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And now I will talk about social organization in the culture of

Tiahuanaco or more common called social status.

the culture of Tiahunaco had a main characteristic of a pyramid
organization. like all the societies of the andean highlands.
In the pyramid we can see 5 kinds of levels of social classes starting
with social elite then farmers, continue ranchers, and finally
craftsmans and merchants.
The social elite made up of shamans, militaries and politicians about
politican i dont sure if this is correct. they wonder why? the answer is
some historians "claim" that they may have existed but others "say"
that they did not.
The shamans were the most respected people of the town and at
the same time feared, you may wonder why? The answer is if
someone made a mistake, the shamans decided if you lived or died.
On the other hand, soldiers who were feared in the highlands why
because they were brilliant warriors
Farmers individuals who dedicated their lives to collecting food for
all the people this is the most common social class in the culture
ranchers these characters their role was to take care of the animals
for the good of the community.
Craftsmans and merchants here is the controversy since many
historians affirm that one is at the top than the other but there is no
proof. Artisans created all kinds of art for the people
and the merchants traded food, animals, and art to other towns.

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