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Shakaib Ahmed

A Project Report submitted to the

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science & Technology,
July, 2023
Copyright  2023 by CUST Student
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form requires the prior
written permission of Shakaib Ahmed.

It is declared that this is an original piece of my own work, except where otherwise
acknowledged in text and references. This work has not been submitted in any form
for any other degree or diploma at any university or other institution for tertiary
education and shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from
this or any other University or Institution.

Shakaib Ahmed

July, 2023


It is certified that the project titled ―Power Factor Monitoring and Correction‖ carried
out by Shakaib Ahmed, Reg.No.BEE193039 under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad
Ashraf, Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad, is fully adequate, in
scope and inequality, as a final year project for the degree of BS Electrical

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf
Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science &Technology, Islamabad

Dr. Noor Mohammad Khan
Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science &Technology, Islamabad


I am thankful to our supervisor DR Muhammad Ashraf who directly helped me out

in the completion of the project. His guidance and supervision was the guiding beacon
in our success towards the completion of the project.


When consumers connect inductive loads to the power system, the power factor lags,
creating high current demand, Customers that connect inductive loads to the power
grid experience a power factor lag that results in high current demand and significant
active power losses throughout the system. This necessitates system control, and as
are result power factor correction. Previously, the capacitor bank needed to be
manually adjusted to rectify the power factor. The automated power factor adjustment
made possible by a capacitive bank serves to give the power factor correction while
also speeding up the process, which helps to boost power efficiency. Using opto
Couplers, an XOR gate, and other techniques, it has been shown in this work that it is
possible to calculate the phase difference between voltage and current. Transformers
for converting the voltage and current of loads have been utilized. Respectively to
bring them in the desired working range for the zero-crossing detectors. Because the
power factor lags when inductive loads are connected to the power grid, there is a
high current demand, which results in substantial active power losses. The device
reads the phase angle, which is now determined from the time difference between line
voltage and line current, and calculates the corresponding power factor from there.
The capacitor is switched on by an electromagnetic relay if the power factor is
between 0.5 and 0.6, which causes the capacitor to charge and raise the power factor.
The microcontroller then determines the necessary compensation and switches on the
necessary capacitor in accordance. A162 liquid crystal display module was used as the

DECLARATION ........................................................................................... iii
CERTIFICATEOFAPPROVAL ................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. vi
TABLEOFCONTENTS ............................................................................... vii
LISTOFFIGURES .......................................................................................... x
LISTOFTABLES ........................................................................................... xi
LISTOF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS................................................ xii
Chapter1 .......................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Project Idea .............................................................................. 1
1.3 Purpose of the Project.............................................................. 2
1.4 Project Specifications .............................................................. 2
1.5 Applications of the Project ...................................................... 2
1.5.1 Features of the Project .......................................................................... 2
1.5.2 Power Factor Correction ...................................................................... 2
1.5.3 Switching of Relays.............................................................................. 3
1.6 Project Plan .............................................................................. 3
1.6.1 Project Milestones ................................................................................ 3
1.6.2 Targeted Sustainable Development Goals ........................................... 4
1.6.3 Project Timeline ................................................................................... 4
1.7 Report Organization ................................................................ 5
Chapter2 .......................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 6
2.1 Background Theory ................................................................. 6
2.2 Related Technologies .............................................................. 6
2.2.1 Real Automated Power Factor Correction and Energy Monitoring
System ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Sensor Advanced Methodology ........................................................... 7
2.3 Related Projects Interoperability ............................................. 7

2.3.1 Power Factor Modification Using Interoperability .............................. 7
2.3.2 Automatic power factor correction using PIC microcontroller
................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Related Studies/Research ........................................................ 9
2.4.1 Instantaneous Power Factor Modification and Power Tracking on the
Web 9
2.4.2 System for Tracking Power ................................................................ 10
2.5 Limitations and Bottlenecks of the Existing Work ............... 11
2.6 Problem Statement ................................................................ 11
2.7 Summary................................................................................ 11
Chapter3 ........................................................................................................ 12
PROJECT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................... 12
3.1 Proposed Design Methodology ............................................. 12
3.2 Analysis Procedure ................................................................ 13
3.2.1 With an Arduino Uno, monitor power factor and make necessary
corrections ..................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Design of the Project Software/Algorithm ............................ 14
3.4 Details of Final Working Prototype ...................................... 14
3.5 Summary................................................................................ 15
Chapter4 ........................................................................................................ 16
TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES...................................................................... 16
4.1 Hardware Tools ..................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Capacitor ............................................................................................ 16
4.1.2 Resistor ............................................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Arduino UNO ..................................................................................... 17
4.1.4 16x2LCD ............................................................................................ 18
4.1.5 Vero Board ......................................................................................... 19
4.1.6 LM358Op-Amp .................................................................................. 20
4.1.7 Opto-Coupler4N35 ............................................................................. 20
4.1.8 Relay ................................................................................................... 21
4.1.9 Fluorescent Lamp Ballast ................................................................... 22
4.1.10 XOR Gate .............................................................................. 22
4.1.11 NOT Gate .............................................................................. 23

