to answer
them. Have them share questions and discuss possible answers. Creating opportunities for discussion
about data can lead to additional questions.
Throughout the year, have students collect representations of data about real-life topics that are of
interest to them. Model asking questions using the three types of questions outlined in the examples for
D1.6, and have students pose and answer their own questions that require thinking critically about the

D2. Probability
describe the likelihood that events will happen, and use that information to make predictions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

D2.1 use fractions to express the probability of events happening, represent this probability on a
probability line, and use it to make predictions and informed decisions

Teacher supports

• probability line displaying the likelihood of various events for an experiment involving rolling
one six-sided die:

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Key concepts

• The probability of events is measured in numeric values ranging from 0 to 1.

• Fractions can be used to express the probability of events across the 0 to 1 continuum.


• Have students make connections between the words to describe the likelihood of events (from
Grade 4) and possible fractions that can be used to represent those benchmarks on the
probability line.

Sample tasks
Support students in making connections between fractions and words to describe the likelihood of
events. Have them draw a benchmark probability line by marking 0 and 1 at opposite ends and labelling
them as “impossible” and “certain”, respectively. Next, ask them to mark three fractions on the
probability line that could be used to represent “equally likely”, “unlikely”, and “likely”. Talk about what
the fraction must be for “equally likely” and, similarly, what good benchmarks might be for “unlikely”
and “likely”. As students work with probability, they can use this probability line and the benchmarks to

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make predictions based on the likelihood of events expressed as fractions.

D2.2 determine and compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of an event happening

Teacher supports

• probability experiments:
• throw a paper cup up in the air and determine how it will land (side, top, or bottom) 10
• roll a single die 20 times
• spin a spinner 12 times
• determining the theoretical probability:
• rolling a single die:
• There are six possible outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
• The theoretical probability of rolling a 2 is .
• The theoretical probability of rolling a number greater than 4 is .
• comparing experimental probability with theoretical probability:
• The more trials done in an experiment, the closer the experimental probability will be to
the theoretical probability.
• Increase the number of trials by:
• continuing the experiment over multiple trials, or
• combining classmates’ experimental results

Key concepts

• The more trials done in an experiment, the closer the experimental probability will be to the
theoretical probability.
• The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is 1.
• The probability of an event can be used to predict the likelihood of that event happening again
in the future.


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• “ Odds in favour ” is a comparison of the probability that an event will occur to the probability
that the event will not occur (complementary events). For example, the odds in favour of rolling
1 5
a 6 are : , which can be simplified to 1:5 since the fractions are both relative to the same
6 6

Sample tasks
As an introduction to probability experiments, have students do experiments in which the outcomes of
each trial are equally likely to happen. For example, give each pair of students one die and have them
predict all the possible outcomes if they roll the die once (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6), and predict the likelihood of
rolling a 3, a 5, or a 2. Now ask them to predict what might happen if they rolled the die 30 times. Guide
them to the understanding that theoretically, each number would come up five times.

Ask each pair to record the results for 30 rolls of their die. Once the trials are completed, ask students to
compare their result (experimental) with what they had predicted (theoretical).

Have students repeat the experiment. Ask them to compare the two data sets. Ask them what they
think would happen if they put their two data sets together. Have them combine the data sets, and ask
what they notice now.

Ask what they think would happen if all the student pairs combined their results. Guide students to an
understanding that the greater the number of trials, the closer the experimental probability will be to
the theoretical probability.

E. Spatial Sense
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

E1. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning

describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial
relationships in order to navigate the world around them

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Geometric Reasoning
E1.1 identify geometric properties of triangles, and construct different types of triangles when given side
or angle measurements

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Teacher supports

• types of triangles:

Classifying Triangles by Side Length

Equilateral Triangle Isosceles Triangle Scalene Triangle

Three equal sides Two equal sides No equal sides

Classifying Triangles by Angle Measures

Obtuse Triangle
Acute Triangle Right Triangle
One angle is greater than
All angles are less than 90°. One angle is 90°.

Key concepts

• Triangles have been an important shape for mathematicians throughout history, and they
continue to be significant in engineering, astronomy, navigation, and surveying.
• Geometric properties are specific attributes that define a “class” of shapes or objects. The
following are geometric properties of triangles:
• All triangles have three sides and three angles.

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• The combined length of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the length of
the third side.
• The interior angles of a triangle always add up (sum) to 180° (e.g., 70° + 60° + 50° = 180°).
• The exterior angles of a triangle always sum to 360° (e.g., 110° + 120° + 130° = 360°).
• The interior angle and its corresponding exterior angle always sum to 180° (e.g., 130° +
50° = 180°).

• Triangles can be classified by the number of equal side lengths or number of equal angles:

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Classifying Triangles by Number of Equal Sides or Number of Equal Angles
Equilateral Triangle: Isosceles Triangle: Scalene Triangle:
3 Equal Sides 2 Equal Sides No Equal Sides
3 Equal Angles 2 Equal Angles No Equal Angles

• Triangles can be classified by the type of angle measures:

Classifying Triangles by Type of Angle Measures

Acute Triangle: Right Triangle: Obtuse Triangle:
All Angles Are Less Than 90° 1 Angle Is 90° 1 Angle Is Greater Than 90°

• There are different techniques for constructing triangles depending on what is known and
• When all side lengths of a triangle are known but the angles are unknown, a ruler and
compass can be used to construct the triangle. To do so, one could draw the length of
one of the sides, then set the compass for the length of another side. The compass can
then be put at one of the ends of the line and an arc drawn. Now the compass should be
set to the length of the third side and set on the other end of the line to draw another
arc. Where the two arcs intersect is the third vertex of the triangle (see the diagram
below). The sides can be completed by drawing a line from the ends of the original line to
the point of intersection.

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• When one side length and two of the angles of a triangle are known, a protractor and a
ruler can be used to construct the triangle. The unknown vertex is the point where the
arms of the angles intersect:


• Triangles can also be constructed using dynamic geometry applications in many ways, including
by transforming points and by constructing circles.

Sample tasks
Have students analyse and sort various triangles that are scalene, isosceles, equilateral, right, obtuse,
acute, and a combination of these types (e.g., isosceles right triangles, isosceles acute triangles). (A
sample of triangles can be downloaded at BLM: Grade 5 E1.1 Triangle Sort.) Have them sort the triangles

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based on their sides, then based on their angles. Support students in understanding that triangles can be
classified based on their side lengths and their angle measures. Discuss how some shapes and images
look like a triangle but are not because they do not have three straight sides, or the three sides are not
completely closed.
Create a worksheet similar to the one below. Ask students to sketch the appropriate triangle in each
cell. If, for any of the combinations, a triangle cannot be drawn, they should write an explanation in the
appropriate cell.

Acute Right Obtuse




After they have completed the chart, use their findings to inspire additional insights or questions. For

• How can you describe an equilateral triangle without using the word “side”?
• Can a triangle have more than one obtuse angle? Can it have more than one right angle?
• A triangle has one very small angle and another angle that is almost a right angle. What can you
tell me about the third angle?

Have students analyse their collection of sorted triangles to uncover other properties of triangles. For
example, have them add the interior angles of a triangle and guide them to notice that, for all triangles,
the interior angles add up to 180°. Have them develop a visual proof for this property by tearing off the
corners of their triangles and rearranging them to form a straight angle (180°), as illustrated below:

Provide students with a variety of other triangles with missing angle measures, and ask them to apply
this property to determine the missing angles. They could also construct their own triangles with missing
angles and exchange them with a peer.

Have students construct triangles using various techniques. For example:

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• Use a compass (or similar tool) and a ruler to construct a triangle that has side lengths of 11
centimetres, 8 centimetres, and 7 centimetres.
• Use a protractor and a ruler to construct an isosceles triangle with a side length of 9 centimetres
and two 70° angles.
• Use a dynamic geometry application to construct a triangle with given side lengths or given
angles. In addition to drawing and using dynamic geometry software, students can develop code
to make various types of triangles and use the code to describe their properties.

E1.2 identify and construct congruent triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms

Teacher supports
Identifying and Constructing Criteria

• corresponding side lengths have equal

Congruent Triangles
• corresponding angles are the same

• corresponding sides have equal length

Congruent Rectangles • corresponding opposite sides are parallel
• corresponding angles are 90°

• corresponding sides have equal length

Congruent Parallelograms
• corresponding opposite sides are parallel
• corresponding angles are the same

Key concepts

• Congruent two-dimensional shapes can be superimposed exactly onto each other. Congruent
shapes have congruent angles and congruent lengths.
• If all the side lengths of two triangles are congruent, all the angles will also be congruent.
• If all the angles of two triangles are congruent, it is not necessarily true that the side lengths are
• Parallelograms, including rectangles and squares, require a combination of congruent angles
and congruent side lengths to be congruent.
• Constructing congruent shapes involves measuring and using protractors and rulers. For more
information on using protractors, see E2.4. For more information on using rulers, see Grade 2,

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Sample tasks
Provide students with a collection of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms, some of which are
congruent, and some of which are not. Ask students to predict the shapes that are congruent. Then,
have them measure the side lengths and angles to confirm their predictions.
Have students construct congruent triangles when:

• given the measurements for all three sides (e.g., 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm)

4 cm

5 cm

• given the measurements for two sides and the angle between them (e.g., 3 cm, 45°, 8 cm)
• given the measurements for two angles and a side (e.g., 30°, 6 cm, 50°)

Have students use rulers and protractors to construct congruent triangles, rectangles, and
parallelograms. As they construct these shapes, pose questions to promote spatial reasoning and
develop geometric arguments about congruence, such as:

• Can two triangles have congruent side lengths without congruent angles? Can two triangles
have congruent angles and not have congruent side lengths? Explain and give examples to
support your argument.
• Can two parallelograms have congruent side lengths without congruent angles? Can two
parallelograms have congruent angles and not have congruent side lengths? Explain and give
examples to support your argument.
• Can two rectangles have congruent side lengths and not have congruent angles? Can two
rectangles have congruent angles and not have congruent side lengths? Explain and give
examples to support your argument.

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• What measurements are needed to construct congruent triangles? Congruent rectangles?
Congruent parallelograms?

E1.3 draw top, front, and side views of objects, and match drawings with objects

Teacher supports

• top, front, and side views of an object:

Representation of the
Front View Right-Side View Top View

Note: Students are not expected to draw a three-dimensional representation of the object in Grade 5.

Key concepts

• Three-dimensional objects can be represented in two dimensions.

• Given accurate top, front, and side views of an object, with enough information included, the
object can be reproduced in three dimensions. Conventions exist (e.g., shading squares to show
different heights; using lines as way to show changes in elevations) to clarify any potential
• Architects and builders use plan (top view) and elevation (side view) drawings to guide their
construction. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professionals use
three-dimensional modelling apps to model a project before building a prototype. Visualizing
objects from different perspectives is an important skill used in many occupations, including all
forms of engineering.

Sample tasks
Have students use interlocking cubes to build different “robot sculptures”. Place a sculpture in the
centre of each small group of students. Have students move around the sculpture to see it from all
angles, then draw its top, front, and side views on 2 cm grid paper. For example, for the object
represented below, they might draw the following:

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Representation of the
Front View Right-Side View Top View

Once done, students in each group should share the strategies they used to make their drawings. Next,
collect all the drawings and redistribute them to different students. Move all of the sculptures to a
common table. Have students match their new drawings to the correct sculpture on the table and
explain their reasoning to a partner.

Provide students with a variety of structures along with their front, side, and top views. Ask them to
match the views with the appropriate structures.
Location and Movement
E1.4 plot and read coordinates in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane using various scales, and
describe the translations that move a point from one coordinate to another

Teacher supports

• coordinates in the first quadrant:

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• Moving from A to B is a translation of 1 unit right and 3 units down.
• To add context to translated points, describe movements between locations that are relevant to
students. For example, the coordinates could represent places in the school or the community.

Key concepts

• The Cartesian plane uses two perpendicular number lines to describe locations on a grid. The x-
axis is a horizontal number line; the y-axis is a vertical number line; and these two number lines
intersect at the origin, (0, 0).
• Pairs of numbers (coordinates) describe the precise location of any point on the plane. The
coordinates are enclosed by parentheses as an ordered pair (x, y). The first number in the pair
describes the horizontal distance from the origin, and the second number describes the vertical
distance from the origin.
• The point (1, 5) is located 1 unit to the right of the origin (along the x-axis) and 5 units above the
x-axis. As a translation from the origin, the point (1, 5) is right 1 unit and up 5 units.

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• The x- and y-axes on the Cartesian plane, like any other number line or graduated measurement
tool, are continuous scales that can be infinitely subdivided into smaller increments. The
numbering of the axes may occur at any interval.
• Sometimes a gridline is marked in multiples of a number and the subdivisions must be
deduced (e.g., for an axis marked in multiples of 10, a coordinate of 15 is half the distance
between 10 and 20):

• Sometimes the axes are labelled in whole-number increments, and the location of a
decimal coordinate must be deduced (e.g., for an axis labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., a coordinate
of 1.5 is plotted five tenths or one half of the distance between 1 and 2):

• Sometimes not every gridline is labelled, and the value of the unlabelled grid line must be
deduced (e.g., when every fifth line is labelled 10, 20, 30, 40, …):

• The number lines on the Cartesian plane extend infinitely in all directions and include both
positive and negative numbers, which are centred by the origin, (0, 0). In the first quadrant of
the Cartesian plane, the x- and y-coordinates are both positive.

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Sample tasks
Provide students with the first quadrant of a coordinate plane that uses a scale other than 1 on at least
one of the axes and has points already plotted. Have them analyse the scale to determine the
coordinates of each point. For example, have them describe the location of A on the following:

Have students inspect and draw grids that use a variety of scales, and discuss strategies for determining
unlabelled intervals. Have them plot points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane and describe
the locations. To apply this learning, have them play a strategy guessing game (e.g., an adaptation of
“Battleship”) where a secret object is hidden along points on a coordinate plane. Students take turns
guessing the location of the object by guessing coordinates and seeing if the guess is a hit or a miss.

Connect the learning about scales on the coordinate plane to scales used in number lines; graphs; and a
variety of measurement tools, particularly spring scales and graduated containers.

Have students describe movement on a Cartesian plane using the language of translations (i.e., by
describing distance and direction). Have them begin at the origin, (0, 0), and create different paths to
move from there to another point in the first quadrant, and from that point to other points. To connect
to work in the Algebra strand on coding, students might also use a Cartesian plane and code to guide a
robot (or digital image, or classmate). Note that work with Cartesian planes can also be done using
online geometry applications or certain educational video games. As students develop their code and
directions, have them test their instructions and adjust as necessary.
Have students draw a triangle, a rectangle, or a parallelogram in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane
on a grid or graph paper using a scale of 1. Have them label each vertex with its coordinates. Next, have
them draw the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane on a grid or graph paper using a scale of 2, and ask
them to redraw their image on this grid using the original coordinates. Discuss how the image is similar

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to yet a different size than the original. Ask them to predict what would happen to their image if it was
drawn on a scale of one half. Have them verify their prediction by redrawing their image using this scale.
E1.5 describe and perform translations, reflections, and rotations up to 180° on a grid, and predict the
results of these transformations

Teacher supports

• translations on a grid:

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Horizontal Translation
5 units to the left: 3 units to the right:

′ ′

Vertical Translation
5 units up: 6 units down:

• showing a translation with a vector:

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• reflections on a grid:

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Horizontal Line of Reflection

Vertical Line of Reflection

Diagonal Line of Reflection

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• rotations:
• 90° counterclockwise rotation about a point of rotation at the vertex of a triangle:

• 90° clockwise rotation about a point of rotation inside the shape:

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• 90° clockwise rotation about a point of rotation outside the shape:

Key concepts

• Transformations on a shape result in changes to its position and sometimes orientation or its
size (or both). As a shape transforms, its vertices (points on a grid) move. The transformation

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describes the results of the movement. This explains how transformations involve location and
• A translation involves distance and direction. Every point on the original shape “slides” the same
distance and direction to create a translated image. This combination of distance and direction
is called the translation vector. For example, on a grid, a vector could describe each point
moving “5 units to the right and 2 units up”. It is a mathematical convention that the horizontal
distance (x) is given first, followed by the vertical distance (y).

• A reflection involves a line of reflection that acts like a mirror. Every point on the original shape
is “flipped” across the line of reflection to create a reflected image. Every point on the original
image is the same distance from the line of reflection as the corresponding point on the
reflected image. Reflections are symmetrical.

• A rotation involves a point (also known as the centre) of rotation and an angle of rotation. Every
point on the original shape turns around the point of rotation by the same specified angle. Any

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point on the original is the same distance to the point of rotation as the corresponding point on
the rotated image.


• At this grade level, students can express the translation vector using arrows; for example, ( 5 rig
htarrow,2 uparrow ).
• Dynamic geometry applications are recommended for visualizing and understanding how
transformations, and especially rotations, behave.

Sample tasks
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices A, B, and C. Have them perform a
variety of translations (right, left, up, down, and combinations of these) to draw new triangles. Label the
new triangles using the symbols for prime (A’, B’, C’), double prime (A”, B”, C”), triple prime (A”’, B”’,
C”’), and so on, to distinguish the original triangle from the new triangles. Repeat the activity for other
types of polygons. Have students verify that the original polygon and the translated polygons are
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices J, K, L. Have them perform a variety of
reflections (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and combinations of these) to draw new triangles. Include
lines of reflection on one side of the triangle and outside the triangle. Label the new triangles using the
symbols for prime (J’, K’, L’), double prime (J”, K”, L”), triple prime (J”’, K”’, L”’), and so on, to distinguish
the original triangle from the new triangles. Repeat the activity for other types of polygons. Have
students verify that the original polygon and the reflected polygons are congruent
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices P, Q, and R. Have them do rotations
of 90° and 180°, clockwise and counterclockwise, about a triangle vertex. Label the new triangles using
the symbols for prime (P’, Q’, R’), double prime (P”, Q”, R”), triple prime (P”’, Q”’, R”’), and so on to
distinguish the original triangle from the new triangles. Repeat the activity for other types of polygons.
Have students verify that the original polygon and the rotated polygons are congruent.
Use a dynamic geometry application to construct a polygon such as the one below:

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Have students rotate the polygon up to 180°, and measure the angles and distances involved in the
rotation. Have them move a point on the original shape, or move the point of rotation, to notice how
the rotation behaves. Support students in noticing that:

• the original shape and its image are congruent (i.e., the side lengths and the angles are the
• the angle of rotation is constant (e.g., �ADA’ = �BDB’ = �CDC’= 90°)
• the distance from any point on the original to the point of rotation is the same as the
corresponding distance in the image (e.g., the length of AD = the length of A’D)

Repeat this process for reflections and translations, and write lists of the properties of each.

E2. Measurement
compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

The Metric System

E2.1 use appropriate metric units to estimate and measure length, area, mass, and capacity

Teacher supports

• real-life contexts for measurement:

• length:

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• distance of a walk
• perimeter of a ball diamond, soccer field, or cricket field
• area:
• yard or garden
• floor space needed to accommodate an art exhibition
• mass:
• mass of a bunch of bananas in order to determine its cost
• mass of an animal in order to know the amount of medication required
• capacity:
• approximate size of a container to hold leftover food
• size of a container to hold soil for the school garden

Key concepts

• The choice of an appropriate unit depends on which attribute is being measured and the reason
for measuring it.
• The attribute to be measured determines whether to choose a unit of length, area, mass,
or capacity.
• The reason and context for measuring determines how accurate a measurement needs to
be. Large units are used for broad, approximate measurements; small units are used for
precise measurements and detailed work.
• When choosing the appropriate size of unit, it is helpful to know that the same set of metric
prefixes applies to all attributes (except time) and describes the relationship between the units.
For any given unit, the next largest unit is 10 times its size, and the next smallest unit is one
tenth its size.


• Although not all metric prefixes are commonly used in English Canada, understanding the
system reinforces the connection to place value:

Metric hecto-
kilo-unit deca-unit unit deci-unit centi-unit milli-unit
Prefix unit
Unit 1 1 1
1000 units 100 units 10 units 1 unit unit unit unit
Value 10 100 1000
Place one one
thousand hundred ten one one tenth
Value hundredth thousandth

• Canada, as well as all but three countries in the world, has adopted the metric system as its
official measurement system. It is also universally used by the scientific community because its
standard prefixes make measurements and conversions easy to perform and understand.
However, Canadians also commonly refer to the imperial system in daily life (gallons, quarts,
tablespoons, teaspoons, pounds), and the Weights and Measures Act was officially amended in

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1985 to allow Canadians to use a combination of metric and imperial units. The most
appropriate unit is dependent on the context. Sometimes it is a metric unit (this is the emphasis
in this expectation), sometimes it is an imperial unit, and sometimes it is personal non-standard
unit or benchmark.
• Although the size of a unit may change, the process for measuring an attribute remains the
same. This is true whether using inches, centimetres, or hand spans.

Sample tasks
Have students work in pairs to select one object in the classroom that is “very small” and one object in
the classroom that is “very large”. They could identify the measurable attributes of these objects – do
they have length? mass? capacity? area? – and decide what units should be used to measure these
attributes. Support students in recognizing that the choice of units is based on several factors, not just
the size of the object. After they choose an appropriate unit, have students use benchmarks to estimate
the measurements of these attributes and then measure the different attributes of the object as
accurately as a purpose requires, recognizing that some attributes may be too challenging to measure
(although some students might find creative ways to approximate or research these measures). For
example, students might decide to measure different attributes of a reading table or the teacher’s desk.
Provide a variety of measurement scenarios, for example:

• Have students estimate and measure the area of different spaces in the school (e.g., the library,
the gym, their classroom, the basketball court, the school community garden).
• Have students estimate and measure the mass of everyday objects based on the mass of a
benchmark object. For example, a bag of potatoes has a mass of 5 kg. Does the chair have more
or less mass than the bag of potatoes?
• Have students estimate and measure the capacity of everyday objects based on the capacity of a
benchmark container. For example, a container holds 1 litre. Can you think of a container that
holds less than 1 L? How much less?

Support students in making connections to the science and technology curriculum, where they are
investigating mass, volume, solids, liquids, and gasses.
E2.2 solve problems that involve converting larger metric units into smaller ones, and describe the base
ten relationships among metric units

Teacher supports

• types of conversions:
• kilometres to metres
• metres to centimetres
• centimetres to millimetres
• litres to millilitres
• kilograms to grams

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• base ten relationships:
• 1 cm is equivalent to 10 mm
• 100 cm is equivalent to 1 m
• types of problems:
• determining the perimeter when not all measurements are in the same unit:

• comparing measurements expressed in different units:

• one container has a capacity of 1440 mL, and another container has a capacity of 2

Key concepts

• Conversions within the metric system rely on understanding the relative size of the metric units
(see E2.1) and the multiplicative relationships in the place-value system (see Number, B1.1).
• Because both place value and the metric system are based on a system of tens, metric
conversions can be visualized as a shifting of digits to the left or right of the decimal point a
certain number of places. The amount of shift depends on the relative size of the units being
converted. For example, since 1 km is 1000 times as long as 1 m, 28.5 km becomes 28 500 m
when the digits shift three places to the left.
• There is an inverse relationship between the size of a unit and the count of units: the smaller the
unit, the greater the count. Remembering this principle is important for estimating whether a
conversion will result in more or fewer units.


• Although this expectation focuses on converting from larger to smaller units, it is important that
students understand that conversions can also move from smaller to larger units using decimals.
Exposure to decimal measurements is appropriate for Grade 5 students.

Sample tasks
Have students discuss whether given statements, such as those below, are true or false. Have them
explain their rationale using their knowledge of metric prefixes and a unit’s size; their understanding
of place value; and their mental math strategies for multiplying by 10, 100, or 1000. Have them

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estimate whether the result will be larger or smaller and describe how many times greater one unit is
than the other.

