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Nguyen Le Bao Ngoc

On August 19, 2009, in the operating room of Tu Du Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, an angel
named Bao Ngoc was born. That girl was born with a vision to make the impossible
possible. And because of her own strength and resilience, that girl was named Ngoc.
Jade is a precious stone, so the little girl was born with the hope that one day she will
become a jewel in the world.
Everyone has a different dream, and so does our little girl. She has a dream of her own
that has been cherished for a long time. When she was in elementary school, she was a
timid girl who was afraid of crowds. That's why during elementary school, she didn't
seem to participate in any outstanding activities. And her whole year of elementary
school seemed thoughtless. She only cares about studying and studying, because she is
afraid of the crowd, so of course the little girl can't participate in any activities.
And the day the middle school year came, everyone thought that the girl brought fear of
crowds to school. But unlike people think, the girl named Bao Ngoc broke the outer shell
to shine into a real gem.
Everyone who is born on this Earth has a dream. But any dream takes time to practice.
Depending on the area, it will take different time. But in general, any dream takes time
to practice.
That girl has cherished a dream for a long time that is to be a speaker talking about the
environment. Usually speakers will choose fields such as: making money, raising
children,... But our little girl chooses to talk about the environment. An area that she
thinks she is most interested in right now. She also explained why she chose to talk
about the environment. She said: "When it comes to the current global environment,
people think of images like: garbage is everywhere (rivers, seas, roads, ...)". That's why
our little girl chooses to talk about the environment.
Once she determined the direction, she began to practice. First, she learned public
speaking skills. As a speaker, this element is extremely necessary. She asked her father's
permission, who was signing the MC course for kids. After this course, she changed a lot.
From demeanor, words to gestures on stage. And that has helped her a lot on the path
she has chosen.
Second, after practicing her speaking skills, she also began to learn about the
environment. The current environmental problems encountered: water pollution, air
pollution, melting ice at the 2 poles,... And of course Bao Ngoc said a sentence that: By
the age of 25 these problems will no longer exist. And she hopes she will do her best to
change what she wants.
Third, it is about learning about the audience. Depending on the field, the audience will
be different. If you are a speaker who helps others make money, your audience will be
the one who is having financial problems. But for the environment, your audience will
be the people who really care about this issue, then they will take their time to listen to
you talk about the environment. And I'm sure that the people listening to me talk about
the environment are the people who are really concerned about the Earth being
destroyed day by day.
And last but not least, the media. The media has many uses, the first is to help the little
girl promote her own brand. She always aspires that one day the brand she founded will
be praised by the media as one of the best and most prestigious speaker companies.
And finally, she wants the girl named Nguyen Le Bao Ngoc to want to participate in the
The United Nation as an environmental speaker. And she will constantly improve herself
so that she can achieve her dream.



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