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BEED - 4 APRIL 22, 2023


Directions: Research through the internet. Discuss. Explain.

Provide examples for each basic teaching principles.

Task 1. Principe 1: Develop an endless continuing patience. (5pts)

 Teaching requires a great deal of patience, especially patience with oneself.
This includes patience with your kids, their families, and your coworkers. As you
consider where you were and where you want to be, be gentle to yourself. Be
kind to yourself while you make plans and get ready for the days, weeks, and
months ahead.

Example: In a classroom with a variety of students from various cultures and viewpoints.
To keep students in line, demonstrate your caring for them, and convey your willingness
to support them in reaching their objectives, teachers must employ a variety of tactics.

Task 2. Principe 2: Foster communicative and collaborative effort. (5pts)

 It's crucial to encourage communication among students since it enables you to

replicate any teamwork you create and preserves a sense of community that
can keep the students engaged and eager to learn.

Example: Canvas Discussion the students will be used both the process and the tool.
Also, they are able to collaborate with their co-students

Task 3. Principe 3: Encourage and engage student in learning. (5pts)

 The pupils must believe they are in a supportive environment in order to
encourage and engage them in learning. additionally to cultivate their own
internal incentive to learn.

Example: When giving a lesson the teacher must present a lesson that is interesting to
the learner and engaging because that's the reason why students participate actively
during the discussion.

Task 4. Principe 4: Give prompt and honest feedback. (5pts)

 Students will develop and learn more and understand more if their performance
is evaluated by providing them with honest criticism in a constructive manner.

Example: After having your pupils complete an essay-style test, you checked their work.
You can provide the students with constructive criticism in the essay exam paper so
they are aware of the test sections that need to be improved.

Task 5. Principe 5: Be firm with your rules yet gentle. (5pts)

 You might be asking how you can be both "easy-going" and "firm" at the same
time if you consider yourself an easy-going instructor. First of all, keep in mind
that being firm is a skill used to efficiently manage a classroom rather than a
personality feature. You may foster an environment where your laid-back
personality fully supports your kids by being stern when necessary.

Example: A teacher must have high expectations for their kids because just because
you're a laid-back instructor doesn't mean you don't have high standards.

TOTAL: 25 pts

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