• True or False: 5.6 cm = 0.56 mm

• True or False: 3400 km = 34 m
• True or False: 4 m = 4000 mm
• True or False: 500 L = 50 000 mL
• True or False: 3.4 kg = 34 g

Have students find interesting measurement statistics about animals or people (e.g., how far can a
grasshopper jump? how much can a weightlifter lift?). Have students express these measurements in
different metric units and discuss the impact of choosing that unit (e.g., if a skunk can spray 4.5 m, what
is the effect of saying it can spray 450 cm or 4500 mm?). Also, have them apply proportional reasoning
to solve problems such as: After 4 hops, a grasshopper is 1 m from its starting position. How many
centimetres is the grasshopper from the starting position after 20 hops? As an extension, students could
apply proportional reasoning and express these measurements using related but creative non-standard
units (e.g., an Olympic long jumper can jump more than 28 grasshopper hops).
Support students in making connections to the science and technology curriculum; for example, making
models of organs or components of body systems.
E2.3 compare angles and determine their relative size by matching them and by measuring them using
appropriate non-standard units

Teacher supports

• making a non-standard unit to measure angles:

• creating different-sized sectors by repeatedly folding a paper circle in half and then
cutting out the sectors:
• two times for 4 sectors
• three times for 8 sectors
• four times for 16 sectors

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• comparing angles:
• the angle of the yellow hexagon pattern block is equal to four of the acute angles of the
tan rhombus, which will be called the tan wedge from here on:

Key concepts

• The lines (rays) that form an angle (i.e., the “arms” of an angle) meet at a vertex. The size of the
angle is not affected by the length of its rays.
• Angles are often difficult to transport and compare directly (i.e., by overlaying and matching one
against another); therefore, angles are often compared indirectly by using a third angle to make
the comparison:
• If the third angle can be adjusted and transported, it can be made to match the first angle
and then be moved to the second angle to make the comparison directly. This involves
the property of transitivity (if A equals C, and C is greater than B, then A is also greater
than B).
• If the third angle is a smaller but fixed angle, it can operate as a unit that is iterated to
produce a count. Copies of the third angle are fitted into the other two angles to produce
a measurement. The unit count is compared to determine which angle is greater and how
much greater.

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• In the same way that units of length are used to measure length, and units of mass are used to
measure mass, units of angle are used to measure angles. Any object with an angle can
represent a unit of angle and be used to measure another angle.

Sample tasks
Have students build an “angle-capturing tool” by joining two arms (paper, geo strips, cardboard) with
some type of pivot (e.g., a paper fastener, or a nut and bolt). Demonstrate how they can adjust the arms
of the tool to match and “capture” the size of an angle. Have them match and compare captured angles
to any other angles. They can use their angle-capturing tool to record the size of their captured angles in
their notebook; classify them as acute, right, obtuse, or straight; and order them from largest to
Have students use a tan rhombus pattern block as a non-standard unit to measure the angles of the
other pattern blocks. Support them as they notice how many tan wedges fit into an angle, and
recognize, for example, that each angle on the green triangle pattern block is equivalent to two tan
wedges, and that the angles on the orange square are equivalent to three tan wedges. Next, have them
predict the number of tan wedges needed to measure and compare the angles of other shapes. Have
them extend this learning by using their non-standard tan wedge to measure the angles “captured” with
their angle-capturing tool in Sample Task 1. Guide them to recognize that the use of a unit, like the tan
wedges, enables a move from comparing angles (Sample Task 1) to measuring angles (Sample Task 2).
Through the use of a unit, the question can change from “Which angle is bigger?” to “How big?” and
“How much bigger?”.
Provide students with a cut-out circle. Have them fold the circle in half until they have a very small
sector. Have them use this sector as a non-standard measuring tool to compare the sizes of angles for
various shapes.
E2.4 explain how protractors work, use them to measure and construct angles up to 180°, and use
benchmark angles to estimate the size of other angles

Teacher supports

• making connections between non-standard units and benchmark angles:

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90° (Quarter-Turn)

• the sum of the acute angles of 3 tan

rhombuses (tan wedges:
• 3 tan wedges = 90°, so 1 tan
wedge = 30°.

180° (Half-Turn)

• 6 tan wedges:
• 6 tan wedges = 180°
• 3 tan wedges = 90°
• 1 tan wedge = 30°
• 2 tan wedges = 60°
• 4 tan wedges = 120°
• 5 tan wedges = 150° (3 wedges + 2

• locating 30° on a protractor:

Key concepts

• Protractors, like rulers or any other measuring tool, replace the need to lay out and count
individual physical units. The protractor repeats a unit so there are no gaps or overlaps and
includes a scale to keep track of the unit count.
• A degree is a very small angle and is a standard unit for measuring angles. When 180° are placed
together, they form a straight line, as demonstrated on a 180° protractor.
• Since a degree is such a small unit, standard protractors often use a scale (typically in
increments of 10) with markings to show the individual degrees. If every degree was labelled
with a number, the protractor would need to be much larger.

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• Protractors usually include a double scale to make it easier to count the degrees in angles that
open clockwise and those that open counterclockwise. The outer scale goes from 0° to 180°and
reads from left to right, whereas the inner scale goes from 0° to 180° and reads from right to
• To use a protractor to make an accurate measurement (i.e., a count of degrees):
• align the vertex of the rays with the vertex of the protractor (i.e., the midpoint of the
protractor where all the degree angles meet);
• align ray with the zero line on the protractor, similar to measuring from zero with a ruler;
• choose the scale that begins the count at zero and read the measurement where the ray
crosses the number scale, i.e., if the rays open to the right, use the inner scale, and if the
rays open to the left, use the outer scale.

• Being able to identify benchmark angles, such as 45°, 90°, 135°, and 180°, is helpful for
estimating other angles.

Sample tasks
Ask students how many tan wedges are needed to form a straight line. Guide them to make the
connection that every straight line is 180°, so each wedge is 30°. Have them determine the angle
measures of the other pattern block pieces in degrees.

To support students to better understand protractors, build on the work they did in E1.4, Sample Task 2
by taping together several tan wedges to make a semi-circular protractor (e.g., six tan wedges = a
straight angle). To keep track of the count of wedges, have students create a scale that counts the
wedges (e.g., from 0 to 6), and, since angles can open in any direction, have them number the wedges in
both directions. This simulates the double scale on a standard protractor.

To make a transparent non-standard protractor (e.g., one where it is easier to recognize the angle
beneath the protractor), have students fold a circular piece of wax paper into sectors and number the
scale with a marker. Discuss whether the numbers should be placed on the lines or the spaces (they can
think about a ruler for a comparison), and have them use their non-standard protractors to describe
how much bigger one angle is than another. In consolidating the learning from the task, guide students
to compare their non-standard protractors to standard semi-circular protractors and note similarities

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and differences. Guide students to notice that degrees are simply really small sectors and that, instead
of 6 tan wedges fitting into a straight line, it takes 180° to fill that space.
To further understand how a protractor works, have students compare different types of standard
protractors (semi-circular variations; angle rulers; circular protractors) and explain similarities and
differences. Have them use different protractors to measure the angles of real-life and relevant objects
and estimate to verify that the measurements are reasonable.
Have students randomly select an acute angle measure. Have them sketch that angle. Next, have them
use the protractor to determine how close their drawing is to the actual angle. Repeat this activity for
obtuse angles.
E2.5 use the area relationships among rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles to develop the formulas
for the area of a parallelogram and the area of a triangle, and solve related problems

Teacher supports

• rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms with the same bases and heights:

Key concepts

• For some shapes and some attributes, length measurements can be used to calculate other
measurements. This is true for the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. Indirectly
measuring the area of these shapes is more accurate than measuring them directly (i.e., by
laying out and counting square units and partial units).

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• The spatial relationships between rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles can be used to
determine area formulas. The array is an important model for visualizing these relationships.
• The area (A) of any rectangle can be indirectly measured by multiplying the length of its base (b)
by the length of its height (h) and can be represented symbolically as A = b × h. It can also be
determined by multiplying the rectangle's length (l) by its width (w), represented symbolically by
A = l × w (see Grade 4, E2.6). This formula can be used to generate formulas for the area of other
• Any parallelogram can be rearranged (composed) into a rectangle with the same area. For all
parallelograms it is true that:
• the areas of the parallelogram and its rearrangement as a rectangle are equal;
• the base lengths of the parallelogram and its rearrangement as a rectangle are equal;
• the heights of the parallelogram and its rearrangement as a rectangle are equal;
• this means that, the area of any parallelogram can be indirectly measured, like a
rectangle, by multiplying the length of its base by the length of its height;
• this relationship can be represented symbolically using the formula A = b × h, where A
represents Area, b represents base, and h represents height.

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• Any triangle can be doubled to create a parallelogram (i.e., by rotating a triangle around the
midpoint of a side). Any parallelogram can be divided into two congruent triangles. Half of a
parallelogram is a triangle.

• For all triangles it is true that:

• the base lengths of the triangle and the parallelogram formed by rotating a copy of the
triangle are equal;
• the heights of the triangle and the parallelogram are equal;
• the area of the parallelogram is double that of the triangle, and the area of the triangle is
half that of the parallelogram;
• therefore, since A = b × h for a parallelogram, the area (A) of a triangle can be determined
by multiplying the length of its base (b) by the length of its height (h) and dividing by 2;
• this relationship can be represented using the formula A = (b × h) ÷ 2. Because multiplying
by one half is the same as dividing by 2, it can also be represented as A = ( b × h).


• Any side of a rectangle, parallelogram, or triangle can be its base, and each base has a
corresponding height.

Sample tasks
Have students compare the area of a rectangle to the area of several parallelograms drawn on grid
paper, all with the same base length and height (although very different side lengths or “slant lengths”).
Support students as they visualize and make predictions about the various areas. Encourage them to
check their predictions by counting the squares in each of the shapes and by decomposing the shapes
and rearranging the parts. Guide them to recognize that the area of a rectangle is the same as the area
of a parallelogram with the same base and height. Reinforce that, regardless of how the parts of the
parallelograms were rearranged, their areas are unchanged (conservation of area).
Guide students to understand why the formula for the area of a rectangle also applies to parallelograms,
and have them express this formula algebraically as A�= b × h. Have students draw a rectangle on grid
paper. Have them cut from one vertex across to anywhere on the other side of the rectangle and then
rearrange their cut pieces to form a parallelogram. Discuss how their parallelograms have the same area
as the original rectangle and the same base lengths. Formulate that the area of a parallelogram is the
same as that of a rectangle with the same base and height, and can be expressed as the length of the
base times the height. Have students use this formula to determine the area of various parallelograms
and guide them to include the squared units.

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In a similar way to Sample Task 1, have students determine the formula for the area of a triangle. Have
them compare the area of a triangle to the area of a parallelogram and guide them to recognize that
triangles have half the area of a parallelogram, if they have the same base length and height, and that
doubling any triangle creates a parallelogram. Support students to generalize this relationship into a
formula: the area of a triangle can be found by multiplying the length of its base by its height and
dividing by two. Have them make connections between dividing by two and multiplying by a half as they
1 b ×h
demonstrate that A� = × ( b × h) = (b × h ) ÷ 2 = .
2 2
Have students draw a rectangle and a parallelogram on grid paper. Have them cut from one vertex
across on the diagonal to the other vertex on the rectangle and on the parallelogram. Discuss how the
triangles have half the area of the original rectangle or original parallelogram, and have them write this
as a formula expressed as a multiplication by one half or as a division by two. Have them use this
formula to determine the area of various triangles, and guide them to include the squared units.
Have students apply the area formulas for rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles to solve for missing
measurements. For example, in addition to finding an unknown area, have them solve problems where
they know the area, and either the base length or the height, and use division to find the unknown
measure. Through discussion, reinforce the inverse relationship between multiplication and division and
give students practice in finding the area, the height, and the base length when given any two of the
three measurements.
E2.6 show that two-dimensional shapes with the same area can have different perimeters, and solve
related problems

Teacher supports

• two-dimensional shapes with the same area but different perimeters:

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Key concepts

• Different shapes can have the same area. Therefore, shapes that have the same area do not
necessarily have the same perimeter.
• An area can be maximized for a given perimeter, and a perimeter can be minimized for a given
area. Choosing the most appropriate shape depends upon the situation and possible constraints
(e.g., minimizing the amount of fencing needed; maximizing the area for a goat to graze).
• Perimeter measures the distance around a shape, and area measures the amount of space
occupied within the shape. They are two different attributes.
• The perimeter, P, of a rectangle is the sum of its lengths (l) and widths (w), which can be
expressed as P = l + l + w + w, or P = 2l + 2w.

Sample tasks
Have students use square tiles to make various two-dimensional shapes using the same number of
square tiles. Ask them to determine the perimeter and the area of each shape. Have students

• shapes that have the same perimeter

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• the shape that has the greatest perimeter
• the shape that has the smallest perimeter

Have students use geoboards and/or grid paper to predict, verify, and explain if the following types of
statements are true or false:

• True or false? Two-dimensional shapes with the same area will also have the same
• True or false? Two-dimensional shapes with the same perimeter will also have the same

Reinforce the difference between area and perimeter, and draw out that the same area can come in
many different shapes and an infinite number of perimeters.

Engage students in solving problems that involve comparing perimeters for a given area. For example, a
rectangular garden has an area of 24 square metres. What are the dimensions of a garden that will
require the least amount of fencing around it, if the fencing comes in 1 metre sections?
Engage students in problems involving maximizing the area for a given perimeter. For example,
students might consider the following situation:

• Suppose a relative wanted to build a rectangular fenced area for a dog. She has 18 metres of
fencing. Use a geoboard or grid paper to show different-sized enclosures she could build. Record
the possible dimensions, the perimeter, and the area for each option. Make a recommendation
based on your findings.

Guide students to recognize that, as a shape approaches a square, its area is maximized. In making a
recommendation for the best fenced area in Sample Task 4, identify factors, including maximizing area,
that could influence a decision about the required shape (e.g., amount of space; shape of the space;
exercise requirements). As an extension, students might use a string with a perimeter of 18 centimetres
to find other shapes that could maximize the area further.
Discuss strategies for generating possible rectangles, and highlight patterns between the side lengths,
the perimeter (2w + 2l), and the area (b × h). Explain that it is appropriate to use l and w as labels for
rectangles, but not for parallelograms, since l and w apply to sides that meet at 90°. We need to adjust
the rectangle area formula, A = l × w, and write it as A = b × h, where b = base and h = height. Notice that
the new formula, A = b × h, applies to both rectangles and parallelograms.
Engage students in problems involving maximizing a perimeter for a given area. For example, students
might consider the following situation:

• Each square desk can seat 1 person on each side. If you pushed 36 square desks together to
make one large rectangular table, which arrangement would provide the most seats? Which
arrangement would provide the fewest?

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Have students discuss strategies for finding all possible arrangements, and highlight patterns between
the side lengths, the perimeter, and the area. Generalize findings (e.g., as rectangles with the same area
become more like squares, their perimeter decreases).

F. Financial Literacy
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

F1. Money and Finances

demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 5, students will:

Money Concepts
F1.1 describe several ways money can be transferred among individuals, organizations, and businesses

Teacher supports

• ways of transferring money:

• cash
• debit cards (note: age restriction)
• credit cards (note: age restriction and qualification requirements)
• gift cards
• cheques
• bank drafts
• electronic wallets (e.g., tapping a smart phone or watch that has apps or payment cards
attached to a bank account)
• e-Transfers
• wire transfers
• automatic deposits
• automatic payments
• online payments
• cryptocurrency

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Key concepts

• Money can be transferred in a wide variety of ways.

• Some methods of transferring money might work for some individuals, families, communities,
organizations, or businesses, but not for others, depending on a variety of factors (e.g., purpose,
context, geography, personal circumstances and preferences, available financial institutions,
time constraints, security considerations, available funds).

Sample tasks
Have a class discussion about the ways people may transfer money and why they might choose one
method over another.
F1.2 estimate and calculate the cost of transactions involving multiple items priced in dollars and cents,
including sales tax, using various strategies

Teacher supports

• cost of purchases:
• if paying electronically:
• paying the exact amount
• if paying with cash, round to the closest 5 cents:
• cost is $1.02 – payment is $1.00
• cost is $1.03 – payment is $1.05
• cost is $1.08 – payment is $1.10
• estimating and calculating change for a cash transaction involving dollars and cents, including
sales tax:
• item priced at $30, with a 13% sales tax, paying with a $50 bill:
• Estimate the sales tax as 15%, which is one tenth of 30 = $3.00 and then another
half of that, so $1.50 + $3.00 = $4.50, making the total cost about $35. The change
is estimated to be $15.
• Use a calculator to verify the exact cost and the change:
• $30 + 13% = $33.90, so the change is $16.10.

Key concepts

• Estimating and calculating the cost and change required in cash transactions requires the
application of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mental math strategies, and math

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• Sales tax6 has an impact on the total cost of a purchase.


• In Grade 5, students should be representing money amounts using standard currency notation,
including for calculations.
• Real-life contexts provide opportunities to practise strategies for accurately calculating money
amounts that include cents (decimals to hundredths).
• Practice with estimating and calculating money amounts and determining change strengthens
students’ understanding of addition, subtraction, and place value.
• Working with money reinforces students' understanding of the concepts of percent and of
decimals to hundredths and helps to connect their understanding of the concept of place value
to its use in real-life contexts.

Sample tasks
Have students select five items from the printed or online flyer of a store in the local community. Ask
them to calculate the total cost of the items, without sales tax, in dollars and cents. What is the cost if
someone pays in cash?
Have students determine the cost of the above items, including applicable taxes7 and using a calculator
or spreadsheet.
Financial Management
F1.3 design sample basic budgets to manage finances for various earning and spending scenarios

Teacher supports

• designing a sample basic budget:

• identifying the purpose and time frame
• brainstorming:
• possible earnings
• possible spending
• sharing budget for feedback

6 In general, Indigenous peoples in Canada are required to pay taxes on the same basis as other people
in Canada, except where limited exemptions apply. Eligible Status First Nations may claim an exemption
from paying the 8% Ontario component of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on qualifying goods and
services purchased off-reserve. Qualifying goods and services are described in the Ontario First Nations
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate. Under Section 87 of the Indian Act, the personal property of eligible
Status First Nations or a band situated on a reserve is tax exempt.
7 Students will need to identify which taxes are applicable to the items they select.

EXTRACT 255 Printed on 2023-09-03

• adjusting budget as needed

Key concepts

• Budgets are financial planning tools that can be used in real-life contexts.
• Creating a sample basic budget requires the consideration of factors involved (e.g., earnings,
expenses, the goals of the budget) and how to use a budget to inform financial decisions.
• Keeping a record of earnings and expenditures is a key component of a budget.

Sample tasks
As a class, design a basic budget for a sale (e.g., an arts and crafts sale) that includes the cost of the
materials, the cost of the packaging, and a target profit of $100, to be donated to a local charity chosen
by the class. Have students determine how much money the class would need to make from the items
being sold at the arts and crafts sale to cover all of their costs as well as the $100 donation. (It is
recommended to have a class discussion first about giving to charities, which charity to select and, why.)
F1.4 explain the concepts of credit and debt, and describe how financial decisions may be impacted by

Teacher supports

• credit:
• the credit limit on a credit card
• debt:
• money borrowed from an official lender, friend, or family member
• an unpaid balance on a credit card

Key concepts

• The concepts of credit and debt are introduced to identify how using credit and carrying debt
might impact financial well-being.


• Financial decisions involve choices and are based on varying circumstances (e.g., there are many
situations where someone may decide to take a loan to acquire an asset, or use a payment plan
to purchase an item to meet an immediate need).

Sample tasks

EXTRACT 256 Printed on 2023-09-03

As a class, define and discuss the concepts of credit8 and debt and their relationship to each other; that
is, “when I use credit, it becomes a debt that I have to pay back”.
Ask students to describe various situations involving credit and debt. Discuss situations in which it might
be necessary or helpful to access credit. Ask students for examples of when it might be useful to use
credit to make a purchase and examples of circumstances where it might be best to avoid doing so.
Consumer and Civic Awareness
F1.5 calculate unit rates for various goods and services, and identify which rates offer the best value

Teacher supports

• unit rates:
• $0.85 per litre
• $1.32 per gram
• $24 per hour
• $5 per gigabyte

Key concepts

• Unit rates can be used to make direct comparisons in order to identify the “better buy”. This is a
skill that supports consumer awareness, allowing consumers to determine the best value when
making a purchase.


• Unit rate is an important concept that can be applied to solve mathematical problems across

Sample tasks
Have student pairs look through online grocery store flyers and select an item (e.g., a bag of apples, a
bag of potatoes, a box of cereal, a package of rice) that is available in different-size packages (e.g., $4
per 500-gram package; $6.00 per 1-kilogram package). Ask students to calculate the unit rate for each
package and identify which package has the lowest unit rate. Then ask them to determine which
package offers the best value and explain their thinking.
Have student pairs look through grocery store flyers in print or online to find the ingredients for a
favourite recipe (e.g., flour, broth, vegetables, meats, grains, legumes). Ask them to calculate the unit
rates to determine which ingredients are the best buy (e.g., store-brand flour at $4.00 for 2.5 kg; brand-
name flour at 14 cents for each 100 g.)

8 The factors that may be limiting or allowing people access to credit, as well as the context of the
classroom and school community, must be carefully considered during these discussions. For example,
some cultures and religions (e.g., Islam) avoid interest-bearing loans.

EXTRACT 257 Printed on 2023-09-03

F1.6 describe the types of taxes that are collected by the different levels of government in Canada, and
explain how tax revenue is used to provide services in the community

Teacher supports

• types of taxes:
• municipal:
• property taxes
• dog and cat licences
• provincial:
• sales tax
• income tax
• health services tax
• federal:
• income tax
• sales tax
• services provided:
• education
• health care
• environmental protection
• garbage collection and recycling
• fire services
• transportation
• correctional facilities
• public safety
• animal control

Key concepts

• Different levels of government and other elected bodies (i.e., federal, provincial, territorial, and
municipal governments; band councils) collect a variety of taxes from individuals and businesses
in order to pay for facilities, services, and programs (e.g., roads and highways, hospitals,
education, national defence, police and fire services, parks and playgrounds, garbage collection,
and many other programs and services).


• Contributing to and distributing financial resources through taxes impacts the standard of living
in communities.

EXTRACT 258 Printed on 2023-09-03

Sample tasks
Have students work in groups to research, identify, and describe how levels of government and elected
bodies provide services to communities using revenue collected through taxes. Students should identify
which levels of government and elected bodies are responsible for various services.

Strand overviews
Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand A – Social-Emotional Learning
(SEL) Skills in Mathematics and The Mathematical Processes

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand B – Number

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand C – Algebra

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand D – Data

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand E – Spatial Sense

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand F – Financial Literacy

Information for parents

A parent's guide to Mathematics, Grades 1–8 (2020)For informational purposes only, not part of official
issued curriculum.
For informational purposes only, not part of official issued curriculum.

Mathematics, Grade 6
Expectations by strand

EXTRACT 259 Printed on 2023-09-03

Strand A
Learning related to Strand A: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the
Mathematical Processes occurs in the context of learning related to the other strands. As educators
develop lessons and plan learning activities, they should consider:
• where there are opportunities to teach and reinforce social-emotional learning skills in
order to help every student develop confidence, cope with challenges, think critically, and
develop a positive identity as a math learner
• how the mathematical processes can be highlighted so that students are actively engaged in
applying these processes throughout the program
• how instruction and the learning environment are designed to be culturally responsive and
The examples laid out in the curriculum are intended to guide teachers in thinking about how the
learning for each expectation might be positioned and demonstrated. In planning students’ learning
experiences, it is important for teachers to ensure that learning experiences are culturally reflective
of students’ lived realities in the community and in the world around them. It is also important to
acknowledge and affirm the multiple ways of knowing and doing that students may bring to the
Sample Tasks
The sample tasks laid out in the curriculum are intended to be illustrations only, and should be
replaced or supplemented with tasks and learning contexts that are affirming of, relevant to, and
reflective of students’ lives and backgrounds, and that provide students with the opportunity to
learn about diverse cultures and communities in a respectful and informed way. Such opportunities
may include the examination of social and economic justice concerns (e.g., racism, classism,
sexism), health issues, environmental aspects, and so on, as appropriate.