4.2 Software Used ....................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Arduino IDE ....................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Proteus ................................................................................................ 24
4.3 Summary................................................................................ 25
Chapter5 ........................................................................................................ 26
PROJECT RESULTS AND EVALUATION .............................................. 26
5.1 Presentation of the findings ................................................... 26
5.1.1 Software Results ................................................................................. 26
5.2 Verification of Design Functionalities .................................. 28
5.3 Discussion on the Findings.................................................... 29
5.3.1 Comparison with Initial Project Specifications.................................. 29
5.4 Limitations of the Working Circuit ....................................... 30
5.4.1 Reliability of Measurements .............................................................. 30
5.4.2 Temporary Response .......................................................................... 30
5.4.3 Compensation for Reactive Power ..................................................... 30
5.4.4 Reduce Complexity ............................................................................ 31
5.5 Attainment of the SDGs during the Project Implementation 31
5.5.1 Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG12)......................... 31
5.6 Summary................................................................................ 31
Chapter 6 ....................................................................................................... 32
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ..................................................... 32
References..................................................................................................... 34
APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 37
Appendix-A ................................................................................................... 37

Figure 1: Project timeline 1 ........................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2 Project timeline 2 ......................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Power Factor Correction ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 4: Automatic power factor correction using PIC microcontroller ................................. 9
Figure 5: System for Tracking Power ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Energy Monitoring System ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Block Diagram of Project Hardware ....................................................................... 12
Figure 8: Corrections with Arduino Uno ................................................................................. 14
Figure 9: Block Diagram of software algorithm ...................................................................... 14
Figure 10: Capacitor ................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 11: Resistor ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12: Arduino Uno ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13: LCD......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 14: Vero Board.............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15 OP-AMP ................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16: Opto-Couplor .......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17: Relay ....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 18: Lamp Ballast ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 19: XOR Gate ................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 20: NOT Gate ................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 21: Arduino Uno ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 22: Proteus .................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 23: Final Simulation-1 .................................................................................................. 27
Figure 24: Power Factor before connecting to capacitor ........................................................ 27
Figure 25: Power Factor after connecting to capacitor .......................................................... 28
Figure 26: Verification ............................................................................................................. 29
Figure 27: Final Circuit ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 28: Project Specifications ............................................................................................. 30

Table1.1 Project Specifications ..................................................................................... 2
Table1.2Proposed Project Plan Part 1 .......................................................................... 3
Table1.3Proposed Project Plan Part 2 .......................................................................... 3
Table1.4 Targeted Sustainable development Goals....................................................... 4
Table4.1 Arduino UNO ................................................................................................ 18


PFM&C Power factor Monitoring and Correction

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

Op-Amp Operation Amplifier


The ratio of the actual power absorbed by the load to the apparent power flowing in
the circuit is known as the power factor of an AC power system in electrical
engineering. By connecting capacitance to the supply, power factor monitoring and
correction converts a low current into a strong current. Capacitors are a common
component of power factor rectification systems because they can draw current, drive
voltage, and provide a main power factor. A required capacitance is coupled in order
to change the power factor as evenly as feasible. Capacitors have the potential to
supply all necessary responsive power.

1.1 Overview
In the electrical system, the power factor is essential. Power factor needs to be
carefully checked, and if it drops below a certain range, it needs to be corrected right
away. There will be fewer power losses since power factor correction keeps the power
factor close to 1.0.

1.2 Project Idea

A Power Factor Monitoring and Correction (PFM&C) Unit that can monitor a
system's energy use and improve its power factor is what this project aims to create
and use. If capacitors are added to a circuit, the lag in the circuit will be
correspondingly reduced from when it operates normally at a power factor that is
lagging. Power factor adjustment is applied to neutralized as much of the inductive
load as possible and to reduce losses in the distribution system. It offers a number of
benefits to the commercial electrical user, including lower utility costs by lowering
the penalty for reactive power due to power factor loss and lowering losses that result
in excess Kw of power due to the change in start supply. As a result, energy
performance improves.

1.3 Purpose of the Project
Power generation that is efficient is necessary given the existing level of electricity
waste. Power factor, which measures a system's power efficiency, is a crucial element
in improving supply quality. With the use of a power factor adjustment device, the
system might be able to run more efficiently and at a lower cost. Power factor
adjustment has the ability to lower power system losses, raise voltages, and increase
Carrying capacity.

1.4 Project Specifications

A clear and planned discussion of the project has been done and the specification of
the project is given in the table below.



1 Phase AC single phase

2 Maximum current 10A

3 Maximum volts 220-230V

1.5 Applications of the Project

The following are the applications of the project:

1.5.1 Features of the Project

The power factor, the primary component of electricity, is being evaluated as part of this
project, which will boost the system's efficiency. By monitoring the power factor, we
can manage the power of the electric system since the closer the power factor is to unity,
the less power is lost.

