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The clothing you wear is not only a way to express yourself but also to cover and

protect your body from the harsh weather and even insects. The type of attire
people wear depends on their culture, the place they live and what they do.

The design of clothing changes all the time, depending on the current fashion
trends or the needs of a community. For example, some people say that high heels
originated in Persia around the 9th century. People wore them to ride horses,
because they held the rider’s feet secure.

Do you like wearing jeans? Can you see a tiny pocket some jeans have? Around
the 19th century they were used to keep cowboys’ pockets watches, before
wristwatches were invented. At the beginning, the color of jeans was indigo
because it was dark, and dirt could be noticeable. Nowadays, jeans are not only for working but fashion
objects that are obligatory to have them in your closets.
Football (13)_____ one of the most popular sports in the
United States. There (14)_____ school teams and
professional teams. There are even football teams for young
children. Millions of people watch football games every
year. Two teams (15)_____ in every game. Each team tries
to (16)_____ the football into the other team’s end zone.
The players plan, run, throw, catch and tackle. The time for
most games (17)______ three hours. Players (18)_____ a
helmet and a uniform on their bodies and heavy pads for
protection. They also (19)______ special shoes called cleats. Cleats (20) _____ the players run through
the big court.

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