A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in

Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
Note: Beginning in the 2021–22 school year, schools are asked not to assess, evaluate or report on
the overall expectations related to social-emotional learning skills in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades
1–8, Mathematics (2020) and The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8, Health and Physical Education
(2019). It is the ministry’s expectation that instruction of the social-emotional learning skills will
continue while educators engage in ongoing professional learning.

This strand focuses on students’ development and application of social-emotional

learning skills to support their learning of math concepts and skills, foster their
overall well-being and ability to learn, and help them build resilience and thrive as
math learners. As they develop SEL skills, students demonstrate a greater ability to
understand and apply the mathematical processes, which are critical to
supporting learning in mathematics. In all grades of the mathematics program,

EXTRACT 260 Printed on 2023-09-03

the learning related to this strand takes place in the context of learning related to
all other strands, and it should be assessed and evaluated within these contexts.

Overall expectations
Throughout this grade, in order to promote a positive identity as a math learner, to foster well-being
and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive, students will:

A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical

apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of the
mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands
of the mathematics curriculum

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To the best of their … as they apply the mathematical
ability, students processes: … so they can:
will learn to:
1. identify and • problem solving: develop, select, 1. express and manage their
manage emotions and apply problem-solving feelings, and show
strategies understanding of the feelings of
• reasoning and proving: develop and others, as they engage positively
apply reasoning skills (e.g., in mathematics activities
classification, recognition of
relationships, use of counter-
examples) to justify thinking, make
and investigate conjectures, and
construct and defend arguments
• reflecting: demonstrate that as they
2. recognize solve problems, they are pausing, 2. work through challenging
sources of stress looking back, and monitoring their math problems, understanding
and cope with thinking to help clarify their that their resourcefulness in
challenges understanding (e.g., by comparing using various strategies to
and adjusting strategies used, by respond to stress is helping
explaining why they think their them build personal resilience
3. maintain positive results are reasonable, by recording 3. recognize that testing out
motivation and their thinking in a math journal) different approaches to
perseverance • connecting: make connections problems and learning from
among mathematical concepts, mistakes is an important part of
procedures, and representations, the learning process, and is
and relate mathematical ideas to aided by a sense of optimism
other contexts (e.g., other and hope
4. build curriculum areas, daily life, sports) 4. work collaboratively on math
relationships and • communicating: express and problems – expressing their
communicate understand mathematical thinking, thinking, listening to the
effectively and engage in mathematical thinking of others, and
arguments using everyday language, practising inclusivity – and in
language resources as necessary, that way foster healthy
appropriate mathematical relationships
5. develop self- terminology, a variety of 5. see themselves as capable
awareness and representations, and mathematical math learners, and strengthen
sense of identity conventions their sense of ownership of their
• representing: select from and learning, as part of their
create a variety of representations emerging sense of identity and

EXTRACT 262 Printed on 2023-09-03

6. think critically of mathematical ideas (e.g., 6. make connections between
and creatively representations involving physical math and everyday contexts to
models, pictures, numbers, help them make informed
variables, graphs), and apply them judgements and decisions
to solve problems
• selecting tools and strategies:
select and use a variety of concrete,
visual, and electronic learning tools
and appropriate strategies to
investigate mathematical ideas and
to solve problems


The examples illustrate ways to support students in developing social-emotional learning skills
while engaging with the mathematical processes (shown in each example in italics) to deepen
their learning of mathematical knowledge, concepts, and skills. Culturally responsive and
relevant pedagogy is key.9 Different social-emotional learning skills may be applied with
learning from a variety of expectations in connection with a range of mathematical processes to
achieve the learning goals. It is important to note that the student responses are provided only
to indicate the content and scope of the intended learning. They are not written in language
that represents the typical parlance or vocabulary of students.

Identification and Management of Emotions

• In order for SEL to be impactful, supportive, anti-racist, and anti-discriminatory, the teaching and
learning approach must take into account and address the lived realities, racial and other disparities,
and educator biases that affect students’ experiences in Ontario schools.
• Approaches to SEL must be mediated through respectful conversations about students’ lived realities,
inequity, bias, discrimination, and harassment.
• Effective approaches to SEL provide students with tools to navigate and challenge oppressive, racist,
and discriminatory spaces, thus building their skills and having a positive impact on their academic
achievement and well-being.
• Human rights principles and the Education Act recognize the importance of creating a climate of
understanding of and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person, so that each person can
contribute fully to the development and well-being of their community. Indeed, human rights law
guarantees a person’s right to equal treatment in education. It requires educators and school leaders
to actively prevent discrimination and harassment and respond appropriately when they do occur, to
create an inclusive environment, to remove barriers that limit the ability of students, and to provide
accommodations where necessary.

EXTRACT 263 Printed on 2023-09-03

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by
considering what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may
consider how the data has been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection
and questioning. They may reflect on how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours,
images) or different types of graphs are used to evoke different feelings. To promote deeper
levels of connection to the content, educators can encourage students to explore data sets that
are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on attendance at local events in
celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or data on attendance
at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial
decisions, they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them.
Money can be an emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial
inequalities that are beyond students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may
evoke strong emotions, such as shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn
ways to name and understand their feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate
injustice as they observe or experience it and make more informed financial decisions that are
under their control. It is critical for educators to remember that the concepts of credit and debt
may need a contextual and cultural focus that is respectful and that not all transactions involve
money, since the cultures of a family, community, and country may have varying viewpoints on
these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may
identify and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in
metres was so small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and
then to metres. It’s amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot
smaller than metres.” Educators should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due
to some students’ direct experiences with systemic inequalities that may arise when working
with related math problems (e.g., when practising conversions using food as an example, be
aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

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As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of
strategies to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup
before continuing or they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to
figure out really challenging problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it
helps if I put away the problem, go outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need
to get it done right away, I can ask my teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can
review anchor charts in the classroom that might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes
to switch to a different problem or work on the parts of the problem they know how to
complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole another one finds it helpful
to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students focused and responsive
stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at problems. They can ask
students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically, emotionally,
intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of being.
Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and
seeing how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a
situation in their own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example:
“I didn’t think it was possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation
from another angle, I see there is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about
this.” In another situation, students might also make observations like this: “This situation is a
result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules,
then maybe more people will have a chance to be successful.” Educators can also encourage
students to think about situations from the perspective of a family member, a community
member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful
to represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful
when things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I
think I don’t know and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more
confident about solving the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic
and graphic representations that are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

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As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle,
they may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape
to determine whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For
example: “I kept laying out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and
organized in rows and columns. As I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication
instead of laying out every square individually. I built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and
used this information to figure out how many squares it would take. That made it way quicker
and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a formula and shared it with the

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases,
making convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they
can reason and prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they
will get better information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with
meaningful data can contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative
perspectives to students using carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to
amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data on income levels and health care services in urban
centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities). Students should be encouraged
to think critically about the results, why they are important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals,
they may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that
they and others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and
perseverance can be used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities
that are beyond students’ control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences
and access to money among students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations
and sample budgets to raise awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large
barriers to reaching financial goals (e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their
own lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is
interconnected. They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area

EXTRACT 266 Printed on 2023-09-03

affects other areas and that, similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For
example: “If I save more, I have more money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One
action has an effect on another. In relationships people's actions always have effects, positive
or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and financial inequalities that may be
beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize and be sensitive to the
range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families. Educators should be
prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to support students,
because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and safety.

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can
communicate positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take
longer than the others to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build
understanding of differences in how games can be approached and played. Educators can
include basic words from different languages spoken by students to encourage respectful
communicative practices among students when they are working together.

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing
elements, they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the
importance of consistent and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my
friend and I message back and forth, if I miss a message, then my friend might make
assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can
make connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being
physically active regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they
travel (e.g., run, wheel, or bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank
position. As they track these measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on
whether their numbers show repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make
connections to what this may mean in terms of their health and personal fitness. For example,
being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a strong plank position for longer could
contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health and fitness. Educators can
adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the effects of being

EXTRACT 267 Printed on 2023-09-03

regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of
decimal numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental
math strategies and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay.
They may consider which mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular
situation for them when doing calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to
think about the validity of the strategies from other perspectives. Educators can also use this
opportunity to explore a range of strategies that different students may be familiar with and
connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For example, the Oksapmin of Papua New
Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express numbers from 1 to 27. Students
may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication, which is a method taught
in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of
graphs and data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this
information in a holistic way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class
and a step-counter app to track the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying
all of this data as a broken-line graph to show the change over time. I am also keeping track of
how screen time and physical activity make me feel. Looking at all of this information together,
I can see a connection between my screen time, my physical activity, and my feelings.” For
some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural connections and specific teachings
from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders, community cultural workers,
Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they
may select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or
using models that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to
look for patterns. For example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order
the numbers go in.” It is also important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe
environment. When students are supported as they learn that deeper thinking results from
trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

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Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations,
they can use reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the
same problem. For example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see
that there are many ways to get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and
think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and
fractions, they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding.
They may first determine what information they already know and then identify what is
unknown. They may capture their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a
problem into smaller parts, and checking their calculations. Educators should be prepared to
contextualize multi-step problems so that students can make connections to prior learning.

Identification and Management of Emotions

Grade 4

As students analyse different sets of data, they may make connections to the content by considering
what emotions the various representations evoke. In their analysis, they may consider how the data has
been presented to inspire hope or shame or to prompt reflection and questioning. They may reflect on
how different design elements (e.g., fonts, colours, images) or different types of graphs are used to
evoke different feelings. To promote deeper levels of connection to the content, educators can
encourage students to explore data sets that are about topics relevant to their lives, including data on
attendance at local events in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day or the Lunar New Year, or
data on attendance at school sporting events.

Grade 5

As students learn about the concept of credit and debt and describe their effects on financial decisions,
they may reflect on the emotions that different circumstances invoke in them. Money can be an
emotional topic because it is often connected to social and financial inequalities that are beyond
students’ control. Individual circumstances may emerge that may evoke strong emotions, such as
shame, jealousy, or feelings of exclusion. If students can learn ways to name and understand their
feelings about money, they may be able to better articulate injustice as they observe or experience it
and make more informed financial decisions that are under their control. It is critical for educators to
remember that the concepts of credit and debt may need a contextual and cultural focus that is

EXTRACT 269 Printed on 2023-09-03

respectful and that not all transactions involve money, since the cultures of a family, community, and
country may have varying viewpoints on these practices.

Grade 6

As students use appropriate metric units to solve problems that involve conversion, they may identify
and communicate emotions they feel. For example: “I was surprised that the number in metres was so
small after I converted the measurement from millimetres to centimetres, and then to metres. It’s
amazing to see how much the number changes – millimetres are a lot smaller than metres.” Educators
should also be prepared to address heightened emotions due to some students’ direct experiences with
systemic inequalities that may arise when working with related math problems (e.g., when practising
conversions using food as an example, be aware of the impact on and sensitivity of students who may
be experiencing food insecurity).

Stress Management and Coping

Grade 4

As students create an infographic of a data set, they may problem solve and apply a range of strategies
to avoid getting “stuck” or to get themselves “unstuck”. They can pause to regroup before continuing or
they can adjust their learning environment. For example: “I love trying to figure out really challenging
problems, but if I get stuck and feel myself getting frustrated, it helps if I put away the problem, go
outside for a break, and then come back to it later. If I need to get it done right away, I can ask my
teacher for a hint or for help in selecting a graph, or I can review anchor charts in the classroom that
might help jog my thinking. One of my friends likes to switch to a different problem or work on the parts
of the problem they know how to complete. Another friend likes to work in a very quiet space, whole
another one finds it helpful to listen to music while they work.” Educators can also offer students
focused and responsive stress management techniques that promote holistic ways of looking at
problems. They can ask students to think about the problem and how it affects them physically,
emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually and to make connections between these different states of
being. Educators can also encourage students to support and affirm the work of their peers using
symbols and languages that are specific to them.

Grade 5

As students perform different types of transformations, moving objects in particular ways and seeing
how they look from different angles, they may reflect on the benefit of looking at a situation in their
own lives in a different way, to help make it easier to cope with. For example: “I didn’t think it was
possible, but now that I’ve taken a step back and looked at my situation from another angle, I see there
is a way of making it work and I am feeling less stressed about this.” In another situation, students might
also make observations like this: “This situation is a result of unfair rules or practices that limit my ability
to succeed. If we can fix some of the rules, then maybe more people will have a chance to be

EXTRACT 270 Printed on 2023-09-03

successful.” Educators can also encourage students to think about situations from the perspective of a
family member, a community member, or a friend. What would they say? What advice would they give?

Grade 6

As students do probability experiments that they may find challenging, they can find it helpful to
represent the possible outcomes in concrete or pictorial ways. For example: “I find it stressful when
things are unclear. When I can write my thinking down, I can start to figure out what I think I don’t know
and then work towards making my thinking clearer. This makes me feel more confident about solving
the problem.” It is also important for students to know that symbolic and graphic representations that
are culturally affirming are welcome.

Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Grade 4

As students use the row-and-column structure of an array to determine the area of a rectangle, they
may make connections to other learning, such as laying out paper squares to cover a shape to determine
whether the area of the shape can be found by multiplying the side lengths. For example: “I kept laying
out paper squares to cover the area, trying to keep them straight and organized in rows and columns. As
I was doing this, I realized that I could use multiplication instead of laying out every square individually. I
built a row, saw how many rows could fit, and used this information to figure out how many squares it
would take. That made it way quicker and easier for me to figure out the area. I wrote my strategy as a
formula and shared it with the class.”

Grade 5

As students learn to analyse a variety of data sets by asking questions, identifying any biases, making
convincing arguments, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, they can reason and
prove that by continuing to ask questions, dig deeper, and probe further, they will get better
information and be empowered to make more informed decisions. Working with meaningful data can
contribute to motivation. For example, educators can offer alternative perspectives to students using
carefully cultivated resources and creating opportunities to amplify multiple voices (e.g., analysing data
on income levels and health care services in urban centres and in First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit
communities). Students should be encouraged to think critically about the results, why they are
important, and how they might respond.

Grade 6

As students identify some of the factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals, they
may reflect on and explore the concept of needs and wants, considering the barriers that they and

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others may experience as well as potential ways in which positive motivation and perseverance can be
used to address these barriers. Because of social and financial inequalities that are beyond students’
control, sensitivity is needed to recognize the range of experiences and access to money among
students in the class. Educators should use hypothetical situations and sample budgets to raise
awareness in all students of systemic issues that may present large barriers to reaching financial goals
(e.g., food security, affordable housing).

Healthy Relationship Skills

Grade 4

As students identify key factors and personal realities and values to consider when making basic
decisions related to earning, spending, saving, investing, and donating, they may reflect on their own
lives and their relationships with others in the community and realize that everything is interconnected.
They may consider how the ability to contribute more or less in one area affects other areas and that,
similarly, in relationships, one action can affect other actions. For example: “If I save more, I have more
money to invest, to donate, or use to help others. One action has an effect on another. In relationships
people's actions always have effects, positive or negative, on those around them.” Because of social and
financial inequalities that may be beyond students’ control, it is important for educators to recognize
and be sensitive to the range of experiences and financial resources of students and their families.
Educators should be prepared to have culturally inclusive conversations and resources available to
support students, because financial topics could trigger issues related to food security, housing, and

Grade 5

As students play a math game involving fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, they can communicate
positively and show patience with one another so that any players who may take longer than the others
to figure out the answers feel respected. They can also build understanding of differences in how games
can be approached and played. Educators can include basic words from different languages spoken by
students to encourage respectful communicative practices among students when they are working

Grade 6

As students examine elements in shrinking and growing patterns and in patterns with missing elements,
they may make connections to their relationships with others and consider the importance of consistent
and regular practices of communication. For example: “When my friend and I message back and forth, if
I miss a message, then my friend might make assumptions and our communication could go off track.”

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Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity

Grade 4

As students learn to analyse and classify patterns as repeating, growing, or other, they can make
connections to their own patterns of behaviour – for example, to their pattern of being physically active
regularly for health and personal fitness. Students may track the distance they travel (e.g., run, wheel, or
bike) each day or the length of time they can hold a strong plank position. As they track these
measurements over the course of two weeks, they can reflect on whether their numbers show
repeating, growing, or other types of patterns and make connections to what this may mean in terms of
their health and personal fitness. For example, being able to run, wheel, or bike for longer or hold a
strong plank position for longer could contribute to students’ goals of improving their personal health
and fitness. Educators can adopt a holistic approach to real-life scenarios and have students consider the
effects of being regularly physically active at a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (meaning
consciousness) level.

Grade 5

As students share mental math strategies that can be used to estimate sums and differences of decimal
numbers, they may reflect and acknowledge that different people use different mental math strategies
and that some ways of thinking are unique to each individual, and that’s okay. They may consider which
mental math strategies might work particularly well in a particular situation for them when doing
calculations. Educators can respectfully challenge students to think about the validity of the strategies
from other perspectives. Educators can also use this opportunity to explore a range of strategies that
different students may be familiar with and connect them to a range of cultural experiences. For
example, the Oksapmin of Papua New Guinea have a counting system that uses body parts to express
numbers from 1 to 27. Students may also be familiar with the “stick” method of doing multiplication,
which is a method taught in some parts of the world.

Grade 6

As students track different aspects of their physical and mental health and use a variety of graphs and
data visualization tools to show what they have learned, they may reflect on this information in a holistic
way. For example: “I am using a table to track my screen time in class and a step-counter app to track
the number of steps I take at school each day. I am displaying all of this data as a broken-line graph to
show the change over time. I am also keeping track of how screen time and physical activity make me
feel. Looking at all of this information together, I can see a connection between my screen time, my
physical activity, and my feelings.” For some students, reflection may include drawing on cultural
connections and specific teachings from their community (e.g., family members, community leaders,
community cultural workers, Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, and knowledge holders).

Critical and Creative Thinking

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Grade 4

As students read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers in a variety of contexts, they may
select different tools and strategies to approach each problem, such as drawing images or using models
that show the numbers, estimating the final result, and comparing numbers to look for patterns. For
example: “When I use decimal strips, it helps me figure out what order the numbers go in.” It is also
important for educators to promote risk-taking in a safe environment. When students are supported as
they learn that deeper thinking results from trying and failing, they are more likely to try again.

Grade 5

As students work in groups to create and execute code for various mathematical situations, they can use
reasoning and proving to recognize that there are different ways of solving the same problem. For
example: “Looking at how we did it and how other groups did it, I can see that there are many ways to
get to the same result. I can then reflect back on my own work and think about my next steps.”

Grade 6

As students solve multi-step problems that involve whole numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions,
they may use a variety of problem-solving strategies to deepen their understanding. They may first
determine what information they already know and then identify what is unknown. They may capture
their thinking by making lists and diagrams, breaking down a problem into smaller parts, and checking
their calculations. Educators should be prepared to contextualize multi-step problems so that students
can make connections to prior learning.

B. Number
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

B1. Number Sense

demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in
everyday life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

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Rational Numbers
B1.1 read and represent whole numbers up to and including one million, using appropriate tools and
strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Reading numbers involves interpreting them as a quantity when they are expressed in words, in
standard notation, or in expanded notation.
• The numerals 0 to 9 are used to form numbers. They are referred to as the digits in a number
and each digit corresponds to a place value. For example, in the number 945 107, the digit 9
represents 9 hundred thousands, the digit 4 represents 4 ten thousands, the digit 5 represents 5
thousands, the digit 1 represents 1 hundred, the digit 0 represents 0 tens, and the digit 7
represents 7 ones.
• There are patterns to the way numbers are formed. Each place value column, or period, repeats
the 0 to 9 counting sequence.
• Any quantity, no matter how great, can be described in terms of its place value. For example,
1500 may be said as fifteen hundred or one thousand five hundred.
• A number can be represented in expanded form (e.g.,
634 187 = 600 000 + 30 000 + 4000 + 100 + 80 + 7, or
6 × 100 000 + 3 × 10 000 + 4 × 1000 + 1 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 7) to show place value relationships.
• Numbers are used throughout the day, in various ways and contexts. Most often numbers
describe and compare quantities. They express magnitude, and provide a way to answer
questions such as “how much?” and “how much more?”.


• Every strand of mathematics relies on numbers.

• Numbers may have cultural significance.
• Seeing how a quantity relates to other quantities supports students in developing an
understanding of the magnitude or “how muchness” of a number.
• There are patterns in the place value system that support the reading, writing, saying, and
understanding of numbers and that suggest important ways for numbers to be composed and
• The place (or position) of a digit determines its value (place value). The 5 in 511, for
example, has a value of 500, not 5.
• A zero in a column indicates that there are no groups of that size in the number. It serves
as a placeholder, holding the other digits in their correct “place”.
• The value of the columns increases by a constant “times 10” multiplicative pattern. For
example, as the digit 5 shifts to the left, from 5000 to 50 000, the digit’s value becomes
10 times as great. As it shifts to the right, from 5000 to 500, its value becomes one tenth
as great.

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• To find the value of a digit in a number, the value of the digit is multiplied by the value of
its place. For example, in the number 52 036, the 5 represents 50 000 (5 × 10 000) and
the 2 represents 2000 (2 × 1000).
• Expanded notation represents the value of each digit separately, as an expression. Using
expanded form, 7287 is written as 7287 = 7000 + 200 + 80 +7, or
7 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 7 × 1.
• Each period – thousands, millions, billions, trillions – is 1000 times the previous period.
• A “hundreds-tens-ones” pattern repeats within each period (ones, thousands, millions, billions,
and so on), and each period is 1000 times the one preceding it. Exposure to these patterns, and
the names of these periods, also satisfies a natural curiosity around “big numbers” and could
lead to conversations about periods beyond millions (billions, trillions, quadrillions, and so on).

• The number “five hundred eight thousand thirty-seven” is written as “508 037” and not
“508 1000 37” (as if being spelled out with numbers). Listening for the period name (508
thousand), and the hundreds-tens-ones pattern that precedes the period, gives structure to the
number and signals where a digit belongs. If there are no groups of a particular place value, 0 is
used to describe that amount, holding the other digits in their correct place.
• Large numbers are difficult to visualize. Making connections to real-life contexts helps with this,
as does comparing large numbers to other numbers using proportional reasoning. For example,
a small city might have a population of around 100 000, and 1 000 000 would be 10 of these

B1.2 read and represent integers, using a variety of tools and strategies, including horizontal and vertical
number lines

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Integers are whole numbers and their opposites.

• Zero is neither negative nor positive.
• On a horizontal number line, positive integers are displayed to the right of zero and negative
integers are displayed to the left of zero.
• On a vertical number line, positive integers are displayed above the zero and negative integers
are displayed below the zero.
• Integers can be represented as points on a number line, or as vectors that shows magnitude and
direction. The integer −5 can be shown as a point positioned 5 units to the left of zero or 5 units
below zero. The integer −5 can also be shown as a vector with its tail positioned at zero and its

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head at −5 on the number line, to show that it has a length of 5 units and is moving in the
negative direction.
• Each integer has an opposite, and both are an equal distance from zero. For example, −4 and +4
are opposite integers and both are 4 units from zero.
• Zero can be represented with pairs of opposite integers. For example, (+3) and (−3) = 0.
• Integers measure "whole things" relative to a reference point. For example, 1 degree Celsius is
used to measure temperature. Zero degrees is freezing (reference point). The temperature
+10° C is ten degrees above freezing. The temperature −10° C is ten degrees below freezing.


