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Students Should use E-textbooks instead of physical textbooks

If you were a student, wouldn't you prefer to bring one device to class rather than
a bulky backpack full of textbooks? E-textbooks provide the same easy-access
content as traditional textbooks, but in a digital format. It is still effective and has
many major benefits. E-textbooks are efficient because instead of carrying large
heavy textbooks in your bag, you can download the softcopy and they are
beneficial for the environment in many ways.

E-textbooks are portable and lightweight, making it easy to carry around. Instead
of carrying multiple bulky books, A student who uses E-textbooks can access
multiple books. It saves a lot of space in your home and in your bag. “One
doesn't have to worry about the storage limit.”

Having many physical textbooks printed in the millions all over the world has a
major effect on the environment with e-textbooks. The environment is positively
impacted because there is no need for deforestation and the use of natural
resources. E-text books save the environment by reducing carbon footprints, it
drastically reduces deforestation, pollution, and the use of natural resources”.
About thirty million trees are cut down to produce physical books.When more
trees are being cut down many animals such as birds, ants and bees lose their
homes which further affect the ecosystem.

Another reason e-textbooks are better for the environment compared to physical
printed books is that it causes less pollution to the environment. According to an
article by Eco Bravo For the paper making process chemicals such as inorganic
materials and alcohol are often released into water bodies during the book
production process. Ultimately, this causes a great deal of harm to water bodies,
polluting surfacing waters which are the natural home of aquatic animals.

In conclusion, using e-text provides many benefits to individuals' lives and also
the environment. E-textbooks has an overall benefit compared to physical printed
books. Instead of a student carrying multiple physical books to school they can
simply download their Digital Textbook on their desired device. E-textbooks
benefit the environment in terms of more trees and less pollution.

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