1.5.2 Power Factor Correction

It is widely accepted that the first step to reduce energy costs and increase energy
efficiency is to modify power factor. To work, this "corrects" an inefficient electrical
load or supply. All motor-based equipment, including pumps, air conditioners,
refrigerators, and other basic plant and machinery, produce an inductive load that needs
to be offset. Circuits using capacitors are immediately switched on. Power users can
balance the inductive as well as capacitive components in their load circuits using power
factor correction equipment, which will correct the power factor and save energy.

1.5.3 Switching of Relays

Relays are switched by the Arduino Uno microcontroller in order to monitor and
rectify the power factor.

1.6 Project Plan

The purpose of phase 1 is to complete the project simulation and do literatures review
of the project. Using the Arduino UNO microcontroller and relays, Proteus will
simulate the power factor monitoring and adjustment. The simulation will be put into
practice on hardware in part 2, along with power factor monitoring and adjustment.

1.6.1 Project Milestones

The table 1.2 shows the task which will be performed in part 1 and how much time it
takes to complete.

Table1.2 Proposed Project Plan Part 1

No. Tasks Duration Resource Person

1 Literature Review 03Weeks Shakaib Ahmed
2 Simulation 04Weeks Shakaib Ahmed
3 Buying and finding compatible 01Weeks Shakaib Ahmed
4 Report writing 02Week Shakaib Ahmed

The table 1.3 shows the task which will be performed in part 2 and how much time it will take to

Table 1.3 Proposed Project Plan Part 2

No. Tasks Duration Resource Person

1 Completion of Simulation File 02 weeks Shakaib Ahmed

2 Designing of hardware 04 weeks Shakaib Ahmed
3 Working of hardware verification of 02 weeks Shakaib Ahmed
4 Report Writing 04 weeks Shakaib Ahmed

1.6.2 Targeted Sustainable Development Goals

The table shows the targeted SDGs during the implementation of the final year project.

Table 1.4 Targeted Sustainable development Goals

No. Targeted SDGs SDGs No

1 Responsible Consumption and SDG No 12
2 Partnership For the Goals. SDG No 17

1.6.3 Project Timeline

The chart shows the duration and time taken to complete project part I.

Figure 1: Project timeline 1

The chart shows the duration and time taken to complete project part 2.

Report Writing

Results Verification

Desinging of Hardware

Completion Of simulation file

3-Feb 23-Feb 15-Mar 4-Apr 24-Apr 14-May 3-Jun

Figure 2 Project timeline 2

1.7 Report Organization
The project's overview, purpose, and characteristics are discussed in this chapter 1,
which talks about the project's introduction. Background theory, methods, and
projects connected to the project are covered in chapter 2. The project designing and
approach are covered in Chapter 3. The hardware and software tools and methods
needed to complete this project are covered in chapter 4, the results are covered in
chapter 5, and the chapter's conclusion is covered in chapter 6 will be done.

2.1 Background Theory
Underdeveloped countries lack a power factor monitoring system. At the supply point,
the customers' average power factor must be at least 90%. If the PF is lower than 90%,
customers will be penalized. Lack of monitoring of the rate and duration of industry
power factor decline is another weakness of the current system. This strategy, which is
evaluation-based, is ineffective and unreliable.

2.2 Related Technologies

There are several technologies related to the proposed project some of them are
discussed below.

2.2.1 Real Automated Power Factor Correction and

Energy Monitoring System

The current state of power wastage makes efficient power generation essential. Power
factor is a key factor in raising supply quality because it quantifies a system's power
efficiency. A low power factor brought on by an increase in the use of inductive loads is
typically ignored in power systems. The system may operate more cost-effectively if its
power factor was restored to be close to unity with the use of a power factor correction
device. Power factor correction has many benefits, including decreased power system
losses, improved voltages, and an improvement in load carrying capacity. The objective
of this project is to construct an Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Unit, which
can automatically raise a system's power factor while monitoring its energy usage. The
APFC device determines how much reactive power is used by an inductive load in a
system and uses capacitance from a capacitor bank to make up for the trailing power
factor. [1]

2.2.2 Sensor Advanced Methodology
Monitoring systems enable real-time monitoring of electricity consumption. They
have the power to reduce or halt energy use. Consumers can find out how much
electricity is being used by the appliances in their own houses by using smart metres.
It's used to figure out power in kWh. It is a tool that regulates the price of immediate
benefit to the consumers trying to reduce the cost of their electricity bill. According to
the Advanced Sensor Infrastructure distribution, these sensors are in charge of
reporting billing system to the energy provider. They monitor consumption at roughly
hourly intervals. They operate remotely in accordance with the data gather focus
sensor. This particular sensor is utilized to keep tabs on the Smart Sensor's usefulness.