• Engaging with everyday examples of negative integers (e.g., temperature, elevators going up
and down, sea level, underground parking lots, golf scores, plus/minus in hockey, saving and
spending money, depositing and withdrawing money from a bank account, walking forward and
backwards) helps build familiarity and a context for understanding numbers less than zero.
• Pairs of integers such as (+2) and (−2) are sometimes called "zero pairs".
• The Cartesian plane (see Spatial Sense, E1.3) uses both horizontal and vertical integer number
lines to plot locations, and negative rotations to describe clockwise turns (see Spatial Sense,
E1.4). Both are mathematical contexts for using and understanding positive and negative

B1.3 compare and order integers, decimal numbers, and fractions, separately and in combination, in
various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Numbers with the same units can be compared directly (e.g., 72.5 cm2 compared to 62.4 cm2).
• Sometimes numbers without the same unit can be compared, such as 6.2 kilometres and 6.2
metres. Knowing that the unit kilometre is greater than the unit metre can allow one to infer
that 6.2 kilometres is greater than 6.2 metres.
• Sometimes numbers without the same unit may need to be rewritten with the same unit in
order to be compared. For example, 1.2 metres and 360 centimetres can be compared as 120
centimetres and 360 centimetres. Thus, 360 centimetres is greater than 1.2 metres.
• Whole numbers (zero and positive integers) and decimal numbers can be compared and
ordered according to their place value.
5 1
• Benchmark numbers can be used to compare quantities. For example, is greater than and
6 2
1 5
0.25 is less than , so is greater than 0.25.
2 6
• If two fractions have the same denominator, then the numerators can be compared. In this case
the numerator with the greater value is the greater fraction because the number of parts
2 1
considered is greater (e.g., > ).
3 3

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• If two fractions have the same numerators, then the denominators can be compared. In this
case the denominator with the greater value is the smaller fraction because the size of each
5 5
partition of the whole is smaller (e.g., < ).
6 3
• Having more digits does not necessarily mean that a number is greater. For example, −7528 has
four digits but it is less than +3 because −7528 is less than zero and +3 is greater than zero.
• Any positive number is greater than any negative number.
• When comparing positive numbers, the greater number is the number with the greater
magnitude. On a horizontal number line, the greater number is the farthest to the right of zero.
On a vertical number line, the greater number is the farthest above zero.
• When comparing negative integers, the least number is the negative integer with the greater
magnitude. On a horizontal number line, the lesser number is the farthest to the left of zero. On
a vertical number line, the lesser number is the farthest below zero.
• Numbers can be ordered in ascending order – from least to greatest – or can be ordered in
descending order – from greatest to least.


• Comparing numbers helps with understanding and describing their order and magnitude.
• Visual models like the number line – particularly if they are proportional – can be used to order
numbers; show the relative magnitude of numbers; and highlight equivalences among fractions,
decimals, and whole numbers.
• The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero, or its magnitude. Both −5 and +5 have
an absolute value of 5, because both are 5 units from zero on the number line.

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

B1.4 read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers up to thousandths, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The place value of the first position to the right of the decimal point is tenths. The second
position to the right of the decimal point is hundredths. The third position to the right of the
decimal point is thousandths.
• Decimal numbers can be less than one (e.g., 0.654) or greater than one (e.g., 24.723).
• The one whole needs to be shown or explicitly indicated when decimal numbers are
represented visually since their representation is relative to the whole.
• Decimal numbers can be represented as a composition or decomposition of numbers according
to their place value. For example, decimals can be written in expanded notation
3.628 = 3 + 0.6 + 0.02 + 0.008, or 3 × 1 + 6 × 0.1 + 2 × 0.01 + 8 × 0.001.
• Decimal numbers can be compared by their place value. For example, when comparing 0.8250
and 0.845, the greatest place value where the numbers differ is compared. For this example, 2

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hundredths (from 0.825) and 4 hundredths (from 0.845) are compared. Since 4 hundredths is
greater than 2 hundredths, 0.845 is greater than 0.825.
• Numbers can be ordered in ascending order – from least to greatest or can be ordered in
descending order – from greatest to least.


• Between any two consecutive whole numbers are decimal thousandths. For example, the
number 3.628 describes a quantity between 3 and 4 and, more precisely, between 3.6 and 3.7
and, even more precisely, between 3.62 and 3.63.
• Decimals are sometimes called decimal fractions because they represent fractions with
denominators of 10, 100, 1000, and so on. Decimal place value columns are added to describe
smaller partitions. Decimals, like fractions, have a numerator and a denominator; however, with
decimals, only the numerator is visible. The denominator (or unit) is “hidden” within the place
value convention.
• Decimals can be composed and decomposed like whole numbers. Expanded notation shows
place value subdivisions (e.g., 3.628 = 3 + 0.6 + 0.02 + 0.008, or
3 × 1 + 6 × 0.1 + 2 × 0.01 + 8 × 0.001).
• The decimal point indicates the location of the unit. The unit is always to the left of the decimal
point. There is symmetry around the unit column, so tens are matched by tenths, and hundreds
are matched by hundredths. Note that the symmetry does not revolve around the decimal, so
there is no “oneth”:

• Between any two places in the base ten system, there is a constant 10 : 1 ratio, and this is true
for decimals as well. As a digit shifts one space to the right it becomes one tenth as great and if
it shifts two spaces to the right it becomes one hundredth as great. So, 0.005 is one tenth as
great as 0.05, one hundredth as great as 0.5, and one thousandth as great as 5. This also means
that 5 is 1000 times as great as 0.005.
• As with whole numbers, a zero in a decimal indicates that there are no groups of that size in the
• 5.007 means that there are 5 wholes, 0 tenths, 0 hundredths, and 7 thousandths.
• 5.100 means that there are 5 wholes, 1 tenth, 0 hundredths, and 0 thousandths.
• 5.1 (five and one tenth), 5.10 (5 and 10 hundredths), and 5.100 (5 and 100 thousandths)
are all equivalent (although writing zero in the tenths and hundredths position can
indicate the precision of a measurement; for example, the race was won by 5.00 seconds
and the winning time was 19.29 seconds). Writing zero in the tenths, hundredths, and
thousandths position can indicate the precision of a measurement (e.g., baseball batting
averages are given to the nearest thousandths).

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• Decimals are read in a variety of ways in everyday life. Decimals like 2.5 are commonly read as
two point five; in math, the term pi (π) is commonly approximated as three point one four; the
decimal in baseball averages is typically ignored. However, to reinforce the decimal’s connection
to fractions, and to make visible its place value denominator, it is recommended that decimals
be read as their fraction equivalent. So, 2.573 is read as “2 and 573 thousandths.”

B1.5 round decimal numbers, both terminating and repeating, to the nearest tenth, hundredth, or
whole number, as applicable, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Rounding makes a number simpler to work with and is often used when estimating
computations, measuring, and making quick comparisons.
• A decimal number is rounded to the nearest hundredth, tenth, or whole number based on
which hundredth, tenth or whole number it is closest to. If it is the same distance, it is usually
rounded up. However, depending on context it may be rounded down.


• Decimal numbers that terminate are like 3.5, 46.27, and 0.625.
• Decimal numbers that repeat are like 3.555555… and can be represented using the symbol with
a dot above the repeating digit, (e.g., 3.5 ). If a string of digits repeats, a bar can be shown above
the string, or dots above the first and last digits (e.g., 3.546754675467 is written as 3.5467 , or 3.
5467 ).
• Rounding involves making decisions about what level of precision is needed and is often used in
measurement. How close a rounded number is to the actual amount depends on the unit it is
being rounded to: the larger the unit, the broader the approximation; the smaller the unit, the
more precise. Whether a number is rounded up or down depends on the context.

B1.6 describe relationships and show equivalences among fractions and decimal numbers up to
thousandths, using appropriate tools and drawings, in various contexts

Teacher supports
Key concepts
• Any fraction can become a decimal number by treating the fraction as a quotient (e.g., =8÷5
= 1.6).

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1 1
• Some fractions as quotients produce a repeating decimal. For example, = 1 ÷ 3 = 0.333… or
3 7
= 1 ÷ 7 = 0.142857 . When decimal numbers are rounded they become approximations of the
• If a fraction can be expressed in an equivalent form with a denominator of tenths, hundredths,
thousandths, and so on, it can also be expressed as an equivalent decimal. For example, because
1 25
can be expressed as , it can also be expressed as 0.25.
4 100
• A terminating decimal can be expressed in an equivalent fraction form. For example, 0.625 =
625 125 25 5
, which can be expressed as other equivalent fractions, or or .
1000 200 40 8
• Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction and as a decimal number. For example, 3 =
= 3.0.


• Decimals are how place value represents fractions and are sometimes called decimal fractions.
While fractions may use any number as a denominator, decimals have denominators (units) that
are based on a system of tens (tenths, hundredths, and so on).

B2. Operations
use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Properties and Relationships

B2.1 use the properties of operations, and the relationships between operations, to solve problems
involving whole numbers, decimal numbers, fractions, ratios, rates, and whole number percents,
including those requiring multiple steps or multiple operations

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Properties of operations are helpful for carrying out calculations:

• The identity property: a + 0 = a, a – 0 = a, a × 1 = a , = a.
• The commutative property: a + b = b + a, a × b = b × a.

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• The associative property: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c), (a × b) × c = a × (b × c).
• The distributive property: a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c).
• The commutative, associative, and identity properties can be applied for any type of number.
• The order of operations property needs to be followed when given a numerical expression that
involves multiple operations. Any calculations in the brackets are done first. Multiplication and
division are done before addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division are done in the
order they appear in the expression from left to right. Addition and subtraction are done in the
order they appear in the expression from left to right.
• Multi-step problems may involve working with a combination of whole numbers, decimal
numbers, and fractions.
• Multi-step problems may involve working with a combination of relationships, including ratios,
rates, and percents.
• There may be more than one way to solve a multi-step problem.


• This expectation supports most other expectations in the Number strand and is applied
throughout the grade. Whether working with numbers or operations, recognizing and applying
properties and relationships builds a strong foundation for doing mathematics.
• Solving problems with more than one operation involves similar processes to solving problems
with a single operation. For both types of problems:
• Identify the actions and quantities in a problem and what is known and unknown.
• Represent the actions and quantities with a diagram (physically or mentally).
• Choose the operation(s) that match the actions to write the equation.
• Solve by using the diagram (counting) or the equation (calculating).
• In multi-step problems, sometimes known as two-step problems, there is an ultimate question
(asking for the final answer or result being sought), and a hidden question (a step or calculation
that must be taken to get to the final result). Identifying both questions is a critical part of
solving these types of problems.
• The actions in a situation inform the choice of operation. The same operation can describe
different situations:
• Does the situation involve changing (joining, separating), combining, or comparing? Then
the situation can be represented with addition and subtraction.
• Does the situation involve equal groups (or rates), ratio comparisons, or arrays? Then the
situation can be represented with multiplication and division.
• Representing a situation with an equation is often helpful for solving a problem. Identifying
what is known and unknown in a situation informs how an equation is structured.

Math Facts
B2.2 understand the divisibility rules and use them to determine whether numbers are divisible by 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10

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Teacher supports
Key concepts

• There are number patterns that can be used to quickly test whether a number can be evenly
divided by another number.
• Divisibility rules can be used to determine factors of numbers.


• Divisibility rules can be applied to all integers; the signs can be ignored.
• Divisibility rules do not apply to decimal numbers that are not whole numbers.

Mental Math
B2.3 use mental math strategies to calculate percents of whole numbers, including 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
25%, and 50%, and explain the strategies used

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Percents represent a rate out of 100 (“per cent” means “per hundred”) and are always
expressed in relation to a whole. To visually determine the percent of an amount, the whole is
subdivided into 100 parts (percent) and described using the percent symbol (%).
• Since 1% is 1 hundredth of an amount, and 10% is 1 tenth, other percents can be calculated by
mentally multiplying an amount by tenths and hundredths. For example, 0.01 × 500 = 5 or of
500 = 5.
• Calculating the percent of a whole number can be determined by decomposing the percent as a
multiple of 1%. For example, 3% of 500 can be determined by decomposing 3% as 3 × 1%. Since
1% of 500 is 5, then 3% of 500 is 3 × 1% of 500 = 3 × 5 = 15.


• Multiplying a whole number by a percent is the same as multiplying a whole number by a

fraction with a denominator of 100 (e.g., 3% × 500 = × 500 or 0.03 × 500).
• Dividing an amount by 100 is the same as multiplying it by 0.01. Since 0.01 × 500 is 5 (i.e., of
500), then 1% of 500 is also 5.
• Percents can be composed from other percents. Since 1% of 500 is 5, then 3% of 500 is 15. This
builds on an understanding of fractions and the meaning of the numerator: is the same as 3
one hundredths.

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• Relationships between fractions, decimals, and percents also provide building blocks for
1 1 3
mentally calculating unknown percents. For example: = 25%; = 50%; = 75%. Five percent is
4 2 4
half of 10%, and 15% is 10% plus 5%.
• Calculating a percent is a frequently used skill in everyday life (e.g., when determining sales tax,
discounts, or gratuities).
• Mental math is not always quicker than paper and pencil strategies, but speed is not its goal.
The value of mental math is in its portability and flexibility, since it does not require a calculator
or paper and pencil. Practising mental math strategies also deepens understanding of numbers
and operations.

Addition and Subtraction

B2.4 represent and solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers and
decimal numbers, using estimation and algorithms

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Situations involving addition and subtraction may involve:

• adding a quantity onto an existing amount or removing a quantity from an existing
• combining two or more quantities;
• comparing quantities.
• If an exact answer is not needed, an estimation can be used. The estimation can be made by
rounding the numbers and then adding or subtracting.
• Estimation may also be used prior to a calculation so that when the calculation is performed,
one can determine if it seems reasonable or not.
• If an exact answer is needed, a variety of strategies can be used, including algorithms.


• There are three types of situations that involve addition and subtraction. A problem may
combine several situations with more than one operation to form a multi-step or multi-
operation problem (see B2.1). Recognizing the type and structure of a situation provides a
helpful starting point for solving problems.
• Change situations, where one quantity is changed, either by having an amount joined to it
or separated from it. Sometimes the result is unknown; sometimes the starting point is
unknown; sometimes the change is unknown.

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• Combine situations, where two quantities are combined. Sometimes one part is unknown;
sometimes the other part is unknown; sometimes the result is unknown.
• Compare situations, where two quantities are being compared. Sometimes the greater
amount is unknown; sometimes the lesser amount is unknown; sometimes the difference
between the two amounts is unknown.
• The most common standard algorithms for addition and subtraction in North America use a
compact organizer to decompose and compose numbers based on place value. They begin with
the smallest unit – whether it is the unit column, decimal tenths, or decimal hundredths – and
use regrouping or trading strategies to carry out the computation. (See Grade 4, B2.4 for a
notated subtraction example with decimals, and Grade 3, B2.4 for a notated addition example
with whole numbers; the same process applies to decimal hundredths.)
• When carrying out an addition or subtraction algorithm, only common units can be combined or
separated. This is particularly noteworthy when using the North American standard algorithms
with decimals because, unlike with whole numbers, the smallest unit in a number is not always
common (e.g., 90 − 24.7). The expression “line up the decimal” is about making sure that
common units are aligned. Using zero as a placeholder is one strategy to align values.

B2.5 add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, using appropriate tools, in various

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• The type of models (e.g., linear model, area model) and tools (e.g., concrete materials) that are
used to represent the addition or subtraction of fractions can vary depending on the context.
• Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator may be modelled using
fraction strips partitioned into the units defined by the denominators with the counts of the
units (numerators) being combined or compared. The result is based on the counts of the same
• For example, if adding, 3 one fourths (three fourths) and 2 one fourths (two fourths) are 5
3 2 5
one fourths (five fourths), or + = .
4 4 4
• For example, if subtracting, taking 2 one fourths (two fourths) from 7 one fourths (seven
7 2 5
fourths) leaves 5 one fourths (five fourths), or − = . Or, when thinking about the
4 4 4
difference, 5 one fourths (five fourths) is 2 one fourths less than 7 one fourths (seven
• Addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators may be modelled using fraction
strips of the same whole that are partitioned differently. When these fractions are combined or
compared, the result is based on the counts of one of the denominators or of a unit that both
denominators have in common.
• Hops on a number line may represent adding a fraction on to an existing amount or subtracting
a fraction from an existing amount.

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• The three types of addition and subtraction situations (see B2.4) also apply to fractions.
• As with whole numbers and decimals (see B2.4), only common units can be added or
subtracted. This is also true for fractions. Adding fractions with like denominators is the same as
adding anything with like units:
• 3 apples and 2 apples are 5 apples.
• 3 fourths and 2 fourths are 5 fourths.
• When adding and subtracting fractions as parts of a whole, the fractions must be based on the
same whole. Thus, avoid using a set model because the tendency is to change the size of the
• The numerator in a fraction represents the count of unit fractions. The denominator represents
what is being counted (the unit). To add or subtract fractions is to change the total count of
units, so only the numerator is added or subtracted.
• If students are adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, they may need to
estimate the sum and difference, depending on the tools they are using. This kind of estimation
will support fraction sense.
• Without a context, the addition and subtraction of fractions are assumed to be treating the
fractions as parts of a whole. Fractions as parts of a whole are commonly added and subtracted
in everyday life (e.g., construction, cooking), particularly when combining or comparing units
that are commonly used, such as imperial units (inches, feet, pounds, cups, teaspoons).
• Adding and subtracting fractions as comparisons may also have everyday applications. For
example, when adding up test scores – a student got 3 of the 4 possible marks ( ) for question
1 and got 4 of the 5 possible marks ( ) for question 2. For the two questions together, the
student got 7 of 9 possible marks ( ). In this example, the fractions are comparing what a
student got compared to what was possible.

Multiplication and Division

B2.6 represent composite numbers as a product of their prime factors, including through the use of
factor trees

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A number can be decomposed as a product of its factors.

• A prime number can only be expressed as a product of two unique factors, the number itself
and 1, for example, 1 = 11 × 1.
• A composite number can be expressed as a product of two or more factors. For example, 8 can
be written as a product of the factors 1 × 8, 2 × 4, and 2 × 2 × 2.

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• The number 1 is neither prime, nor composite, since it has only one unique factor: itself. It is
called a unit.
• Any whole number can be written as a product of its prime factors. Factor trees can be used to
show how a number can be repeatedly decomposed until all of its factors are prime.


• Prime and composite numbers can be visualized using rectangles. Rectangles with areas that are
prime numbers have only one possible set of whole number dimensions; rectangles with areas
that are composite numbers have more than one. For example, there is only one rectangle with
whole number dimensions that has an area of 11 cm2 (1 cm × 11 cm), but there are two
rectangles that have an area of 4 cm2 (1 cm × 4 cm and 2 cm × 2 cm).
• A factor may also be decomposed into other factors.
• The factors of a number can assist with mental calculations. For example, 36 × 4 might be
challenging to do mentally, but thinking of this as the product 4 × 3 × 3 × 4 means that the
known fact 12 × 12 can be used to determine the product.

B2.7 represent and solve problems involving the multiplication of three-digit whole numbers by decimal
tenths, using algorithms

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• An area model can be used to visualize multiplication with decimals.

• The two numbers being multiplied can be the dimensions of a rectangle.
• The dimensions can be decomposed by their place value.
• The number of smaller rectangles formed will depend on how the dimensions have been
• Known facts can be used to determine each of the smaller areas.
• The smaller areas are added together resulting in the product.

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• There are many different algorithms that can be used for multiplication. Students may use one
of these algorithms, or their own, and are not required to know all or more than one method.
Standard multiplication algorithms for whole numbers can also be applied to decimal numbers.
As with whole numbers, these algorithms add partial products to create a total. For example,
with 235 × 0.3, the partial products are formed by multiplying each whole number by three
tenths. Note the connection between this and multiplying a whole number by 30% (see B2.3)
and by a fraction (see B2.9).

How It May Be Written

What Is Happening

• Another algorithm approach uses factoring and properties of operations. It enables

multiplication by tenths to be treated as a whole number calculation, which is then multiplied by
a tenth (0.1). For example:
• 235 × 0.3 can be thought of as 235 × 3 × 0.1.
• A standard algorithm determines that 235 × 3 equals 705.
• 705 is then multiplied by one tenth (0.1).
• One tenth of 705 is 70.5.

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705 0.1 = 70.5

• The context of multiplication problems may involve:

• repeated equal groups, including rates.
• scale factors – ratio comparisons, rates, and scaling.
• area and certain other measurement attributes.
• the number of possible combinations of attributes given two or more sets (see Data,
• Connections can be made between the multiplication of a whole number by a decimal number
and multiplying a whole number by a percent. For example, 235 × 0.3 is connected to
multiplying a whole number by 30% (see B2.3) and by a fraction (see B2.9).
• Multiplication of a whole number by a decimal number between 0 and 1 will result in a product
much less than the original number.
• Estimating a product prior to a calculation helps with judging if the calculation is reasonable.

B2.8 represent and solve problems involving the division of three-digit whole numbers by decimal
tenths, using appropriate tools, strategies, and algorithms, and expressing remainders as appropriate

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A strategy to divide whole numbers by decimal numbers is to create an equivalent division

statement using whole numbers. For example, 345 ÷ 0.5 will have the same result as 3450 ÷ 5.
• Often division does not result in whole number amounts. In the absence of a context,
remainders can be treated as a leftover quantity, or they can be distributed equally as fractional
parts across the groups.
• When using the standard “long-division” algorithm, the whole number dividend can be
expressed as a decimal number by adding zeroes to the right of the decimal point until a
terminating decimal number can be determined, or until a decimal number is rounded to
an appropriate number of places. For example, 27 ÷ 8 can be expressed as 27.000 ÷ 8 to
accommodate an answer of 3.375.
• A remainder can be expressed as a fraction (e.g., 27 ÷ 8 = 3 ).


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• Multiplication and division are related (see B2.1).
• When dividing by tenths, contexts often use quotative division and ask “How many tenths are in
this amount?” It is more difficult to think of division with decimals as partitive, where an amount
is shared evenly among a tenth, although it is possible. For example, thinking of 22 ÷ 0.5
partitively means thinking that if 22 is only 5 tenths of the whole, what is the whole?
• The context of a division problem may involve:
• repeated equal groups, including rates;
• scale factor – ratio comparisons, rates, and scaling;
• the area of rectangles;
• the number of possible combinations of attributes given two or more sets (see Data,
• In real-world situations, the context determines how a remainder should be dealt with:
• Sometimes the remainder is ignored, leaving a smaller amount (e.g., how many boxes of
5 can be made from 17 items?).
• Sometimes the remainder is rounded up, producing a greater amount (e.g., how many
boxes are needed if 17 items are packed in boxes of 5?).
• Sometimes the remainder is rounded to the nearest whole number, producing an
approximation (e.g., if 5 people share 17 items, approximately how many will each
• Division of a whole number by a decimal number between 0 and 1 will result in a quotient
greater than the original whole number.
• Estimating a quotient prior to a calculation helps with judging if the calculation is reasonable.

B2.9 multiply whole numbers by proper fractions, using appropriate tools and strategies

Teacher supports
Key concepts
• A proper fraction can be decomposed as a product of the count and its unit fraction (e.g., =3
1 1
× or × 3).
4 4
• The strategies used to multiply a whole number by a proper fraction may depend on the context
of the problem.
• If the situation involves scaling , 5 × may be interpreted as “ the total number of
3 1 1 15
unit fractions is five times greater ” . Thus, 5 × =5×3× = 15 × = (15
4 4 4 4
• If the situation involves equal groups, 5 × may be interpreted as “ five groups of three
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
fourths ” . Thus, 5 × = + + + + = or 3 .
4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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• If the situation involves area, 5 × may be interpreted as “ the area of a rectangle with a
length of five units is multiplied by its width of three fourths of a unit ” . The area could
be determined by finding the area of a rectangle with dimension 5 by 1 and then
subtracting the extra area, which is 5 one fourths. Therefore:
• 5×
= (5 × 1) − 5 × ( )


• How tools are used to multiply a whole number by a proper fraction can be influenced by the
contexts of a problem. For example:
• A double number line may be used to show multiplication as scaling.
• Hops on a number line may be used to show multiplication as repeat addition.
• A grid may be used to show multiplication as area of a rectangle.
• The strategies that are used to multiply a whole number by a proper fraction may depend on
3 1
the type of numbers given. For example, 8 × =8×3× . Using the associative property, the
4 4
product of 8 × may be multiplied first and then multiplied by 3. This results in 2 × 3 = 6.
Another approach is to multiply 8 × 3 first, which results in 24, which is then multiplied by ,
resulting in 6.

