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Lesson 1 HOPE 12

Objective: The objective of this lesson plan is for students to self-assess their health-related
fitness (HRF) status under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Code: PEH12FH-Ig-i-6

Grade Level: Grade 12

Subject: Physical Education and Health

(1) Review:

 Begin the lesson by reviewing the components of health-related fitness: cardiovascular

endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
 Discuss the importance of self-assessment in determining one's HRF status.

(2) Motivation:

 Show a short video or present a case study highlighting the benefits of maintaining good
health-related fitness.
 Engage students in a discussion about the impact of HRF on overall well-being and daily

(3) Activity: HRF Self-Assessment Workshop

 Divide the students into small groups.

 Provide each group with a set of self-assessment tools, such as a fitness diary, body
composition measurement tools (e.g., skinfold calipers, measuring tape), and fitness tests
(e.g., 1-mile run, push-up test, sit and reach test).
 Instruct the groups to conduct the self-assessment activities and record their results.
 Encourage students to discuss their findings and reflect on their strengths and areas for

(4) Analysis:

 Bring the groups back together and facilitate a class discussion on the self-assessment
 Ask students to share their experiences, challenges, and successes during the self-
assessment process.
 Guide the discussion towards identifying trends and patterns in the class's HRF status.

(5) Abstraction:

 Introduce the concept of goal setting in improving HRF.

 Discuss the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal-
setting framework.
 Guide students in setting specific HRF goals based on their self-assessment results.

(6) Application: Real-Life Problem

 Present students with a real-life scenario where they need to apply their knowledge of
HRF and goal setting.
 For example, ask them to design a personalized fitness plan for a fictional character with
specific HRF goals.
 Encourage students to consider the principles of exercise science and the components of
HRF in their plan.

(7) Assessment: Questions and Answers

1. What are the components of health-related fitness?

o Answer: Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility, and body composition.
2. Why is self-assessment important in determining HRF status?
o Answer: Self-assessment helps individuals identify their strengths and areas for
improvement, allowing them to set appropriate goals for improving their health-
related fitness.
3. What is the SMART goal-setting framework?
o Answer: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and
Time-bound. It is a goal-setting approach that helps individuals set clear and
achievable goals.
4. What are some examples of fitness tests used in self-assessment?
o Answer: Examples include the 1-mile run, push-up test, sit and reach test, and
body composition measurements.
5. How can goal setting contribute to improving HRF?
o Answer: Goal setting provides a clear direction and motivation for individuals to
work towards improving their health-related fitness. It helps them track progress
and stay accountable.

(8) Assignment:

 Assign students to create their personalized fitness plan based on their self-assessment
results and the SMART goal-setting framework.
 Students should include specific exercises, duration, frequency, and any additional
considerations for achieving their HRF goals.

Interactive Activities Related to the Objective:

1. Fitness Circuit: Set up different stations representing each component of HRF. Assign
students to groups and have them rotate through the stations, performing exercises or
activities related to each component.
2. Fitness Tracker App: Have students research and create a mock fitness tracker app that
allows users to track their HRF progress, set goals, and receive personalized
recommendations based on their self-assessment results.
3. Fitness Challenge: Organize a friendly fitness challenge where students compete in teams
or individually to achieve specific fitness goals within a given time frame. Provide
incentives for participation and improvement.

Note: The lesson plan provided is a general framework. It is important to adapt and modify it
according to the specific needs and resources available in your educational setting.

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