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Notice: Confidentiality of Salary Information

Dear Junket Employees,

We hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to remind you about the importance of
maintaining confidentiality in the workplace, particularly when it comes to salary information.
As an HR department, it is our responsibility to ensure fair and equitable compensation
practices throughout the organization. To support this effort, we kindly request your
cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines.

Confidentiality of Salary Information:

1. Non-Disclosure: It is imperative that all junket employees maintain strict confidentiality

regarding their own salary details. Sharing such information with your co-workers can create
unnecessary misunderstandings and disrupt the harmonious work environment we strive to

2. Respect Privacy: Recognize that each employee's salary is a personal matter, and everyone
has their unique circumstances and contributions that determine their compensation. By
respecting privacy, we foster a culture of trust and professionalism within our organization.

3. Incident Reporting: In the event that any employee is found to have disclosed their salary
information to their co-workers, an incident report will be filed, and appropriate actions will be
taken. This may include disciplinary measures, up to and including suspension without pay,
depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

4. Open Door Policy: We understand that there might be concerns or questions regarding
salaries, compensation, or related matters. If you have any queries or require clarification,
please feel free to approach the HR department. We are here to provide guidance and support.

We believe that by maintaining confidentiality in matters of compensation, we can foster a

more harmonious and productive work environment for all employees. Your cooperation in this
regard is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any further questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact the HR department.


HR Officer, (Company)

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