B2.10 divide whole numbers by proper fractions, using appropriate tools and strategies

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Multiplication and division are related. The same situation or problem can be represented with
a division or a multiplication sentence. For example, the division question 6 ÷ = ? can also be
thought of as a multiplication question, × ? = 6.
• The strategies used to divide a whole number by a proper fraction may depend on the context
of the problem.
• If the situation involves scaling , 24 ÷ may be interpreted as “ some scale factor of
three fourths gave a result of 24 ” .

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• Therefore, × ? = 24
1 1
• 3× × ? = 24 or ×?=8
4 4
• Therefore, the quotient is 32 because 32 one fourths is 8.
• If the situation involves equal groups, 24 ÷ may be interpreted as “ How many three
fourths are in 24? ” Either three fourths is repeatedly added until it has a sum of 24 or it
is repeatedly subtracted until the result is zero.
• If the situation involves area, 24 ÷ may be interpeted as “ What is the length of a
rectangle that has an area of 24 square units, if its width is three fourths of a unit? ”
Therefore, × ? = 24 may be determined by physically manipulating 24 square units so
that a rectangle is formed such that one dimension is three fourths of one whole.


• In choosing division situations that divide a whole number by a fraction, consider whether the
problem results in a full group or a partial group (remainder). In Grade 6, students should solve
problems that result in full groups.

B2.11 represent and solve problems involving the division of decimal numbers up to thousandths by
whole numbers up to 10, using appropriate tools and strategies

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• Multiplication and division are related. The same situation or problem can be represented with
a division or a multiplication sentence.
• The strategies used to divide a decimal number by a single digit whole number may depend on
the context of the problem and the numbers used.
• If the situation involves scaling, 2.4 ÷ 8 may be interpreted as “some scale factor of 8 gave
a result of 2.4” or “What is the scale factor of 8 to give a result of 2.4?” Therefore, 8 × ? =
2.4. The result of 0.3 could be determined using the multiplication facts for 8 and
multiplying it by one tenth.
• If the situation involves equal groups, 3.24 ÷ 8 may be interpreted as “How much needs
to be in each of the 8 groups to have a total of 3.24?” The result of 0.405 could be
determined using the standard algorithm.
• If the situation involves area, 48.16 ÷ 8 may be interpreted as “What is the width of a
rectangle that has an area of 48.16 square units, if its length is 8 units?” Therefore, 8 × ? =
48.16. The result of 6.02 could be determined using short division.


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• Using the inverse operation of multiplication is helpful for estimating and for checking that a
calculation is accurate. For example, 1.935 ÷ 9 = ? can be written as 9 × ? = 1.935, which verifies
that the missing factor must be less than 1.

B2.12 solve problems involving ratios, including percents and rates, using appropriate tools and

Teacher supports
Key concepts

• A ratio describes the multiplicative relationship between two or more quantities.

• Ratios can compare one part to another part of the same whole, or a part to the whole. For
example, if there are 25 beads in a bag, of which 10 are red and 15 are blue:
• The ratio of blue beads to red beads is 15 : 10 or , and this can be interpreted as there
are one half times more blue beads than red beads.
• The ratio of red beads to the total number of beads is 10 : 25 or , and this can be
interpeted as 40% of the beads are red.
• Any ratio can be expressed as a percent.
• A rate describes the multiplicative relationship between two quantities expressed with different
units. For example, walking 10 km per 2 hours or 5 km per hour.
• Problems involving ratios and rates may require determining an equivalent ratio or rate. An
equivalent ratio or rate can be determined by scaling up or down. For example:
• The ratio of blue marbles to red marbles (10 : 15) can be scaled down to 2 : 3 or scaled up
to 20 : 30. In all cases, there are or approximately 66% as many blue marbles as red
• The walking rate 10 km per 2 hours (10 km/2h) can be scaled down to 5 km/h (unit rate)
or scaled up to 50 km/10 h.


• Ratios compare two (or more) different quantities to each other using multiplication or division.
This means the comparison is relative rather than absolute. For example, if there are 10 blue
marbles and 15 red marbles:
• An absolute comparison uses addition and subtraction to determine that there are 5
more red marbles than blue.
• A relative comparison uses proportional thinking to determine that:
• for every 2 blue marbles there are 3 red marbles;
• there are as many blue marbles as red marbles;
• there are 1.5 times as many red marbles as blue marbles;
• 40% of the marbles are blue and 60% of the marbles are red.

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• A three-term ratio shows the relationship between three quantities. The multiplicative
relationship can differ among the three terms. For example, there are 6 yellow beads, 9 red
beads, and 2 white beads in a bag. This situation can be expressed as a ratio of
yellow : red : white beads = 6 : 9 : 2. The multiplicative relationship between yellow to white is
6 : 2 or 3 : 1, meaning there are three times more yellow beads than white beads. The
multiplicative relationship between yellow and red beads is 6 : 9 or 2 : 3, meaning there are two
thirds as many yellow beads as there are red beads.
• Ratio tables can be used for noticing patterns when a ratio or rate is scaled up or down. Ratio
tables connect scaling to repeated addition, multiplication and division, and proportional

C. Algebra
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

C1. Patterns and Relationships

identify, describe, extend, create, and make predictions about a variety of patterns, including those
found in real-life contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

C1.1 identify and describe repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns, including patterns found in real-
life contexts, and specify which growing patterns are linear

Teacher supports

• linear growing pattern:

• Sample 1:
• starts with three tiles in position 1 (constant) and grows by four tiles in each
subsequent position:

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• Sample 2:
• starts with four tiles in position 1 (constant) and grows by three tiles in each
subsequent position:

• non-linear growing pattern:

• starts with three tiles in position 1, and the quantity of tiles added changes in each
subsequent position:

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Key concepts

• Repeating patterns have a pattern core that is repeated over and over.
• In growing patterns, there is an increase in the number of elements or the size of the elements
from one term to the next.
• Some linear growing patterns have a direct relationship between the term number and the term
value; for example, a pattern where each term value is four times its term number. Growing
patterns that are linear can be plotted as a straight line on a graph.
• Each iteration of a pattern can be referred to as the term number, and the number of elements
in each iteration can be referred to as the term value. The term value is dependent on the term
number. The relationship between the term number and the term value can be generalized.
• In shrinking patterns, there is a decrease in the number of elements or the size of the elements
from one term to the next.


• Growing and shrinking patterns are not limited to linear patterns.

• Many real-life objects and events can be viewed as having more than one type of pattern.

Sample tasks
Have students collect pictures or make diagrams of patterns that they find in real life and create a
pattern wall. Have them describe the regularities that they see in any of the patterns. Support students
in recognizing that some real-life examples may be viewed in more than one way. For example, it is
possible to think of depositing $1 in a bank every day as a repeating pattern. It is also possible to think of
it as a growing pattern because the amount in the bank grows by $1 each day.

Coin image © 2022 Royal Canadian Mint. All rights reserved.

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Provide students with different growing patterns represented in different ways. Ask them to identify
whether the patterns are linear or non-linear. For example:

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Concrete Representation Table of Values Graph

r of
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12

r of
1 3
2 6
3 12
4 21

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r of
1 13
2 10
3 7
4 4

C1.2 create and translate repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns using various representations,
including tables of values, graphs, and, for linear growing patterns, algebraic expressions and equations

Teacher supports

• representations of a non-linear growing pattern:

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• representations of a linear shrinking pattern:

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• representations of a linear growing pattern:

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Key concepts

• Growing patterns are created by increasing the number of elements or the size of the elements
in each iteration (term).
• A growing pattern can be created by repeating a pattern’s core. Each iteration shows how the
total number of elements grows with each addition of the pattern core.

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• Shrinking patterns are created by decreasing the number of elements or the size of the
elements in each iteration.
• In translating a pattern from a concrete representation to a graph, the term number (x) is
represented on the horizontal axis of the Cartesian plane, and the term value (y) is represented
on the vertical axis. Each point (x, y) on the Cartesian plane is plotted to represent the pattern.
In a table of values, the term number is shown in the left-hand column and the term value is
shown in the right-hand column.
• A linear growing pattern can be represented using an algebraic expression or equation to show
the relationship between the term number and the term value.

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• Examining possible physical structures of a linear growing pattern can provide insight into the
different algebraic equations that show the relationship between the term number and term
value. For example, in Diagram 1, each term value can be viewed as four more than double the
term number, which can be expressed as term value = 2*(term number) + 4 or y = 2x + 4.

Diagram 1

• Diagram 2 shows that for the same pattern, each term value can also be viewed as twice the
term number plus two, which can be expressed as term value = term number + two + term
number + two or y = x + 2 + x + 2. This expression for Diagram 2 can be simplified to y = 2x + 4,
which is the same expression derived for Diagram 1.

Diagram 2


• The creation of growing and shrinking patterns in this grade is not limited to linear patterns.

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• The general equation for a linear growing pattern is y = mx + b, where x represents the term
number, m represents the value of the multiplier, b represents a constant value, and y
represents the term value.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a table of values for a linear growing pattern in sequential order, such as the one
provided below. Ask them to represent the pattern with colour tiles, highlighting what stays the same
and what changes from one position to the next. Once students have completed their concrete
representation of the pattern, ask them to represent the same pattern on a graph.

Position Number Number of Tiles

0 5
1 8
2 11
3 14
4 17
5 20
6 23
7 26

In the consolidation of the activity, support students in recognizing that:

• the constant of 5 is first seen at position 0 and stays the same throughout the pattern;
• the change in the pattern is that it increases by 3 in each position.

Ask students questions such as:

• What position uses 50 tiles?

• How many tiles would you need to represent the 100th position?
• What is the connection between the position number and the number of tiles?
• What will happen to the pattern if position 0 has a value of 3?
• What will happen to the pattern if groups of 5 are added each time?
• How does changing the “groups of” (the multiplier) in the pattern change the pattern rule?

Ask students to represent the new patterns graphically and to look for connections between the
different representations and patterns (e.g., What is the same between them? What is different
between them?).

Students should have many opportunities to create and represent linear growing patterns and to test
out their conjectures for what will happen in new situations. Eventually, after many opportunities,
support students in naming features of linear patterns as “the constant” and “the multiplier”.

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Provide students with a table of values for a linear growing pattern that is not ordered and has only
some of the values shown, such as the table below. Have them determine the relationship between
the position number and the position value and express this relationship as an algebraic expression
that can be used to determine any position value. With this task, students use functional thinking.
Position Number Position Value
1 9
2 16
3 23
7 51

C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and
identify missing elements in repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns, and use algebraic
representations of the pattern rules to solve for unknown values in linear growing patterns

Teacher supports

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• extending patterns in multiple directions:

• What does position 0 look like? What does position 5 look like?
• making near and far predictions:
• How many tiles are needed to show position 0?
• How many tiles are needed to show position 10?
• How many tiles are needed to show position 100? 99? 101?

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• identifying missing shapes, numbers in number sequences and tables of values, and points on

• using algebraic representations of pattern rules to solve for unknown values, such as T = 3p,
where T is the number of tiles and p is the position number:
• How many tiles are in position 10?

T = 3p

= 3 × 10

= 30

Key concepts

• Patterns can be extended because they are repetitive by nature.

• Pattern rules are generalizations about a pattern, and they can be described in words.
• Patterns can be extended in multiple directions, showing what comes next and what came
• To make a near prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like just
beyond the given representation of that pattern. The prediction can be verified by extending
that pattern.
• To make a far prediction about a pattern is to state or show what a pattern will look like well
beyond the given representation of that pattern. Often calculations are needed to make an
informed prediction that can be justified.
• Identifying the missing elements in a pattern represented using a table of values may require
determining the term number (x) or the term value (y).

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• Identifying the missing elements in a pattern represented on a graph may require determining
the point (x, y) within the given representation or beyond it, in which case the pattern will need
to be extended.
• The algebraic expression that represents a linear growing pattern is also referred to as the
general term or the nth term. It can be used to solve for the term value or the term number.


• Determining a point within the graphical representation of a pattern is called interpolating.

• Determining a point beyond the graphical representation of a pattern is called extrapolating.

Sample tasks
Ask students to extend patterns represented in different ways. For example:

• Extend the graph to show the number of tiles for position 5:

• Extend the table to show the number of tiles for positions 5, 6, 10, and n:

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Position Number Number of Tiles
1 2
2 5
3 8
4 11
. .
. .
. .

Have students make and test predictions about patterns so that they understand the role of pattern
rules in making generalizations about patterns represented in various ways. For example, ask them to
predict how much money will be in the bank on the 13th day, if the pattern below is followed, and then
verify their prediction. They can interpret the dollar amounts as either deposits, or the value of the
money in the bank on that day.

Provide students with different patterns represented in tables of values with missing elements, such
as the one below, and ask them to:

• determine missing values; for example, what is the value for position 0? 20?
• determine missing positions; for example, which position has a value of 11? 95?

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Position Number Position Value
1 8
3 14
4 17

C1.4 create and describe patterns to illustrate relationships among whole numbers and decimal

Teacher supports

• number patterns to show the relationships between ones, tenths, hundredths, and

Sample 1:

3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 7 hundredths + 1 thousandth

3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 6 hundredths + 11 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 5 hundredths + 21 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 4 hundredths + 31 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 3 hundredths + 41 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 2 hundredths + 51 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 1 hundredth + 61 thousandths
3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 0 hundredths + 71 thousandths

Sample 2:

3.271 = + 3 ones + 2 tenths + 7 hundredths + 1 thousandth

3.271 = + 3 ones + 1 tenth + 17 hundredths + 1 thousandth
3.271 = + 3 ones + 0 tenths + 27 hundredths + 1 thousandth
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .

• number patterns to show the relationships between addition and subtraction facts for 7 when
applied to decimal thousandths:

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5.000 + 0.007 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.007 = 5.000
5.001 + 0.006 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.006 = 5.001
5.002 + 0.005 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.005 = 5.002
5.003 + 0.004 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.004 = 5.003
5.004 + 0.003 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.003 = 5.004
5.005 + 0.002 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.002 = 5.005
5.006 + 0.001 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.001 = 5.006
5.007 + 0.000 = 5.007 5.007 − 0.000 = 5.007

Key concepts

• Patterns can be used to demonstrate relationships among numbers.

• There are many patterns within the decimal number system.


• Many number strings are based on patterns and on the use of patterns to develop a
mathematical concept.
• The use of the word “strings” in coding is different from its use in “number strings”.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a partial number pattern based on a key mathematical concept, such as
understanding place value. Have them continue the pattern to rename a number, such as 3.271, in as
many ways as they can in terms of ones, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Students may notice that
when they take away 1 hundredth, they have to put back 10 thousandths.
Ask students to create a four-digit number with three decimal places. Have them cover their number
using counters on a Gattegno chart. (A sample Gattegno chart can be downloaded at BLM: Grade 6 C1.4
Gattegno chart.) Then ask them to:

• multiply their number by 100 and move their counters so that they represent the new number
(each counter goes up two rows, but stays in the same column);
• predict what will happen if they multiply their new number by 100;
• verify their prediction and move their counters to the new position;
• determine how they can get their counters back to the original positions using division.

Next, ask students to “switch gears” and think about how they can move the counters that represent
their original number up two rows using division instead of multiplication.

Continue having students explore the patterns of multiplying (and dividing) by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000
and by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001, and support them in making generalizations about the results.

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C2. Equations and Inequalities
demonstrate an understanding of variables, expressions, equalities, and inequalities, and apply this
understanding in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Variables and Expressions

C2.1 add monomials with a degree of 1 that involve whole numbers, using tools

Teacher supports

• representing adding monomials on a number line:

• adding using pattern blocks:

• Sample 1:

• Sample 2:
• The price of one hexagon is represented by h.
• So the price of one tile is h + h + h + h + h + h + h = 7h.

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• If we have five tiles, the cost is 7h + 7h + 7h + 7h + 7h = 35h:

• adding using algebra tiles:

Key concepts

• A monomial with a degree of 1 has a variable with an exponent of one. For example, the
exponent of m for the monomial 2m is 1. When the exponent is not shown, it is understood to
be one.
• Monomials with a degree of 1 with the same variables can be added together; for example, 2m
and 3m can be combined as 5m.

EXTRACT 314 Printed on 2023-09-03


• Examples of monomials with a degree of 2 are x2 and xy. The reason that xy has a degree of 2 is
because both x and y have an exponent of 1. The degree of the monomial is determined by the
sum of all the exponents of its variables.
• Adding monomials using tools supports students in understanding which monomials can be
combined. Only monomials with the same variables (like terms) can be combined.

Sample tasks
Have students create a tile or a picture using only one type of pattern block. Have them identify the
number of pattern blocks they used to create their tile or picture. For example, seven hexagons are used
to create the tile below:

Set the context by explaining that if each hexagon is worth $1, then the entire tile is worth $7. If cost can
vary, then the expression 7h represents the cost of a seven-hexagon tile. Have students write an
algebraic expression that represents the cost of the tile or picture that they created.

Have students modify their tile from Sample Task 1 to model monomials being combined or added
together. It is important for them to understand that only items that are alike can be added together.
For example, yellow hexagons can only be combined with other yellow hexagons, and red trapezoids
can only be combined with other red trapezoids. The sample design below shows how the tile from

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Sample Task 1 is used to create a bigger design, with a cost of 35h:

C2.2 evaluate algebraic expressions that involve whole numbers and decimal tenths

Teacher supports

• algebraic expressions:
• 2l + 2w
• bh
• bh ÷ 2 or
• 3m + 2n − 1
• evaluating expressions:
• using substitution:
• 35h represents the cost of the tiles:
• if the price of one h is 50¢,
• I know that 50¢ is the same as half of a dollar, or $0.5"

35h = 35($0.5)

= $17.50

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• The perimeter of a rectangle can be determined using the formula P = 2l + 2w:
• If a rectangle has a length, l, of 6.5 cm and a width, w, of 5.1 cm, then

2l + 2w = 2(6.5 cm) + 2(5.1 cm)

= 13 cm + 10.2 cm

= 23.2 cm

Key concepts

• To evaluate an algebraic expression, the variables are replaced with numerical values, and
calculations are performed based on the order of operations.


• When students are working with formulas, they are evaluating expressions.
• Replacing the variables with numerical values often requires the use of brackets. For example,
the expression 4.5m becomes 4.5(m) and then 4.5(7) when m = 7. The operation between 4.5
and (7) is understood to be multiplication.
• Many coding applications involve algebraic expressions being evaluated. This may be carried out
in several steps. For example, the instruction:“input 'the side of a square’, sideA” is instructing
the computer to define the variable “sideA” and store whatever the user inputs into the
temporary location called “sideA”. The instruction: “calculate sideA*sideA, areaA” instructs the
computer to take the value that is stored in “sideA” and multiply it by itself, and then store that
result in the temporary location, which is another variable called “areaA”.

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Sample tasks
Have students evaluate the algebraic expressions for the tile or picture they created for C2.1, Sample
Task 1, when given values for the shapes. For example, ask students to determine the cost of their tile if
hexagons cost 80¢ each and trapezoids cost 30¢ each. Be sure to provide costs for all pattern blocks.
Explain that formulas involve algebraic expressions. For example, the area of a parallelogram can be
determined using the algebraic expression b × h, where b represents the base and h represents the
height. Have students evaluate a variety of other formulas, including those used in Strand E: Spatial
Sense when appropriate.
Equalities and Inequalities
C2.3 solve equations that involve multiple terms and whole numbers in various contexts, and verify

Teacher supports

• equations:
• 5m + 3m = 10 + 6
• 5m − 3m = 10 − 6
• 5x + 3x = 16
• 24 = d + 2d
• 7n = 56 − 14
• solving equations using a tape diagram to solve 3x – 2 = 20:

x x x

20 2

3x − 2 = 20
3x = 22
x = 7.3

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Key concepts

• Equations are mathematical statements such that the expressions on both sides of the equal
sign are equivalent.
• In equations, variables are used to represent unknown quantities.
• There are many strategies to solve equations including guess-and-check, the balance model, and
the reverse flow chart.
• The strategy of using a reverse flow chart can be used to solve equations like – 2 = 10. The
first diagram shows the flow of operations performed on the variable m to produce the result
10. The second diagram shows the reverse flow chart, or flow of the reverse operations, in order
to identify the value of the variable m.

• Formulas are equations in which any of the variables can be solved for. When solving for a
variable in a formula, values for the variables are substituted in, and then further calculations
may be needed depending on which variable is being solved for. For example, for A = lw, if l = 10
and w = 3, then A = (10)(3) = 30. If A = 50 and l = 10, then 50 = 10w, and solving this will require
either using known multiplication facts or dividing both sides by 10 to solve for w.


• Some equations may require monomials to be added together before they can be solved using
the reverse flow chart method.
• The flow chart used in coding is different from the reverse flow chart that can be used to solve

Sample tasks
Provide students with equations to solve that require adding monomials of degree 1, such as 5m + 3m =
16. Once they have simplified the equation, they can use a variety of methods to solve for the unknown
value. It is important to have students check their solutions by substituting the value into the equation
and verifying that both sides of the equation remain equal. For example, they might use the structure of
an LS/RS (left side/right side) check by substituting their solution into the original equation and then

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evaluating each side independently. If LS = RS, the solution is correct. If LS ≠ RS, then the solution is
incorrect. In the example below, the student has determined that the solution is m = 2. Check that m = 2

is the solution for 5m + 3m = 16:

Provide students with equations of the form 3m + 4 = 16 + 3, and have them simplify the right side of
the equation, solve using a flow chart, and then check their answer.

3 19

5 3 19

C2.4 solve inequalities that involve two operations and whole numbers up to 100 and verify and graph
the solutions

Teacher supports

• inequalities with solutions:

• 5x − 20 ≥ 80:
• Note: For scenarios involving integers, students should have access to a number
line, and the examples should use friendly numbers.

x 5x − 20 ≥ 80
0 –20 No
1 –15 No
2 –10 No

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3 –5 No
4 0 No
5 5 No
6 10 No
10 30 No
15 55 No
20 80 Yes
30 130 Yes
40 180 Yes
50 230 Yes

• Solution: x ≥ 20:

Key concepts

• Inequalities can be solved like an equation, and then values need to be tested to identify those
that hold true for the inequality.
• A number line shows the range of values that hold true for an inequality by placing a dot at the
greatest or least possible value. An open dot is used if the inequality involves “less than” or
“greater than”; if the inequality includes the equal sign (=), then a closed dot is used.


• The solution for an inequality that has one variable, such as 2x + 3 < 9, can be graphed on a
number line.

Sample tasks
Have students solve a variety of problems involving inequalities. For example:

• Erykah has found three pairs of running shoes that she likes, costing $50, $59, and $79. She has
saved $31 already, and she has a dog-walking job where she earns $15 per hour. How many
hours will she have to work to afford any of these shoes? Represent your solution on a number
• Bobby is buying a jewellery box for his mother for Mother’s Day. He wants to have it engraved
with a special message. The store charges 10¢ for each letter engraved. Bobby plans to spend no
more than $5 to engrave the jewellery box. How many letters can be in Bobby’s message?
Represent your solution on a number line.

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• Michael wants to bike more than 50 km this week. He rides 5 km on Monday and then wants to
evenly split up the remaining kilometres over three more days. What distance must he ride on
each of those three days? Represent your solution on a number line.
• An 18-wheeler truck stops at a weigh station before passing over a bridge. The mass limit on the
bridge is 25 tonnes. The cab (front) of the truck has a mass of 8.9 tonnes, and the trailer (back)
of the truck has a mass of 5.3 tonnes when empty. In tonnes, how much cargo can the truck
carry and still be allowed to cross the bridge?

Ask students to write an inequality that has two operations and has a solution greater than 8. Then ask
them to write a scenario that represents the inequality.

