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Christian Montessori School

Jl. Pemuda No. 91 Oetete, Kupang - Nusa Tenggara Timur

Phone/wa: (62) 0380- 8446876fb: christmaskupang
Website: ig: christmas_kupang

Diagramming Simple Sentences

Language ARTS

Name :

Class :

Date :

Diagram the sentences below correctly!

1. The students study math

2. She screams sadly
3. Liam and I speak Japanese loudly
4. Lion and tiger hunt and catch deer
5. Four dolphins swim quickly
6. The old grandma eats and drinks slowly
7. Inara and Christine read newspaper
8. Antony and Linda sweep and mop room
9. The ice cream tastes bad
10. The fresh cake is yummy
11. The students usually do interesting experiment
12. The pretty girl is sad
13. An eagle always eats chicken
14. A big, brown, young dog died
15. Geogre talked nicely
16. The children always eat delicious food
17. A red carpet was dirty
18. Austin and Daniel seem depressed
19. The parents always do hard job
20. The yellow cats look hungry

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