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Mhel Edward Osorio

Wilhelm Zamonte



 Hospitality. This is the most common terminology that describes how
Filipinos welcome foreigners or tourists who visit the country. This trait of
the Filipinos towards their visitors is undeniably exceptional. Whenever a
visitor stays in a Filipino home, there will be a feast or a grand celebration
as it is somehow a tradition for us to prepare bountiful Filipino cuisine for
guests to have a taste of our culture through food. In addition, a cheerful
family would typically be ready to accommodate and spend time with the
visitors. To add to that, Filipino families are often more than willing to
share not only their meals but their entire home as well. As a matter of
fact, Filipinos would usually greet their visitors with the phrase “Feel at
home!” to ensure that they are at ease during their stay. For Filipinos, it is
a pleasure and the country’s honor to accept foreigners as visitors and
build genuine relationships and friendship with them.

 Demonstrates pride in being a Filipino; exercises the rights and
responsibilities of a Filipino citizen. Identifies oneself as a Filipino.
Respects the flag and national anthem. Takes pride in diverse Filipino
cultural expressions, practices, and traditions. Promotes the appreciation
and enhancement of Filipino languages. Abides by the rules of the school,
community, and country. Enables others to develop interest and pride in
being a Filipino.

 Expresses one’s spiritual beliefs while respecting the spiritual beliefs of
others. Shows adherence to ethical principles by upholding truth. Tells the
truth, Return borrowed things in good condition, Demonstrates intellectual
honesty, Expects honesty from others, Aspires to be fair and kind to all,
Identifies personal biases and Recognizes and respects one’s feelings
and those of others.

 Is sensitive to individual, social, and cultural differences and Demonstrates
contributions toward solidarity. Cooperates during activities, Recognizes
and accepts the contribution of others toward a goal, Consider diverse
views, Communicates respectfully, Accepts defeat and celebrates others’
success, Enables others to succeed and Speaks out against and prevents

 Is a socio-cultural value in the Philippines as well as a phrasing in Filipino
language that is either said as an expression of a fatalistic attitude towards
life or as a determined one in a challenging situation where things are
risky and uncertain. When they are unable to decide their next course of
action or when they have no idea what will happen next. Bahala Na is a
Filipino attitude that expresses courage and faith in God. It means to let go
and let God. It has always been an expression of optimism.

 Cares for the environment and utilizes resources wisely, judiciously, and
economically. Shows a caring attitude toward the environment, Practices
waste management, Conserves energy and resources, Takes care of
school materials, facilities, and equipment, Keeps work area in order
during and after work and Keeps one’s work neat and orderly


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