The drawback of such sensors is that the utility is now unaware of the rates of
consumption in real time, despite their intelligence and potential to help the client
manage their electricity. In order to compile all the data from these sensors and make
it simple for the responsible utility or authority to manage and supervise them, the
server connection is essential. [2]

2.3 Related Projects Interoperability

The projects related to the designed project are described below.

2.3.1 Power Factor Modification Using


It is widely accepted that the first step to reduce energy costs and increase energy
efficiency is to modify power factor. To work, this "corrects" an inefficient electrical
load or supply. Capacitors are automatically switched into circuits to counteract the
effects of an inductive load, which is produced by all motors, pumps, air conditioners,
refrigerators, and other machinery and plant that uses motors in its operation or process.
Power users can balance the inductive and capacitive components in their load circuits
using rectifying the power factor equipment, which will correct the power factor.[3]

Figure 3: Power Factor Correction

2.3.2 Automatic power factor correction using PIC microcontroller

A comparison between apparent and actual power is called a power factor. The ideal
power factor is one. Power factor is one for a pure resistive load. Such a load doesn't
exist, though. Hence, we continually work to achieve a power factor that is close to 1.
Reactive power is another aspect that lowers power factor. Capacitive loads provide
reactive power, whereas inductive loads consume it. In order to improve power factor,
capacitor banks are used in power factor correction circuits. By attaching capacitor banks
in the direction of the load, power factor can be increased. The battery provides reactive
power locally to the load rather than getting it from turbines or the energy infrastructure,
adding strain to the power system in the mean-time. Automated power factor regulator
shows the schematic diagram to increase power factor, two capacitors are connected in
parallel with the load in this automatic power factor controller. A pic microcontroller is
used in this project to measure and automatically alter the power factor. Relays are
activated by whenever the power factor drops below 0.9, the microcontroller. Relays are
activated to improve power factor to a level near to unity and automatically connect the
shunt capacitors to the load. [4]

Figure 4: Automatic power factor correction using PIC microcontroller

2.4 Related Studies/Research

Every industry is seeing a significant growth in research, but the electricity system is no
exception. Many studies and research are being done on how to make the system more
dependable and effective. The studies listed below are as follows.

2.4.1 Instantaneous Power Factor Modification and

Power Tracking on the Web

Delivering knowledge about cost reduction, helping with multi-home procedures, and
assisting with core device decision-making is the main goal of the future system. The
development of a new automatic power actor correction will enhance monitoring and
power quality. Our method will be widely adopted, have reduced user costs, and utilize
less reactive power as electrical networks grow. It utilizes the PaaS model for private
clouds and may be changed to enable use cases for hybrid clouds. To determine
combinations of common equipment for all homes in non-equal housing in residential
areas according to home size, the system will conduct a pretest.
In the main typical process device, the right choices were made while the neural network
algorithm's training data (actual power and power factor) were being generated. Each
house was then given the optimum choice for improving power factor by choosing the
appropriate value of capacitance based on the algorithm's findings. A block diagram for
two dwellings is shown in Figure below.

2.4.2 System for Tracking Power

Figure 5: System for Tracking Power

The recommended system's power source is a 230v 50Hz mains supply, and it steps
down the voltage to 12v using a PT. The 12 volts of AC power are then split into 9 and
5 volts volts of DC power by the power supply unit. The voltage sensor circuit
processes the generated sample voltage signal for microcontroller input using this 12
volt AC signal. Moreover, a current transformer takes a sample of the current signal
from the power source and processes it for another microcontroller input. The
microprocessor calculates power factor and modifies the bank's capacitors. The results
are shown on a Panel with a resolution of large - scale structure [5]. The project's
functional capabilities are shown in the following block diagram:

Figure 6: Energy Monitoring System

2.5 Limitations and Bottlenecks of the Existing Work
These projects have some restrictions and bottlenecks because they deal with the power
industry, which is fundamental to daily life. For example, there is no run-time power
factor monitoring, capacitor switching is done by hand, and the efficiency of the power
system suffers because there is no check and balance of the power system. Another
problem is operating at extremely low loads, particularly at night when most loads are
off. Due to the APFC Controller's sensitivity limitations, the APFC panel stops
responding. We require controllers that can run at currents as low as 4 to 5 mA.

2.6 Problem Statement

Due to a lack of run-time monitoring technologies, the utility is unable to monitor power
characteristics in real time, creating an accessibility barrier. Failure to comprehend the
characteristics at the load end may result in long-term problems for the utility. New,
effective, and clever monitoring methods must be developed due to the world's growing
energy needs. The solutions we currently have are unable to meet modern needs, hence
intelligent run time monitoring is necessary to plug the hole. To counteract the impacts of
the load's inductive reactance, a poor power factor can be ironically addressed by adding
a second load to the circuit that draws an equal and opposite quantity of reactive power.

2.7 Summary
The project was thoroughly studied in this chapter of the literature review, and various
technologies, projects, and research papers were examined in order to understand how
they operate and what obstacles this project must conquer.