C3. Coding
solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding
concepts and skills

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Coding Skills
C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing
and executing efficient code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control

Teacher supports

• mathematical situations:
• creating enlarging and shrinking shapes
• creating repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns
• identifying whether a growing pattern is linear
• grouping numbers using the divisibility rules
• determining the cost of a purchase
• simulating probability situations
• solving optimization problems
• code using conditional statements to convert between centimetres and metres:

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set metres = 0.00
set centimetres = 0.00
set convertMetres = 0.00
set convertCentimetres = 0.00
keyPressed = “blank”
repeat until keyPressed = “A” or “B”
output “Type A to convert from metres (m) to centimetres (cm). Type B to convert from cm to
store user input as keyPressed
if keyPressed == “A”
output “What is your measurement in metres?”
store user input as metres
convertCentimetres = metres * 100
output metres, “ metres is ”, convertCentimetres, “ centimetres.”
output “What is your measurement in centimetres?”
store user input as centimetres
convertMetres = centimetres * 0.01
output centimetres, “ centimetres is ”, convertMetres, “ metres.”


• Assignment statements assign a value to a variable and use a single equal sign (=), while
comparison statements are used to compare two values and use a double equal sign (==)
for equal to, < for less than, > for greater than, <= for less than or equal to, and >= for
greater than or equal to.
• Pseudocode does not represent a specific programming language. It can be adapted to
work with a variety of programming languages and/or environments.
• other control structures:
• sequential events
• concurrent events
• repeating events
• nested events

Key concepts

• A flow chart can be used to plan and organize thinking. The symbols used in flow charts have
specific meanings, including those that represent a process, a decision, and program

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• Efficient code may involve using the instructions to solve a problem, using the smallest amount
of space to store program data, and/or executing as fast as possible.
• Using loops whenever possible is one way to make code more efficient.
• Conditional statements are a representation of binary logic (yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0).
• A conditional statement evaluates a Boolean condition, something that can either be true or
• Conditional statements are usually implemented as “if…then” statements, or “if…then…else”
statements. If a conditional statement is true, then there is an interruption in the current flow of
the program being executed and a new direction is taken or the program will end.
• Conditional statements, like loops, can be nested to allow for a range of possible outcomes or to
implement decision trees.


• Coding can support students in developing a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.  

• The reverse flow chart that is used to solve equations is not the same as the flow chart used in
• More efficient code can reduce execution time and reduce computer storage space.
• Coding can be used to learn how to automate simple processes and enhance mathematical
thinking. For example, students can code expressions to recall previously stored information
(defined variables), then input values (e.g., from a sensor, count, or user input) and redefine the
value of the variable. For examples of these, refer to the notes in C2.2 and C2.3.
• The construction of the code should become increasingly complex and align with other
developmentally and grade-appropriate learning.

Sample tasks
Conditional statements in code are used to compare items and can be used to sort data into categories
for probability simulations. Have students first adapt the following flow chart for a simulation so that the
coins are flipped multiple times. Next, have them write and execute the program. Afterwards, have

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them compare their flow chart with the program and make connections between the

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Have students write code using conditional statements to convert between metric units:

set metres = 0.00

set centimetres = 0.00
set convertMetres = 0.00
set convertCentimetres = 0.00
keyPressed = “blank”
repeat until keyPressed = “A” or “B”
output “Type A to convert from metres (m) to centimetres (cm). Type B to convert from cm to
store user input as keyPressed
if keyPressed == “A”
output “What is your measurement in metres?”
store user input as metres
convertCentimetres = metres * 100
output metres, " metres is ", convertCentimetres, " centimetres."
output “What is your measurement in centimetres?”
store user input as centimetres
convertMetres = centimetres * 0.01
output centimetres, " centimetres is ", convertMetres, " metres."

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control
structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Teacher supports

• situations that involve altering code:

• enhancing mathematical learning
• simplifying code
• reinforcing that there is more than one way to generate a given outcome
• debugging code to get the desired outcome
• remixing (altering) a program and using it for another purpose
• remixing (altering) a program in order to add additional components

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Key concepts

• Reading code is done to make predictions as to what the expected outcome will be. Based on
that prediction, one can determine if the code needs to be altered prior to its execution.
• Reading code helps with troubleshooting why a program is not able to execute.
• Code is altered so that an expected outcome can be achieved.
• Code can be altered to be used for a new situation.
• Altering code to make it more efficient often involves refining algorithms so that there are no
unnecessary steps and using control structures effectively.
• Loops can be used to create efficient code.


• When students are reading code, they are exercising problem-solving skills related to predicting
and estimating.
• When code is altered with the aim of reaching an expected outcome, students get instant
feedback when it is executed. Students exercise problem-solving strategies to further alter the
program if they did not get the expected outcome. If the outcome is as expected, but it gives the
wrong answer mathematically, students will need to alter their thinking.
• Efficient code can be altered more easily than inefficient code to adapt to new mathematical
situations. For example, in a probability simulation, the number of trials can be increased by
changing the number of repeats rather than writing additional lines of code for each of the new

Sample tasks
Provide students with code that needs to be altered and/or expanded upon. For example, the following
pseudocode can be used to simulate flipping a coin twice, storing the occurrences, and calculating the
percentage for each result. Have students alter this code to simulate a greater number of flips while
keeping the code efficient.

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heads = 0
tails = 0
headsPercent = 0
tailsPercent = 0
coin1 = random number 0 and 1
if coin1 == 0 then
heads = heads + 1
tails = tails + 1
headsPercent = (heads / 2) * 100
tailsPercent = (tails / 2) * 100
output “Number of heads: ”, heads
output “% heads: ”, headsPercent
output “Number of tails: ”, tails
output “% tails: ”, tailsPercent


• Assignment statements assign a value to a variable and use a single equal sign (=), while
comparison statements are used to compare two values and use a double equal sign (==) for
equal to, < for less than, > for greater than, <= for less than or equal to, and >= for greater than
or equal to.
• Pseudocode does not represent a specific programming language. It can be adapted to work
with a variety of programming languages and/or environments.

After the code for the probability simulation in Sample Task 1 has been altered to be more efficient,
have students alter it again to compare the percentages of the coin flips for increased numbers of trials,
such as 50 times or 3000 times.
Provide students with efficient code for a probability simulation for flipping a coin 10 times, and have
them keep track of the theoretical and experimental probabilities. Ask them to alter the code so that
the program flips the coin 100, 1000, and 10 000 times. Ask them to alter the code so that the
program simulates the rolling of one die 10 times. Ask them to alter the code again to simulate the
rolling of two dice.

• initial program to flip one coin, 10 times:

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set heads = 0
set tails = 0
set flip = 0

repeat 10 times
flip = random number between 0 and 1
if coin == 1 then
heads = heads + 1
tails = tails + 1
output “Number of heads:”, heads
output “Number of tails:”, tails

Provide students with code to simulate rolling one die, 10 times. Ask them to alter the code to
simulate rolling two dice:

• program to simulate the rolling of one die:

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rolled2 = 0
rolled3 = 0
rolled4 = 0
rolled5 = 0
rolled6 = 0

die1 = 0
die2 = 0
totalRoll = 0

repeat 10 times
die1 = random number between 1 and 6
die2 = random number between 1 and 6
totalRoll = die1 + die2

if totalRoll == 2 then
rolled2 = rolled2 + 1
else if totalRoll == 3 then
rolled3 = rolled3 + 1
else if totalRoll == 4 then
rolled4 = rolled4 + 1
else if totalRoll == 5 then
rolled5 = rolled5 + 1
else if totalRoll == 6 then
rolled6 = rolled6 + 1

• altered program to simulate the rolling of two dice:

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rolled2 = 0
rolled3 = 0
rolled4 = 0
rolled5 = 0
rolled6 = 0
rolled7 = 0
rolled8 = 0
rolled9 = 0
rolled10 = 0
rolled11 = 0
rolled12 = 0

die1 = 0
die2 = 0
totalRoll = 0

repeat 10 times
die1 = random number between 1 and 6
die2 = random number between 1 and 6
totalRoll = die1 + die2

if totalRoll == 2 then
rolled2 = rolled2 + 1
else if totalRoll == 3 then
rolled3 = rolled3 + 1
else if totalRoll == 4 then
rolled4 = rolled4 + 1
else if totalRoll == 5 then
rolled5 = rolled5 + 1
else if totalRoll == 6 then
rolled6 = rolled6 + 1
else if totalRoll == 7 then
rolled7 = rolled7 + 1
else if totalRoll == 8 then
rolled8 = rolled8 + 1
else if totalRoll == 9 then
rolled9 = rolled9 + 1
else if totalRoll == 10 then
rolled10 = rolled10 + 1
else if totalRoll == 11 then
rolled11 = rolled11 + 1
rolled12 = rolled12 + 1
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C4. Mathematical Modelling
apply the process of mathematical modelling to represent, analyse, make predictions, and provide
insight into real-life situations

This overall expectation has no specific expectations. Mathematical modelling is an iterative and
interconnected process that is applied to various contexts, allowing students to bring in learning from
other strands. Students’ demonstration of the process of mathematical modelling, as they apply concepts
and skills learned in other strands, is assessed and evaluated.

Read more about the mathematical modelling process.

Teacher supports


• real-life situations:
• planning an art exhibition
• planning a nutritionally balanced and cost-efficient lunch program
• planning the details for a school fun day

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing

the situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic
nature of modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics,
modelling it, and then checking the model back against the real-life situation and
adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students
with making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands
and across other curricula.

EXTRACT 333 Printed on 2023-09-03

Sample Tasks

Tell students that they will be making a plan to create and hold an exhibition of Kindergarten
art for Earth Day, using the mathematical modelling process.

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered mathematically, such as: Given
the timeframe, what kind of art projects might the Kindergarten students do? Students could
conduct a survey of Kindergarten students to determine what project each of them would like
to do, for example, a papier mâché sculpture, a macramé wall hanging, or a painting.

After the class has surveyed the Kindergarten students, they will need to consider logistics such

• How long will it take to create the art?

• What materials will be needed?
• Do we have enough materials in the school?

Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that
each Kindergarten student will create one item.

Put students in groups that will each focus on one type of art project. In their groups, students
will need to develop a list of what supplies will be needed for each piece of art that the
Kindergarten students will be making.

For example, papier mâché sculptures are made with newspaper and a flour and water paste.
Students could research the best size for the strips of paper to make papier mâché and
estimate the number of strips needed for one layer, and how many layers produce the best
result for when the Kindergarten students make their sculptures. They could also investigate
the best ratio of flour to water to make the paste.

Students might also develop a prototype for the papier mâché sculptures that the Kindergarten
students will be making in order to assist in determining the total amount of materials that will
be needed. They could start with drawing the top, front, and side views of their prototype
sculpture, then determine the surface area that their sculpture will have before they begin to
apply the newspaper strips. They should also keep track of how much newspaper and paste
they use to make the prototype, as well as the number of layers they apply.

After they have completed their investigation including making a prototype if desired, have
students come together to decide what would be a reasonable list of materials for sculptures of
various sizes (e.g., something that sits on a desk and is no more than 10 cm tall, something that
sits on the floor and is no more than 50 cm tall). Ideally, when a Kindergarten student is asked

EXTRACT 334 Printed on 2023-09-03

how big they would like their sculpture to be, the model represented by the list should predict
how much paper and paste (flour and water) will be needed to create it.

Students should also consider how much space will be needed to effectively display the
sculptures the Kindergarten students have made for the exhibit.

In a similar way, other groups can focus on the other kinds of art that will be made for the
exhibition, for example, macramé wall hangings or paintings.

Have students share their models with the class and work collaboratively to develop a plan to
make the exhibition happen. This will involve deciding on other details, such as who will be
invited, the floor plan and route for the exhibit, and so on.


• real-life situations:
• planning an art exhibition
• planning a nutritionally balanced and cost-efficient lunch program
• planning the details for a school fun day

Key Concepts

• The process of mathematical modelling requires: understanding the problem; analysing the
situation; creating a mathematical model; and analysing and assessing the model.


• A mathematical modelling task is different from a real-life application due to the cyclic nature of
modelling, which involves examining a problem from outside mathematics, modelling it, and
then checking the model back against the real-life situation and adjusting as necessary.
• The process of mathematical modelling should not be confused with using a "model" to
represent or solve a problem that does not require the whole process.
• Mathematical modelling tasks can be utilized in many ways and can support students with
making connections among many mathematical concepts across the math strands and across
other curricula.

Sample Tasks

EXTRACT 335 Printed on 2023-09-03

Tell students that they will be making a plan to create and hold an exhibition of Kindergarten art for
Earth Day, using the mathematical modelling process.

Have students brainstorm questions that need to be answered mathematically, such as: Given the
timeframe, what kind of art projects might the Kindergarten students do? Students could conduct a
survey of Kindergarten students to determine what project each of them would like to do, for example,
a papier mâché sculpture, a macramé wall hanging, or a painting.

After the class has surveyed the Kindergarten students, they will need to consider logistics such as:

• How long will it take to create the art?

• What materials will be needed?
• Do we have enough materials in the school?

Analyse the situation with students by supporting them in making assumptions, such as that each
Kindergarten student will create one item.

Put students in groups that will each focus on one type of art project. In their groups, students will need
to develop a list of what supplies will be needed for each piece of art that the Kindergarten students will
be making.

For example, papier mâché sculptures are made with newspaper and a flour and water paste. Students
could research the best size for the strips of paper to make papier mâché and estimate the number of
strips needed for one layer, and how many layers produce the best result for when the Kindergarten
students make their sculptures. They could also investigate the best ratio of flour to water to make the

Students might also develop a prototype for the papier mâché sculptures that the Kindergarten students
will be making in order to assist in determining the total amount of materials that will be needed. They
could start with drawing the top, front, and side views of their prototype sculpture, then determine the
surface area that their sculpture will have before they begin to apply the newspaper strips. They should
also keep track of how much newspaper and paste they use to make the prototype, as well as the
number of layers they apply.

After they have completed their investigation including making a prototype if desired, have students
come together to decide what would be a reasonable list of materials for sculptures of various sizes
(e.g., something that sits on a desk and is no more than 10 cm tall, something that sits on the floor and is
no more than 50 cm tall). Ideally, when a Kindergarten student is asked how big they would like their
sculpture to be, the model represented by the list should predict how much paper and paste (flour and
water) will be needed to create it.

Students should also consider how much space will be needed to effectively display the sculptures the
Kindergarten students have made for the exhibit.

In a similar way, other groups can focus on the other kinds of art that will be made for the exhibition, for
example, macramé wall hangings or paintings.

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Have students share their models with the class and work collaboratively to develop a plan to make the
exhibition happen. This will involve deciding on other details, such as who will be invited, the floor plan
and route for the exhibit, and so on.

D. Data
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

D1. Data Literacy

manage, analyse, and use data to make convincing arguments and informed decisions, in various
contexts drawn from real life

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Data Collection and Organization

D1.1 describe the difference between discrete and continuous data, and provide examples of each

Teacher supports

• discrete data (data that can be counted):

• number of siblings
• number of buttons
• number of First Nations in Ontario
• continuous data (infinite number of possible values for a given range):
• height
• length of time
• temperature

Key concepts

• Quantitative data is either discrete or continuous.

• Discrete data includes variables that can be counted using whole numbers, such as the number
of students in a class, the number of pencils in a pencil case, or the number of words in a

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• Continuous data can have an infinite number of possible values for a given range of a variable
(e.g., height, length, distance, mass, time, perimeter, and area). Continuous data can take on
any numerical value, including decimals and fractions.


• A variable is any attribute, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted.

Sample tasks
Provide students with different scenarios that deal with qualitative data and both discrete and
continuous quantitative data. Have them sort the scenarios into these three categories and explain their

Reinforce the distinctions between the different types of data on an ongoing basis as students
determine which type of data they need in order to answer their questions of interest.

D1.2 collect qualitative data and discrete and continuous quantitative data to answer questions of
interest about a population, and organize the sets of data as appropriate, including using intervals

Teacher supports

• questions of interest involving discrete quantitative data:

• How many large cities are in each province and territory in Canada?
• How many First Nations are in each province and territory in Canada?
• questions of interest involving continuous quantitative data:
• What is the average height of the students in the junior classes in our school?
• Using the total amount of rainfall we collected in our barrel last year, what would be the
average monthly rainfall over the past year?
• questions of interest involving qualitative data:
• What woke me up this morning?
• In what season is your birthday?
• frequency table with intervals:
• shows data that might answer to the above question “What is the average height of the
students in the junior classes in our school?”

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Key concepts

• The type and amount of data to be collected will be based on the question of interest.
• Some questions of interest may require answering multiple questions that involve any
combination of qualitative data and quantitative data.
• Depending on the question of interest, the data may need to be collected from a primary or a
secondary source.
• Depending on the question of interest, a random sample of the population may need to be
taken. Types of sampling methods include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling,
and systematic random sampling.
• When continuous data is collected, it can be recorded and organized using intervals in frequency


• A census is an attempt to collect data from an entire population.

• Every subject in the sample must be collected in the same manner in order for the data to be
representative of the population.

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Sample tasks
The Grade 6 students at School F measured the length of their feet and recorded the results in the chart
below. Ask students to organize the data in a frequency table. Then have them compare their table with
that of another student and answer: What is the same? What is different? Support students in
recognizing that the more intervals (bins) that are used, the more spread out the data will be.

Other questions that can be asked about this data set include:

• What do you know from this data set?

• What is the median foot length for the Grade 6 students? Explain its significance.
• What is the mode for this data set? Explain its significance.
• What is the average foot length of the Grade 6 students? Explain its significance.

Data Visualization
D1.3 select from among a variety of graphs, including histograms and broken-line graphs, the type of
graph best suited to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources,
titles, and labels, and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs

Teacher supports

• choice of graphs:
• pictograph
• line plot

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• bar graph
• multiple-bar graph
• stacked-bar graph
• histogram
• broken-line graph
• histogram (with continuous data on the horizontal axis):
• The histogram can be interpreted as:
• there are 20 students with height ≥ 120 cm and < 125 cm
• there are 15 students with height ≥ 125 cm and < 130 cm
• and so on

• broken-line graph (with continuous data on the vertical axis):

• "I can see that August had the most precipitation."
• "The largest decrease in precipitation took place between August and September."
• "There was very little change in precipitation from February to March and June to July."

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Key concepts

• Understanding the features and purposes of different kinds of graphs is important when
selecting appropriate displays for a set of data.
• Pictographs, line plots, bar graphs, multiple-bar graphs, and stacked-bar graphs are used to
display qualitative data and discrete quantitative data.
• Histograms display continuous quantitative data using intervals. The bars on a histogram do not
have gaps between them due to the continuous nature of the data. This contrasts with bar
graphs, which do have gaps between the bars to show the discrete categories.
• Broken-line graphs are used to show change over time and are helpful for identifying trends. To
create a broken-line graph, students apply their understanding of scales and estimation.
• The source, titles, labels, and scales provide important information about data in a graph or
• The source indicates where the data was collected.
• The title introduces the data contained in the graph.
• Labels provide additional information, such as the intervals that have been used in a
• Scales identify the possible values of a variable along an axis of a graph.


• It is important for students to understand the difference between a bar graph and a histogram
and to recognize that they are not the same.
• At least one of the variables of a broken-line graph is not continuous.

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Sample tasks
Have students graph the height of two different plants (e.g., a tomato plant and a sunflower plant)
weekly for a period of two months. After the data collection is over, ask students to make three
conclusions they can make by looking at the data.
Use the data from “Student Heights in the Junior Division” to make a histogram.

• histogram (continuous data on the horizontal axis):

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Once students have completed their histogram, have them compare it with a partner who used a bigger
interval and a partner that used a smaller interval. Support students in recognizing that the different
choices of intervals will result in different histograms, thereby affecting the appearance or shape of the
histogram. The smaller the bins, the greater the detail, and vice versa.

Have students create appropriate graphs in various contexts throughout the year, including cross-
curricular applications.
D1.4 create an infographic about a data set, representing the data in appropriate ways, including in
tables, histograms, and broken-line graphs, and incorporating any other relevant information that helps
to tell a story about the data

Teacher supports

• infographic on the topic of “Book Drive”:

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Key concepts

• Infographics are used in real life to share data and information on a topic, in a concise and
appealing way.
• Infographics contain different representations, such as tables, plots, and graphs, with limited
• Information to be included in an infographic needs to be carefully considered so that it is clear,
concise, and connected.
• Infographics tell a story about the data with a specific audience in mind. When creating
infographics, students need to create a narrative about the data for that audience.


• Creating infographics has applications in other subject areas, such as communicating key
findings and messages in STEM projects.

Sample tasks
To deepen their understanding of infographics and their purpose, have students examine the features
and messages of an infographic, such as “Book Drive” which is found in the examples for D1.4. Ask
questions such as:

• What audience do you think the infographic was intended for?

• What messages do you think the author was trying to share?
• What data visualizations has the author used? Why do you think they were chosen?

Have students create an infographic for previously collected data, such as information they gathered for
a STEM project. Ask them to identify their audience, what message they want to get across, what data
visualization techniques they will use, and any other information that will help them share their
message. Have them share their ideas with a peer to check that their message is coming through.
Data Analysis
D1.5 determine the range as a measure of spread and the measures of central tendency for various data
sets, and use this information to compare two or more data sets

Teacher supports

• determining the range, mean, median, and mode:

• A school team measured the length of their feet in centimetres and found them to be:
• 25.5, 32.5, 25.5, 40.6, 34.7, 28.3, 15.3, 25.0, 30.0, 27.4, 31.5, 18.8
• range: 25.3 cm

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• 40.6 − 15.3 = 25.3
• mode: 25.5 cm
• 15.3, 18.8, 25.0, 25.5, 25.5, 27.4, 28.3, 30.0, 31.5, 32.5, 34.7, 40.6
• mean: 27.9 cm
• 15.3 + 18.8 + 25.0 + 25.5 + 25.5+ 27.4 + 28.3 + 30.0 + 31.5 + 32.5 + 34.7 + 40.6 = 335.1
• 335.1 ÷ 12 = 27.9 or 28 (rounded to the nearest one)
• median: 27.7 cm
• Organize the data from least to greatest:
• $$\sf \small 15.3, 18.8, 25.0, 25.5,
25.5,\enclose{circle}[mathcolor=Cyan]{\color{black}27.3, 28.3, }30.0, 31.5, 32.5,
34.8, 40.6$$
• (27.3 + 28.3) ÷ 2 = 27.8

Key concepts

• The mean, median, and mode are the three measures of central tendency. The mean, median,
and mode can be determined for quantitative data. Only the mode can be determined for
qualitative data.
• A variable can have one mode, multiple modes, or no modes.
• The use of the mean, median, or mode to make an informed decision is relative to the context.
• The range is one type of measure to describe the spread of a data set, and it is the difference
between the greatest and least data values.
• Data sets are compared by the mean, median, or mode of the same variable.
• If the data sets that are both representative of a similar population, then it is possible to
compare the mean, median, and mode of data sets that have a different number of data values.
• If the data sets are representing different populations, then it is important for the comparison of
the mean, median, and mode be based on the same number of data values.


• The range and the measures of central tendency provide information about the shape of the
data and how this can be visualized graphically (e.g., when the three measures of central
tendency are the same, then a histogram is symmetrical).

Sample tasks
It is important for students to understand the difference between the range, the mode, the median, and
the mean. Give them a set of data values, and ask them to determine the range, the mode, the median,
and the mean. For example, the cost of various T-shirts (in dollars) at Store Y is:

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• $15.50, $12.25, $15.50, $35.00, $44.50, $28.75, $15.50, $35.00, $20.00, $17.25, $31.50, $8.75,
22.25, $10.75, $46.00
• range: $37.25
• The prices range from $8.75 to $46.00, which is a difference of $37.25.
• $46.00 − $8.75 = $37.25
• mode: $15.50
• More T-shirts cost $15.50 than any other amount.
• mean: $23.90
• $15.50 + $12.25 + $15.50 + $35.00 + $44.50 + $28.75 + $15.50 + $35.00 + $20.00 + $17.25
+ $31.50 + $8.75 + $22.25 + $10.75 + $46.00 = $358.50
• $358.50 ÷ 15 = $23.90
• The average cost of the T-shirts is $23.90.
• median: $20.00
• $$\sf \small $8.75, $10.75, $12.25, $15.50, $15.50, $15.50,
$17.25,\enclose{circle}[mathcolor=DodgerBlue]{\color{black}$20.00, }$22.25, $28.75,
$31.50, $$
$$\sf \small $35.00, $35.00, $44.50, $46.00 $$
• The median price of the T-shirts is $20.00.
• Seven T-shirts cost less than $20.00, and seven T-shirts cost more than $20.00.

