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Population Geography (Marking Guide)

Question 1

1. Nonecume*
2. Abiotic
3. Density
4. Eastern
5. Reproductive age and Period
6. Dependency ratio
7. Age, gender, population numbers
8. Medicine

Question 2

1. China
2. Nigeria
3. True, due to the availability of resources, large economies, Job opportunities which attract
people to the place. Therefore, the populations increase as a result.
4. Yes, Brazil could be considered overpopulated, because the population of Brazil is made of
elderly Brazilians of age 70. Retirees from around the world come to Brazil to spend in rest
of their lives.
5. Brazil has a lot of resources, opportunities and better, improved services which attract a lot
of people, therefore it is overpopulated.

Question 3


 Stage 1- High Stationary place (pre-Industrial)

 Stage 2- Early Expanding (Industrializing)
 Stage 3- Late Expanding Phase (mature industrial)
 Stage 4- Low Stationary Phase (post- industrial)

2. Demographic transition mode

3. Stage 2- Early expanding Phase: BR remains high, IMR and DR start to drop due to factors such as
improved medical services, better diet, better services and infrastructure and fewer wars. LE
increase and total population starts to grow, we call it population explosion.

4. Stage 4- Low Stationary phase: BR and DR have stabilised at low levels. Total population remains
stationary. If BR drops below DR, there is a negative NI and the population gets smaller.

5. Stage 5- depicts a declining population

 Birth rates fall as women choose higher education and career over having children.
 Death rates low due to continued medical advances
 Population declines slowly
6. Stage 3
7. There is no Timetable for progress from stage 3 to 4. Many countries remain in stage3 even
with fast growing economies & ever changing social dynamics.

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