In this chapter, the intricate details of project design are explained. What hardware parts
were employed in the construction of the power factor monitoring and correction
circuit? In this area, the transformers for potential and current were regulated. Both the
design process used to construct it and a fully functional power factor monitoring and
correction prototype were built.

3.1 Proposed Design Methodology

The block diagram demonstrates how our project will operate. First, we have a 220 V
AC source that is connected to a load, such as an RL, RLC, or RC load, and the load is
linked to CT and PT. Finally, the capacitor is connected in parallel with the load. We
are measuring the voltages and currents from the CT and PT. The microcontroller
receives the wave and transmits it to the optical isolator, which is connected to relays.
The controller then directs the relays to function and displays the information on a

Figure 7: Block Diagram of Project Hardware

3.2 Analysis Procedure

Measurement of the power factor, identification of remedial actions, and

implementation of the required modifications are all steps in the analysis approach for
power factor monitoring and correction. Continuous monitoring, analysis, and
adjustment are steps in the analysis process for power factor monitoring and
correction in order to maintain the required power factor. To achieve effective power
factor adjustment, a combination of measurement methods, mathematical algorithms,
control schemes, and real-time monitoring are needed..

3.2.1 With an Arduino Uno, monitor power factor

and make necessary corrections

It is common practice to utilize an Arduino UNO as the microcontroller when creating

a voltage meter or other form of detecting meter. The detected values are read using
analogue pins, and the Arduino's operating voltage is 5V. There are several libraries
that provide pre-coded formulas for calculating AC voltage, current, and other power
parameters. The Arduino platform provides a ton of support, replete with codes and
instructions, for such projects. Using mathematical procedures, establish the voltage
and current's phase relationship. As the cosine of the angle between the voltage and
current waveforms, calculate the power factor. Based on the calculated angle, update
the power factor value in real-time. Analogue signals are measured and analyzed
during power factor monitoring and correction using sensors, measurement
equipment, and control circuitry. Digital logic gates can be employed in power factor
monitoring and correction systems for processing and control, although they are not
the main tools or methods for power factor measurement and correction. Digital logic
gates are often only used in power factor correction systems to regulate the switching
of correction devices like capacitors depending on certain logic conditions or control
algorithms. To detect the phase difference between the voltage and current
waveforms, which is important for power factor computation, an XOR gate, for
instance, can be employed in a control circuit. When there is a phase difference
between the two waveforms, the XOR gate can compare the two waveforms and
output a logical high (1), signal the need for correction. Similar to this, a NOT gate
can be utilized in a control circuit to invert or complement a logical signal, which can
be advantageous for particular control activities inside the power factor correction

system. It's vital to remember that analogue signal processing, measurement, and
control techniques—rather than the direct use of digital logic gates—are used in the
core processes of power factor monitoring and correction.

Figure 8: Corrections with Arduino Uno

3.3 Design of the Project Software/Algorithm

Figure 9: Block Diagram of software algorithm

3.4 Details of Final Working Prototype

The final working prototype is the power factor monitoring and correction unit which
measures the power factor and maintain it close to unity. It will be maintain to be
close to unity by using capacitor and relays. The electrical system's voltage and
current waveforms are measured by these sensors. The digital sensor data is received
by the microcontroller or microprocessor, which then performs computations and
generates power factor measurements. These capacitors provide reactive power
adjustment by being connected in parallel to the load. Visual cues that convey
information about the system's operation and any alarms or warnings. The monitoring
and correction components can be operated thanks to the power supply unit. It's
crucial to remember that the precise specifications and features of the finished
functioning prototype may change based on the project's objectives, intended
functionality, and available resources. To enhance power factor monitoring and
correction, the prototype may additionally include cutting-edge control algorithms,
communication protocols, and additional safety features.

3.5 Summary
The methods utilized to develop the power meter are covered in great detail in this
chapter. Along with each piece of hardware, information showing which area handles
each function. Also covered in great detail were the specifics of the programmer. The
project's design and implementation phase entailed meticulous analysis of the
project's requirements, the choice of appropriate components, circuit design,
programming, and stringent testing. The installation, performance assessment, and
validation of the system essential steps in ensuring that it achieved the intended
goals—were the emphasis of the deployment phase. End-user capability to operate
and maintain the power factor monitoring and correction system was ensured through
user training and documentation.



The hardware tools and methods utilized in the project will be thoroughly covered in this
chapter. A brief explanation of the installed hardware's specification is provided. The
components needed to create power meters will be covered in detail. I shall also talk
about the compiler used to code the microcontroller and the software utilized in the
creation of the power metre. The session will go in-depth on the production of hardware
using key components and how they interface with the coding. Along with it, several
methods & tools that are crucial for this project will be discussed.

4.1 Hardware Tools

4.1.1 Capacitor
Charge is kept in a capacitor. In order to maintain a nominal difference between the
supplied and received voltages, massive power banks are put at the load in order to use
capacitors in power system power factor adjustment. A two-terminal electrical device
known as a capacitor is capable of storing energy in the form of an electric charge. It is
made up of two electrical wires that are spaced apart by a certain amount. Vacuum may
be used to fill the space between the conductors, or a dielectric, an insulating substance,
may be used instead.

