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July 2005 Que3)

Weather Routing effective in following circumstances:-

 It is effective in the areas where the weather is very variable.

 Area where weather can significantly affect the speed of vessel.
 It is effective in the areas where there is high likely of weather damage to ship and cargo.
 While on great circle sailing to avoid areas of ice and icebergs.
 While on seas passage to take advantage of favourable factors.
 Justifying the liabilities from charterer party.
 To avoid the areas of restricted visibility i.e. fog, heavy rain etc.
 To improve the personnel safety as rough weather can adversely effect the health of crew
on board.

Shipboard routing:-


 Economical i.e. cost effective.

 Local variable in weather to be consider.
 Local circumstance and effects to be consider.


 The amount and reliability of available information.

 The knowledge of the crew.
 The experience of the ships staff.
 Time consuming.
 Level of the expertise of ships staff.

Shore base routing:-


 Immediately available for ships staff.

 High availability of reliable information.
 High expertise in the field.
 Powerful computing software program.
 High knowledge and skill of shore staff.


 High cost.
 Less accurate information available for local variables.
 Not aware of local circumstance and effects.
 Shore staff have to rely on the position information from the ship.
Objective of weather routing:-

 Complete the passage in less time.

 Complete the passage in low cost.
 Complete the passage with least damage to ship or cargo.
 Justify the liabilities from charterer party.
 Complete the passage while complying with legislation requirements.
 Complete the passage while comply with charterer party requirement.
 To improve the personnel safety.

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