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Inumerable, Hazzel Anne C.

BSCA 2102
Film Viewing
A. Among the mentioned greatest inventions in the video, which do you think created
the most impact in your life now? Why?
Among all the technologies described in the video, such as the telegraph, battery,
automobile, steam engines, and vacuum tube, I think "WHEELS" are the greatest
invention that has had the largest impact on my life. Because without it, things would be
very different and very difficult. With wheels, people can go to different places, and
transportation would be very fast and safe. See, the wheel allowed us to move objects,
so we were able to build houses fast and thus allowing us to build up our society. It has
made everybody's life easier and more comfortable.
B. Name one invention and discuss how it transformed the society.
I think the COMPUTER is one of the greatest inventions that humankind did, and I think
It has made things simpler and better everyone's lives. It also allows us to stay in touch
with our family and friends, regardless of whether they are far away, and it provides us
with knowledge about what is going on in our society.

Guide Questions:
1. Stephen Colbert starts the interview by asking Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson, “Is it
better to know or not to know?” Ponder on this question and decide which one
is better. Give as many reasons as to why.
As a person, I am eager to do something and know something to solve my problems,
and as a person who always wants to know everything, I believe that if I were to ask, "Is
it better to know or not to know?" I would choose "to know" over "not to know" because
The idea of being uninformed or oblivious to something is very difficult. The notion of not
knowing is both challenging and incompatible, knowing something gives you a reason to
act if something has to be done. Like Tyson he also believes that “it is better to know”
and he also claims that "It is also knowledge that empowers you to react." This powerful
statement from him is very true. As an individual driven by curiosity and a relentless
desire for knowledge, I firmly believe that Ignorance is not always bliss, and having
knowledge can be beneficial.
2. Enumerate the various statements that Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson said about
the importance of science literacy and its relationship to society.
Mr. Tyson pointed out that mere information is insufficient, and that understanding is
required to improve this knowledge and apply it to effect change. He also mentioned
that even if science is beneficial to society, it should not be the sole source of
knowledge. He emphasized that one must be scientifically literate because there will be
judgment and people might be afraid because of lack of understanding. He emphasized
the importance of being scientifically literate because there will be many opportunities.
Because of a lack of understanding, people may pass judgment and be afraid.
Individuals have the proclivity to misunderstand scientific concepts. We are collectively
part of a society that is using or not using to its benefit or its detriment, the discoveries
of science. And at the end of the day, a discovery itself is not moral — it’s our
application of it that must pass that test.

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