Figure 10: Capacitor

4.1.2 Resistor
Resistor is used to lower the circuit's current flow. In a power millimeter, the high flow
electric wire is effectively connected to a resistor in series to measure the flow through
it. Based on the corresponding voltage and current relationship in a known value
resistor, the computation can be carried out. By restricting current, the resistor aids in
the protection of vital components. Electronic components known as resistors have a
predetermined, constant electrical resistance. The resistance of a resistor restricts how
easily electrons can pass through a circuit. They only use power since they are passive
components. [6]

Figure 11: Resistor

4.1.3 Arduino UNO

DIY projects can be made using the Arduino UNO. It is a user-friendly microcontroller
with extensive web platform support. The ATmega328P chip within this microcontroller,
which is open-source, is installed. Table 6 lists the parameters for the Arduino UNO. The
Arduino UNO is a type of microcontroller that has an ATmega328 controller. Beginners
prefer the Arduino UNO board when using it for an electronics project. [7]

Figure 12: Arduino Uno


Components Arduino UNO

Model 2560

Voltage 5V
Input Voltage 6-20V
Analog Pins 6
Digital Pins 14
Flash Memory 32B

4.1.4 16x2LCD
The I2C interface is used by this 16x2 character LCD Module with BLUE Backlight to connect
to the host microcontroller. On projects requiring the display of text, data, or ASCII characters
of various types, this LCD with a tight budget is used. Connect to the serial data line (SDA),
serial clock line (SCL), ground (Gnd), and Vcc. It will be recognized as a 5VD device at
address 0x270x3F on the I2C bus. With a 16x2 LCD, there are 2 lines that can each display 16
characters. Each character on this LCD is presented using a 5x7 pixel matrix. The 224 different
characters and symbols that can be displayed on the 16 x 2 intelligent alphanumeric dot
matrix display. [8]

Figure 13: LCD

4.1.5 Vero Board

A brand name for Vero board, a type of pre-formed circuit board material made of
copper strips on an insulating bonded paper board that was invented and developed by
Vero Precision Engineering Ltd.'s (VPE) Electronics Department in the early 1960s.
Vero board can be used to design early electrical circuits, manufacture prototypes for
bench testing, or mass-produce full electronic devices. In 1961, the Vero Electronics
Department used Veroboard for the first time to manufacture prototypes. [9]

Figure 14: Vero Board

4.1.6 LM358Op-Amp
The double channel operation amp with an excellent expansion potential is the LM358
operation amp, which is conventional but direct. Additionally, although some of these
ICs only have a single power supply voltage, they support a wide range of information
offset voltages. This feature unquestionably makes the operating amp very helpful in
your electronic partnerships. The LM358 can be used as a DC gain block, transducer
amplifier, etc. It has a huge 100dB dc voltage gain. This IC supports a large output
voltage swing and can operate on a wide range of power supplies, including single
power supplies from 3V to 32V and dual power supplies from 1.5V to 16V. [10]

Figure 15 OP-AMP

4.1.7 Opto-Coupler4N35
The Opt coupler 4N35, also known as an Opt absorber and photo coupler, is a robust and
commonly used device. It comes in SMD and 6 pin plunging packages. The device is
divided into two parts: an IR Driven portion and a phototransistor section. When power is
provided to the IR Drove, which activates the Drove, the IR light is recognized by the
photo transistor, and the semiconductor becomes drenched or turned ON. There are two
bases of the internal phototransistor from which it is controlled, one is photo recognition
or IR light identification and the other is linked to the device's Pin6, so it may be
restrained by two techniques at the same time. The 4N35 is a universal optocoupler. It is
made up of a gallium arsenide infrared LED and a silicon NPN phototransistor. An
optocoupler breaks the link between the signal source and the signal receiver, preventing
electrical disruption. [11]

Figure 16: Opto-Couplor

4.1.8 Relay
An electrically controlled switch is a relay. It is made up of a set of working contact
terminals and a set of input terminals for one or more control signals. Any number of
connections in different contact configurations, such as make contacts, break contacts,
or combinations of both, may be included on the switch. Relays are switches that work
both electromechanically and electronically to close and open circuits. It regulates how
an electrical circuit's circuit connections open and close. The relay is not energized with
the open contact when the relay contact is open (NO). [12]

Figure 17: Relay

4.1.9 Fluorescent Lamp Ballast
By delivering the high voltage needed to start the lights and then restricting the current
to a safe value, fluorescent lamp ballasts are used to start and run fluorescent lamps.
Fluorescent ballasts can be classified as either magnetic (low frequency) or electronic
(high frequency). In its most basic form, a ballast uses magnetic energy that, when
activated, bursts into the lamp, activating the electrodes to create a current that causes
the lamp to glow. [13]