Help students understand the difference between the range, the mode, the median, and the mean by
posing questions like:

• What is the difference between the greatest and the least value? (range)
• What is the most frequent value? (mode)
• What is the median for this data set? What does it tell you? In this case, where there is an
odd number of data points, half of the rest of the values are less than the median and the
other half are more than the median.
• How would you calculate the mean for this set of data? What does it tell you?
• What would happen to these measures if the three lowest-price T-shirts were removed
from the list?
• What would happen to these measures if the three highest-price T-shirts were removed
from the list?
• What would happen to these measures if the cost of all the T-shirts increased by 50%?

Have students determine the mean, the median, and the mode for data collected from a variety of
sources, including those that involve cross-curricular applications, such as science experiments.
D1.6 analyse different sets of data presented in various ways, including in histograms and broken-line
graphs and in misleading graphs, by asking and answering questions about the data, challenging
preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, then make convincing arguments and informed

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Teacher supports

• data presented in various ways:

• frequency tables, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams, pictographs, line plots, bar graphs,
histograms, broken-line graphs
• question that requires reading and interpreting data from a graph or table:
• What interval do the heights of most students fall in?
• question that requires finding data from a graph or table and using it in a calculation:
• Looking at the multiple-bar graph, which division collected the most books for the book
• question that requires using data to make an inference or prediction:
• What might explain the spikes in the broken-line graph showing the growth of the plants
over two months?
• misleading graph:
• The graph below is misleading because the scale in the number of guests does not start at
zero, so it exaggerates the differences, and the age intervals are not equal.

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Key concepts

• A histogram provides a picture of the distribution or shape of the data.

• A normal distribution results in a symmetrical histogram that looks like a bell. In this case,
the mode, mean, and median are the same.
• If data are skewed to the left (goes up from left to right), then the mean is likely to be less
than the median. If the data are skewed to the right (goes down from left to right), then
the mean is likely to be greater than the median.
• Broken-line graphs show changes in data over time.
• Sometimes graphs misrepresent data or show it inappropriately, which can influence
conclusions about the data. Therefore, it is important to always interpret presented data with a
critical eye.
• Data presented in tables, plots, and graphs can be used to ask and answer questions, draw
conclusions, and make convincing arguments and informed decisions.
• Sometimes presented data challenges current thinking and leads to new and different
conclusions and decisions.
• Questions of interest are intended to be answered through the analysis of the
representations. Sometimes the analysis raises more questions that require further collection,
representation, and analysis of data.


• Broken-line graphs are not used to make predictions, only to show what has happened to the
data over time. Only data values that show a strong relationship between two variables can be
used to make predictions.
• There are three levels of graph comprehension that students should learn about and practise:
• Level 1: information is read directly from the graph and no interpretation is required.
• Level 2: information is read and used to compare (e.g., greatest, least) or perform
operations (e.g., addition, subtraction).
• Level 3: information is read and used to make inferences about the data using
background knowledge of the topic.
• Working with misleading graphs helps students analyse their own graphs for accuracy.

Sample tasks
Provide students with a bar graph or histogram that presents information in a misleading way. For
example, the histogram below does not start at zero on the vertical axis, nor does it have a consistent
scale for the age of guests. Have students describe what makes this graph misleading. Ask them to

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recreate the graph so that it presents the information accurately.

Throughout the year, have students collect representations of data about real-life topics that are of
interest to them. Model asking the three types of questions outlined in the examples in D1.6, and then
have students pose and answer their own questions that require thinking critically about the data.

D2. Probability
describe the likelihood that events will happen, and use that information to make predictions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

D2.1 use fractions, decimals, and percents to express the probability of events happening, represent this
probability on a probability line, and use it to make predictions and informed decisions

Teacher supports

• probability line displaying the likelihood of events for an experiment involving the rolling of
two six-sided dice:

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Key concepts

• The probability of events has numeric values ranging from 0 to 1, and percent values ranging
from 0% to 100%.
• Fractions and decimals can be used to express the probability of events across the 0 to 1


• Have students make connections between words to describe the likelihood of events (i.e.,
“impossible”, “unlikely”, “equally likely”, “likely”, and “certain”) and possible fractions, decimals,
and percents that can be used to represent those benchmarks on the probability line.

Sample tasks
Have students prepare a benchmark probability line that they can use to help them make sense of
numeric representations of probability and to help them make predictions about the likelihood of
events. Have them mark 0 and 0% on the probability line in the same position as “impossible”, and 1 and
100% on the probability line in the same position as “certain”. Next, ask them to place on the line three
fractions, decimals, and percents that could be used to represent “equally likely”, “unlikely”, and
“likely”. Support students in making connections between fractions, decimals, and percents and the

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words used to describe the likelihood of events.

D2.2 determine and compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of two independent events

Teacher supports

• probability experiments involving two independent events:

• roll two dice 20 times
• toss two coins 15 times
• roll one die and toss one coin 30 times
• determining the theoretical probability of two independent events:
• rolling two six-sided dice:
• combinations – (first die, second die)
• (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
• (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)
• (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)
• (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)
• (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)
• (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)
• There are 36 possible outcomes.
• The theoretical probability of rolling a sum of 2 is or approximately 3%.
• The theoretical probability of rolling a sum less than 4 is or approximately 8%
because there are three possibilities: (1, 1) (1, 2) (2, 1).
• comparing experimental probability with theoretical probability:
• The more trials done in an experiment, the closer the experimental probability will be to
the theoretical probability. Increase the number of trials by:
• continuing the experiment over multiple trials, or
• combining classmates’ experimental results.

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Key concepts

• Two events are independent if the probability of one does not affect the probability of the
other. For example, the probability for rolling a die the first time does not affect the probability
for rolling a die the second time.
• The more trials completed in an experiment, the closer the experimental probability will be to
the theoretical probability.
• The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is 1 or 100%
• The probability of an event can be used to predict the likelihood of that event happening again
in the future.
• Tree diagrams are helpful to determine all the possible outcomes for two independent events.


• “ Odds in favour ” is a comparison of the probability that an event will occur with the
probability that the event will not occur (complementary events). For example, the probability
1 35
that the sum of two dice is 2 is and the probability that the sum of two dice is not 2 is . The
36 36
1 35
odds in favour of rolling a sum of 2 is : or 1 : 35, since the fractions are both relative to the
36 36
same whole.

Sample tasks
Before students conduct a probability experiment, it is important for them to identify all the possible
outcomes, which are the combinations of the two independent events. Have them draw a tree diagram
to show all the possible outcomes for tossing one coin and rolling one die. They can use abbreviations to

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simplify the list of outcomes. For example, tossing a tail and rolling a 1 could be recorded as T1.

Ask students to determine the probability of various kinds of events based on experimental data and
compare it to the theoretical probability. Ask questions such as:

• What is the probability of tossing a head and rolling an even number?

• What is the probability of tossing a head and not rolling a 3?

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E. Spatial Sense
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

E1. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning

describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial
relationships in order to navigate the world around them

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Geometric Reasoning
E1.1 create lists of the geometric properties of various types of quadrilaterals, including the properties
of the diagonals, rotational symmetry, and line symmetry

Teacher supports

• types of quadrilaterals:

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Square Rhombus

(special rhombus: square)

Rectangle Parallelogram

(special rectangle: square) (special parallelograms: rectangle, rhombus,

Kite Dart

(special kites: rhombus, square, dart)


An isosceles triangle with one pair of parallel

sides and another pair of sides of equal length.
(special trapezoids: parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square)

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• using diagonals of a quadrilateral:

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Rectangle Square

• A rectangle has two diagonals.

• Its diagonals are equal. • A square has two diagonals.
• Its diagonals bisect each other. • Its diagonals are perpendicular.
• Its diagonals bisect each other.
Parallelogram Rhombus

• A rhombus has two diagonals.

• A parallelogram has two diagonals. • Its diagonals are perpendicular.
• Its diagonals bisect each other. • Its diagonals bisect each other.
Trapezoid Kite

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• A trapezoid has two diagonals.
• Its diagonals are not equal
(exceptions: rectangle, square, parallelogram,
and isosceles trapezoid below).

• A kite has two diagonals.

• Its diagonals are perpendicular.
• The longer diagonal bisects the
shorter one.

• using line symmetry:

• using paper folding, reflection tools, dot paper, or technology to determine the number
of lines of symmetry in a shape; for example:

• rotational symmetry:
• A shape has rotational symmetry if it still looks the same after it has been rotated less
than 360°:

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• When a square is rotated about its centre, its position matches its original position after a
1 1 3
rotation, a rotation, and a rotation; therefore, a square has rotational symmetry of
4 2 4
order 4 because its position matches the original position four times during a complete

Key concepts

• A geometric property is an attribute that helps define an entire class of shapes.

• Quadrilaterals are polygons with four sides and four interior angles that add up to 360°. These
are defining geometric properties of quadrilaterals. If a polygon has one of these attributes, it
will automatically have the other and will be a quadrilateral.
• There are many different sub-categories, or classes, of quadrilaterals, and they are defined by
their geometric properties. Certain attributes are particularly relevant for defining the geometric
properties of shapes:
• angles:
• the number of right angles;
• the number of reflex angles;
• sides:
• the number of equal sides;
• whether the equal sides are adjacent or opposite;

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• the number of parallel sides;
• symmetries:
• the number of lines of symmetry;
• the order of rotational symmetry;
• diagonals:
• whether they are of equal length;
• whether they intersect at right angles;
• whether they intersect at their midpoint.


• Quadrilaterals can be sorted and defined by their geometric properties. Analysing geometric
properties is an important part of geometric reasoning. The goal is not to memorize these
property lists but to generate and use property lists to create spatial arguments.

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Sample Properties Example
Kite • two pairs of
sides that
are adjacent
(next to
each other)
• (at least)
one line of
• (at least)
(i.e., one
diagonal is
split in half)
• diagonals
intersect at
right angles
Dart A kite with:

• one reflex
angle (i.e.,
greater than
• one
that is not
inside the

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Trapezoid • at least one
pair of
Some definitions of
trapezoid specify
only one pair of An isoceles trapezoid.
parallel sides. The
curriculum uses an
inclusive definition:
any quadrilateral
with at least one
pair of parallel sides
is a trapezoid.
Parallelogra a trapezoid with:
• two pairs of
• bisected
that split
each other
in half)
• congruent
Rectangle a parallelogram

• four right
• congruent
• (at least)
two lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
(at least)
order 2

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Rhombus a parallelogram

• all
• diagonals
intersect at
right angles
• (at least)
two lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
(at least)
order 2

a kite with:

• all
• two pairs of
• (at least)
two lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
(at least)
order 2

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Square a rectangle with:

• four
• congruent
• four lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
order 4

a rhombus with:

• four right
• diagonals
intersect at
right angles
• four lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
order 4

a kite with:

• four
• four right
• congruent
intersect at
right angles
• four lines of
• rotational
symmetry of
order 4

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• Relationships exist among the properties of quadrilaterals. For example, a square is a special
type of rectangle, which is a special type of parallelogram.

• Minimum property lists identify the fewest properties guaranteed to identify the class (e.g., if a
quadrilateral has four lines of symmetry, it must be a square).

Sample tasks
To build an understanding of properties that distinguish one quadrilateral from another, have students
sort and analyse a wide range of quadrilaterals (squares, rectangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, kites,
darts, concave and convex regular and irregular quadrilaterals). As they sort these quadrilaterals,
support them to identify attributes that can be used to differentiate classes of shapes (e.g., angles,
sides, diagonals, line symmetry, rotational symmetry). Have them describe and record various
distinguishing properties, for example, “These are all squares because they have four congruent sides,
four right angles, and four lines of symmetry.”
To move deeper into creating property lists to define classes, provide groups of students with already-
sorted sets of quadrilaterals: squares, rectangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, kites, darts, trapezoids.
Give each group the name of each set (e.g., “These are all parallelograms”), and have them write
detailed property lists to describe the class (e.g., “So what is a parallelogram?”).
To recognize relationships between different classes of quadrilaterals, have students compare property
lists for various shapes and identify the common properties:

• for all squares and rectangles

• for all squares, rectangles, and parallelograms
• for all squares, rhombuses, parallelograms, and kites

Students should use these common properties to explain why all squares are rectangles, and all
rectangles are parallelograms. They should also identify the properties that distinguish squares from
rectangles, and rectangles from parallelograms (e.g., all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are
squares; all rectangles are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are rectangles).

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Have students write property challenges for each other, such as:

• Make a four-sided shape that has one pair of parallel sides that are not of equal length (e.g., a
non-isosceles trapezoid).
• Make a shape that has two diagonals that are equal and that cross at right angles (e.g., a
• Make a shape that has two pairs of equal sides with none parallel (e.g., a kite or a dart).

Classmates visualize the properties and the spatial relationships, they verbalize a quadrilateral and make
a prediction, and they verify it by constructing it on a geoboard.

As an extension, challenge students to find the minimum number of clues needed to guarantee a correct
identification. Or have them pick a property (e.g., sides and angles; symmetry; diagonals) and define a
quadrilateral using only that property. If the quadrilateral cannot be guessed by that property alone,
have them add another property to the list. This type of geometric reasoning stimulates deduction and
induction skills.

E1.2 construct three-dimensional objects when given their top, front, and side views

Teacher supports

• top, front, and side views of an object:

• two possible objects:

Top View Front View Right-Side View

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Key concepts

• Three-dimensional objects can be represented in two dimensions.

• Given accurate top, front, and side views of an object, with sufficient information included, an
object can be reproduced in three dimensions. Conventions exist (e.g., shading squares to show
different heights) to clarify any ambiguities.
• Architects and builders use plan (top-view) and elevation (side-view) to guide their construction.
Visualizing objects from different perspectives is an important skill used in many occupations,
including all forms of engineering. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
professionals use three-dimensional modelling apps to model a project before building a
prototype. Three-dimensional objects can be represented in two dimensions.
• Given accurate top, front, and side views of an object, with sufficient information included, an
object can be reproduced in three dimensions. Conventions exist (e.g., shading squares to show
different heights) to clarify any ambiguities.

Sample tasks
Have students build a structure out of interlocking cubes based on its top, front, and side views.
Students compare what they built with others who were given the same clues and discuss any
differences. As they analyse the various structures and compare them to the drawings, support them
to troubleshoot possible errors. Have them determine if all, none, or some of the structures fit the
specifications and explain their reasoning.

• Two possible objects:

Top View Front View Right-Side View

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To increase the possibility of more than one correct answer and, thereby, enrich the troubleshooting
process and reasoning, provide students with only a top and a front view; alternatively, provide them
with one view at a time, and use each subsequent view as a way for students to gradually refine their
Location and Movement
E1.3 plot and read coordinates in all four quadrants of a Cartesian plane, and describe the translations
that move a point from one coordinate to another

Teacher supports

Key concepts

• The Cartesian plane uses two perpendicular number lines to describe locations on a grid. The x-
axis is a horizontal number line; the y-axis is a vertical number line; and these two number lines
intersect perpendicularly at the origin, (0, 0), forming four quadrants.
• Pairs of numbers (coordinates) describe the precise location of any point on the plane. The
coordinates are enclosed by parentheses as an ordered pair (x, y). The first number in the pair
describes the horizontal distance and the direction from the origin. The second number

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describes the vertical distance and the direction from the origin. For example, the point (4, 2) is
located four units to the right of the origin and two units up; the point (4, −2) is located four
units to the right of the origin and two units down; the point (−4, 2) is located four units to the
left of the origin and two units up; the point (−4, −2) is located four units to the left of the origin
and two units down.

Sample tasks
Have students draw the four quadrants of a coordinate plane on a grid or graph paper. Have them use a
scale of 1 and place the positive integers to the right of the origin on the x-axis and above the origin on
the y-axis and the negative integers to the left of the origin on the x-axis and below the origin on the y-
axis. Have them plot various points as a horizontal movement to the right or left of the origin and then a
vertical movement up or down. For example, to plot the point (−3, 4), move 3 to the left from the origin
and then up 4. Next, have them draw an image on the grid using the point that they have just plotted.
Then, have them write down the coordinates for their image and exchange them with a partner to re-
draw the image.
Have students play strategic guessing games with a partner. Behind a screen, each should plot secret
objects, such as a treasure chest, along points in all four quadrants of a coordinate plane. They will take
turns guessing the location of their partner’s hidden objects, using positive and negative coordinates to

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identify locations. Each partner will need a blank coordinate plane to keep track of their guesses. The
game ends when one person has found all the objects hidden by their partner.
Provide students with the four quadrants of a coordinate plane with points plotted on it. Ask them to
describe the movement to get from one point to the next. Guide students to use appropriate signs to
indicate the movements; for example, 3→ or right 3 and 3↑ or up 3.

E1.4 describe and perform combinations of translations, reflections, and rotations up to 360° on a grid,
and predict the results of these transformations

Teacher supports

• combination of translation and reflection:

• the triangle is first translated 5 units to the right and then reflected in a horizontal line
below the shape:

• combination of rotation, reflection, and translation:

• the triangle is reflected in a vertical line, then rotated 180° clockwise about an exterior
point, and then translated 3 units down:

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• rotating a triangle 90° counterclockwise about a vertex (three times):

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• rotating a triangle 90° counterclockwise about a point outside the triangle (three

• rotating a triangle about a centre point inside the triangle:

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Key concepts

• Transformations on a shape result in changes to its position or its size. As a shape transforms, its
vertices (points on a grid) move. The transformation describes the results of the movement. This
explains how transformations involve location and movement.
• Transformations can be combined or composed. Sometimes a single transformation can be
created by combining multiple transformations.
• A translation involves distance and direction. Every point on the original shape “slides” the same
distance and direction to create a translated image. This combination of distance and direction
is called the translation vector. For example, on a grid, a vector could describe that each point
moving “5 units right and 2 units up”. It is a mathematical convention that the horizontal
distance (x) be given first, followed by the vertical distance (y).
• A reflection involves a line of reflection that acts like a mirror. Every point on the original shape
is “flipped” across the line of reflection to create a reflected image. Every point on the original
image is the same distance from the line of reflection as the corresponding point on the
reflected image. Reflections are symmetrical.
• A rotation involves a centre of rotation and an angle of rotation. Every point on the original
shape turns around the centre of rotation by the same specified angle. Any point on the original
is the same distance to the centre of rotation as the corresponding point on the reflected image.
• Because a rotation is a turn, and 360° produces a full turn, a counterclockwise rotation of 270°
produces the same result as a clockwise rotation of 90°. Convention has it that a positive angle

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describes a counterclockwise turn and a negative angle describes a clockwise turn, based on the
numbering system of the Cartesian plane (see E1.3).


• At this grade level, students can express the translation vector using arrows; for example, ( 5→,2
↑ ).
• Dynamic geometry applications are recommended to support students to understand how
transformations behave, either as a single transformation, or a combination of transformations.

Sample tasks
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices A, B, and C. Have them perform a
variety of combinations of translations and reflections (e.g., right 10 and then reflected horizontally),
using tracing paper as a tool, to draw new triangles. Ask them to label the new triangles using the
symbols for prime (A’, B’, C’), double prime (A”, B”, C”), triple prime (A”’, B”’, C”’), and so on, to
distinguish the original triangle from the new triangles. Have them verify that the original triangle and
the translated triangles are congruent. Ask them to determine whether they will get the same result if
they do the transformations in a different order. Repeat with other types of polygons.
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices D, E, and F. Have them rotate the
triangle around one of its vertices by 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360°, both clockwise and counterclockwise,
using tracing paper as a tool. Ask them to label the rotated triangles using the symbols for prime
(D’, E’, F’), double prime (D”, E”, F”), triple prime (D”’, E”’, F”’), and so on, to distinguish among the
triangles. Ask them to compare the triangles and describe what is the same and what is different about
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices J, K, and L. Have them rotate the
triangle by 90°, 180°, 270° and 360°, both clockwise and counterclockwise, around a point outside the
triangle, using tracing paper as a tool. Ask them to label the rotated triangles using the symbols for
prime (J’, K’, L’), double prime (J”, K”, L”), triple prime (J”’, K”’, L”’), and so on, to distinguish among the
triangles. Ask them to compare the triangles and describe what is the same and what is different about
Have students draw a triangle on grid paper and label the vertices P, Q, and R. Have them rotate the
triangle about a point inside the triangle by 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360°, both clockwise and
counterclockwise, using tracing paper as a tool. Ask them to label the rotated triangles using the
symbols for prime (P’, Q’, R’), double prime (P”, Q”, R”), triple prime (P”’, Q”’, R”’), and so on, to
distinguish among the triangles. Ask them to compare the triangles and describe what is the same and
what is different about them.
Have students use a dynamic geometry application to construct a polygon, rotate it 270°, and measure
the angles and distances involved. Ask them to move a vertex on the polygon or the point of rotation,
and guide them to notice the impact of the move (i.e., what changed and what stayed the same). Have
them compare the impacts of clockwise and counterclockwise rotations (negative or positive angle) and
discuss why a rotation of 270° clockwise is the same as a rotation of 90° counterclockwise. Have them
perform successive transformations, and have others in the class identify the transformations involved.
Have students perform a combination of a translation, a reflection, and a rotation (up to 360°) on a grid
and mentally note the transformation. Have them share their original shape and image with a partner
and ask them to identify the transformation and explain their reasoning. Using the same process, have

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students perform two successive transformations and again have a partner identify and explain the
transformations involved.

Challenge students to predict two transformations that, when combined, create a single transformation,
and have them test their predictions using a dynamic geometry application.

E2. Measurement
compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

The Metric System

E2.1 measure length, area, mass, and capacity using the appropriate metric units, and solve problems
that require converting smaller units to larger ones and vice versa

Teacher supports

• reasons for converting units:

• to make numbers smaller and mental calculations easier (e.g., converting 5000 cm to 50
• to compare measurements expressed in different units (e.g., one container has a capacity
of 1440 mL and another container has a capacity of 2 L)

Key concepts

• The choice of an appropriate unit depends on which attribute is being measured and the reason
for measuring it.
• The attribute to be measured determines whether to choose a unit of length, area, mass,
or capacity.
• The reason or context for measuring determines how accurate a measurement needs to
be. Large units are used for broad, approximate measurements; small units are used for
precise measurements and detailed work.
• When choosing the appropriate size of unit, it is helpful to know that the same set of metric
prefixes applies to all attributes (except time) and describes the relationship between the units.
Although not all metric prefixes are commonly used in English Canada, understanding the
system reinforces the connection to place value:

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Metric hecto-
kilo-unit deca-unit unit deci-unit centi-unit milli-unit
Prefix unit
Unit 1 1 1
1000 units 100 units 10 units 1 unit unit unit unit
Value 10 100 1000
Place one one
thousand hundred ten one one tenth
Value hundredth thousandth

• For any metric unit, the next largest unit (e.g., the unit to its left) is 10 times as great, and the
next smallest unit (e.g., the unit immediately to its right) is one tenth as great. Both place value
and the metric system use the same system of tens, so converting between units parallels
multiplying or dividing by powers of 10 (e.g., by 10, 100, 1000). For example, since 1 m is of
1 km, 28 500 m is 28.5 km (28 500 ÷ 1000), and since 1 cm is of 1 m, 58 cm is 0.58 m (58 ÷
• There is an inverse relationship between the size of a unit and the count of units: larger units
produce a smaller measure, and smaller units produce a larger measure. This principle is
important for estimating whether a conversion will result in a larger or smaller count of units.
• Because both place value and the metric system are based on a system of tens, metric
conversions can be visualized as a shifting of digits to the left or right of the decimal point a
certain number of places. The amount of shift depends on the relative size of the units being
converted. For example, since 1 km is 1000 times as long as 1 m, 28.5 km becomes 28 500 m
when the digits shift three places to the left.
• Conversions are ratios, so the same tools that are useful for scaling and finding equivalent ratios
are useful for unit conversions (e.g., double number lines, ratio tables, ratio boxes).

