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According to Philippine Constitution of 1973, what are the duties and obligations of a Filipino
citizen? List down the duties and obligations and write your interpretation. 3-5 sentences

● To be loyal to the Republic and to honor the Philippine flag

➔ Being loyal to the Republic and honoring the Philippine flag are essential values for
every Filipino citizen. Loyalty to the Republic means being dedicated to the country
and its government, obeying its laws, and serving its interests. Honoring the
Philippine flag involves respecting and valuing the country's identity and heritage and
upholding its values and principles. By embracing these values, Filipinos can
contribute positively to society and work towards the betterment of the Philippines.
● To defend the State and contribute to its development and welfare
➔ To defend the State and contribute to its development and welfare means to be
committed to protecting the country from internal and external threats while actively
working towards its progress and well-being. This involves being a responsible and
engaged citizen who contributes positively to society through various means, such as
participating in civic activities, supporting government initiatives, and promoting social
welfare programs. By defending the State and contributing to its development and
welfare, individuals can help build a stronger, more prosperous, and more equitable
nation for themselves and future generations.
● To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws
➔ Upholding the Constitution and obeying the laws are crucial values for a functional
and just society. It means respecting and adhering to the principles and rules
established in the Constitution and laws of the country. By upholding the Constitution
and obeying the laws, individuals contribute to the maintenance of law and order and
promote the stability and harmony of society. This involves being a responsible and
law-abiding citizen who respects the rights and freedoms of others and works
towards the common good.

Kant's moral philosophy is grounded in the idea that morality is derived from reason and
not from experience or tradition. His ethical theory, known as the Categorical Imperative, is a
universal principle that he believes everyone should follow. According to Kant, our actions are
morally right if they follow a maxim that could be made into a universal law. This means that we
should only act in ways that we would be willing to have everyone else act in the same way.

In terms of rights theory, Kant believes that individuals have inherent worth and should be
treated as ends in themselves, rather than merely as means to an end. This means that people
should not be used as a means to achieve someone else's goals or desires without their consent.

Kant's approach to ethics and rights theory emphasizes the importance of treating
individuals with respect and dignity. It also highlights the role of reason in moral decision-making
and the need for universal moral principles that apply to everyone.

In conclusion, Kant's moral philosophy and rights theory have had a significant impact on
modern moral and political philosophy. His emphasis on reason and universal moral principles
continues to influence contemporary debates about ethical issues, such as human rights, social
justice, and the responsibilities of individuals and governments.

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