Figure 18: Lamp Ballast

4.1.10 XOR Gate

A digital logic gate called an XOR gate produces a true output when the proportion of
true inputs is odd. A true output occurs if and only if one of the inputs to an XOR gate
which implements an exclusive or from mathematical logic—is true. A false output is
produced when either both inputs are false or both are true. The acronym "XOR" stands
for exclusively-OR. The simplest XOR gate is a two-input digital circuit that outputs a
logical "1" if the two input values are different, i.e., if either of its inputs is 1, but not
both at once. [14]

Figure 19: XOR Gate

4.1.11 NOT Gate
An inverter, often known as a NOT gate, is a logic gate used in digital logic to
implement logical negation. When a bit is input, it outputs the exact opposite bit.
Usually, the bits are implemented as two contrasting voltage levels. The NOT gate is a
logic gate that inverts the binary input, so a low input (0) is required to get a high
output (1), and a high input (1) is required to get a low output (1). It negates the output
or, to put it another way, inverts the input; as a result, it is also known as an inverter.

Figure 20: NOT Gate

4.2 Software Used

The Arduino IDE and Proteus software were utilized in the designed project. The
Arduino IDE is used to compile code as well as upload it to the board running
Arduino. The recommended circuit's PCB is created using Proteus tools.

4.2.1 Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), sometimes known as the
Arduino Software (IDE), has a code editor, a message area, a text terminal, a toolbar
with buttons for basic operations, and a series of menus. It communicates with and
uploads programmes to the Arduino hardware. The creation of code is performed by this
programme. The code is created in the Arduino IDE, and following successful
compilation, it is uploaded to the Arduino board through the COM port. Figure 16
depicts the sketch page of the Arduino IDE, where the code to be loaded on the Arduino
is written. There are choices for selecting the kind of board as well as the port type. [16]

Figure 21: Arduino Uno

4.2.2 Proteus
Proteus is a tool for simulating, designing, and sketching electrical circuits. It was
created by the Electronic Lab Centre. You may also create two-dimensional circuits with
proteus. The Proteus program is used to create electrical circuits. Proteus is a useful tool
for designing PCBs. Proteus is utilized for PCB design in the planned project. This
program is used to create the power meter's PCB. The Proteus schematic page is shown
below. Circuit diagrams may be created here using a simple drag-and-drop procedure. A
simulation of the circuit can also be done to determine whether or not the suggested
design is functional. [17]

Figure 22: Proteus

4.3 Summary

Details concerning the hardware components utilized in the assembly of the power
meter were covered in this chapter. Separate titles were used to clarify the specs and
model of each sort of component. The software specifics, which were crucial
components of my project, were also mentioned. This chapter included the details of the
essential hardware tools.



The chance to assess a project's success, gauge performance, pinpoint problem areas, and
gather insightful data for upcoming initiatives is provided by project results and
assessment. It aids stakeholders in comprehending the project's effects and in making
defensible decisions based on evaluation results. The outcomes produced by software
will be thoroughly addressed in this chapter. The outcomes of the planned power factor
monitoring and rectification will be contrasted with market-standard metres. Discussion
will center on the functioning prototype's performance under various load circumstances.
Additionally, I shall examine the output findings of both the hardware and software.

5.1 Presentation of the findings

The process of presenting the results, outcomes, and evaluation findings of a particular
project to pertinent stakeholders is referred to as project presentation of findings. It
entails condensing and disseminating the important discoveries, successes, and
revelations made throughout the project's execution and evaluation phase. The project
presentation of findings is a method for clearly and succinctly informing stakeholders
about the project's progress, results, and impact. The software results are discussed in the
sections that follow. To evaluate the design system's believability.

5.1.1 Software Results

The figure shows the complete simulation of power factor monitoring and correction.
The circuit shown in the figure works as there are 2 input waves sinusoidal one is
voltage wave and the second is current wave as shown in the circuit. The relay and
capacitor is connected to current wave form when the power factor is low then the
desire power factor the capacitor is kept disconnected after several time the relay
connects the capacitor and the power factor becomes close to unity.

Figure 23: Final Simulation-1 Power Factor before Connecting to Capacitor

The power factor I slow (0.60) as shown in the figure before switching of relay. This
shows that the system efficiency is also low and loss of power will be high.

Figure 24: Power Factor before connecting to capacitor

27 Power Factor after Connecting to Capacitor

The figures shows the power factor after switching of relay which is done by
microcontroller the microcontroller sense the power factor and then switch the relay
and capacitor is on then it will increase the power factor as shown in the figure.

Figure 25: Power Factor after connecting to capacitor

5.2 Verification of Design Functionalities

The system for monitoring and correcting power factor is represented by a circuit in
Proteus. Include elements like current and voltage sensors, microcontroller and
capacitors for power factor correction. Then, a few suitable model was chosen for the
components in the Proteus component library, or custom models could be made if
needed. Make sure the models faithfully capture the behavior and traits of the
component in the real world. Compare the Proteus power factor measurements to
theoretical calculations or readings. Make sure that the power factor monitoring
feature appropriately represents the anticipated values for various load scenarios. The
Proteus circuit should now include the power factor adjustment device, such as
capacitors. Use switching or control algorithms to activate or deactivate the corrective
devices in accordance with the power factor being monitored.