Sample tasks
Ask students to share real-life contexts that involve linear measurements (e.g., distance between
places); area (e.g., painting a wall); mass (e.g., weighing of fruit); and capacity (e.g., filling a drinking
glass). For each of the suggested contexts, have students pose a problem that requires them to convert
among units. For example: The distance between two communities is 13 907 m. How far is it in
kilometres? Or: What is the area of a 2.43 m × 3.04 m wall in square centimetres?
Have students gather (from home, or images from online or newspapers) labels with measurements on
them (mass, capacity, or linear dimensions). Have students convert these measures to a larger unit
(millilitres to litres; grams to kilograms) and vice versa and discuss why a certain unit might be chosen
over another.

To ensure that these conversions are sensible, guide students to recognize the base ten structure of the
metric system and the clues that metric prefixes provide about the relative size of the units. Have them
use place-value patterns and the multiplicative relationships between metric units to perform their
calculations. To ensure that conversions are reasonable, guide students to predict and estimate the
conversion first before carrying out the calculation, drawing on previous learning and their own
experience, to remember that smaller units mean larger numbers.

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Provide students with true or false statements, such as the ones below. Ask them to explain their
rationale using their knowledge of metric prefixes and a unit’s size; their understanding of place value;
and their mental math strategies for multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, or 1000.

True or false?

• 74 mm = 0.74 cm
• 350 mL = 35 L
• 1500 g = 1.5 kg
• 125 mL = 0.125 L
• 75 g = 7.5 kg

Pose problems involving measurement and rates. For example:

• For the community feast to celebrate the summer solstice and Indigenous Peoples Day, your
family has volunteered to purchase the flour for bannock and bread making. If 10 kg of flour
costs $9, how much does 100 g cost?
• If a 250 g box of granola is on sale for $2.50, and a 1.5 kg box of granola costs $16.00, which is
the better value for money?
• If 1 L of paint covers up to 10 m2, how many millilitres is needed to cover 2 m2?

Have students recall metric relationships between grams and kilograms, and support them in using
these relationships, and others that they notice in the problem, to make decisions. Discuss strategies for
solving the problem, and guide them to notice how the “times 10” relationship between metric units
and the place-value system makes it possible to do conversions mentally. Support students in using
organizers such as a ratio table to highlight multiplicative relationships. For example, the ratio table
below shows a way to record strategies for determining the cost of 100 g of flour if 10 kg costs $9:

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E2.2 use a protractor to measure and construct angles up to 360°, and state the relationship between
angles that are measured clockwise and those that are measured counterclockwise

Teacher supports

• measuring angles in counterclockwise and clockwise directions:

• 90° angle, measured counterclockwise
• 270° angle, measured clockwise
• “If the black angle is 90°, then I know that the red one must be 270° because
together they make a circle that adds up to 360°”:

• 180° angle measured counterclockwise and 180° angle measured clockwise:

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• measuring a 30° angle clockwise using a circle protractor:

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• measuring a 330° angle counterclockwise using a circle protractor:

Key concepts

• The lines (rays) that form an angle (i.e., the “arms” of an angle) meet at a vertex. The size of the
angle is not affected by the length of its rays.
• Protractors, like rulers or any other measuring tool, replace the need to lay out and count
individual physical units. The protractor repeats a unit so there are no gaps or overlaps and
includes a scale to keep track of the unit count.
• A degree is a very small angle and is a standard unit for measuring angles. When 360° are placed
together, they form a circle.

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• Since a degree is such a small unit, standard protractors often use a scale (typically in
increments of 10) with markings to show the individual degrees. If every degree were labelled
with a number, the protractor would need to be much larger.
• Protractors usually include a double scale to make it easier to count the degrees in angles that
open clockwise and those that open counterclockwise. On a 180º protractor, the outer scale
goes from 0° to 180° and reads from left to right whereas the inner scale goes from 0° to 180°
and reads from right to left.
• To make an accurate measurement (i.e., a count of degrees) using a protractor:
• align the vertex of the ray with the vertex of the protractor (i.e., the midpoint of the
protractor where all the degree angles meet);
• align one arm ray with the zero line of the protractor, similar to measuring from zero with
a ruler;
• choose the scale that begins the count at zero, use the scale to count the degrees in the
angle, and read the measurement where ray crosses the number scale – that is, if the rays
open to the right, use the inner scale, and if the rays open to the left, use the outer scale.
• Many common protractors are semi-circular, meaning the scale only counts 180°. There are two
strategies to measure or construct a reflex angle: measure the angle beyond the straight angle
and add 180° to that amount or subtract the remaining angle from 360°.

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• Smaller angles may be added together to determine a larger angle. This is the additivity principle
of measurement.

Sample tasks
Show students a semi-circle and a full-circle protractor, and have students compare their similarities and
differences. Guide students to notice the connection between the everyday use of the term “360” to
describe a full circle and the idea that angles can extend to 360°. Have students make connections
between reading the protractor clockwise and counterclockwise. Ask them to identify the angle
measures in degrees for the straight angle and the right angle, and the range of angle measures for
acute and obtuse angles. Have them use both types of protractors to measure angles greater than 180°
(reflex angles), including those found in everyday life.
To apply measurement and the properties of quadrilaterals (see E1.1), have students measure the
angles of convex quadrilaterals, such as a dart, and find the sum of their interior angles. As they
measure the sum of angles in different quadrilaterals, guide students to notice that they all add to
360° (a fact students could also demonstrate by tearing the vertices from a quadrilateral and
rearranging them into a 360° circle).

• Square:

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• Parallelogram:

• Right Trapezoid:

Have students also measure the exterior angles of various quadrilaterals and support them in noticing
that for quadrilaterals, the sum of an internal angle and its corresponding exterior angle is always 180°.
This is information they will use in E2.3.
Have students measure the angles in a rotation, both clockwise and counterclockwise (see E1.4). As they
rotate an object 270° and 90°, either by hand or using technology, discuss why the images end up at the
same coordinates.

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Have students measure the interior angles of various polygons, including those found in everyday life,
and determine the sum of their angles. Discuss any similarities and differences.
Have students draw a design that includes a variety of angles, including at least one right angle, one
acute angle, one obtuse angle, and one reflex angle. Have them measure each angle, write the
measurements on a separate piece of paper, and then trade designs with a classmate. Support students
in measuring the angles in each other’s designs and checking any measures that do not match. For
discrepancies within a few degrees, draw out the notion that all measurements are approximate and
that more precise measurements are sometimes limited by the tools used; for other discrepancies, have
students check the scale they used or the accuracy of their calculations in determining a reflex angle.
E2.3 use the properties of supplementary angles, complementary angles, opposite angles, and interior
and exterior angles to solve for unknown angle measures

Teacher supports

• supplementary angles:
• pairs of angles that have a sum of 180°:

° ° ° °

• complementary angles:
• pairs of angles that have a sum of 90°:


• opposite angles:
• the equal non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines:

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• interior angles in a triangle:
• �A, �B, and �C are inside �ABC:
• �A = 110°
• �B = 50°
• �C = ?°

• exterior angles:
• �ACD is an exterior angle of �ABC:

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Key concepts

• Angles can be measured indirectly (calculated) by applying angle properties. Measuring angles
indirectly is often quicker than measuring them directly and is the only choice if the location of
an angle is impossible or impractical to measure.
• Smaller angles may be added together to determine a larger angle. This is the additivity principle
of measurement.
• Angle properties can be used to determine unknown angles.
• A straight angle measures 180°: this property is used to determine the measurement of a
supplementary angle and is applied when determining the exterior angles of a polygon.
• A right angle measures 90°: this property is used to determine the measurement of a
complementary angle.
• Interior angles of quadrilaterals sum to 360°; this property is used to find an unknown
angle in a quadrilateral.
• Interior angles of triangles sum to 180°; this property is used to find an unknown angle in
a triangle.
• Angle properties can also be used to determine other unknown measures (e.g., the exterior
angle measures of a polygon) or to explain why opposite angles are equal.

Sample tasks
Have students apply the additivity principle and other angle properties to determine the angle
measures of pattern blocks and to use different pattern blocks to draw benchmark angles of 30°, 45°,
60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 180°, 270°, and 360°. For example, they might:

• identify the angles in the orange square as 90°

• deduce that if, 1 square + 3 tan rhombuses (acute angle) = 180°, then the tan rhombus must
have an angle measure of 30°
• deduce that if the obtuse angles of 3 blue parallelograms make up 360°, then using division tells
them each angle must be 120°
• combine the obtuse angles of the blue parallelogram (120° + 120°) with the acute angle of the
tan rhombus (30°) to make a reflex angle of 270° and demonstrate how the same angle could
have been created by subtracting the orange square (90°) from a full circle (360°) (see E2.2)

Ask students to draw a straight line and place a point on the line. Ask them to draw another line from
that point at any angle. Ask them to estimate the angle measures, then use a protractor to confirm their
measures. In small groups, have them compare their diagrams and their angle measures. Ask them to
determine the sum of the two non-straight angles in each diagram and describe what they notice. Share
that these angles are called supplementary angles.
Ask students to draw a right angle. Ask them to draw a line from the vertex of the right angle to form
two angles. Ask them to estimate the angle measures, then use a protractor to confirm their measures.
Ask them to check whether the sum of their angles is 90°. Share that these angles are called
complementary angles.

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Ask students to draw two lines that intersect at any point. Ask students to estimate the angle measures
of the four angles formed and have them use a protractor to confirm their measures. In small groups,
have them describe the relationships among the angles (i.e., the two opposite angles are equal, two
adjacent angles form a straight angle of 180°, and the sum of all four angles is 360°).
Ask students to draw a polygon of their choice and determine the sum of the interior angles. Ask them
to draw an extended line from each vertex to create an exterior angle and determine the sum of each
interior angle and its corresponding exterior angle. In small groups, have them compare and describe
any similarities and differences that they observe between the shapes and their angles.
Give students various diagrams of angles drawn to scale and an appropriate number of angle measures
so that they can determine other angle measures by using the angle properties. Students can check their
solutions by using a protractor.


° °

Have students invent “angle puzzles” where an angle is missing from a straight line, a full circle, or a
right angle, and exchange them with a partner. Support students who might have difficulty recognizing
either the angle or the connection to addition and subtraction.
Area and Surface Area
E2.4 determine the areas of trapezoids, rhombuses, kites, and composite polygons by decomposing
them into shapes with known areas

Teacher supports

• strategies to determine the area of a trapezoid:

• decompose the trapezoid into a rectangle and two triangles, determine the area for each
shape, and add them together:

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• double the trapezoid to make a parallelogram, then determine half the area of that

• determine the area of a rectangle that has the same base and height as the trapezoid,
then subtract the areas of the two triangles that are outside the trapezoid (the shaded

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• strategies to determine the area of a kite:

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Key concepts

• Partial areas can be added together to find a whole area. If an area is decomposed and
rearranged into a different shape (recomposed), the area remains constant. These are
applications of the additivity and conservation principles.
• The area of a polygon can be determined by decomposing it into triangles, rectangles, and
parallelograms – polygons with known area formulas:
• Area of a parallelogram or rectangle = b × h, where b represents the base and h
represents the height
• Area of a triangle = b × h ÷ 2 or b ×h
• Spatial relationships among quadrilaterals inform measurement relationships. For example,
since all rhombuses, squares, and rectangles are specific types of parallelograms (see E1.1), the
same area (A) formula applies to all: A = b × h.
• Trapezoids can be decomposed into rectangles, parallelograms, or triangles in various ways. The
illustrations below show how the four different decomposition strategies result in the same
formula on simplification.
• A trapezoid can be decomposed into two triangles and a rectangle and the areas combined:

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• A trapezoid can be doubled to create a parallelogram whose area is then halved:

• Two triangles can be added to a trapezoid to create a larger rectangle, and then their areas can
be subtracted:

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• A trapezoid can be decomposed and then recomposed into a rectangle with the same area,
where the base of the rectangle is the average of the two bases of the trapezoid (i.e., by
creating two triangles from the midpoints of the sides):

(Average of b1 + b2) × h


• The same composition and decomposition strategies used to find the area of a trapezoid can be
used to determine the area of kites (by decomposing into two triangles) and composite

Sample tasks

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Have students build a composite shape using various pattern blocks . Ask them to trace the exterior of
their composite shape to draw an outline, then draw dotted lines inside to mark the outlines of the
various pattern blocks. Tell them that the green triangle has an area of 2 square units, and ask them to
use that information to determine the total area of their composite shape.
Ask students to describe how they might find the area of a rhombus. Remind them to consider the
properties of a rhombus. After they have had an opportunity to come up with their strategies, support
them in recognizing that since the rhombus is a parallelogram, the same formula applies.
Give students an image of a kite, and ask them to identify possible ways it can be decomposed and
recomposed to calculate the area. Provide them with the same kite on grid paper, with
measurements, so they can verify their conjectures.

Ask students to determine the area of a trapezoid in various ways:

• Provide them with a picture of a trapezoid on a grid. Ask them to determine the area of the
trapezoid by decomposing it into other shapes, such as:

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• Provide them with a picture of a rectangle that has been decomposed into two triangles and a
trapezoid. Ask them to determine the area of the trapezoid by determining the area of the
rectangle, and then subtracting the areas of the two triangles:

• Provide them with a picture of a parallelogram. Ask them to decompose the parallelogram into
two congruent trapezoids, find the area of each, and then add them together to determine the
total area:

Have students find the area of different polygons (rhombuses, trapezoids, kites, darts, and composite
polygons) by composing and decomposing them into shapes with known area formulas (i.e., squares,
rectangles, parallelograms, triangles). Support students in recalling how they used the formula for the
area of a rectangle to develop the formulas for the area of parallelograms and triangles (see Grade 5,
E2.5), and have them apply similar strategies to these new polygons. Guide them to express their
strategies as an equation that could be generalized as a formula.
To consolidate and apply the strategies from this series of tasks, have students work with a partner to
make composite polygons whose areas can be determined by being decomposed and composed into
areas with known formulas. Challenge them to label the essential measurements needed to find the

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area of their polygon, then exchange polygons with another pair who can solve for the area. Debrief the
learning, and draw out the importance of being able to determine the height and base length of each
partial area.
E2.5 create and use nets to demonstrate the relationship between the faces of prisms and pyramids and
their surface areas

Teacher supports

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Prisms: Solids and Nets




Pyramids: Solids and Nets



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Key concepts

• Area is additive: partial areas can be added together to find a whole area. Finding the surface
area of a prism or pyramid is an application of the property of additivity.
• Nets help in visualizing the two-dimensional shapes that make up the faces of prisms and
• Prisms have two parallel, congruent faces, which are the prism’s bases. For an object to be a
prism, the bases must be joined by rectangles or parallelograms. Rectangles produce “right”
prisms and parallelograms produce “oblique” prisms. The shape of a base gives the prism its
name (e.g., a prism with two triangles for bases is a triangle-based prism, or triangular prism).
• Pyramids have a single polygon for a base. For an object to be a pyramid, triangles must be
joined to each side of the base and meet at the pyramid’s apex. The shape of the base gives the
pyramid its name (e.g., a pyramid with a square for a base is a square-based pyramid).


• Visualizing the nets for prisms and pyramids – imagining them in the “mind’s eye” – involves
identifying the number and type of polygons that form their faces. It also involves recognizing
how the dimensions of the prism or pyramid relate to the dimensions of the different faces.
Being able to visualize a net is helpful for determining surface area.

Sample tasks
Have students generate a list of various prisms and pyramids and discuss what distinguishes a prism
from a pyramid. Support this analysis by supplying students with various samples. Have pairs of students
select a mystery polyhedron from the list and make its net using grid paper, ensuring that adjacent faces
have matching dimensions. An acceptable strategy could be to make the net by tracing and counting out
all faces and recomposing them into one two-dimensional net that can be folded to recreate the
polyhedron. Have them show their net to another pair of students, who inspect it, name the polyhedron
it would form, and explain their reasoning. During their inspection, they predict whether the net would
actually make that prism or pyramid (i.e., whether the fold lines and polygons are in the correct
arrangement). They then test their prediction by building it.
Provide students with everyday objects that are prisms and pyramids. Have students make nets of a
prism of their choice and a pyramid of their choice. Have them test their nets to verify that they produce
the intended prism and pyramid. In small groups, have them share and discuss similarities and
differences between their pyramids and prisms.

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To consolidate their understanding of nets, students would benefit from different activities that
require them to think about the characteristics of the nets of different polyhedra. For example:

• Have students play a game of “What Am I?” with a partner. Behind a screen, have Partner A
select a prism or a pyramid from a collection and, while keeping it hidden, describe it to Partner
B. Partner A then shows three objects – the one described and two others – and Partner B picks
out which one was described.
• Have students play “Twenty Questions” to determine the name of a shape. Have one person
think of a three-dimensional object (e.g., a square-based pyramid) and write down the name of
the object without showing anyone. Have others in the group then ask a series of yes-no
questions, using the language of geometric properties to narrow down the options, and aiming
for the fewest questions necessary to determine the correct answer. Debrief the game by
discussing the types of questions that yielded the greatest progress in determining the name of
the polyhedron.

E2.6 determine the surface areas of prisms and pyramids by calculating the areas of their two-
dimensional faces and adding them together

Teacher supports

• determining the surface area of a trapezoid-based prism:

• adding the areas of the six faces:

• determining the surface area of a rectangle-based pyramid:

• adding the areas of the five faces:

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Key concepts

• Area is additive: partial areas can be added together to find a whole area. Finding the surface
area of a prism or pyramid is an application of the property of additivity.
• The faces joining the bases of a prism are rectangles or parallelograms. The faces joining the
base of a pyramid are triangles. The areas of these faces can be determined by using the
formula for the area of a rectangle or parallelogram (b × h ) and the formula for the area of a
triangle ( b × h)
• The base of a prism or a pyramid can be any polygon.
• If the base is a triangle, parallelogram, or trapezoid, then a formula can be used to
measure the area of the base indirectly.
• If the base is not one of these shapes, then its area may still be measured indirectly by
decomposing the shape and recomposing it into areas with known formulas (see E2.4), or
it may be measured directly by overlaying a grid and counting the square units.

Sample tasks
Have students find the surface area of the prisms and pyramids they built from nets in E2.5, Sample Task
1. Support students in noticing how their nets are related to the surface area of the prism or pyramid.
Have them apply the formulas they developed to calculate the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and
triangles, as well as the new ones they developed for other shapes (see E2.4), to measure the area of
each face. Ensure that students recognize how adding the areas together determines the total surface

Have students who seem uncertain of the spatial reasoning behind the different formulas verify the
formulas by tracing each face on grid paper and determining the total number of squares by counting.
This is another opportunity to revisit the learning from E2.4 (and from Grade 5, E2.6).

To extend the learning and connect the concept of surface area to real-life objects, have students collect
a variety of boxes of different sizes and shapes. Have them measure the dimensions of a box using the
appropriate metric units, and use the measurements and their understanding of nets to predict and
estimate the surface area of the box. They then take the box apart to check their prediction.

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F. Financial Literacy
Overall expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

F1. Money and Finances

demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions

Specific expectations
By the end of Grade 6, students will:

Money Concepts
F1.1 describe the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of payment that can be used to
purchase goods and services

Teacher supports

• methods of payment:
• cash
• debit cards (note: age restriction)
• credit cards (note: age restriction and qualification requirements)
• electronic wallets (e.g., tapping a smart phone or watch that has apps or payment cards
attached to a bank account)
• e-Transfer
• cheque
• coupons
• rewards or points in loyalty programs

Key concepts

• Various methods of payment can be used when purchasing goods and services.
• Considering the advantages and disadvantages of various payment options helps consumers
make informed purchasing decisions.

Sample tasks
Provide concrete examples of various methods of payment. Ask students to identify, describe, and
explain the advantages and disadvantages of paying for goods and services with various methods of

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payment (e.g., cash, debit card, credit card, e-Transfer, cheque, coupons, rewards or points from loyalty
Financial Management
F1.2 identify different types of financial goals, including earning and saving goals, and outline some key
steps in achieving them

Teacher supports

• types of financial goals:

• earning
• saving
• investing
• donating
• types of financial goals by time frame:
• immediate – achieved in one or two months
• short-term – achieved in one or two years
• long-term – achieved in more than two years
• types of goals by goal-setter:
• individual
• family
• school class
• community
• organization

Key concepts

• Setting financial goals, including earning and saving goals, is an important life skill.
• Key steps and considerations are involved in achieving set financial goals.


• An understanding of trade-offs may be helpful when setting achievable financial goals.

• Identifying the process of setting financial goals, including considering various influencing
factors, and the steps involved in achieving those goals provides a context for developing social-
emotional learning skills that build the confidence and competence students need to manage
their finances.

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Sample tasks
Provide students with a variety of scenarios for which they need to establish a financial goal (e.g., raising
money for a community garden, planning a class trip to a sugar bush camp). Have them outline the steps
they would take to reach the identified financial goal, such as seeking advice from a community
member, consulting a reliable source, or learning from others’ experiences; creating a budget;
developing a savings plan; considering alternative purchases based on best value; reflecting on their
own experiences; and making adjustments as needed).
F1.3 identify and describe various factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals

Teacher supports

• factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals:

• changes in:
• income
• expenses
• priorities
• health
• personal and family situation
• social factors (e.g., social inequalities)

Key concepts

• Anticipating potential barriers and considering factors that may help or interfere with reaching
financial goals are part of the financial planning process.
• Achievable financial goals are based on context, research, knowledge, and an understanding of
each individual situation.

Sample tasks
Have students select a shared financial goal for their class (e.g., a fundraising goal to purchase new
volleyball equipment for the local community centre). As a class, work together to create a T-chart
identifying the barriers to and opportunities for reaching this financial goal. Ask students to consider
tools and means (e.g., research, adjusting timelines, advocacy, involving community members) that may
help to overcome some of the barriers. Invite them to reflect on their own experiences, what they
learned from them, and how they might apply this learning to this new situation.
Consumer and Civic Awareness
F1.4 explain the concept of interest rates, and identify types of interest rates and fees associated with
different accounts and loans offered by various banks and other financial institutions

Teacher supports

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• types of fees:
• monthly fee
• withdrawal fee
• ATM fees
• debit card transaction fees
• types of accounts:
• chequing
• savings
• investment
• types of loans:
• cash advance
• line of credit
• mortgage
• personal loan
• business loan
• automobile loan
• student loan

Key concepts

• There are interest rates and fees associated with financial products such as bank accounts and
• Critically examining and comparing the interest rates and fees offered by different financial
institutions allows consumers to make informed choices.

Sample tasks
As a class, research financial definitions of interest, interest rate, and fees.
Provide different scenarios where students must research the best choice of accounts or loans. For
example, a local business needs to set up a business account to manage its revenue and expenses. Have
students review the websites of five financial institutions and the features of their savings and chequing
accounts (e.g., interest rates, fees). Have them decide which account would be best for this business and
explain why.
F1.5 describe trading, lending, borrowing, and donating as different ways to distribute financial and
other resources among individuals and organizations

Teacher supports

• types of resources that could be distributed:

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• monetary resources
• goods
• services
• donated time

Key concepts

• Financial and other resources can be distributed through different means depending on the
context (e.g., cultural, socio-economic, historical, technological).
• Being aware of the various ways in which financial and other resources can be distributed may
provide greater flexibility in choosing an appropriate method in a given situation or context.

Sample tasks

1. Have students create a graphic organizer, like the four-square model below, for each of the
following terms: trading, lending, borrowing, and donating. Have them respond to the question
in the upper left-hand corner first, and then have them research answers to the remaining

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Strand overviews
Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand A – Social-Emotional Learning
(SEL) Skills in Mathematics and The Mathematical Processes

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand B – Number

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand C – Algebra

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand D – Data

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand E – Spatial Sense

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Expectations, Grades 1–8, 2020: Strand F – Financial Literacy

Information for parents

A parent's guide to Mathematics, Grades 1–8 (2020)For informational purposes only, not part of official
issued curriculum.
For informational purposes only, not part of official issued curriculum.

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