The circuit demonstrates that the design functionalities are carefully considered and

Figure 26: Verification

Figure 27: Final Circuit

5.3 Discussion on the Findings

5.3.1 Comparison with Initial Project Specifications

The project specifications were obtained after seeing results on simulation which were
mentioned above in chapter 1 so after seeing the results it is confirmed that the project
is working properly. Compare the power factor measurement accuracy that was
attained with the initial project specs' specified measurement accuracy. Determine
whether the project satisfies or exceeds the required accuracy levels. Compare the
complexity of the projects developed control mechanisms and algorithms to the initial
project specs' control requirements. Check to see if the control system satisfies the
complexity and functionality requirements.
Figure 28: Project Specifications

5.4 Limitations of the Working Circuit

While a functional power factor monitoring and correction circuit might offer useful
functionality, it's necessary to take into account its limits. Here are various restrictions
that might be connected to the functional circuit: [18]

5.4.1 Reliability of Measurements

One restriction may be the measurement accuracy provided by the circuit's sensors and
measurement equipment. The reliability of the power factor measurements can be
influenced by the quality of the measurement algorithms, the voltage and current sensors,
and other factors. To guarantee accurate findings, sensor accuracy may need to be
calibrated and periodically checked.

5.4.2 Temporary Response

The precision and speed of power factor adjustment may be impacted by the circuit's
transient reaction to abrupt load changes or switching activities. The power factor may
temporarily deviate from the target power factor values during transients if the correction
devices need some time to react and stabilize it.

5.4.3 Compensation for Reactive Power

There might be restrictions on how much reactive power the circuit can adjust for.
Reactive power may not always be completely compensated for depending on the
configuration and capacity of the correction devices. To guarantee proper reactive power
compensation, care should be taken in the selection and sizing of corrective components.

5.4.4 Reduce Complexity
The circuit's control mechanisms and algorithms might not be able to handle
sophisticated power factor correction scenarios. For better performance under difficult
power factor conditions, more sophisticated control approaches, such as adaptive control
or predictive control, may be required.

5.5 Attainment of the SDGs during the Project

Several sustainable development goals can be aligned for power factor monitoring and
correction. [19]

5.5.1 Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG12)

Promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production is a key component of

this objective. The project promotes responsible use of energy resources, reduces
energy waste, and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions by monitoring and adjusting
power factor.

5.6 Summary
In this chapter the complete results and the analysis of these results with market
standards were elaborately discussed. The recommendations and the future work are
also mentioned. The right sensors, measuring tools, and microcontrollers were used to
successfully develop and construct a power factor monitoring circuit. The circuit
provided useful data for power factor adjustment by measuring power factor values
correctly in real-time. In order to increase power factor and decrease reactive power,
the project used power factor correction approaches, such as the use of capacitors or
active power factor correction devices. In order to provide optimal correction and
reduce power losses, the correction devices were operated depending on the measured
power factor.

Chapter 6


Finally, it should be noted that power factor monitoring and correction are essential for
preserving the effectiveness and dependability of electrical power systems. We can
monitor the power factor to find and fix problems, which can save a lot of energy, cut
down on system losses, and enhance power quality. Utilizing measures to improve
power factor, such as the use of capacitors, can help to optimize power utilization and
lessen the consequences of having a low power factor.
Power factor monitoring and correction has made tremendous strides, but there are still
a number of areas that can be researched and improved upon. These potential areas of
future effort are listed below: [20]

 Create sophisticated monitoring methods that can quickly and precisely measure
and analyze power factor. Smart meters, sensors, and communication
technologies may be used in this to provide more thorough and in-depth data on
power factor performance. [21]

 Look into the creation of intelligent power factor correction devices that can
instantly alter and improve power factor based on current circumstances. Power
factor correction device functioning May then be dynamically controlled using
control techniques and machine learning algorithms. [22]

 Harmonic distortion reduction should be taken into account when doing power
factor correction, as these might be caused by the system's nonlinear loads. To
assure an improvement in overall power quality, future research can concentrate
on creating integrated systems that handle power factor and harmonic concerns
concurrently. [23]

 There is a need to investigate power factor correction methods made especially

for renewable energy sources like solar and wind as the integration of these
sources grows. To assure the best power factor in a variety of renewable energy
conditions, this entails examining the effects of variable power generation on
power factor and developing adaptive correction techniques. [24]

 Investigate economical and simply implemented options for power factor

correction that are cost-effective for a variety of applications. Among other
things, this entails looking into alternative technologies, enhancing design and
manufacturing procedures, and assessing the financial gains from power factor
correction efforts. [25]


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